This post is being be re-posted, the reason, John Les has been given a $15 K stipend to sell us the hst, his new title is (Legislative hst information and promotion secretary).....And if anyone thinks John Les doesn`t have a permanent whiff of corruption needs to read this post.
Well well well, I have been reading some stories from pundits about the John Les affair, Les Leyne wrote a sad piece, Alex Tsakumis closed his eyes and mind, Keith Baldrey looked like he was ready to throw up as he defended John Les`s actions and stumped for John Les`s return to cabinet, and Robin McFee failed to ask the right questions or even report on the pertinent facts in this case.
Robin McFee...What a good name, because what Robin McFee did was ........He robbed the taxpayers of heavy fees and delivered nothing, he failed miserably, a pathetic investigation not worth the paper it was written on, let me explain.
Robin McFee(The special prosecuter assigned to the John Les corruption scandal) had no mention in his report that John Les`s real estate agent Lorraine Dyck presented a small in scale development plan for the Rosebank property to Chilliwack council, 6 days later John Les`s real estate agent Lorraine Dyck presented a much larger in scale plan to Grant Sanborn, a new plan that Chilliwack council never saw, it was for Grant Sanborn`s eyes only, Chilliwack council voted for the first plan, but the development plan that was given assent was the plan that only Grant Sanborn, John Les and Lorraine Dyck saw.....And of course John Les was aware that Grant Sanborn had in his possession a new, larger in scale plan, a plan that John Les`s real estate agent presented at the request of John Les.......There was no mention of that by Robin McFee........And the failure of McFee`s report has just gotten started....Strike 1....You can read how John Les and his real estate agent Lorraine Dyck played bait and switch with city council here
Strike 2.....Robin McFee also failed to mention that Corney Les(John Les`s brother) was a real estate agent and John`s other Brother Larry Les is a land developer, why should that matter? Here`s the deal......John Les when asked about doing business with his brothers stated and I quote......"They are not in politics with me and I`m not in business with them"......But minutes from Chilliwack council in May 2000 tell a different story...
A letter of support from applicant John Les was presented to city council, and the then developer of the property was no other than Larry Les, hmmm, I guess John Les was mistaken folks! .....
Strike 3.....Robin McFee in his pathetic eyes closed report failed to mention the most damning aspect of the whole affair.....And here it is.....Robin McFee states that under John Les there was a
"Pro-development culture being fostered in Chilliwack"
"Bylaws and rules were only guidelines".........So McFee claims that everything was skewed towards development, but what Robin McFee failed to mention is that the culture of development, that pro-development seems to be for a select few people only!.......
Because Wilmer and Karen Rasmussen.......Who were the original owners of the Rosebank properties ....They wanted to keep 2 acres of the property and sell the remaining 11 acres .....They wanted the money for their retirement, and they tried multiple times through Chilliwack council, while John Les was mayor, while Grant Sanborn worked under John Les to get the land removed from the ALR through the Agricultural Land Commission but were denied over and over again, they didn`t even have a big old development plan like John Les did, no siree Bob.....They wanted to sell 11 acres of the 13 and were denied, denied ,denied, they ultimately sold the property to their daughter and son-in-law, who then flipped and sold to property to John Les....You can read about John Les`s false statements and how Wilmer and Karen Rasmussen were denied rezoning many times and how John Les succeeded, and on his first try...Here
Strike 4.....John Les ....Bait and switch, tries once to get the land rezoned and has success....
So indeed friends, Robin McFee has failed on all accounts to report these pertinent facts, without these facts in his report it`s not worthy of being on the bottom of a bird cage, and Les Leyne..AGT....And the big media has failed the public......You can read Robin McFee`s lacklustre report here
The best special Prosecutor money can buy...Robin McFee........
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
What a disgusting bunch we have running this province with their bought and paid for developers, real estate agents, public servants in municipalities bought off, and the ALR Committee, past and present, who are supposed to be watching over what is left of agricultural land because when it's gone, it's gone for good and we will be importing EVERYTHING and a much higher cost. Shame on them all.
As for the mla's and cabinet ministers, Recall in the fall is where we must make it clear that we will not, and are not going to tolerate the corruption and sell off of our great province any further.
GAB...I emailed you...Don`t know if it went through...If you need an address...Contact RossK..Laila..Gwest...etc etc...
