
Isn`t it interesting, Gordon Campbell won`t move the HST referendum up because .....According to Colin Hansen the B.C. Government is going to follow the letter of the law when it comes to initiatives and referendums, yet that argument fails because the letter of the law also states that the referendum requires a super majority to pass, 50% of everyone on the voters list and in 3/4 of all ridings yet Campbell says....."Trust me, a simple majority, 50% plus one of whoever turns out to vote is fine...
How on one hand can the Campbell gang agree to a simple majority which is contrary to the act and yet then demand the one year time frame(the letter of the law) .......Something fishy is going on here!
And guess who else got in on the act today?...Dalton McGuinty......Dalton Mcguinty made a public statement, McGuinty said......
"If B.C. gets out of the HST Ontario is going to have a huge economic advantage over B.C." snip
Well well well, Dalton McGuinty is concerned about BCs well being, really.....I recall many years ago, B.C. gave the movie industry many tax credits, the move was to woo American movie makers to B.C.....The plan worked, California was calling foul!.....Ontario in short order copied B.C.s movie tax credits, so here the movie industries in both B.C. and Ontario were chugging along, until 18 months ago, Ontario made a bold move, they slashed labour and other movie tax credits....They really slashed into the gravy, movie people, tech, production companies in B.C. were running around with their hair on fire about losing business to Ontario, and it was true, so the B.C. Government in a survival move matched the new movie tax credit of Ontario....This was before the HST......
So call me a real skeptic that Dalton McGuinty is concerned about B.C.....So when Dalton warns B.C. about losing business to Ontario over the HST I laugh, yet McGuinty was silent on B.C. matching the movie credits......What business leader, what entity warns it`s competitor that it better follow it`s economic plan or lose market share?...It doesn`t make sense at all......
McGuinty is trying to save his own skin, because when B.C. prospers after getting rid of the HST McGuinty will be in the hot seat, there is also a group think going on....The HST was rammed through the Federal senate without debate, Conservatives and Liberals voted for the HST, in other words they are all guilty, this was a deliberate ploy, because come election time who do you punish, if all their hands are guilty the issue becomes moot.....
But back to McGuinty, if B.C. dumps the HST Dalton should be rolling in the aisle, laughing all the way to the bank, if Dalton truly believes in the HST then he should be thrilled on a Provincial level that BC wants out, the fact that he is warning us not to drop the HST it only re-affirms my belief that the HST is nothing but a scam.......
Michael Levy/Bill Good, CKNW....
"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
Look folks, I don`t mind a debate on the HST but let`s keep the debate honest, Michael Levy today lied on the radio, he lied over and over again, Levy said....If a company making widgets buy product to make widgets they are charged PST which gets embedded in the price, WRONG LEVY......
Everything bought for use in Manufacturing is not subject to PST...../Manufacturing equipment has no PST....In fact most companies can write off almost everything they buy, not just the PST but the entire capital cost, in 2001 Campbell changed the tax act and exempted all machinery from PST......In fact 70% of all business in B.C. have little to none in the way of new tax write-offs because of the HST, restaurant industries have no PST tax to claim back, so for Levy to lie when he knows better......And of course bobble head Bill Good just nods his head in agreement......
Yesterday Bill Good was hinting as to what the referendum question will be......
Bill Good said...."Without the HST we will either have to raise income taxes......Cut Government services or raise the PST to make up for the lost revenue".......
Really, is that so Bill Good....First off, the HST according to Gordon Campbell and Hansen, is revenue neutral to Government, you can`t have it both ways!
As for raising the PST, 1 percentage point will bring in $800 million per year, and as for cutting Government services, Bill Good must be talking about cutting $1.6 billion in services to match the Ottawa bribe.......
If Campbell didn`t sell us out pre-election with the HST he would of never had the $1.6 billion, he would of had to deal with it like every other Government has......
But Gordon Campbell has never made the tough decision, he sold BC Ferries for $500 million dollars to a German banking consortium....He sold BC Rail for $300 million dollars(after the tax write-offs and legal fees)....He sold rivers and gave forests away, but with Gordon Campbell everytime money is tight our BC Property is sold through guile!.....This time Campbell sold our taxing sovergnty, our ability to control tax direction, what no other B.C. Government would ever do.......... Gordon Campbell did!......And he doesn`t care, our B.C. GDP is falling fast, people are getting laid off, the RBC downgraded B.C.s GDP by 1/2 point last week, ....
And what about the Olympics, Hansen said the Olympics would be BCs springboard, the Olympics were touted to add 1% to our GDP....Well tourism is down, flat, all that advertising and nothing, nothing but Olympic bills......
These economists, they make the claim that we will have to wait a decade before we reap the reward for adopting the HST, I contend that if you leave $20 billion consumer dollars in the economy over the next 10 years you will create more jobs that pulling $20 billion out of the economy........
