Not only did Terence Robertson not admit to donating money directly to Kash Heed`s election campaign, Terence Robertson claims he was too stupid to see the conflict at all, according to Robertson it wasn`t until a respected colleague informed him(Terence) that he was in complete conflict, a conflict in reality and appearance....
But it now appears that Terence Robertson has bigger problems, not bigger legal problems but bigger personal and professional problems, maybe Terence Robertson (a Mike De Jong hand picked special prosecutor) saw no ethical or legal problem with personally donating money to Kash Heed`s election Campaign, but certainly Robertson must have been concerned with the conflicting statements Kash Heed made to the police contradicted by direct testimony from Dinesh Khanna`s son....
And what about copies of the illegal hate flyer`s that were found in Barinder Sall`s home, what about Barinder Sall asking Dinesh Khanna to lie about who bought the flyers and how they were paid...
And there is so much more to this case, there is also Kash`s signature on documents directly related to the illegal flyer....And it`s getting worse for Kash Heed and Terence Robertson by the minute....
And there is the damning testimony to the police made by Amit Khanna, Dinesh`s Khanna`s son, a key player in the Kash Heed election campaign.....Amit testified that Kash Heed had indeed seen the flyers, well before the election, yet Kash Heed said different to the police....
So here`s the deal....Mike De Jong appoints a Big BC Liberal party donor and Kash Heed election donor Terence Robertson to be the special prosecutor but sees no conflict over these financial contributions to Kash Heed....
Terence Robertson knows that copies of the illegal flyers were found in Kash Heed`s campaign manager Barinder Sall`s home.....
Terence Robertson knew Barinder Sall instructed Dinesh Khanna(owner of the print shop) to lie to the police about who bought the flyers and how the flyers were paid for....
Terence Robertson knew that Amit Khanna stated to the police that Kash Heed had indeed seen the illegal anti/ndp flyers well before the election...
Terence Robertson also knew that Kash Heed`s signature was on documents related to the illegal flyers in the blue file...Flyers that said the NDP were going to make drugs legal, prostitution legal, raise taxes and a bunch more lies, filthy flyer`s full of illegal hateful propaganda accusing the NDP of a secret drug and crime agenda....
Terence Robertson knew of Amit Khanna`s confession to the police directly contradicting Kash Heed`s statement........
How can that be, just because AGT has exonerated John Les and Kash Heed and every other BC Liberal, anyone AGT considers a friend he looks the other way and ignores crime and obvious conflict even if it is staring him in the face, that my friends is why AGT is a NPA hack, actually AGT is a HACK on all levels, wait until the NPA tries to explain the $200 million dollar hit Vancouver will take on the NPA athletes village deal...Sheesh, someone might want to find Paul Barbeau before he skips town.....But I digress....But it really amazes me, not AGT being a partisan hack, what amazes me is Terence Robertson.........
The BC Liberal money donator and TAINTED Special prosecutor Terence Robertson dismissing all charges against, or should I say not laying or even recommending any charges against Kash Heed!!!....Clearly Terence Robertson is too corrupt or incompetent to fullfil his legal duty
What did Terence Robertson miss? Smoking gun flyers in Barinder Sall`s home, Barinder Sall advising Dinesh Khanna to lie to the police,........Dinesh Khanna`s son testifying that Kash Heed saw the flyers well before the election, Kash Heed saying the complete opposite to the police....And then there is Kash Heed`s signature on documents directly related to the illegal election flyers....
All that evidence, direct testimony, Heed`s signature......Yet Terence Robertson recommended no charges against Kash Heed......
And coincidentally, Barinder Sall worked on Wally Oppals campaign, Barinder Sall is no rookie, Dinesh Khanna is a BC Liberal printing favorite, again no rookie....
Yet Terence Robertson gave Kash Heed a free pass, I suggest that Terence Robertson be stripped of any legal standing he has, obviously Terence Robertson`s decision making abilities have been blinded by politics and his own agenda!....
Kash Heed must resign, charges of election fraud against Kash Heed must be filed, anything less is nothing but law corrupted...
Robin McFee might have cleared John Les of land fraud, but John Les is guilty, anyone who believes junior employees who worked directly under John Les when he was Mayor of Chiliwack are the only guilty parties are delusional!.....Charge John Les`s employee for charges related to John Les illegally taking land out of the Land reserve for him and the Les brother`s to develop for big money!....The only idiots and incompetent fools who have exonerated John Les is Alex Buffoon Tsakumis and Robin McFee, another oh so special prosecutor....Read the evidence against Kash Heed here
And if anyone wants to know the real John Les land fraud story, read it here
As for Kash Heed and the oh so Special prosecutor Terence Robertson, throw the book at both of them....
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Robertson is being punished - how can Campbell justify ignoring Kash's part?
Unless I missed something with all the HST and other goings on, politically speaking, when will Terrence Robertson's replacement be releasing his findings? It seems to me that he has been on the case for a longer period than Mr. Robertson, which may mean Heed might be off the hook just yet.
Sean Holman wrote a couple of articles regarding Heed and Barinder Sall which didn't support Heed's assertions that he didn't really know Sall before the last election campaign. And in my experience, denials based on a lie lead to further lies and cover-ups.
I would prefer to see Heed face the courts but I certainly won't be holding my breath. Our judicial system has become as corrupt as our governance and any thoughts of justice are nothing more than a pipe dream. And we certainly know that Gordon Campbell will never do the right thing.
The only solution is to have Kash Heed get recalled. Of all the BC Liberal MLAs that have had their names bandied about as possible recall targets, I feel he should be target number one.
The entire Campbell government is corrupt............rotten to there very core!
If true parliamentary democracy were to have been observed in BC, they would all resign en masse!
But no, not BC, the best place on earth for crooks, racists, con-artists, fraudsters and liars.
Is the prosecutor the same guy Stonewally appointed as special prosecutor in the Blackmore/Oler Bountiful B.C. affair after two other prosecutors recommended not laying charges?
Why isn't $Cash$ Heed on the Recall list? Recall in the fall!
Look up Jack Crone and Kash Heed on google.
BC isn't known as the, most corrupt province in Canada for nothing. Campbell, Hansen and the faux, BC Liberal Party, are the worst crop of governing officials, that has ever been produced. How many, BC ministers, have been under investigation now? I have lost count. However, we citizens know, the judicial system is corrupt, controlled by Campbell. Look at, Campbell's corrupt sale of the BC Railroad trial. The corrupt sale is, in a corrupt court, tried by a corrupt judge, who promotes brain dead witnesses, and, perjury, is also welcome, in that court room. The evil doings in this province has become, an embarrassment to all of, the decent BC citizens. Campbell is a convicted felon, who governs this province. This is the most shameful of all. All corrupt BC ministers, are made welcome by Campbell. Any decent honest members, who oppose Campbell's insane ruling, and, refuse to lie and cover up for him, gets a vendetta, and loses their jobs, which we have seen happen more than once. Campbell's lunacy, reminds me of the pompous little ass, that governs N.Korea. The bogus BC Liberal government, should be purged and kicked, right off the earth.
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