Now let`s put it all together, my Christmas carol, starring Gordon Campbell and a slew of villians, losers, liars, drunks and useless Caretakers....
Theeeeee HST.......Kevin Falcon loves it and it`s here to stay, on the second day of Christmas Christy Clark gave to We.....increases at ICBC....
Cash bonuses for issuing Eviction notices to developmentally disabled members of our community...
On the fourth day of Christmas the BC Liberals gave to B.C....
$18 million dollars for Virk and David Basi`s legal fees...
Five Golden severance packages and double dip pensions....
On the 6th day of Christmas the BC Liberals gave to B.C....
A Golden Ears bridge that loses $millions and millions annually...
A solicitor General involved in multiple land fraud controversies.....
On the 8th day of Christmas the BC Liberals gave to BC....
A Liberal MLA Jane Thorthwaite who admitted drunk driving but was let free by a special Liberal appointeeeeeeeee.....
On the 9th Day of Christmas the BC Liberals gave to B.C...
A Speedy John Von Dongen who endangered the public driving like a monkeeeee.
On the 10th day of Christmas the BC Liberals gave to B.C.....
Kash Heed and Barinder Sall who committed election fraud but were freed by another Liberal Appointeeeeee...
On the 11th Day of Christmas Gordon Campbell gave BC Rail to David Mclean..
The below article was written several years ago......One more Christmas day to go...# Number 12 still to come
Well well well, Gordon Campbell not only lied to every British Columbian when HE sold BC Rail but, Gordon Campbell put money, lucrative real-estate, contracts and jobs in his friend`s hands, 6 years later and everyone is still getting paid, any money BC received for BC Rail is long gone, yet BC Rail insiders are still receiving BC taxpayer money by the truckload!
I don`t know where to start, well, how about Gordon Campbell is a corrupt bastard, have you ever heard of David Mclean? This name should be familiar with everyone, why, because that is where the whole thing started, David Mclean played the lead role in privatizing CN Rail in 1994....And, the following IPO was the largest in Canadian history at that time.....
Shortly after David Mclean pulled strings and privatized CN Rail he was appointed to CN Rail`s board of directors, and, from what I understand David Mclean wheeled and dealed, yes indeed, David Mclean a short time later was appointed to Chairman of the board of directors of CN Rail...Hmmm, how did he move up so quickly? Well the answer is simple,CN Rail wanted BC Rail, the only way CN Rail could obtain BC Rail was if the province of BC privatized BC Rail and sold it to CN Rail, but, the government of the day (The NDP) were not interested in selling BC Rail, it was far too important an asset to sell, or, Give Away.......
So what was David Mclean to do, the man was smart, he knew what to do, David Mclean went out and bought himself a politician, and what politician might that have been, well, no other than Gordon Campbell,but, in 1994 Gordon Campbell wasn`t premier of the province,he was mayor of Vancouver, well no point in getting caught up with niggling details, David Mclean`s first order of business was to donate large sums of money to the BC Liberals and Gordon Campbell, that`s right folks, David Mclean pushed and financed Gordon Campbell`s 1996 provincial election campaign, and for that all David Mclean wanted was.....BC Rail, that`s right folks, David Mclean funded Gordon Campbell`s 1996 campaign and in return he wanted BC Rail.....
And as you know in 1996 Gordon Campbell ran on that platform, Campbell spun and twisted and campaigned on selling BC Rail,well, it didn`t go over too well, the people in the interior and in rail towns said "No bloody way, leave our BC railway alone"......So Gordon Campbell lost the 1996 election and BC Rail was still ours, the trains,the massive tracts of property, the thousands of kilometers of track,all of it was still in the hands of BCers, the only north /south railway in the province of BC, this crucial transportation line was still in BC`s family....
Well, this didn`t sit well with David M, he paid the BC Liberal party, he was the largest financier of Gordon Campbell and he had nothing! Well, patience the premier said...There is another election in 2001, meanwhile David Mclean is still donating and financing Gordon Campbell, so along comes the run-up to the 2001 BC provincial election, Campbell and Mclean had to play it smarter, Gordon Campbell couldn`t tell the public what his true intentions were, David Mclean had to get his hands on BC Rail, so Gordon Campbell told the voting public " I won`t sell BC Rail" but he was lying, Gordon Campbell belongs in the liars hall of fame, no politician has ever lied more than Gordon Campbell, and, Gordon Campbell had to make good on giving BC Rail away, after all, David Mclean paid literally $millions to elect Gordon Campbell .