France recently got rid of the VATtax on all restaraunts meals, that to spur the industry, Michael Campbell and Michael Levy talk about how much trouble Europe is in , Governments heavy in debt, Governments on the verge of financial default, yet before our last Federal election, before our last Provincial election....We were told that there would be NO Federal debt, we were told that Canada and BC are in the best shape of any jurisdiction in the world, we are told everyday how strong our Canadian banks are, how great the Canadian system is ........
So why on earth would we want to copy failed states, bankrupt countries, European cities with rampant underground economies,why would we copy failure? Why do they have have 40% of their economies underground, because of high taxation, Governments raise taxes and business moves underground, Government raises taxes again and more money moves underground, just like ferry fares, you raise rates to the point of diminishing returns......
And what about the Prosperity mine, what about the natural gas drillers, BC Forestry industry, what about all the private IPPs, and all the proposed IPPs, none of these companies came to B.C. because of the HST, they were all prepared to do business in B.C. without the HST....And all the raw resources being shipped to Asia, no mining, no logging, no resource company in B.C. is going to move to Ontario only to ship their product by train back to B.C. then on to Asia, the rail fees would dwarf any HST savings....So the claim that industry would move is false, and with Ontario`s minimum wage over 50% higher than BC.....Low end manufacturing will find no savings in Ontario, out here in B.C. labour is $6 dollars per hour, not $10.50 like in Ontario....
And lastly, as for paying back the Federal Government the $1.6 billion dollar bribe, well there was a story last week that ICBC has $3 billion in cash reserves but industry standards state that ICBC needs but $1.5 billion dollars maximum as a buffer for paying claims, especially when these ICBC surpluses keep growing.......And....Colin Hansen also carted out his oh so flawed forecasters .....These forecasters of Hansen claim B.C. will be having a $2,7 billion dollar corporate windfall over the next 4 years, so a little scoop from ICBC(Remember Campbell already scooped $770 million from ICBC this year).....A little scoop from the mystery corporate money(if it really exists) and presto....The Feds are paid, were out of the HST and life goes on.........
But that`s not going to happen, Michael Levy will continue to lie, Bill Good will lie, Michael Campbell will lie, Hansen and Campbell will never stop lying, and the advertisement campaign from the Province will be $50 million dollars or more......
Time to stop hiding Gordon Campbell, time to bring Craig James and the HST referendum question to the public.......
Time for an honest debate
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
We had a good run with the anti HST petition in the sense that people got together and involved themselves in the political system, that was good.
Now the not so good, the initiative and recall legislation will go no further its a sham, it was designed purposely to be unattainable.
People keep saying, why are we not hearing more (if anything at all) by the opposition (NDP) on the initiative and recall of the Liberals?.
Why nothing? because they know its not doable,the NDP knew all along,they drafted this useless, assinine , unattainable legislation.
Now their own shitty legislation has come a full 360 degrees to bite them in the ass, looks good on them.
Henri Paul
Henri.....I know you have been a little down lately, that`s OK...We all have been there...
we have reason to celebrate...The BC Liberals are toast either way....There is a leadership vote at the next NDP convention...
Rumour has it a real big name is joining the BC Conservatives,that will split the right vote even more...
And public pressure will mount on Campbell to legislate referendum rules, any funny games and recall will go whole hog..
Also, things are heating up under Kash Heed and Provincial revenues are suspect.
This roller coaster is just getting started.
Dolton McGuilty is only trying to save his own skin, Grant, you see next September 24th, if the referendum is going to play out here, he is going to be in election mode in Ontario. We don't see much of it here, but believe me the people of Ontario are watching us.
I was on the Globe and Mail today, commenting on a bullshit HST story and I read there that they DID have an online petition with 400,000 signatures. Can't confirm that but I've seen alot of Ontarians on there commenting and complaining and they can't wait for an election.
I have been contributing to an eastern blog called http://sistersagesmusings.ca/ which is quite well linked to progressive bloggers back East. I have been talking HST, so we'll keep the debate alive hopefully for them too.
As for paying back the feds, didn't they defer most of the payment to a later date? If that is true, then that money should be frozen by the Feds immediately in a trust account until the taxation issue in BC is clarified.
And what about recall? I understood recall will proceed.
Dalton McGuinty boasting about the HST in Ontario? LOL
I've seen this movie before. Dalton "Anthony Perkins" McGuinty sounds like he's back to his old acting gig in "Psycho". And this time, he's repeating the "HST" shower scene over and over and over again. Cue the background music...
Grant G said... September 16, 2010 7:41 PM
And public pressure will mount on Campbell to legislate referendum rules,
Would be nice if he did change legislate referendum rules, why would he? I wouldn't bet on it occurring.
As for the Conservatives,Jesus himself could join them and they still couldn't pull a win out of the bag.
I do agree about the roller coaster is just getting started, put on your seat belt were in for quite a ride.
***Henri.....I know you have been a little down lately*** Good one Grant,I had a good chuckle.
Henri Paul
There is still one more card to be played in the HST saga. Justice Bauman still has to rule st to whether Colin Hansen legally commited BC to the HST by avoiding the Legislature. Considering he was so quick to rule on the business challenge, I wonder if he dragged his feet on this one to see what the standing committee would do.
