Monday, June 8, 2015

Christy Clark Orders Up Two LNG Articles(Dissecting The Bafflegab)

Written by LNG analyst Grant G (just for you Brad Zubyk)

I swear that every time bad news comes out about BC`s LNG wet dream a few days later a bunch of LNG, stale, vague articles ooze out from beneath the corporate echo chamber....

It`s almost like Christy Clark and Rich Coleman go a begging for a headline...It has happened again...The below cut n paste job is very amusing.....In the Glob n Mail spinfest article by Brent Jang....You will see the words ..


Even more interesting is Exxon Mobile`s timeline.....They hope to finish engineering studies by late 2017....And IF they decide to go-ahead it too will be late 2017...That my friends is AFTER our next provincial election....So funny, the BC Liberal influence peddlers are already priming the pump for the next election...As in, vote for Christy Clark to make sure BC receives those $trillions of LNG dollars.....just around the next corner...

 Below is from the Globe n Mail...


"Exxon Mobil Corp. has selected on-shore terminal plans in its quest to export liquefied natural gas from a site near Prince Rupert, B.C., positioning the project as a serious contender.

While Pacific NorthWest LNG leads B.C.’s LNG race, Irving, Tex.-based Exxon Mobil and its Canadian affiliate Imperial Oil Ltd. hope to finish engineering studies in 2017 for their joint venture called WCC LNG Project Ltd."

"Industry analysts say only three or four of the 19 B.C. LNG proposals have a realistic chance of being built, especially with a looming global glut of supplies and fierce competition worldwide to export to Asia.....

“WCC LNG looks forward to working with stakeholders and First Nations to help capture associated benefits from the project while protecting the environment,” Mr. Bigler said. His letter, dated April 20, was publicly posted recently by the provincial environmental regulator.......

Analysts point out that the B.C. proposals are focused on building from scratch, making them more expensive than several U.S. projects that already have energy infrastructure in place......

WCC LNG estimates that it could take seven years for construction. If the proponents decide to go ahead with construction in late 2017, LNG exports from Tuck Inlet might start in 2024 "


And in further news on LNG, Petronas`s Federal Environmental assessment has been paused, the Federal CCEA needs more information from Petronas regarding the Skeena River Flora and eel grass..

In layman terms....The Federal Environmental assessment board isn`t convinced Petronas can build at Lelu island without killing the salmon rearing habitat..


"Last Tuesday, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency halted the regulatory clock on day 263 of its review of Pacific NorthWest LNG. It marks the latest in a series of information requests sought by CEAA, but industry observers say the lengthy process could wrap up by October and still meet the 365-day timeline.
A spokeswoman for the federal regulator said CEAA requires more details about Pacific NorthWest LNG’s 3-D modelling of the possible environmental impact of the terminal on Flora Bank – an area for juvenile salmon habitat, located next to the proposed $11.4-billion Lelu Island export site."


So, Petronas will not have a decision from the Federal Environmental agency until after the federal election...Doesn`t matter..Petronas is punting their decision on a FID until after our 2017 provincial election...No shovels in the ground before the BC 2017 election..

Ok...Christy the habitual Liar Clark made a big Yoga announcement last Friday...Banners were hanging at the press conference, Lululemon banners,  and more...The other big sponsor with banners hanging at the YOGA presser was Altagas...Strange don`t you think, AltaGas banners hanging prominently at a Yoga presser, ...And we do know that Altagas donated money to the BC Liberals...

Well guess what...Altagas has come out bleating about an LNG operation in the news today too..

And, this particular announcement by Altagas reeks in so many ways...


AltaGas commits to LNG terminal by 2018, challenges international report

CALGARY - The CEO of AltaGas Ltd. says his company is on track to building Canada's first liquefied natural gas export terminal by 2018, challenging an international report that said no such facility will be built in the country by 2020.

"We think we'll prove them wrong in this decade," David Cornhill said Monday in an interview following a report last week by the International Energy Agency.

Cornhill said the company is making progress on plans for the Douglas Channel LNG terminal in British Columbia, which an AltaGas-led consortium took over earlier this year.

"We have nothing that we see at this point that will stop us," he said. "It is a lot of work, there are some tight timelines, so it's not a walk in the park, but clearly we think it's achievable.".....

 AltaGas has not yet made a final investment decision on the project but expects to by the end of the year.


Here`s the deal...It is ok to make a vague announcement, but those above cut n pasted paragraphs appear to be by design, why not just announce your proposal?...Altagas spokesthingy went out of his way to dispute a damning report by the IEA...Kinda like a forced pissing contest...And still there is no FID...That too has been punted down the road....