So Gordon Campbell wins the 2001 BC provincial election and proceeds in breaking almost every promise he made, Campbell did keep his personal promise to David Mclean and gave our railway away, Gordon Campbell ripped up contracts and raised the PST, doubled MSP payments and laid the boots to the poor and middle class all the while he gave away billions in tax cuts to his rich friends.
Yes indeed, Gordon Campbell and his cabinet went wild, Gordon Campbell`s friend Peter Armstrong got gifts, his cabinet ministers got in on the action, political appointees held cover, Judith Reid, Gary Collins, Martyn Brown, Bruce Clark, Christy Clark, everyone in government was aware that CN Rail was getting BC Rail and they all knew the bidding process was rigged, of course word flew around the province and omni-trax, CP and everyone else knew the game was rigged, BC Rail going to CN, it was a done deal, after all, David Mclean had made sure of that years earlier, meanwhile, stories emerged of organized crime, drug dealers infiltrating the BC Government, a government gone wild and rumours and stories got back to the police, particularly the Victoria police, Paul Battershill arranged to raid the legislature, wow, what a site to see, police hauling out computers and boxes of documents,nwhat an embarrassment to all BCers, Gordon Campbell getting drunk in Hawaii, getting charged and convicted of drunk driving was bad enough, his adulterous affair with Lara Daphinee and their (Possible love child) was another embarrassment.....
Well surely heads would roll, and they did, it appears David Mclean has lots of clout from coast to coast, the heads that have rolled are the ex-police chief from Victoria and a couple of low-end ministerial aides, that`s it, almost everyone in Government knew what the hell was going on, but Gordon Campbell with his 77 to 2 majority in the legislature didn`t give a rats ass about us, about the law and certainly Democracy, his high powered friends will cover his ass!
Meanwhile one voice of reason and sanity came forth, Paul Nettleton was outraged and complained, a week later Gordon Campbell expelled Paul Nettleton caucus, that`s right,.
Paul Battershill and Paul Nettleton got hammered by the corrupt Gordon Campbell and his high powered friends and both were sent to the woodshed......
Meanwhile, this so-called billion dollars we got for BC Rail is all gone plus more, you see folks everyone had to get paid off, Patrick Kinsella got paid off, (Campbell`s campaign manager) he was getting paid from BC Rail and CN Rail, for years getting paid, the BC rail executives knew what was going on,they knew Kinsella was a backroom Liberal with clout, so the BC Rail executives had the dirt, that`s why 6 years later and BC Rail has no trains these executives have been paid millions of dollars to play golf, that`s right play golf, the province bought them golf memberships and to this day they are still on the pay role....
And where did the rest of money go, well where do we start, CN Rail, part of the deal for being GIVEN BC Rail was that they would get tax breaks worth roughly 500 $million dollars(tax write offs).....And those weren`t federal tax write-offs but provincial tax write offs.
So CN Rail gives the province money for BC Rail and Gordon Campbell gives most of it back in tax write offs...And it gets better, lawyer fees, I estimate the trial, or should I say the endless hearings has cost more than 40 $million dollars....
$500 million in tax breaks, 120 $million in lawyer fees, Patrick Kinsella fees, BC Rail executives being paid for years, paid to play tiddly-winks....Cost to government for searching for documents, tech searches, transcription fees, Public affairs for years, years of spinning, twisting and corruption.
