Friday, June 24, 2022

Roe Versus Wade...Actually, It's "This Supreme Court" Against the Vast Majority



 Written by Grant G

  First things first, I'm neither pro-choice nor pro-life, I don't want to be labeled as belonging to any of those titled camps.

I Don't believe abortion should be an easy nonchalant fix for deliberate bad/risky behaviour, however, there is a myriad of legitimate reasons for seeking one, the obvious reasons, rape, incest, life of mother in danger... of course a woman should be able to abort in those cases.

There are more nuanced reasons too, such as a family that has many older children and the mother is of an older age and didn't expect to get pregnant again...or the persons that have a couple of baskets of children already, such as 8..9 even 10 kids...That woman certainly shouldn't be forced to bear another child, she may have financial reasons as well ....Raising kids is damn expensive.

Also, young ladies who get pregnant, just starting college, career oriented future, travel and the like, entire life plans could be altered, or canceled altogether...And that skews to the wealthy, a rich family can care for a baby with the daughter carrying on as if nothing much happened and or make an abortion happen safely in another state or country without too much fuss and bother..But there are many more poor families that won't have that option...So, abortion will now be a two-tiered issue based purely on economics..

There's a myriad of other reasons, including the safety of the mother or body scans and tests that reveal severe child disabilities(And i'm not judging one way or another, I am aware that some disabilities can consume a parents entire life for near ever..)

My only personal position on Roe/Wade is....

Abortion decisions should be between a woman and her doctor...

The title of this post?.....70% of Americans accept and or support Roe/Wade, and it's been the law of the land for over 50 years ......That number is huge, there are very few subjects that poll that high.....The only other major issue that gets that type bi-partisan support is more gun restrictions...The vast majority want the age to purchase firearms raised and an even higher percentage want assault rifles banned altogether, or at least severely restricted...

"This Supreme Court" also ruled two days ago in a case involving handgun carry in New York...The Supremes ruled that it is perfectly legal, a constitutional right to carry concealed handguns(citing the ability to defend oneself extends beyond one's home)

That ruling is reckless and will certainly cause many needless deaths.....United States of America...For those who may be unaware, the US possesses 60% of all guns in the world, for every 100 US persons there are 120 guns, more than a one to one ratio....Shocking numbers.

The Roe/Wade decision we knew was coming, as the majority opinion was leaked a couple of months back...This ruling on handguns totally surprised me, in lieu of all the mass shooting, all the school mass shootings, in light of near 40,000 gun related deaths last year alone, that number will be surpassed before year end.

Two massive issues decided by "This Supreme Court" one week, two issues that had a mere 30% national support, in other words, the court sided with the few and blew off the many 70%...238 million to 100 million.....

This same court has been unfriendly to mandates on masks and vaccinations....Ruling that one has self-body rights...Clearly contradictory,...My body my choice there, but when it comes to a woman's body? ..No choice at all..

The decision was also telling in other ways, Clarence Thomas in the decision(5 Supremes justices contributed in writing the Roe/Wade majority decision)....Clarence suggested revisiting the issue of gay marriage, contraception....In other words...."This Supreme Court" group of justices may well make those illegal too, as in a woman can't use contraception, as in gay marriage can be ruled illegal..

Most countries around the world have moved towards Roe versus Wade abortion policy, became more progressive as the USA regresses backwards, backwards in time..

There is no concerns about population decline, for if the world declined to 5 billion from the current 7.6 billion would not be a bad thing, a population rising forever is not sustainable...The climate is already teetering ....Droughts are severe, the southern US is in trouble, massive water reservoirs are at historic lows, lake Mead being a prime example.. "This Supreme Court" only concerned with more White Christian babies....or all babies???

The uproar from the frothy right about the federal government, the Biden government providing baby formula for those that arrived on the southern border with babies in hand when there was short supply nationwide was palpable in it's rancor...As in don't give them refugees and asylum seekers with babies anything...That was the common refrain coming from maga and ultra maga....Disgusting!

Moreover, both Justices,  Kavanaugh and Gorsuch during their confirmation both declared Wade/Roe as precedent, established law......Amy Cony Barrett never answered in a way that suggested she would uphold Wade/Roe....But Kavanaugh and Gorsuch did..

In other words...Two of the five justices who ripped up Wade/Roe lied on their confirmation hearing...Susan Collins of Maine must be gobsmacked...However, she also declared that "Trump had learned his lesson" and wouldn't do any more impeachable things in voting against his first impeachment....A tree stump would make a better senator than Susan waffle waffle Collins, but that's for another day...

So....Here is where we get to the meat of my article...

In a 8 to 1 decision from the Supreme Court last year only Clarence Thomas voted to shield Trump from having to give up any information, on any matter with "unlimited executive privilege", privilege that would extend very broadly..

Clarence Thomas was the only vote in a 8 to 1 decision.....And, this was before it was revealed that Clarence Thomas' wife Ginni Thomas was working to overthrow the government and install Trump, she pushed all the wild conspiracies and was engaged in the fake elector scheme, she suggested declaring martial law and more...Crazy insurrectionist stuff.....Clarence Thomas should have recused himself from that decision...I don't believe he was in the dark about Ginni's activities, including Ginni Thomas being at the ellipse/Capitol on January 6th.

