Before we get started, I have contacted the CBSC by email and have requested a hard copy of not only my complaint against Christy Clark but also the remedy Christy Clark provided, I will personally call them tomorrow on the telephone(3 hours difference back east, I was busy with medical appointments today)...Then I will show the complaint to Sean Holman, maybe he will post it. ....It`s quite apparant(IMO) that Sean Holman is promoting Christy, maybe Sean Holman wants Christy Clark`s 12:30 to 3:00 radio slot, who knows for sure, once a BC Liberal always a BC Liberal, he would fit right in, eh Sean?.
A very clever campaign being run by cknw and the BC Liberals(they are one in the same)....Moira stilwell, Then Abbott, Christy Cluck muses, now Falcon, tomorrow Ding Dong De Jong.....The BC Liberals are in the news 24/7 over the leadership race but devasting Provincial news and all the scandals are not...BC Rail who?..IPP who?....Looming $2.5 billion dollar deficit who?....Like I said, the leadership grunting will wane and the real life fiscal nightmare will return to the big screen....
I`m curious about Christy Clark, will she be satisfied with a short run as premier if she wins the leadership race, the reason I ask is this, will Christy Clark become bored sitting as opposition leader for 4 years?...Or will she move on to pollinate another new flower, Christy Clark, now divorced with $millions and $millions from Mark Marrisen, ......
Why does Christy Clark want to be premier, to save the HST...To continue the downgrading of public education....To keep the NDP out...To destroy what`s left of unions....To sell off the last remnants of our natural resources and rivers, to reduce school boards to ashes?
What is your motive Christy?....Would you launch a child poverty reduction strategy and put real dollars behind it, will you fulfill your 2001 promise of 5000 additional long care beds for the elderly.....What is your real motive Christy, are you going to fight for funding for autistic children or are you going to fight to lower corporate taxes, ...How does that question go....."If you were president(premier) what would be the first thing you would do?" What is your answer Christy......Promote the HST, destroy Fish Lake, Enbridge pipeline, re-invent the education system, private health care.........Or are you going to cut the new user fees levied on seniors care, lower MSP premiums, who will be your economic advisor...Michael Levy or Michael Campbell, how does your friend Jordon Bateman fit into the mix?
Are you proud of the BC Liberal record on a human scale? Yes or No
The reason I ask is, regardless of who is running for the BC Liberals the NDP are going to win, so the question is this Ms Clark, are you prepared to sit and be ignored for four years as opposition leader?.....
Now before you faithful start quizzing me, I have been listening to CKNW phone-in callers very carefully over the last few days, and what I have discovered is fascinating, first off, the hardcore BC Liberal male(the one`s still voting Liberal) will vote for and prefer Christy Cluck over the rat pack, although men tend to follow their little head more than females voters....But what amazed me was female callers to cknw, the majority of female callers to the station like Christy as a talk show host but think she would make a terrible leader, they called her combative, shrill, lacking wisdom, a political opportunist, .....I can`t put my finger on it but Jane Public see Christy Clark as a wealthy talk show host, who received a huge divorce settlement, she may be a single mom but she has daycare provided, money is no option, there is no struggle, a big time cushy gig yacking on the radio for three hours a day being paid more than families with both parents other words friends, Christy Clark isn`t being regarded like the Wild Rose alliance party in Alberta, having a purpose,a grass roots party fighting for change....The female electorate seesChristy Clark as ......
A wealthy political opportunist who used the microphone to advance her career, a woman with more money than most, who wants for nothing, a political BC Liberal insider interested in carrying on with everything Gordon Campbell started, she`s in favour of the HST, she`s in favour of more private school, more private health clinics, more deregulation, she agrees with Neils Veldhuis at the Fraser institute about never raising the minimum wage, she cares not about the bears(Christy carpets), the fish, fish farms, the environment be damned, taxes, user fees, skyrocketing hydro rates, bridge tolls and higher property taxes means nothing, Christy Clark has never ever had to count pennies to survive, her world is that of a social butterfly attending all the right parties, ......Christy Clark does not come across as real woman making the best of a tough situation.....And the real female voter in this Province, even her own female listeners for the most part don`t want her as premier, it`s kinda like Oprah...Bruce Springsteen and other big names, the big names are great for raising money for aid, farm aid, tsunami relief, earthquake money but when these poeople delve into politics is just doesn`t transfer......The female Christy Clark fan will not vote for a Premier Christy Clark.
