
If anyone isn`t outraged with what`s going on in the world they must be blind or stunned.
A massive wave of oil is heading north towards Florida, the oil is down 4000 feet, despite what BP claims that disaster is not even in the 1st inning, it breaks my heart, it makes me angry, over 1billion litres of oil was dumped in the Yellow river in China, the scenes on TV are horrific, their using hand shovels to scoop up the oil, and the fine folks at Enbridge have dumped 3.8 million liters of oil in the Kalmazoo river, the state has declared a national disater, Syncrude has appealed the fines levied against them in Alberta, they were fined a petty amount of cash for slaughtering thousands of ducks that landed on one of their toxic tailing lakes, they don`t even have enough courage to take their lumps, earlier this year the executives ...........were finally found guilty for killing villagers in the bophal gas disaster, it`s laughable, these executives can still appeal and this event happened 25 years ago, the executives are in their late 70s and 80s, they will never see a jail cell.
Exxon Valdez disaster is still in the courts, the oil is still in the rocks, the wildlife, the birds, do a little digging at low tide and there is oil everywhere, and yet Enbridge still thinks there is going to be a Northern gateway pipeline from the TAR SANDS to Kitimat, I am so proud of the people that occupied Enbridge`s Vancouver office, it really inspired me, they will have to kill me to put the Enbridge pipeline through to Kitimat, I have drawn a line in the sand, no more, if they want to move oil the can use the Kinder Morgan pipeline and have more Super tankers in Vancouver, the water and wildlife in the big smoke is almost sterile compared to Haida Gwaii, in fact the fine folk in Point Grey who kept voting for a criminal bastard named Gordon Campbell can watch the super tankers go by their beaches.
I hear idiots like Bill Good and Gord MacDonald promoting Enbridge, talking about all the jobs, I would like to punch them both in the mouth and make them eat their words, there are no jobs, the Enbridge pipeline would cost the north jobs, tourism jobs, outfitters, guides, the 12 full time jobs after the pipeline is built is nothing, how many times must I say this, they talk about mitigation efforts if there was a spill, you can`t undo a spill, Haida Gwaii and the inside passage is not ours to risk, you can`t bring back the Orca when their gone, you can`t gamble with what isn`t ours, the Exxon Valdez was a tiny spill, a tiny Super tanker compared to the big ones, the Valdez spill ranks 36th in the world, a fraction of the size of the large spills.(read about how Enbridge has spilled oil, killed wildlife and poisoned wetlands all over North America here, a good read, be prepared to be shocked and angry)
Tony Hayward is still with BP, they merely moved him to a subsidiary of BP, Halliburton has moved their office to Dubai, the reason for that is under Dubai law corporations only have to keep records for a year, Halliburton through George Bush and Dick Cheney have stolen 1/2 a trillion dollars from the American public.......Bh Bilton and Rio Tinto over threw the Australian Government over a new mining tax, the replacement Prime minister backed off on the tax, both of those companies make billions per year, how dare Australia ask them to pay a little more , it also has recently been revealed that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghani civillians have been killed in these illegal wars, and the Karzai Government have stolen and shipped out of Afghanistan billions of dollars, thousands of plane loads of physical money flown to offshore banks and into the middle east, what the hell are we doing, I don`t like to see Canadian(dupe) soldiers killed in Afghanistan but, it`s not a war, it`s an illegal occupation that will never end, 10 times as many people are being slaughtered in Northern Mexico every year than what get killed in the illegal Afghani war, the war on drugs, I hope California legalizes drugs, all drugs and maybe the bloodshed will stop.
Gooldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, AIG, wall street stole 2 trillion dollars from the American people, they stole, they gambled, they lost, they begged the corrupt Republican party for bailouts, they begged Obama for bailouts, and even during the darkest hour of the economic ponzi scheme Wallstreet paid themselves $10 billion dollar in bonuses out of bailout money, the Republicans, Wallstreet, the corporation, Stephen Harper, eveyone of those bastards will scorch the earth and sell us down the river.
