It`s bad enough that these toxic chemicals are wafting in and around residential neighborhoods but the fact the Habitual liar Gordon Campbell withheld this information is criminal, this is an offence that requires either Gordon Campbell or the minister responsible to resign.
People in the Millar addition,a residential area with a school and a park,the local people complained about bad smells wafting around the neighborhood,so the ministry responsible for air quality came there in July and August 2008 and took air samples, the reading were nearly 20 times over the acceptable level, in Fort George park the reading of formaldehyde was 1,200 micrograms per cubic meter in one hour,the Provincial maximum acceptable level is 65 micrograms,a few blocks away on Patricia boulevard the readings were 950 micrograms...
My god folks do you hear what I am saying, the ministry was so shocked by the readings they thought there might be an error, but there was no error,the reading were correct, the Gordon Campbell Government was immediately informed,the nearby Pulp and Paper mill and oil refinery was informed but ....
The people,the children,the seniors, none of the human life forms in Prince George were informed,Formaldehyde causes sore throats,allergies, headaches and indirectly,DEATH, Gordon Campbell felt they were not obliged to tell the people in the surrounding area that the air was toxic, and with the cuts to the ministry no new tests have been ordered,none, someone must resign over this,this is/was a deliberate act of withholding information that was crucial to the health and welfare of people.
Gordon Campbell was concerned about the fraudulent election in 2009 so he withheld this information, a disgusting decision from a despicable man,a corrupt Government that knows nothing except how to lie,steal,cheat and now you can add allowing toxic,poisonous air to waft in residential area`s.
Today in question period the minister responsible for answering questions about withholding this information and endangering the lives of children,seniors,animals,everyone wasn`t there...What else is new,the questions from Rob Fleming to the minister were taken by Mr. Yap "on Notice"
Friends,this is a criminal act,there was no follow up from the ministry,I suppose if they don`t test for these toxins they won`t have to hide the information,such as what goes on at Marine harvest and the other fish farms, if you stop testing you won`t find it.
The Gutless Habitual Liar Gordon Campbell needs to resign or force the minister responsible for withholding the information to resign, I would prefer arrested.
(read the story here)http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2010/03/03/bc-prince-george-formaldehyde-millar-addition.html
Updated....5:20 PM...The BC Government now that it has been caught covering up information,caught potentially killing people has ordered more air tests...Yea,the CBC did great work,the new air tests announced today are sad, sad that they got caught and the big media says...Que Sera Sera...Who cares,..or quoting one of Les Leyne`s classic lines..."So What".....Gordon Campbell is a disgrace as a human being, I hate making this comparison but, Gordon Campbell would have made a good little NAZI,and he governs like one,his MLAs are complicit in his crimes.(read about new test being ordered here)
Sorry friends this doesn`t cut it, and the fact that now that the story has broken and they are ordering more air quality tests is nothing but an admission of guilt! For if they did nothing wrong and followed protocol there would be no new tests ordered. Your a sick man Gordon Campbell, the minister responsible is sick, I truly hope both of you and all who knew but remained silent drop dead as soon as possible.
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Resignation is the only thing.
This is horrific,and I parrot the call for an immediate resignation!!!
As most people know, I grew up in PG and all my family still live and work there, as well as many friends.
The air quality in PG, especially downtown and in the area mentioned, is something that has been talked about there since I was a kid,to no avail,with no proof until now.
While in highschool, I lost several friends to various cancers,most rare and not often seen in youth.The cancer rate in the city was quite high while I lived there,( I wonder what it is now??) and everyone wondered if it was a result of the emissions from the pulp mills operating in the city. It has long been common knowledge that the water in the Fraser can visibly be seen to change where it passes by the mills...again,has anything ever been done?
The city proper is located in a bowl valley formation, and it is common in the winter, spring and summer for fog to blanket the area in this bowl, trapping the emissions along with it. A horrible smell was always part and parcel of living in PG. Rotton eggs, supherous smells, on some days so bad you had to cover your nose with your scarf. We enjoyed living far out of town so we didn't have to live in it, but going into town I could not imagie what it was like for people living there.
To conceal this report and have done nothing to prevent the potential for serious health problems that may result, is very nearly an act of terror against those people. It is incomprehensible to me that anyone in good conscience participated in this coverup.
Time to call my family.
Resigning should be the least someone should do, how about criminal charges, prison time, and a class action lawsuit.