So as far as I can see, Christy clark is doomed before she runs, destined for four years as opposition leader.
I mentioned the B.C. fiscal nightmare that`s being ignored, GDP numbers came out today and Canada, as a whole GDP was zero...Actually it was negative, back to back quarters of negative growth and that pace is forecast to continue into 2012....What I`m saying is this, last week there was a Provincial update and again Colin Hansen was lying about the books, personal income tax collected is way down, natural resource revenue is off of estimates by $500 million dollars, property transfer taxes are way down, liquor and gaming revenues are all below this year`s forecast......Even the BS Hansen was talking about last month, an estimated $1.8 billion dollars over three years from corporate tax(remember Campbell`s vanishing income tax cut, those fictitious dollars were going to pay for it) That was at best rosy forcasting of fictitious funds, the likelyhood of that money being there are slim and none with these GDP numbers....
Austerity measures(taking away of entitlments) in Spain, in Greece, the UK, Ireland, France, pensions slashed, millions of workers laid off, increased retirement age, tripling of tuitions for students, the US in a jobless funk, now Canada`a growth has flat-lined and projected to stay in a flat line for at least two more years, the stimulus spending in the US and Canada has ended, well folks, all these numbers mean but one thing...
Commodity prices will flaten out, exports of raw resources will fall, tourism will be stale, you can`t stress out all those countries and take and take without the world pulling back and BC and Canada as exporting Nations will suffer, China will make less finished goods, with reduced demand, less Chinese manufacturing means less raw resources from B.C. and Canada, people taking vacations won`t be coming to the most expensive province in Canada they will stay home or go the cheaper countries, Asia, thirdworld islands, Mexico, BC tourism will falter, add in all the domestic internet shopping, cross border shopping to avoid the draconian tax and what you have is a fiscal disaster for Canada and especially British Columbia....
And there`s more, the USA has filed a well-substantiated soft-wood lumber complaint against BC(not Canada, BC is named specifically)..The Government of B.C....We will lose that case and a huge fine totaling a $billion dollars plus will be levied at B.C....Don`t expect private forestry companies to pay it, Campbell and Pat Bell broke the rules and B.C. will pay the price....Colin Hansen was waffling last week about B.C. meeting its deficit target this year, he forecast at the beginning of the year a $1.7 billion dollar deficit, that after $500 million dollars of the HST bribe and $760 million dollars stolen from ICBC (ratepayers) were added to general revenue.....So if you count the true deficit without those cash infusions....The true deficit would be $3.2 billion dollars, and now even that $1.7 billion dollar figure won`t be realized, natural gas revenue is way off, $200 million more dollars was spent on forest fires over and above what was budgeted, in other words friends, there is no money under the cushions, ministries will be cut some more and deficits will be larger, there will be no extra money to play Santa Claus, our true 2010 deficit could reach $4 billion dollars!....
Whoever is in power will rule under a dark, moneyless cloud, there will not be $1billion... $2 billion..$3billion dollar surpluses, there will be scary high hydro rates with BC Hydro losing money, increased user fees on MSP, escalating tolls for workers from the Fraser valley, an HST that the BC Liberals won`t remove, Translink will eventually be adding another carbon tax, even after property taxes are raised for the evergreen line Translink`s money shortfall is in the 10s of $Billions.....
Canadians are drowning in debt, there is but one message they want to hear, lower taxes, unfortunately with all the subsidies to the corporate sector, run of river/IPP power buying contracts, P3 payments, BC Ferries drowning in debt, there will be no way to lower taxes, the mess, the disaster, whoever follows in Government after Gordon Campbell is going to inherit a economic disaster similar to what Barack Obama inherited....It won`t be pretty....
