Saturday, September 7, 2024

Trump has reached a new level of insanity. Deranged, fear mongering and so many lies....Trump will get worse as his electoral chances fade to black


Written by Grant G

I don't have much commentary to add, i'll let Trump expose himself as a deranged madman....

Donald Trump knows the election is over.....Even the big economic forecasters are calling Trump out on his insanity.

Trump is flailing madly, insanity has taken hold of his remaining braincells....There is nothing left of Trump but hatred, lies and internal anger, Melania hates him, Truth Social is dead and Trump has nothing but deranged fear mongering left....And, nobody but his MAGA bases buys it...

Here's a recent fact...Young black female voters...Registration of this large group is up 175% over 2020..

Numbers so large, that demographic voter alone will sail Kamala Harris to victory.


According to the data firm TargetSmart, registration is up more than 175% among young Black women.

“175% is almost tripling of registration rates among this specific group. You just don’t see that sort of thing happen in elections normally,” says TargetSmart senior adviser Tom Bonier.



Here is some of Trump's insanity, from today only...

First a Trump post on Truth Social..

Totally deranged...




CEASE & DESIST: I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.


Trump went full deranged lunatic mode in a Wisconsin rally today....

Trump actually said his mass deportation plan will be "Bloody"



And here is the full video of Trump's insane rally today in Wisconsin.....And if you actually watch it..

You'll see even his MAGA rally attendees are less than thrilled....Trump is now even too deranged for his base voters..



President Trump in Mosinee, WI


I recommend that everyone watch the Trump rally in full....See the crazed Donald Trump go insane in Wisconsin...

Anyway friends and readers....I called it correct, Kamala Harris is unstoppable and she will become the next US president..

Also...It was so clear to me that when Trump finally realizes he's going to lose that he was going to go batshit crazy, incite fear, lie his fucking face off, ....

Some big American media may try to sane-wash Trump's insanity...I won't..

Trump is so close to a complete mental breakdown....At the pace at which Trump is deteriorating, it's very unlikely he makes it to election day...

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Amazing Kamala Harris and the Crumbling of Donald J Trump

 Written by Grant G

 I'll be the first to admit it, I didn't see this coming......

Kamala Harris will be the next president of the USA

I had Joe Biden beating Trump until.....until the debate disaster, and the week following, Biden's public appearances even after the debate were ineffectual and weak, he had no vocal projection, even though he spoke the right words, as clumsy as he did, spoke patriotic, spoke of saving democracy his verbal force was diminished, along with the visual, he walked ginger footed old and his face was was over for Biden...

Political procedure and protocol told me the nomination/endorsement from President Biden after his resignation from the 2024 ticket had to go to Kamala Harris....And that's where I initially thought, oh no, there's no way in hell 2024 America would elect a woman of colour, regardless of her many career and political successes...from a local prosecutor, to district attorney to Attorney General of California, then on to the US senate, an elite group of 100.....Only to further ascend to VP of the United States....WOW...All that by age 55 years young.

Even with that, I thought America wouldn't gravitate to her....Boy was I wrong...

Not only has Kamala Harris energized Democrats, she's energized me, energized republicans, independents, the young, females from coast to coast, all ages, seniors trust her, double haters love Kamala, double haters were a large group of polled Americans who disliked both Biden and Trump, for whatever reason...Kamala is plus 25 with those previous polled double haters...

We have one of the most amazing dynamics in modern politics playing out before our eyes....The first female American president, an attractive woman of colour with a resume one could only wish for.

The energy behind, beside, blessing Kamala is organic, it's fresh, it's real, it's teary eye euphoria..and more's unstoppable, a freight train going down hill, a shooting star and Kamala Harris wears the euphoria like a proud college graduate, like an expecting mom, like a graciously humbled is contagious, infectious, irresistible and oh so rare...

We are not going back.....I love it.

Kamala is up 11 points in Michigan, up in Nevada, up in Arizona, N. Carolina, polling is dead even in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania after a week....200,000 volunteers in a week....There are scant few identified democrats who won't vote for Kamala, along with a surge in new support from young voters, Swifties, from females everywhere, a resurgence in Hispanic and reinvigorated support from black males....

Kamala Harris makes you smile, makes one glow from the inside, makes you believe in a bright progressive future....and..

Perhaps, just perhaps my dislike of everything Trump has tainted my thoughts?...well, seems like the hatred of Trump was already baked in to the minds of most Americans, for even after a WWE style GOP madcap convention and the attempted assassination of Donald Trump his approval rating never moved, the same 40% support he's had for the last 8 years, his ceiling, his demise...

Donald J Trump, a stupid man, an evil lying monster, self absorbed maniac who acts more demented by the day.....Trump is all those things and worse, but, he is very adept at reading the room, he may lie about the room but he knows how to read the room, .....Donald Trump sees his campaign slipping away, he's showbiz, he knows ratings, he knows how shooting stars work.......And it's eating him alive..

Trump has posted thousands of deranged things on Twitter past and Truth Social today but no better post encapsulates Donald's mind melt than what he posted tonight ...





This from a former president...can you see it, ketchup bottles flying, and even in his unhinged rant, the lies are he knows what China was thinking......? Iran invaded Israel...?

None of Trump's childish attacks on Kamala are sticking, nor will they...Trump has insulted her laugh on Fox interviews....Calling her radical, Kamala spent decades in courts trying criminals and the like...Trump's new nickname for Kamala Harris is...."Crazy Kamala".....That ain't sticking either...But the name weird old Trump is viral.....Kamala challenges Trump, dares him to defend his record in a debate face to face....Trump is scared...more than that, Trump is trapped, JD Vance went over like a lead balloon and I wouldn't be surprised if JD Vance suddenly becomes ill and self drops, or...Trump dumps him, and even so, it would look weak and desperate....

Trump knows all this...expect the 2024 election theft conspiracies to ramp up...and expect Trump to clumsily use stochastic terrorism to rile up the red neck rubes, expect republican intimidation, expect Trump to be the most hatred spewing monster on earth, he knows his only chance to avoid accountability for his many crimes is to take the presidency.....

Trump may have convinced 70% of Republicans to pretend he won the 2020 election, but 80% of all Americans know he lost the 2020 election and despite most Republicans willing to back this deeply flawed human being/candidate the majority of Americans won't.

It's over, i'm calling the 2024 US Presidential election for Kamala Harris in a landslide...

Eye of the Tiger

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

P.S......Lastly.....Election night 2016 I sat with my mom and watched in horror as Trump won....

In 2020 I watched the election with mom and gleefully told my 86 year old mother that night that we were done with Trump....I was wrong....He's still here...

Well, my now 90 year old mom, who hasn't been in a hospital in 4 years(I took over ALL her care, everything, 4 years ago, no care aids, no respites, no holidays, ...she says hello to all you Straight Goods readers....

Anyway...Mom decided she's not going anywhere until she sees the end of Trump, and his diseased maga army...