The Province newspaper today (Friday Mar 5)DOESN'T MENTION A WORD ABOUT THIS!!!!! They should change their name to Pravda and their transformation will be complete. SHAMEFUL!!
Nor did Global news last night,not a single word, they led with how the Campbell gang is going to get real tough on drunk drivers!
Now that`s rich, Jane Thornwaite`s punishment is What?
Then Global television did a story on the Ehealth scandal...They went to their man(mouse) in Victoria..Keith Baldrey...And the apologist said and I quote...
"It was the NDP who hired Danderfer in 2000" Snip
Oh yes Keith Baldrey,it must be the NDPs fault that there was an Ehealth scandal in 2009....The Campbell gang is so sick,so corrupt,so...$#%^$%## up
And it gets better,phillip Till this morning on CKNW stated...Do you remember Gordon Campbell waving with the flag and red mittens, thanks to Campbell millions of mittens were sold thus raising $35 million for the "own the podium" program.
Folks,time for "Pitchfork Nation"
So is Leonard Krog, the NDP Opposition's fearless Justice Critic, laying criminal charges against the premier and the minister responsible for failing to inform the public of the serious health risk?
Is Krog (or anyone else) planning to do so?
@Mary...Mary,the story just broke yesterday,Rob Fleming asked questions on the air quality story in question period...
There was NO MINISTER AVAILABLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS....Mr.YAP (bc lberal mla from Richmond) took the questions on notice!!!!
The ministry is in hiding, several news outlets have been asking the ministry for answers,everyone is getting stonewalled!!!
Mary, I am not defending the NDP...But for you to suggest that the NDP justice critic file criminal charges or suggest charges before questions are answered is a bit much!!!
Like these questions...
1)Who knew what..
2)When did the minister know
3)Why was there no more testing?
4)Who made the decision to hide the story
5)If nothing wrong was done 18 months ago why are new tests being ordered
6)The reading were so high...Why did the ministry think they MIGHT be a MISTAKE
7)Shouldn`t the ministry erred on the side of caution,what is 10,000,00$ for new test when BC has a $40 billion dollar budget
8)Cancer rates are highest in Prince George,could bad,toxic air be a factor.
Mary, I understand your angry but you are way off basis on this one.
Gee ... can't a person ask a simple question?
Such as "Is Krog (or anyone else) planning to" lay charges?
Seems like a good question to me.
BC Mary
"Your comment was published" says the message on your site. But it isn't. So I'll try again, hoping I can remember:
Gee, it seemed like a simple enough question:
"Is Krog (or anyone else) planning to" lay charges?
Please don't get angry with me. It's your site that acted crazy.
Mary...Anyone can ask a simple question...If I`m not mistaken,I am not aware that the NDP can charge anyone for anything...
Maybe I`m wrong,Krog is a justice critic,what authority does he have? None as far as I know..
I believe he can suggest charges or action,other than that...Unless a private civil suit case is launched, but Krog has no authority with the crown...
The citizens of Prince George should launch a class-action suit against the Province,but I don`t know what standing Krog would have...
Mary,again,I am not trying to defend the NDP but we have a majority mob rule in the BC government and governments across Canada...Other than asking for judicial reviews his hands are tied.
Seems everyone is a little testy today,myself included...Blame the Campbell gang for that...
Look what we learned in the past few days alone...More cuts,doctors paying to keep nurses out of their own pocket..$800 million being scooped from ICBC
Hydro rates going up 33% over three years.
HST con,Campbell and Hansen playing ridiculous head games trying to claim the HST is going to healthcare,when the HST will bring in less money than the PST did....BC liquor distribution`s pocket is getting picked..And now we learn that Gordon Campbell will cost the Province $100 million dollars in debt servicing by not taking the HST bribe this and next year,rather than saving it for an election year...MSP going up this year and next year...BC Ferries going up April 1...Carbon going up again in July..
How much more can the middleclass and underclass(which now I am a member of)take?
Christ,I can`t even keep up with each new scandal let alone do follow ups on the older ones!
"How much more can the middleclass and underclass(which now I am a member of)take?"
So it's you (as a member of the underclass) above me blocking the sun, eh?
Our fearless liaR envrionment minister said that there were questions about the accuracy of the toxin tests, though didn't explain why they weren't redone, IF THAT WERE THE CASE!