Meanwhile, 1 billion dollars,the money is gone, gobbled up in tax write offs, wages, pay offs, executive salaries, golf memberships, lawyer fees, government fees, our railway is gone, the guilty are everywhere, including the guilty BC Liberals, the connections, the tentacles are everywhere, this whole BC Rail trial/investigation/ show Trial was nothing nothing but a cruel joke played on all, Gordon Campbell, and of course Leonard Asper and the Defunct Canwest Global promoted this theft, the big media looked the other way, failed to report, it wasn`t Vaughn Palmer or Michael Smyth or that useless Keith Baldrey , Bill Good, Les Leyne, Tom Fletcher or Sean Leslie or any of them that even tried to uncover facts, they uncovered nothing, in fact everyone mentioned did more, they deflected and spun, they provided cover for corruption....... and they know deep in their hearts and souls what they did, they`ll have to live with that.
Big bought media and paid stooges
(here are a couple of links)
And this link here
Mary, BC Mary, Robin Mathews, Citizen Reporters, Bill Teileman, Ross K....Those are the real heroes, they kept this alive, they reported everything we know today.
Meanwhile our corrupt premier played some silly game about BC Rail not being sold, a sad story about a 999 year lease, a lease not a sale.
Gordon Campbell is such a gutless coward that even his lies are lies.
Bias, one way reporting, a demoralized news team, a bunch of muzzled newsmen, everyone of those stooges aided and abetted BC Liberal crimes.
On the 12th day of Christmas......It didn`t take me long to decide on
what to finish with, Stephen Harper, yes indeed, Mr. Stephen Harper and
no he`s not alone, Bill Barisoff and all BC Liberals, but Bill Barisoff
is a special case, BC`s speaker of the House, the one elected member
who in theory is supposed to be neutral, non partisan, a stickler for
rules role played by a bias thespian whose legitimacy got lost on
Campbell`s casting couch , well you know how it goes,
Stephen Harper gifted Gordon Campbell a $200, 000.00 per year cushy gig that includes a residence, a chef, a driver, an expense account plus Gordon Campbell will be collecting his Gold-plated BC Government pension, the same Golden pension Campbell campaigned on removing, just another rung in Gordon Campbell`s ladder of lies....
Over $300,000.00 dollars per year for Campbell, a chef, someone to drive him around, a residence for entertaining his many suitors...
Mr. Harper rewarded Gordon Campbell for ramming the HST down our throats and....And for this largesse all Gordo has to do is promote tar sands pollution, lobby for dirty fuels in transportation and fight any and all legislation that might cut into big oil`s profits.
So now not only did Stephen Harper reward Gordon Campbell for foisting Harper`s corporate tax sell out upon the masses in a dirty back-handed lying manner but he also revealed what we knew all along, what any sane person knew, how come David Suzuki and Tzeporah Berman didn`t know....
Stephen Harper exposed the true Gordon Campbell, the BC shame stream media portrayed Campbell as the pollution fighter, the green man, the green crusader, Tzeporah and David Suzuki lauded Campbell, Mz Berman flew to Copenhagen to personally place a medal of climate fighting honour around Gord`s neck...
Speeches in 2008 and 2009, speeches leading into the 2009 election where the climate change fighter spoke of climate change being the battle of our lives,
"we must fight climate change for the sake of future generations"
Speech after speech made by Gordon Campbell on how his carbon tax will save the planet, he talked electric cars and green technology, he talked cap n trade, enviros groups attacked the NDP for not supporting Gord of the Green, Carole James wanted to target industrial emissions, gas flaring, big oil, big gas, no matter what the left proposed Campbell`s allies spoke against them, Marc Jaccard lambasted the NDP`s plan to charge big oil n gas for flaring, as Jaccard put it....
"We would lose 60,000 jobs"
Stephen Harper exposed Gordon Campbell for lying to every British Columbian on climate change, phony speeches meant to cash in on green concerns and David Suzuki and Tzeporah Berman went along with it for only reasons they know because behind the scenes watersheds were being destroyed, Salmon runs killed off, pristine eco systems were altered in a massive green scam, in fact run of river salmon water diversion power plants are not green, it never was about being green it was about transferring money from public hands to private...
And now Gordon Campbell is Canada`s most important and influential Tar Sand Oil Lobbyist in all of Europe, Canada`s man to fight against cleaner fuel, lower emission fuel, the hypocrisy is astounding..