It would be interesting if Bauman ruled against the government. Would they appeal and dig their hole even deeper? Would they recall the Legislature and actually have the debate they should have had in the first place? And if they recalled the Legislature, would they have a vote or invoke closure (if that is possible on a money bill)?
By the way, has anyone noticed that the real estate industry has gone from dissing the HST to now pretty much supporting it. I think it was Cameron Muir that stated that the HST on fees will not frighten people off. He said that a couple of grand extra is basically chump change.
Even Ian Tostenson, who represents the restaurant industry has changed his tune. He seems to be back in Campbell's corner.
One thing Bill Good said today really got my attention. He said to Michael Levy that he was going out for lunch today and he would be spending about $8-$10 extra in HST. That means that he would be spending between $60 and $80 for lunch. Even if this lunch is for 2 people, one can see why he fails to comprehend the reality most of us face.
Cameron Muir said that there's no HST on housing in BC under 525K. Absolute nonsense. Lawyers fees, building inspectors fees, septic inspectors fees (we don't all live in the big smoke), surveyors fees, real estate commissions; all subject to the HST.
And my own personal grudge: medical services have no HST (per Huggies Hansen). Not true. If you have to have a private MRI, because you're crippled up and your knee or ankle is gonna get worse if you wait for 14 - 16 months to have an MRI, add HST. Private surgery because you cannot wait? Add HST.
(And now, to top it off, Gordo's having meetings with the mayors' council on Translink and Fassbender, stooge mayor from Langley, is talking more tax increases.)
And that crap on NW yesterday when Bill Bad said he was surprised that Phil Hochstein, mr. rat union hisself, was in favor of the HST.
I phoned at yelled at one of Bad's producers for that one.
What a load of crap!
Good and CORUS are so, so in the pocket of the BC Liberals that he and the radio station are not worth listening to - they have become our own version of Radio Moscow, where history and facts get the 1984 treatment.
The Goebbels's Gambit (repeating a lie often enough that it is perceived as fact) is alive and well with Bill Boring and Brand-X.
Of course BC Business's are lining up with Gonzo Gordo because when he goes down the ugly truth of deceit, corruption and cronyism will emerge and even maybe gaol time!
We live in a lawless age, where moral decay and elitism reign supreme. In BC, financial crimes are seen badge of success.
So how come there wasn't a stampede of businesses moving to the Atlantic Provinces when they implemented the GST if the savings were so great?
Jus' wondering.....
This province is in a huge financial mess and the job of fixing it will be up to someone else. The current bunch of financial guru's have no clue of how to run an economy. They only know how to steal, exploit and then run!
Sheila Orr keeps predicting that the NDP are going to up the HST to 15%. Her opinion has no merit, she should just shut up....your beloved Liberal party is no more Sheila.
As for Dalton McGuinty, why listen to him? He lies all the time, just like his pea buddy Scampbell.
Great article! Great comments! I was wondering what bothered me about the Liberals agreeing to a referendum, then Grant nailed it in the second paragraph when he said Campbell will allow a simple majority to defeat the HST, but they must follow the letter of the law as far as the time frame goes - thus giving them a whole year to dick around with various propaganda ploys in an effort to slide this greedy tax grab back under the conciousness of BCers. Knowing all the while that Campbell is probably lying now just as he did in the past about HST 'not being on the radar' two months before he introduced the legislation.
One thing is clear - Campbell can't be trusted. So let's do the recall now! If that doesn't work, then we'll go the referendum route. If it does work and the Liberals are reduced to a minority, there will be an election and we can't do worse than we are doing now.
We all know, the BC Rail, wasn't for sale either. Ontario, is an industry province. BC's industry is, natural resources. Therefore, the HST, is of no benefit to BC people, what-so-ever. So, three cheers, to Ontario, and their factories. Come election time in Ontario, McGuinty, won't last any longer, than a snow ball in hell. BC's HST, goes right to Campbell's buddy Harper. BC citizens, will remember Harper's part in the HST, come Federal election time. Campbell can stick, his lies and deceit, up his referendum. Trust those monsters, Campbell and Hansen? Not on your nelly. Campbell and Hansen's word, mean absolutely nothing. It isn't possible, to rationalize, someone who isn't rational. We should have just gone for recall, or a general strike. Campbell and Hansen, are pathological liars. We should not even include that pair, in any of our decisions, because, of their lies, deceit, and cheating to win.
Campbell insists he is not quitting. Well, the BC citizens, have quit him, Hansen, and the entire, BC Liberal party. 82% of the BC people say so. Campbell and Hansen are being bullheaded, out of pure spite. The BC Liberal, ministers and the mla's, have ruined their political careers, for backing Campbell. Not one of them, are any better than Campbell. I guess it depends on, how much they are willing to sell their souls for.
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