Supposedly, now, a year and a half later, they are going to do some more tests - but hey, are there any pulp mills still spewing poison in PG? The last time I was in PG was in the seventies and at that time I thought the air was even worse than Los Angeles, where my eyes used to actually tear and burn the first few days I was in town.
Quoting from Grant's comment above:
Krog is a justice critic,what authority does he have? None as far as I know..
I believe he can suggest charges or action,other than that...Unless a private civil suit case is launched, but Krog has no authority with the crown...
The citizens of Prince George should launch a class-action suit against the Province,but I don`t know what standing Krog would have...
That's a fascinating view of an Opposition Justice Critic. Born and raised in B.C., I am tempted to lip off with "So what good is he?" but I won't do that. I'll just say that if a highly paid Opposition functionary has no power, then citizens have no power either.
But we know that isn't true.
We do have power and every one of us has a duty to use our powers in the public interest. That includes all of us. But most of all, that includes the Opposition Justice Critic, Leonard Krog, the man I love to call Fermit the Krog. Fermit has much more visibility, more of a public forum, more avenues for legitimate protest, than we have. He has power and he could do a lot with his power.
Disclosure: Last summer, when he whined about not stepping up to reinforce the group of us who called attention to the BC Rail options available on July 15, 2009, his excuse was money.
Fermit the Krog said he could do nothing because it would cost too much to seek an injunction halting further giveaways of BCRail lands to CN ...he could do nothing to demand a pause to reconsider the incredible new gifts which would be automatically triggered on the 5th anniversary of the BCR-CN deal. He simply sat, croaking feebly, while more of BC's treasure was distributed.
He certainly didn't say he was powerless to do anything. He said it would be too expensive to do anything (but he didn't look for the options, either.) Not for for one second, do I believe he was powerless. Not then. Not now.
So, in my view, citizen-pressure should be applied to our highly-paid Opposition Justice critic to ride herd on the Campbell Gang until all questions are answered, all dangers removed, from the air quality around Prince George.
In Davey Barrett's day, as Opposition Leader he would've raised the roof in the Legislature. Remember how Dave would storm, shout, embarrass the government on a vital issue like this ... until they would lose their cool and order the Sergeant-at-arms to drag Dave bodily out of the Legislature ... and into the newspapers the next day?
Remember that, Fermit the Krog? That's power for those with the courage to use it on behalf of the people of B.C.
mary...I agree whole heartedly with you about BC Rail and other things..
The toxic air report story just broke,I can`t criticize him on that yet!
I don`t think Krog or the NDP have been a good opposition..
But..Back in Davy Barrett`s day,back in Glen Clark`s day we had a media...
We had radio with the likes of Webster,Burns,Rafe...and others...
Now we have no T.V. media... and as for radio ...Bill Good/Clark/Addler/Michael Levy/Michael Campbell/.... Baldrey...Palmer...
I have watched almost every legislative session and question periods...They ask tough questions in the house,but..The legislative reporters ignore the NDP...Almost forgot about Les Leyne,useless "So What"...
If you are curious Mary..Check out the new link on the right...(Question period videos)...Check out how the BC Liars answer questions...Try last thurday`s Question period!
Find a way! Don't give in and start agreeing that we're powerless ... and that our media is shot-all-to-hell-and-back ... and even that "nobody cares" ... wrong message!
Find a way to get the news out.
You, of all people, Grant ... you've created a platform where people do listen. Good grief, don't tell ME to start reading Hansard etc. Print out the sections and ... you'll think of a dozen ways to spread those unanswered questions around ...
then offer a few ideas on what CAN and MUST be done. But it's horrifying to think of so many red-blooded Canadians wringing their hands and saying "We are helpless ... !" Sheesh.
You know my motto Mary.
"Never Say Never"
I never said to "read Hansrd"...There are question period videos..
I wasn`t directing YOU...to go there..
I was speaking in "General Terms" ...The entire populace of BC needs to watch how the BC Liberals work in the Legislature..Most Don`t.
Resigning should be the least someone should do, how about criminal charges, prison time, and a class action lawsuit.
Resigning should be the least someone should do, how about criminal charges, prison time, and a class action lawsuit.my blog usagamezone.blogspot.com
So is Leonard Krog, the NDP Opposition's fearless Justice Critic, laying criminal charges against the premier and the minister responsible for failing to inform the public of the serious health risk?.............!
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