Bill Barisoff, every-time he took overnight or extended time to make a ruling on procedure or protocol there wasn`t one time he ruled in the opposition`s favour, every single time Bill Barisoff ruled in favour(no comment it`s before the courts) of Campbell`s Government, and as we know Bill Barisoff and Gordon Campbell were room-mates on the island when the house was sitting, well guess what, NO conflict of interest Bill Barisoff broke the application rules around Gordon Campbell`s nomination for the Order of British Columbia..
Bill Barisoff broke the rules for Gordon Campbell, this was done because Gordon Campbell as Canada`s number one ambassador needed to be an Order of BC winner too...
On the 12th Day of Christmas Stephen Harper, Bill Barisoff and the Liberals gave to B.C.....
The biggest personal slap in our illustrious history, $300,000.00 dollars a year, a chef, a driver, Golden pensions for life, B.C. s highest award of honour, the Order of British Columbia through dubious and completely inappropriate means to a man who....
Was an a habitual liar, a man who broke laws, a man who fired 9000 female workers illegally, as stated by the Supreme Court...A leader who gagged its citizens, closed hundreds of schools, broke law after law while special prosecutor after special prosecutor, while political appointees and media sell-outs provided cover for and justified the theft of assets, a fifth Estate that not only failed but profigated propaganda and criminal Government messaging, they too will eventually have to answer to their own moral sanctuary..
Yes, the 12th and final straw, rewarding a man who has failed seniors and led the Nation for a decade, led in child poverty, led in freezing the lowest paid worker`s wages, a man who fought only for wealthy corporate party donors while the weakest among us were secretly persecuted, a legacy of cronyism and public debt, a man, a premier driven from office for lies, the 4 largest deficits, 8 deficits in 12 years, deception shrouded in debt, malice of forethought, a leader with but a 9% approval rating, a man, a father, a husband who cheated morality with long ongoing adulterous affairs, a sham marriage and cardboard wife....
On the 12th Day of Christmas our insidious heathen Leaders Gave to B.C...
The Truth Behind the Mask
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
On the First Day of Christmas the BC Liberals Gave to B.C.....
On the Third Day of Christmas the BC Liberals gave to B.C.
On the fourth day of Christmas the BC Liberals gave to B.C....
$18 million dollars for Virk and David Basi`s legal fees...
On the 5th Day of Christmas the Liberals Gave to B.C.
On the 6th day of Christmas the BC Liberals gave to B.C....
A Golden Ears bridge that loses $millions and millions annually...
On the 7th Day of Christmas the Liberals Gave to B.C.
On the 8th day of Christmas the BC Liberals gave to BC....
A Liberal MLA Jane Thorthwaite who admitted drunk driving but was let free by a special Liberal appointeeeeeeeee.....
On the 9th Day of Christmas the BC Liberals gave to B.C...
A Speedy John Von Dongen who endangered the public driving like a monkeeeee.
On the 10th day of Christmas the BC Liberals gave to B.C.....
Kash Heed and Barinder Sall who committed election fraud but were freed by another Liberal Appointeeeeee...
On the 11th Day of Christmas (Gordon Campbell lied and sold BC Rail(From my archives, this archived story was all about David Mclean, the BC Rail sale started in 1996)

The below article was written several years ago......One more Christmas day to go...# Number 12 still to come
Well well well, Gordon Campbell not only lied to every British Columbian when HE sold BC Rail but, Gordon Campbell put money, lucrative real-estate, contracts and jobs in his friend`s hands, 6 years later and everyone is still getting paid, any money BC received for BC Rail is long gone, yet BC Rail insiders are still receiving BC taxpayer money by the truckload!
I don`t know where to start, well, how about Gordon Campbell is a corrupt bastard, have you ever heard of David Mclean? This name should be familiar with everyone, why, because that is where the whole thing started, David Mclean played the lead role in privatizing CN Rail in 1994....And, the following IPO was the largest in Canadian history at that time.....
Shortly after David Mclean pulled strings and privatized CN Rail he was appointed to CN Rail`s board of directors, and, from what I understand David Mclean wheeled and dealed, yes indeed, David Mclean a short time later was appointed to Chairman of the board of directors of CN Rail...Hmmm, how did he move up so quickly? Well the answer is simple,CN Rail wanted BC Rail, the only way CN Rail could obtain BC Rail was if the province of BC privatized BC Rail and sold it to CN Rail, but, the government of the day (The NDP) were not interested in selling BC Rail, it was far too important an asset to sell, or, Give Away.......