The Senate, 100 senators....They just passed the first major gun regulation legislation in 43 years...

64 Senators for....A filibuster proof margin.. ...64 to 36....A huge victory....

However....once again, "This Supreme Court" had to know, or at least hear about this major new bi-partisan gun safety legislation coming forth from the senate....and 2 days before the Senate gun regulation passage..

They opened up New York to endless concealed Bars..Restaurants, theatres, parks, trails, everywhere...people will die because of "This Supreme Court".....

Abortions will still happen, females will needlessly die from what was once known as back-alley abortions..

With Clarence Thomas stating in the Wade/Roe decision that Gay rights, contraception should be re-examined..

Down the slippery slope we go.....America ..In 2022 Separation of Church and state be damned...

The scribers of the Constitution clearly wanted religion isolated from governance...

None of that matters to "This Supreme Court"

Christian and Catholic faith doctrine is being shoveled down the majority's throat...

Judge John Roberts sided with the dissent opinion, he declared his Conservative counterparts went too far in dismantling Wade/Roe....All three dissenters on this Roe/Wade decision joined together for a sharp rebuke of the majority decision..

So....What do we really have going on here....?

Call me conspiratorial....

With Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni being on the side of sedition and insurrection....With Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Amy Cony Barrett owing allegiance to Trump....And with Samuel Alito being a known hardline rightwing zealot.

Did "This Supreme Court" see, and not liking what they saw, and unable to do anything to give Trump his second term as president....

Did "This Supreme Court" give Donald J Trump a massive consolation prize, a Supreme Court victory he can take to the grave?

Because, for the life of me I can't understand why two Supreme court justices would invalidate their statements to the Senate in their confirmation hearings...It was only a few years ago where Gorsuch and Kavanaugh told the Senate that Wade/Roe was enshrined law, precedent..

Gorsuch, Kavanaugh have sullied their names, they'll be remembered in history books as Supreme Court Justices that lied to get confirmed....If, if the polling was the other way, if 70% of the population wanted RoeWade undone, that would be different, they'd be able to say that the majority of Americans wanted Roe/Wade removed, but to break their sworn on the bible testimony to the Senate, to lie, and to go AGAINST 70% is mindboggling...

This ruling reeks of a gift.....And, as is public record, Kavanaugh after he was confirmed magically paid off near $1 million in personal debts...No answers as to how.

I'll reiterate....Gorsuch and Kavanaugh threw out any legacy of integrity they might have had...I don't include Amy Cony Barrett because she was never qualified to become a Supreme Court Justice in the first place..And her reputation was sketchy at best...She apparently was a "kept woman" in her early "training"

"This Supreme Court" can't be trusted to rule on anything.

The bad news....

 Considering the Justices' ages, and Trump's age....Realistically Americans on the progressive side can only expect to replace one Supreme Court Justice while Trump is still alive....And that's not enough to change these decisions back to a position that reflects the opinion of  the vast majority of Americans..

A little more on my reasoning as to why this reeks and looks like a gift to Trump and his ego..

Trump won't be running in 2024, thus he'll never get that redemption he so desires, he didn't get his desired Nobel Peace prize nor named man of the year, but a historic Supreme court ruling might just soothe his lust for adornment..

Reasons for Trump not running in 2024 are many..His age, and major legal issues at the forefront.

I expect Trump won't be criminally convicted by the DOJ....Trump's only legal defense against his many crimes is...

He truly believes all the conspiracies regardless of what his campaign told him, what DOJ told him, what the facts bore out...Trump is going to cling to garbage...

Trump by taking the "mental dunce" stance for his defense, that alone rules out Trump to legally run in 2024...kinda like a twisted pretzel insanity defense...As in, go-ahead and plead insanity or found to be "detached from reality"(Bill Barr made that statement under oath about Trump's election fraud claims) but don't expect an insane person to be allowed to run(also, that wording from William Barr about Trump.."detached from reality"'s almost as if Barr primed the insanity pump for Trump)

Also, the GOP at present are looking to dump Trump and push Ron Desantis..who is described in Conservative circles as..and i'm not making this up..."Another Trump only with a brain"

Lastly...Do you all remember Rudy Giuliani's public appearances during Trump's first impeachment, also during the Meuller investigation time frame....

Remember what Rudy spewed out on national TV shows, more than once?...."What is truth" Rudy proclaimed...Yes, everybody laughed...Rudy Giuliani was Trump's go to get dirty and throw mud personal lawyer, and Rudy coined the phrase..

"What is truth"....As Rudy said, and clarified...."Truth is what one believes"...

That friends is the Trump defense in a nutshell....

Even though I find it hard to believe Rudy Giuliani was smart enough to think ahead...Methinks..

Trump actions and feeble defense of his crimes cries out...

"What is's what I believe"

That folks has been Trump's method of operation his entire life..

The Straight Goods

Written by Grant G

Link to Rudy Giuliani's What is Truth  video>

Or click the below image.


Tiny Dancer....

Blue Jean Baby...You married a music man

 The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open



Anonymous said...