The ALTAgas article seems to be more about disputing the IEA`s claims than promoting their own project..

There`s more...the IEA report was critical ,was doubtful any big land-based LNG projects would be built on Canada`s Westcoast before 2025....

I too wrote an article days before the IAE report came out...In The Straight Goods article I explicitly said that ...

The Beginning of The end for Behemoth Land-Based LNG Export Plants(Petronas`s Achilles Heel, Finding Profit)


I wrote how floating LNG plants will be the new darling of the LNG industry, not expensive land-based behemoth LNG liquefaction plants...What does that have to do with the Altagas article?..Simple..

 Altagas, which I believe is dead serious about their proposal...They aren`t building, or proposing building a land-based plant, indeed..


 "The Douglas Channel terminal would be based on a floating barge rather than on land and would make use of an existing gas pipeline that goes to Kitimat.

"I think small LNG facilities are far better from an environment perspective," said Cornhill. "We think it's easier, the impact is lower, floating technology reduces the impact on land, cost control is better."

Dirk Lever, an energy analyst at Altacorp Capital, said in an email that he expects Douglas Channel to be the first new LNG facility on B.C.'s northern coast.

Pacific Oil and Gas Ltd.'s 2.1-million-tonne-per-year Woodfire LNG project near Squamish is also at an advanced stage, but the project has been running into some local opposition."


Ok....A floating facility....Sounds real groovy, except for one thing...All those construction jobs Christy Clark and Rich Coleman promised with LNG  plants...There won`t be...This floating facility will be built in South Korea and towed to Kitimat...At most there might be a 100 jobs building a secure mooring location in Kitimat..

And...Remember all those sweetheart tax breaks, locked in teeny weeny royalty and taxes, locked in for decades deal for Petronas?, Altagas will be getting the same sweetheart deal...Yet there will be minimal short term employment, very limited..

Amazing betrayal by the BC Liberals

Anywho, Altagas still has to find buyers and financial backers..We know Altagas has Christy Clark by the we donated to the BC Liberal Party balls..

Oh, one more thing...This Altagas proposal...They took over an existing proposal when those players said adios British Columbia..


"Cornhill said the company is making progress on plans for the Douglas Channel LNG terminal in British Columbia, which an AltaGas-led consortium took over earlier this year."


Christy Clark and Rich Coleman are so desperate to get any kind of deal..They don`t care what it is..

Christy Clark...Can you tell British Columbia voters how many B.C. construction jobs will be created by Altagas`s  South Korean built floating facility?

Hope...If...Attacking the report by the IAE..A South Korean built floating facility resulting in a mere 100 temporary jobs....And two shiny special delivery LNG articles on cue to deflect negativity by the naysayers...!

Funny stuff indeed..

It`s almost like I have access to BC Liberal cabinet level strategy sessions...Also known as the ..

Ministry of Propaganda!



The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


Anonymous said...

oh make it dirty
Mislead on last election 1 trillion LNG to win maybe?
2017 2 trillion?

Mislead on site c 11 billion?
Bc rail?
Ipp/ ror?
P3 and contractual obligations?

John's Aghast said...

Never mind, with Mount Polley back in production we'll be just rolling in royalties!

Jon Ghun said...

We're in the midst of a war. It's global, and pits the righteous against evil.

Hereabouts it hasn't gone hot yet but the ne'er-do-wells are fighting tooth and nail for our minds to keep us from figuring out what they've gone and done. BCLNG is a propaganda ruse to keep people from storming the legislature and demanding a regime change.

Be wise as serpents, good folks. This isn't a game; this is for real. The time to engage is now. Don't wait until it's too late, like those good Germans did.

The crew of bandits must be opposed with extreme diligence.

Anonymous said...

Grant, I've heard you mention this persons name on different occasions.

Anonymous said...

Until they(glib libs) are relieved of their power, woe is me.

Grant G said...

Brad Zubyk is a slime and mud specialist...As for the link..Monies have dried up for him in BC...

Zubyk believes the Alberta PC`s will throw money his way to launch attacks on the Alberta NDP...

Zubyk has no morals, he`ll do anything for money, including lie, cheat and online stalking.

Anonymous said...

WTF is going on, Here.
Very Creepy Bunch, these Welfare-Cut FatCat Liberal Communists.
I see things getting Hot, Soon.

Who Thinks Shaw, Post Media and Corus Are Any Different? said...

CNN's 'Courageous' Advertorial Mill

By Jim Naureckas

CNN has announced the formation of a new unit that will not report the news. Instead, it will take money from corporations to produce content that resembles news but is actually PR designed to burnish its clients' images.