So what was David Mclean to do, the man was smart, he knew what to do, David Mclean went out and bought himself a politician, and what politician might that have been, well, no other than Gordon Campbell,but, in 1994 Gordon Campbell wasn`t premier of the province,he was mayor of Vancouver, well no point in getting caught up with niggling details, David Mclean`s first order of business was to donate large sums of money to the BC Liberals and Gordon Campbell, that`s right folks, David Mclean pushed and financed Gordon Campbell`s 1996 provincial election campaign, and for that all David Mclean wanted was.....BC Rail, that`s right folks, David Mclean funded Gordon Campbell`s 1996 campaign and in return he wanted BC Rail.....
And as you know in 1996 Gordon Campbell ran on that platform, Campbell spun and twisted and campaigned on selling BC Rail,well, it didn`t go over too well, the people in the interior and in rail towns said "No bloody way, leave our BC railway alone"......So Gordon Campbell lost the 1996 election and BC Rail was still ours, the trains,the massive tracts of property, the thousands of kilometers of track,all of it was still in the hands of BCers, the only north /south railway in the province of BC, this crucial transportation line was still in BC`s family....
Well, this didn`t sit well with David M, he paid the BC Liberal party, he was the largest financier of Gordon Campbell and he had nothing! Well, patience the premier said...There is another election in 2001, meanwhile David Mclean is still donating and financing Gordon Campbell, so along comes the run-up to the 2001 BC provincial election, Campbell and Mclean had to play it smarter, Gordon Campbell couldn`t tell the public what his true intentions were, David Mclean had to get his hands on BC Rail, so Gordon Campbell told the voting public " I won`t sell BC Rail" but he was lying, Gordon Campbell belongs in the liars hall of fame, no politician has ever lied more than Gordon Campbell, and, Gordon Campbell had to make good on giving BC Rail away, after all, David Mclean paid literally $millions to elect Gordon Campbell .
So Gordon Campbell wins the 2001 BC provincial election and proceeds in breaking almost every promise he made, Campbell did keep his personal promise to David Mclean and gave our railway away, Gordon Campbell ripped up contracts and raised the PST, doubled MSP payments and laid the boots to the poor and middle class all the while he gave away billions in tax cuts to his rich friends.
Yes indeed, Gordon Campbell and his cabinet went wild, Gordon Campbell`s friend Peter Armstrong got gifts, his cabinet ministers got in on the action, political appointees held cover, Judith Reid, Gary Collins, Martyn Brown, Bruce Clark, Christy Clark, everyone in government was aware that CN Rail was getting BC Rail and they all knew the bidding process was rigged, of course word flew around the province and omni-trax, CP and everyone else knew the game was rigged, BC Rail going to CN, it was a done deal, after all, David Mclean had made sure of that years earlier, meanwhile, stories emerged of organized crime, drug dealers infiltrating the BC Government, a government gone wild and rumours and stories got back to the police, particularly the Victoria police, Paul Battershill arranged to raid the legislature, wow, what a site to see, police hauling out computers and boxes of documents,nwhat an embarrassment to all BCers, Gordon Campbell getting drunk in Hawaii, getting charged and convicted of drunk driving was bad enough, his adulterous affair with Lara Daphinee and their (Possible love child) was another embarrassment.....
Well surely heads would roll, and they did, it appears David Mclean has lots of clout from coast to coast, the heads that have rolled are the ex-police chief from Victoria and a couple of low-end ministerial aides, that`s it, almost everyone in Government knew what the hell was going on, but Gordon Campbell with his 77 to 2 majority in the legislature didn`t give a rats ass about us, about the law and certainly Democracy, his high powered friends will cover his ass!
Meanwhile one voice of reason and sanity came forth, Paul Nettleton was outraged and complained, a week later Gordon Campbell expelled Paul Nettleton caucus, that`s right,.