Great read, America going nutso

Anonymous said...

Somebody should ask Clarence why Loving wasn't in his concurrence.

Trailblazer said...

The US move to theocracy has been on fire ever since Regan won the born again vote.
The move gathered steam under GW Bush who placed many evangelists in positions of influence and power within the armed forces particularly during the invasion of Iraq.
Unlike Vegas, what goes on does not stay in the USA , like a cancer it spreads.
Look to the Canadian prairies for the first signs of US exports of intolerance.


Grant G said...

Thanks Trailblazer.....Tru that Theocracy has grown in influence, but not in raw numbers.

They now aren't nuanced, they say the quiet part out loud with impunity..They also expouse violence..

They are a vocal minority flouting demands for which their numbers don't justify.

They do not believe in for the prairies and Alberta...indeed.

Home of "Freedumb" and convoys of morons.


Grant G said...

Like I said.....The US rightwing theocrats only care about White life...Check out the stuff below. Sheesh!

"MAGA Rep. Mary Miller thanks Trump for giving "white life" a win"

Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) said the quiet part out loud at a Donald Trump rally Saturday night while expressing her appreciation to the former president over his role in the overturning of Roe v Wade. “President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America. I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday,” she said. Miller’s congressional office didn’t immediately return The Daily Beast’s request for comment on Saturday evening

Anonymous said...

According to a recent study by the World Bank, published in the journal Nature, lockdowns and the response to Covid-19 have pushed an additional 75 million people into extreme poverty, living on less than US $1.90 a day.

In the typical Walter Duranty style that’s become a kind of twisted journalistic norm since March 2020, the World Bank and Nature of course blame this on “the pandemic” rather than lockdowns. I remain baffled as to how seemingly well-meaning people are able to sleep at night repeating such nonsense—are they somehow blind to the role of their own sycophancy in perpetuating these policies?

Grant G said...

@anon 5:43 This isn't the post to debate those issues.. However...Vaccines for kids entering school been the law of the land for many decades..saved millions of lives.. Hepatitus breakouts demand such tactics...Many viral breakouts of diseases that are near non-existent in recent history regularly break out in religious circles.. Many believed countries should have just let Covid 19 rip through society....bad idea...the first wave was the most deadly....had a let it rip policy been adopted the death numbers would be 10 fold or more. Did science do everything perfectly? no...but far better than the do nothing option.. My elderly 88 year old mother is fully vaxxed....And she has many comorbidities...Vaccine did not hurt her..(She's says hello) Lastly.... The hypocrisy from the frothy right and religious fascists is stunning... How dare you vaccinate us, mandate us ..They rage and scream "tyranny"....Yet they want to shove their toxic religion down people's throat when the vast majority is not vested in their fairy tale mythology. And now they're are telling woman they can and can't do with their own body...out fuckingrageous. Anywho...Don't bother debating covid vaccines and mandates here....Take it to the backwoods, or Sun news or Frank Speech, or 4chan..8chan or Truthless Truth Social. This site is... The Straight Goods

Grant G said...

Howard D said...

I appreciate your thoughtful posts Grant G, good fodder, humor and thought provoking.

Internet randos are a plague infesting comment boards on all platforms, keyboard cowboys are without courage or skill to write their own stories.

Keep on keeping on GG.


Grant G said...

Emergency j6 hearing happening tomorrow ..Tuesday 1:00pm est(Next hearing was scheduled for mid-July)....John Eastman's phone was seized a few days ago by DOJ..Eastman phone taken to DOJ forensic laboratory in Virginia ...Eastman in panick mode...

We already know through Mark Meadows' emails that Ginni Thomawas was in contact and collaborating with John Eastman to overthrow US guv and install Trump...Eastman is freaking out..Wants his phone back....

This might just take out Clarence and other SCOTUS judges..

Stay tuned

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are right over the target GG

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. Great writing. So much of what you said is what I believe. Too many coincidences. J6 hearings going on at the same time as these rulings. It is too suspicious. They think no one is going to notice, but they are sorely mistaken.

Grant G said...

@anon 7:23pm.....Scotus release rulings this time of year...So that's not unusual..However, no doubt the Supreme court justices are watching the j6 hearings and realize Trump is toast, he'll never run again and he'll be pilloried in History books as a treasonous lying conman who duped millions of Conservatives..

Even a corrupt Supreme court could not make Trump a viable candidate for 2024..

That's why I say these rulings look like parting gifts to Trump.

J6 hearing tomorrow..10:00 am pst..1:00 pm on the east coast....Tune in and stay thirsty.


Fair Enough But We Wish You'd Give It Some More Thought said...

For the record, we think Horgan made the right call on Site C; and that is certainly a debate worth having as we go forward from here.

But, anyway, where is it written that you need to do partisan promotion or spin for one party? Or, who says you need to look away altogether when the two "chosen" sides both fail to deliver? In our way of thinking, that's precisely the time when people like you are needed most of all. Besides, Horgan has officially announced his retirement.

So why not go back to being an independent BC blogger and deliver the straight goods as you see it.

Because no one in this province brings the heat like you when you get a fire lit in your furnace.

That's why we used to come round here.