So my question to you Christy Clark is, is the premiership of B.C. a shiny new bauble for you to play with or do you actually have a vision, a vision that doesn`t require any money, there are no goodies to hand out, the cupboard is bare, in fact the hinges have come right off the cupboard.
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
A Voice of Reason?
I`m back, another fun-filled thrill ride into the big smoke, honking cars, traffic jams, unimaginable street scenes in east Vancouver, our own twisted version of Alice in Wonderland and empty bike lanes(Saturday afternoon).
I enjoyed many of your contributions to our stories, however we had many really angry haters, Christy lovers...To the gentleman who suggested the NDP can build a bike lane to Vancouver Island, well, I suggest you write Dr Mcgeer on that one......And there was another anonymouse who let fly with the expletives in defence of Christy Clark.....I must admit, there were several words I haven`t heard before in conjunction with one another, now don`t get me wrong, I like expletives, ....Especially this one @#%$...Although this one I more commonly use...^&%&%%$ !@# *&%^^......But really friend, to put this one *^^&&&* together with this..@$%$%$% follwed by a @#$&^%* ^%^*^$ &^#@@%^&....Topped off with *&%^ *#$....Now that was clever, and a wee bit nasty...
And there was an interesting comment from someone who claimed to have visited our site twice (It`s ok, no one admits to reading me) ...He said that the commentary was fair(Fair!, that`s it?..Just fair, how about a B) but that he didn`t like the snideness(is that a word?)....He/She suggested I water it down and keep my apparant nastiness to myself, ......And if I agree will you read my stories daily?....Well, who knows friends, I obviously struck a nerve....
Let me say first off, I wasn`t trained to write in any particular style, I kinda just start plucking the keyboard and prayed for the best, I hope you`re not disappointed, I could have chose to write like Keith Baldrey and make excuse after excuse and forgive and justify any and all Government decisions, lies, policies and the such or maybe write like Les Leyne who leaves more facts out, overlooks blatant lies, misses the story time and time again but always falls back into BC Liberal arms,.....Michael Smyth is a pretty good ranter at times but ..But research and Michael Smyth are oil n water, you never see them together, too thin and void of any feeling for my liking....And of course, our good friend Vaughn Palmer, by far the best writer of the stooges, in fact Vaughn Palmer is a specialist, ..I call it the Palmer technique...He`s a master of leading readers astray, his title sends you one way while the story goes another, classic Palmer...What Palmer will do..He`ll have a title that slaps the Campbell Government , but when you read the story, Vaughn spends the whole story putting the Liberals on a pedestal and the very end of his article he will give a little nip on the butt to the Liberals, it could be called bait and switch journalism I suppose....
But since I had no force fed format in my training, what you see is what you get, ....Where was I...Oh yea, The contributor who wanted me to tone down the rhetoric, ....You know friends the reason I started writing this blog, places like the Tyee, even Sean Holman`s place, they wouldn`t allow me to say things like Campbell is a liar, a #%^&$#, I couldn`t write Gordon Campbell and Lara Dauphinee are boss/employee lovers, even though there was proof everywhere they wouldn`t allow it written on their sites, of course now everyone calls Campbell a liar, Colin Hansen a liar, that should have been allowed 9 years ago when it started, the lying I mean......
So out of frustration the Straight Goods(Thanks Ross K, I think) is born,.....What were you saying, you wanted nice clean mellow commentary, you mean like David Shreck, Paul Willcocks?...Well let`s give it a try..