Paul Battershill and Paul Nettleton got hammered by the corrupt Gordon Campbell and his high powered friends and both were sent to the woodshed......
Meanwhile, this so-called billion dollars we got for BC Rail is all gone plus more, you see folks everyone had to get paid off, Patrick Kinsella got paid off, (Campbell`s campaign manager) he was getting paid from BC Rail and CN Rail, for years getting paid, the BC rail executives knew what was going on,they knew Kinsella was a backroom Liberal with clout, so the BC Rail executives had the dirt, that`s why 6 years later and BC Rail has no trains these executives have been paid millions of dollars to play golf, that`s right play golf, the province bought them golf memberships and to this day they are still on the pay role....
And where did the rest of money go, well where do we start, CN Rail, part of the deal for being GIVEN BC Rail was that they would get tax breaks worth roughly 500 $million dollars(tax write offs).....And those weren`t federal tax write-offs but provincial tax write offs.
So CN Rail gives the province money for BC Rail and Gordon Campbell gives most of it back in tax write offs...And it gets better, lawyer fees, I estimate the trial, or should I say the endless hearings has cost more than 40 $million dollars....
$500 million in tax breaks, 120 $million in lawyer fees, Patrick Kinsella fees, BC Rail executives being paid for years, paid to play tiddly-winks....Cost to government for searching for documents, tech searches, transcription fees, Public affairs for years, years of spinning, twisting and corruption.
Meanwhile, 1 billion dollars,the money is gone, gobbled up in tax write offs, wages, pay offs, executive salaries, golf memberships, lawyer fees, government fees, our railway is gone, the guilty are everywhere, including the guilty BC Liberals, the connections, the tentacles are everywhere, this whole BC Rail trial/investigation/ show Trial was nothing nothing but a cruel joke played on all, Gordon Campbell, and of course Leonard Asper and the Defunct Canwest Global promoted this theft, the big media looked the other way, failed to report, it wasn`t Vaughn Palmer or Michael Smyth or that useless Keith Baldrey , Bill Good, Les Leyne, Tom Fletcher or Sean Leslie or any of them that even tried to uncover facts, they uncovered nothing, in fact everyone mentioned did more, they deflected and spun, they provided cover for corruption....... and they know deep in their hearts and souls what they did, they`ll have to live with that.
Big bought media and paid stooges
(here are a couple of links)
And this link here
Mary, BC Mary, Robin Mathews, Citizen Reporters, Bill Teileman, Ross K....Those are the real heroes, they kept this alive, they reported everything we know today.
Meanwhile our corrupt premier played some silly game about BC Rail not being sold, a sad story about a 999 year lease, a lease not a sale.
Gordon Campbell is such a gutless coward that even his lies are lies.
Bias, one way reporting, a demoralized news team, a bunch of muzzled newsmen, everyone of those stooges aided and abetted BC Liberal crimes.
On the 12th Day of Christmas....
Stephen Harper gifted Gordon Campbell a $200, 000.00 per year cushy gig that includes a residence, a chef, a driver, an expense account plus Gordon Campbell will be collecting his Gold-plated BC Government pension, the same Golden pension Campbell campaigned on removing, just another rung in Gordon Campbell`s ladder of lies....
Over $300,000.00 dollars per year for Campbell, a chef, someone to drive him around, a residence for entertaining his many suitors...
Mr. Harper rewarded Gordon Campbell for ramming the HST down our throats and....And for this largesse all Gordo has to do is promote tar sands pollution, lobby for dirty fuels in transportation and fight any and all legislation that might cut into big oil`s profits.
So now not only did Stephen Harper reward Gordon Campbell for foisting Harper`s corporate tax sell out upon the masses in a dirty back-handed lying manner but he also revealed what we knew all along, what any sane person knew, how come David Suzuki and Tzeporah Berman didn`t know....
Stephen Harper exposed the true Gordon Campbell, the BC shame stream media portrayed Campbell as the pollution fighter, the green man, the green crusader, Tzeporah and David Suzuki lauded Campbell, Mz Berman flew to Copenhagen to personally place a medal of climate fighting honour around Gord`s neck...