I deleted your email GAB...
What do you expect when organized crime runs the province? This is exactly what is happening, career con-artists, shills and property developers, all in the pay of major drug dealers are running the show.
Until BC residents wake up and smell the coffee, 'Crime Incorporated will continue to rule, the the help of RCMP thugs and the corrupted media.
Fair enough Dr. Evil....
But how do you explain brain dead idiots like Alex G Tsakumis who defend John Les with all this evidence.
Some people should learn to shut the hell up.
My radar is working fine. Les Leyne/AGT/Baldrey...
Stooges lacking brain cells!
The Straight Goods
Thanks for the links to the Sun stories Grant...I notice that their links to the PDF showing the boundary changes are now dead. 404. Not found.
Big Surprise!
You're right though bud...helluva story...and way to go digging it up!!
I'm relieved Grant, I was starting to fear you and AGT would have to get a room!
Emailed you back, Grant.
Kootcoot......I tried to be civil, it failed, AGT is a fat little frog with a twisted sense of self worth...
And as usual, I slammed AGT with this post and once again proved that he is not in my league, or yours, or Mary`s....or Ross`s..or Gary E`s
I go after truth, justice and The Straight Goods...I play no favorites,as you can see...
I recently attacked the Zalm..Carole James..Greegor.
And that will never change.
Figured it out - just thought I'd retweet it - thanks :-)
This is a beautiful piece of work. "Accredited journalists" should shrivel in their shoes.
There are some people who will support the status quo because they don't have the intelligence to think 'out of the box'.
Die hard Liberals still think Gordo is just peachy (God knows I come from a family of die-hard Liberals) and that the ends justifies the means. I rarely read AGT (lack of time mostly as I have other concerns) but what little i have read makes me think that he seems to be a legend in his own mind.
Anyone can do a blog ( god knows I run one) but there is now a growing number of very good blogs that are making ones like AGT, look very tired indeed. One can tell that the likes of Baldry, Good, and Palmer are being shown for what they are - mainstream shills for Gordo and his gang.
There is better opinion and better news content in 1/2 dozen blogs I read each day than the Sun and Province and their spawn. What is scaring the likes of AGT is that more and more, readers will regard his spin a just that, spin, while Grant, BC may, H.O. and so many more I can't mention due to space have opened many peoples eyes to just hoe corrupt our politics are and how corrupt our media is.
The MSM had a choice and now they have made it, a 3rd class ticket on the Titanic!
You are all too kind...And I thank you for putting up with my anger(anger towards BC Liberals and complacent inept media)
Chilliwack Girl...I like the picture, welcome to the Straight Goods.
As for the Robin McFee report...
It isnt a matter of his findings....It is the omission of all the pertinient facts.
You can add Michael Smyth to the list of lame, not worth reading stories on John Les.
They must wear a paper bag over their head when cashing their pay cheques!
The decision to recall is not that of Mr. Vanderzalm. A local recall petition to oust Cantelon will be enacted whether Bill supports it or not. Cantelon who happens to live in Nanaimo is way past his due date and no way does he deserve to collect anymore money from the taxpayer. To find out more go to:
I can't wait to recall Cantelon, the prick.
"It has long been apparent: Those benefiting from the present system have become so ruthlessly driven that they have become bereft of the ability to reflect on their own actions. Apropos, we've witnessed the rise of the telegenic undead known as the corporate media. Do not look to these aggregations of preening narcissists to report the truth of our condition: After all, a mirror cannot reflect the image of a vampire. A vampire is empty to the core; therefore, there is nothing to reflect. Regarding this contemporary class of vampiric careerists who haunt the electronic mass media, there is no one there beneath the coiffure of immaculate hair."
Phil Rockstroh
Happy Halloween!
God the more I read the more I despise.I read the gist of the case a while back and checked a few things out after reading TSG and what a douche Les is.What's wrong with his riding.I thought he wasn't going to run again with that cloud hanging over him.People should have been all over this if the rest of us have a clue about him.Like I said if Gordo had 9 inches it would be a light snack for this goof.I'm sure he might be a closet queen from the vibes he gives me.Something isn't right with this guy.
Nepotism and/or Con men -- you could make an interesting list of people attached to Gordon Campbell that fit either category!!!!
Mr Gough
Are you saying you know for sure that Brad Zubyk is the person using this set of net names?
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