Christy Clark, what a great communicator, what a voice, although when flustered she stutters, the NDP would be well served to enroll half their members into public speaking courses, Mr. Farnsworth, the word umm, umm, umm..It doesn`t sound good on radio, if you have no answer say nothing, not umm...Ralston needs to find a little fire in the belly, public projection friends, learn to speak in clear terms or learn to be quiet, children should be seen and not heard(right dad).....Christy is a good communicator, maybe too good, perhaps I was out of line mentioning Christy`s attacks on school boards, however 13 out of 15 shows all beating the same drum, the ad nauseum about bike lanes day after day, in the long run who cares, I mentioned the bike lanes up top because it was a dry warm Saturday afternoon(today) and I went cruising through Christyville to have a look,.....I saw 3 bike riders in two round trips from over the Burrard bridge to Hasting street and back(1:pm to 2:pm)....Perhaps bike lanes should be a summer fare only......But the elephant in the room, east Hastings, a scene from right out of a movie, a cross between one flew over the cuckoo`s nest and escape from New York, a 21st century drug experiment on the mentally disabled and castaways...That story folks should be the one that gets drummed and strummed every day, a goofy over-priced bike lane is standard fare for Christy yet an open infected puss filled wound and the shame of Canada is on display day after day with nary a word....Maybe I`m being picky, I suppose Christy`s promoting of the Trophy Grizzly bear hunt should be ignored too...Where else are people going to get bear rugs for their floors, growling bear heads with the pearly whites shining for their walls, and let`s don`t forget about that bear skin hat.....
Of course I don`t need to report on these truths, I listen to Christy for laughs too, remember Gregor Robertson got caught off camera but on mike calling people @#$%#%$ NPA hacks, yea Christy ran with that story for days and it`s her right, but it`s also hypocritical because Christy Clark called Bill Tieleman a "BACKROOM NDP HACK" snip...And she has called Chris Delaney "A HACK" snip....So for me to point out how Christy doesn`t care about the use of the word hack, as she clearly loves the word and is very familar with its use, for Christy it`s about the person, her hatred of Gregor in my opinion stems from Christy Clark`s failed bid to become mayor of Vancouver, in fact, I heard Christy Clark`s Friday teaser message, it`s my belief that Christy Clark will indeed run for office, but not for the Premiership but for Mayor of Vancouver.
To me, a good writer trys to inform, points out hypocrisy on both sides, for example, when Ms Clark called everyone who signed the anti-HST petition "Taliban" perhaps she wasn`t calling the general public anarchists but calling Bill Vander Zalm ..Osama Bin Laden.....The point being if Carole james or any NDP mla called the public Tailban, NPA HACKS, we would never hear the end of it, cknw would be running as their lead news item twice an hour and Christy would be mudraking the NDP over it, those my friends are just facts, Christy did 3 shows attacking Guy Geuntner with almost delusional qualities, her attacks on Guy were scary in its intensity, she insinuated that Guy Geuntner was using the death of a child to forward his career, ....And what sin did Guy commit, last year Guy Geuntner spent money from his constituency budget and ordered thousands of glow and the dark wristbands for elementary students, that way they can be seen at night, also Halloween was approaching, the poor young girl whom some deranged human animal attacked and killed in Delta some months ago, Guy Geuntner ordered these glow in dark wristbands months before that sick tragedy occurred yet Christy Clark was suggesting that Guy was a sick, cold minded creep trying to capitalize on that story and the young girl`s death, if anyone heard that segment one would have thought Christy Clark was frothing at the mouth and spitting spittle into the radio listeners ears....Look friends, politicians will be politicians, Guy Geuntner did make one error, he put his initials on the wristbands, big deal, where was Christy`s venom over Campbell`s Olympic Gordallions,(hypocrisy right there)......
What were those intials on the wristbands, Guy Geuntner, GG....Well friends, I`m not much of an expert on initials but ... Does it get any better than that ....GG?
I will have much more to say on Ms Clark and I will try to tone it down on occasion but only a little, hey we do tear-jerker stories too, everything in time.
But the last thing that will ever happen to the Straight Goods and my commentary is to turn it into "Milk and Cookies"......Save the milk and cookies for the 1 in 7 children in B.C. going to bed with their stomach`s growling them a bed night story!
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
I enjoyed many of your contributions to our stories, however we had many really angry haters, Christy lovers...To the gentleman who suggested the NDP can build a bike lane to Vancouver Island, well, I suggest you write Dr Mcgeer on that one......And there was another anonymouse who let fly with the expletives in defence of Christy Clark.....I must admit, there were several words I haven`t heard before in conjunction with one another, now don`t get me wrong, I like expletives, ....Especially this one @#%$...Although this one I more commonly use...^&%&%%$ !@# *&%^^......But really friend, to put this one *^^&&&* together with this..@$%$%$% follwed by a @#$&^%* ^%^*^$ &^#@@%^&....Topped off with *&%^ *#$....Now that was clever, and a wee bit nasty...