Speeches in 2008 and 2009, speeches leading into the 2009 election where the climate change fighter spoke of climate change being the battle of our lives,
"we must fight climate change for the sake of future generations"
Speech after speech made by Gordon Campbell on how his carbon tax will save the planet, he talked electric cars and green technology, he talked cap n trade, enviros groups attacked the NDP for not supporting Gord of the Green, Carole James wanted to target industrial emissions, gas flaring, big oil, big gas, no matter what the left proposed Campbell`s allies spoke against them, Marc Jaccard lambasted the NDP`s plan to charge big oil n gas for flaring, as Jaccard put it....
"We would lose 60,000 jobs"
Stephen Harper exposed Gordon Campbell for lying to every British Columbian on climate change, phony speeches meant to cash in on green concerns and David Suzuki and Tzeporah Berman went along with it for only reasons they know because behind the scenes watersheds were being destroyed, Salmon runs killed off, pristine eco systems were altered in a massive green scam, in fact run of river salmon water diversion power plants are not green, it never was about being green it was about transferring money from public hands to private...
And now Gordon Campbell is Canada`s most important and influential Tar Sand Oil Lobbyist in all of Europe, Canada`s man to fight against cleaner fuel, lower emission fuel, the hypocrisy is astounding..
Bill Barisoff, every-time he took overnight or extended time to make a ruling on procedure or protocol there wasn`t one time he ruled in the opposition`s favour, every single time Bill Barisoff ruled in favour(no comment it`s before the courts) of Campbell`s Government, and as we know Bill Barisoff and Gordon Campbell were room-mates on the island when the house was sitting, well guess what, NO conflict of interest Bill Barisoff broke the application rules around Gordon Campbell`s nomination for the Order of British Columbia..
Bill Barisoff broke the rules for Gordon Campbell, this was done because Gordon Campbell as Canada`s number one ambassador needed to be an Order of BC winner too...
On the 12th Day of Christmas Stephen Harper, Bill Barisoff and the Liberals gave to B.C.....
The biggest personal slap in our illustrious history, $300,000.00 dollars a year, a chef, a driver, Golden pensions for life, B.C. s highest award of honour, the Order of British Columbia through dubious and completely inappropriate means to a man who....
Was an a habitual liar, a man who broke laws, a man who fired 9000 female workers illegally, as stated by the Supreme Court...A leader who gagged its citizens, closed hundreds of schools, broke law after law while special prosecutor after special prosecutor, while political appointees and media sell-outs provided cover for and justified the theft of assets, a fifth Estate that not only failed but profigated propaganda and criminal Government messaging, they too will eventually have to answer to their own moral sanctuary..
Yes, the 12th and final straw, rewarding a man who has failed seniors and led the Nation for a decade, led in child poverty, led in freezing the lowest paid worker`s wages, a man who fought only for wealthy corporate party donors while the weakest among us were secretly persecuted, a legacy of cronyism and public debt, a man, a premier driven from office for lies, the 4 largest deficits, 8 deficits in 12 years, deception shrouded in debt, malice of forethought, a leader with but a 9% approval rating, a man, a father, a husband who cheated morality with long ongoing adulterous affairs, a sham marriage and cardboard wife....
On the 12th Day of Christmas our insidious heathen Leaders Gave to B.C...
The Truth Behind the Mask
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Over $300,000.00 dollars per year for Campbell, a chef, someone to drive him around
At least that will protect English folks from being run over by a drunken asshole from BC.
Unfortunately we could have a song about the asshole we are fucked by that described one for everyday of the year. On the 345th day of the year Satan gave to me, Ken Dobell and an essay that punished his ass. On the 346th day of the year Satan gave to me, Carole Taylor and her red fucking shoes. On the 347th day of the year Satan gave to me, AGT and the ugliest tatoos ever seen....and so on.......
We could go on permanently year after year, or maybe culling the assholes would be more productive. We have an overpopulation problem, may as well cull the culls to encourage survival of the better quality humans with ethics, morals and compassion.
Grant, I love it when you wind up and start throwing straight strikes at the liberal party.
Have you written anything yet about the government imposition of 'smart meters' in our homes? Here are a couple of links if you care to look at them.
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