Written by Grant G
We a humans have been operating trains for over 100 years, even after a century we can`t prevent rail accidents or pipeline leak and ruptures, oil tankers, factories you name it, spills, fires and environmental damage will happen and that is why Enbridge`s northern gateway pipeline is a dead pipeline...
Despite blatherings from Harvey Obefeld, Joe Oliver, Fraser Institute and or feel good fluffy CAPP(Canadian Association Petroleum Producers)propaganda/advertisements featuring oil industry pimps frolicking with wild Orca and Salmon..
Kinder Morgan's and Enbridge`s proposed Northern Gateway pipeline if built will leak, spill, rupture on numerous occasions, and it`s almost a certainty there will be an oil tanker spill of epic proportion, not if but when..,...That`s not me saying that, Enbridge`s own people, staff and hired engineers say as much...
Leaked document on environmental impacts of Cdn #oilsands. No wonder Harper muzzled scientists #cdnpoli #tarsands

I`ve said it before, areas that are pristine and clean are the lifeblood that nurtures BC`s entire west coast, the nursery, feeding grounds for most of our iconic species like the orca, wild chinook salmon, kelp and life generating herring spawn, if we harmed Haida Gwaii or the inside passage with the oceans already in trouble, salmon on the decline, acidic, jellyfish blooms, if we spill in the world`s only northern temperate rain forest we are guilty of crimes against humanity, we have no right to deliberately extinct species, anyone who pushes Enbridge's or Kinder Morgan'a pipelines proposals against the will of the majority are guilty of crime, malice of forethought, if oil must move put it where pristine has already been destroyed...
Accidents will happen, placing environment destroying pipelines and tankers where the inevitable spill will have life-altering for the worse consequences is not bad judgement, it`s a crime against humanity....The below is a repeat from 2 years ago, it just happens to be about Alberta`s Athabaska river..
Now showing, get your tickets, set a date, make some popcorn and buy extra twizzlers......
I present to you a film, one that the mainstream media in Canada won`t play or air....It`s in 2 parts......So without any further ado I present a thrilling film by .....Niobe Thompson....The documentary was aired on the Al Jazeera network, the last vestige of quality journalism!
Al Jazeera runs a show called Witness, Niobe Thompson hightlights the work of David Schindler where he proves not only the Alberta Government is lying but also how the Canadian Government is prepared to sacrifice human life or any life that gets in the way of the "Alberta Experiment" ...The film is touching, simple, pure....
Part I video...Athabaska, The River of Death
Part II ...Athabaska, The River of Death
Spreading the message, it didn`t start here but I can assure you contributors that the message won`t stop here....
Enjoy the Film. and pass it on...
One day we will look back on this time in history and say.....
"Are you kidding me!"
And one day, maybe I will get a story published by Al Jazeera.....It would mean more than a story published by Black press or Rupert Murdoch, Postmedia...or even the London or New York Times....Hmmm, Al Jazeera network, the best in the business, who woulda thought that a decade ago......History will be kind to Al Jazeera..
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Thanks for sharing this documentary Grant G.
Greatly appreciated!
They have known about the eco damage of the tar sands for absolute years. The mighty Athabasca River carrying, heavy metals, mercury and carcinogens, will kill the wild life that depend on that river. The Athabasca River is long. The huge Athabasca watershed, is contaminated. Deformed fish in Athabasca Lake, were found long ago.
They have also known for years, the caribou are also dying. Not too long ago, another flock of ducks died, from landing in that filthy sludge. They knew all about the cancer too. There is bitumen under the Boreal Forests, which they will also destroy, to get at it.
I would love to force feed Harper and Campbell, a liter of water every day from down river, the dirty tar sands. Hold their noses and pour it down their throats.
These video's should be sent to England, to every paparazzi there are. Sent to every paparazzi in the world.
Scientists have found acid in the ocean, right up to BC's shores. This was a shock, they thought the acid was way out in the deep. The acid eats the shells off the crustaceans. I loved prawns, lobster, and fish from the sea. I have quit eating sea food altogether.
The acid in the oceans, is a serious wake-up call. The coral turning brown, another wake-up call. Our oceans are dying. The seas have absorbed so much carbon dioxide, they are becoming acidic.
Campbell is Harper's partner in crime. Harper chastised the BC people for, forcing his best buddy Campbell to resign.
They have worked hand in hand, to force the Enbridge pipeline and the dirty tankers from, China, U.S. and England, onto the BC people and our beautiful northern coast. Campbell will work for Harper, on the dirty tar sands, which will be going to England.
A pipeline burst, into the Yellow River by, Yellowstone National Park. The pipeline burst into the river in Michigan. The pipeline, that burst out of Edmonton, made the F.N. children so ill, they had to abandon the school.
Harper and Campbell have worked together, to force drilling for oil off BC's coast.
The back door was left open, to expand Prosperity mine. The expansion can be reapplied for. They want to dump toxic mine waste into Fish Lake.
All of these atrocities, poison our clean underground water. Kill our wildlife, cause cancer, poison our air, poison. rivers, seas, streams, rivers, and our lands.
The eco damage in, The dirty Alberta tar sands, can never be undone. That damage is permanent.
Harper and Campbell, should be tried for treason, and jailed for life.
Welcome to the world of the criminally insane where bad for the people is good for the politicians and their friends. Voting no, means voting yes and voting yes means voting no.
Destroy for future generations is the free enterprise cheer - destroy for future generations, so there is nothing left for them to destroy!
This is why gas has become so expensive since the sands were ramped up. It is so expensive to produce. But at what cost? I am shocked that the doctor was removed by the Feds.
(slightly off topic). I saw Christy on Global complain that Hahn had an iron clad contract with BC Ferries and cannot be broken. She pretended to be visibly upset.
I was wondering why that HEU contracts were torn up and people fired with iron clad contracts, too.
The premiers of these 2 provinces will deeply regret what they are doing to these provinces. One day!
I guess ICBC was far to heavily thieved by the BC Liberals. Seems car insurance is going up.
With the hike in the carbon tax, and our hydro costs soaring, food costs up 15%, insane gas prices. The HST forced on the people. Christy's "family's first" are in for a very tough time. So are seniors, they too are relying on food banks. BC is pretty much a third world province, for the low income citizens.
Didn`t you hear the press release from ICBC?.....
ICBC is claiming the rates are going to rise because...
"Because the economy has recovered so quickly there are more cars on the roads and it`s been rainy"..SNIP
I guess ICBC missed the latest Jobs Report from Stats Canada...
20,000 BCers had their EI payments run out last month and we lost 12,000 thousand full time jobs...
Yet ICBC had the temerity to state today, on air that "rates are going up because the economy has recovered"snip...
Everything, and I mean everything is unraveling on Christy Clark...All of Gordon Campbell`s dirty little deals are imploding....
And guess what, Gordon Campbell made sure that Christy Clark was going to take the fall for it....
For that I am happy about, however it`s the people, the children, the seniors who will pay the price...Some dude will keep Crispy Clucking Clark`s face full of botox and stretch marks!
Sharpen the pitchforks
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