And there was an interesting comment from someone who claimed to have visited our site twice (It`s ok, no one admits to reading me) ...He said that the commentary was fair(Fair!, that`s it?..Just fair, how about a B) but that he didn`t like the snideness(is that a word?)....He/She suggested I water it down and keep my apparant nastiness to myself, ......And if I agree will you read my stories daily?....Well, who knows friends, I obviously struck a nerve....
Let me say first off, I wasn`t trained to write in any particular style, I kinda just start plucking the keyboard and prayed for the best, I hope you`re not disappointed, I could have chose to write like Keith Baldrey and make excuse after excuse and forgive and justify any and all Government decisions, lies, policies and the such or maybe write like Les Leyne who leaves more facts out, overlooks blatant lies, misses the story time and time again but always falls back into BC Liberal arms,.....Michael Smyth is a pretty good ranter at times but ..But research and Michael Smyth are oil n water, you never see them together, too thin and void of any feeling for my liking....And of course, our good friend Vaughn Palmer, by far the best writer of the stooges, in fact Vaughn Palmer is a specialist, ..I call it the Palmer technique...He`s a master of leading readers astray, his title sends you one way while the story goes another, classic Palmer...What Palmer will do..He`ll have a title that slaps the Campbell Government , but when you read the story, Vaughn spends the whole story putting the Liberals on a pedestal and the very end of his article he will give a little nip on the butt to the Liberals, it could be called bait and switch journalism I suppose....
But since I had no force fed format in my training, what you see is what you get, ....Where was I...Oh yea, The contributor who wanted me to tone down the rhetoric, ....You know friends the reason I started writing this blog, places like the Tyee, even Sean Holman`s place, they wouldn`t allow me to say things like Campbell is a liar, a #%^&$#, I couldn`t write Gordon Campbell and Lara Dauphinee are boss/employee lovers, even though there was proof everywhere they wouldn`t allow it written on their sites, of course now everyone calls Campbell a liar, Colin Hansen a liar, that should have been allowed 9 years ago when it started, the lying I mean......
So out of frustration the Straight Goods(Thanks Ross K, I think) is born,.....What were you saying, you wanted nice clean mellow commentary, you mean like David Shreck, Paul Willcocks?...Well let`s give it a try..
Christy Clark, what a great communicator, what a voice, although when flustered she stutters, the NDP would be well served to enroll half their members into public speaking courses, Mr. Farnsworth, the word umm, umm, umm..It doesn`t sound good on radio, if you have no answer say nothing, not umm...Ralston needs to find a little fire in the belly, public projection friends, learn to speak in clear terms or learn to be quiet, children should be seen and not heard(right dad).....Christy is a good communicator, maybe too good, perhaps I was out of line mentioning Christy`s attacks on school boards, however 13 out of 15 shows all beating the same drum, the ad nauseum about bike lanes day after day, in the long run who cares, I mentioned the bike lanes up top because it was a dry warm Saturday afternoon(today) and I went cruising through Christyville to have a look,.....I saw 3 bike riders in two round trips from over the Burrard bridge to Hasting street and back(1:pm to 2:pm)....Perhaps bike lanes should be a summer fare only......But the elephant in the room, east Hastings, a scene from right out of a movie, a cross between one flew over the cuckoo`s nest and escape from New York, a 21st century drug experiment on the mentally disabled and castaways...That story folks should be the one that gets drummed and strummed every day, a goofy over-priced bike lane is standard fare for Christy yet an open infected puss filled wound and the shame of Canada is on display day after day with nary a word....Maybe I`m being picky, I suppose Christy`s promoting of the Trophy Grizzly bear hunt should be ignored too...Where else are people going to get bear rugs for their floors, growling bear heads with the pearly whites shining for their walls, and let`s don`t forget about that bear skin hat.....