Here in B.C. since the HST 2 mills have closed, unemployment is rising, business is suffering, the consumer has pulled back, the carbon tax, fuel is 40 cents a litre cheaper in Alberta and Washington, truckers are filling up south and east, the businesses along the Alberta border are going bankrupt, eveything we predicted because of the HST is coming true, companies haven`t lowered prices, their not hiring, even CKNW........
The cutting ledge today, the most popular show on CKNW.....From 9:00 am to 10:00 am cknw ran but 3 ads for the hour!!!!!.....Do you get it now Bill Good?.....1 ad in the first half of the show and 2 ads in the second half...1 ad from Speedy glass...1 ad from American express and 1 ad from Molson Canadian.....National companies........
As for Gordon Campbell and the minions, their dead folks, done like dinner, Dianne Watts is out, Carole Taylor is out, the entire BC Liberal party is out, there will be no recovery, in fact today on the cutting ledge even Keith Baldrey conceded that Gordon Campbell is dead, the only one left rooting for Gordon Campbell was Bill Good.........
Maybe Bill Good might understand this........The other reason besides the economy why their ads are down is because the listeners are tuning out , we can`t stand Bill Good pimping Campbell, the whiny squeal from Gord Macdonald, the cackling Christy Clark.
Listen up CKNW...Your advertising will continue to deteriorate, Michael Campbell (Gordos brother) is a hated man, a racist, in fact CKNW is racist, economic racists, political racists, liars, you can either switch sides or fade away, you`re like the Republicans, your base is gone, all you have left are hater and kooks, bitter racist callers.
There will be a double dip recession, unemployment is rising again in the USA, economic activity and GDP has been downgraded to flat, the markets will drop at least another 30%...Or more, the American dream has been shattered, housing prices are still falling, there were more foreclosures in the first 6 months of this year than last year, the ugly Americans are showing their teeth, it`s human nature, the Tea party movement, and Arizona, when things get tough, when people get desperate, the Americans are looking for someone or something to blame, the economic disaster must be Barack Obama`s fault for giving heath care to Americans, or maybe........Or maybe the American woes were caused by Mexican workers, how dare those illegal aliens clean toilets, work the fields, it must be the fault of those dirty illegals, it couldn`t have been say......
Wallstreet, KPMG, arther Anderson, Enron, George Bush, Halliburton, AIG, or the trillions spent on illegal wars, as you know Arizona had a radical new law that Barack Obama struck down, Arizona wanted their police to terrorize, question, to ask for papers and documents from anyone they suspected as possibly illegal, so if you have brown skin and were walking down the street the police could demand paper and IDs for no other reason than the colour of your skin and if you don`t produce the goods it`s straight to jail,......Thank goodness Barack struck it down, the Government of Arizona is appealing to the 9th circuit court of appeal, Arizona has asked for the appeal be fast tracked, the protests have been raging since the law was struck down by Obama, the haters, the racists, the anger is thicker than pea soup fog........
Meanwhile the haters adore the football players making $25 million per year, the movie star making $30 million per movie, they love Wallmart, they love all the outsourcing corporations that shipped their jobs to Asia, why pay $5 dollars per hour for a Mexican worker when you can get an Asian slave for $5 dollars per pay!
Here in BC the mindless drones will cheer a hockey player making $8 million to not stop the puck, subject themselves to search and seizure to watch fireworks, get frisked to watch sports, get a fine for smoking outside, a corrupt Government, banning salt, smoking bans in your own home, carbon taxes, schools and hospitals having to buy carbon credits, students not allowed to pay tuition with credit cards, HST, $6 dollar an hour minimum wage, bit by bit, slowly our freedoms are being eroded while the Corporation scorches BC and the planet.
There is no more time friends, we either make a stand now or there will be nothing left for future generations.
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open