Of course I don`t need to report on these truths, I listen to Christy for laughs too, remember Gregor Robertson got caught off camera but on mike calling people @#$%#%$ NPA hacks, yea Christy ran with that story for days and it`s her right, but it`s also hypocritical because Christy Clark called Bill Tieleman a "BACKROOM NDP HACK" snip...And she has called Chris Delaney "A HACK" snip....So for me to point out how Christy doesn`t care about the use of the word hack, as she clearly loves the word and is very familar with its use, for Christy it`s about the person, her hatred of Gregor in my opinion stems from Christy Clark`s failed bid to become mayor of Vancouver, in fact, I heard Christy Clark`s Friday teaser message, it`s my belief that Christy Clark will indeed run for office, but not for the Premiership but for Mayor of Vancouver.
To me, a good writer trys to inform, points out hypocrisy on both sides, for example, when Ms Clark called everyone who signed the anti-HST petition "Taliban" perhaps she wasn`t calling the general public anarchists but calling Bill Vander Zalm ..Osama Bin Laden.....The point being if Carole james or any NDP mla called the public Tailban, NPA HACKS, we would never hear the end of it, cknw would be running as their lead news item twice an hour and Christy would be mudraking the NDP over it, those my friends are just facts, Christy did 3 shows attacking Guy Geuntner with almost delusional qualities, her attacks on Guy were scary in its intensity, she insinuated that Guy Geuntner was using the death of a child to forward his career, ....And what sin did Guy commit, last year Guy Geuntner spent money from his constituency budget and ordered thousands of glow and the dark wristbands for elementary students, that way they can be seen at night, also Halloween was approaching, the poor young girl whom some deranged human animal attacked and killed in Delta some months ago, Guy Geuntner ordered these glow in dark wristbands months before that sick tragedy occurred yet Christy Clark was suggesting that Guy was a sick, cold minded creep trying to capitalize on that story and the young girl`s death, if anyone heard that segment one would have thought Christy Clark was frothing at the mouth and spitting spittle into the radio listeners ears....Look friends, politicians will be politicians, Guy Geuntner did make one error, he put his initials on the wristbands, big deal, where was Christy`s venom over Campbell`s Olympic Gordallions,(hypocrisy right there)......
What were those intials on the wristbands, Guy Geuntner, GG....Well friends, I`m not much of an expert on initials but ... Does it get any better than that ....GG?
I will have much more to say on Ms Clark and I will try to tone it down on occasion but only a little, hey we do tear-jerker stories too, everything in time.
But the last thing that will ever happen to the Straight Goods and my commentary is to turn it into "Milk and Cookies"......Save the milk and cookies for the 1 in 7 children in B.C. going to bed with their stomach`s growling them a bed night story!
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Christy Clark, Liar, Vindictive and a Shrew!
Well the rumour mill has been busy grinding up potential new leaders for the BC Liberal party, the usual NPA hacks and others were lauding Carole Taylor to pick up the reins, when Carole Taylor flatly refused and at the same time took on a three year gig at UBC as chancellor or something like that ended that pipe dream!
Then John Furlong was pursued to lead the BC Liberals and he immediately let it be known he would rather have all his teeth pulled then take over the titanic, then it was going to be Dianne Watts but we here at The Straight Goods debunked that rumour first.......And of course we know that Moira Stilwell threw her hat in the ring as a joke and a channel changer for the defunct BC Liberal party......And the rat pack, George bobblehead abbot, Rich Coleman, Mike De Jong, and Kevin Boo Hoo Falcon, none of those Campbell groupies stand a chance to win an election, but be rest assured it will be one of the RAT PACK, they are as tainted by Campbell as anyone, they will receive no support from an angry electorate......So now the rumour mill is saying Christy Clark(ain`t gonna happen folks, it`s gonna be Rich the Shank Coleman)....
Before I get started on Christy cluck cluck Clark,......Patrick Kinsella was the the person who placed Christy Clark at CKNW, there were two reasons why the higher ups in the BC Liberal party gave the Clucker a cushy gig at NW.
#1) Christy could day in day out promote the BC Liberal party.
2)Christy needed to be silenced over her role and knowledge of the BC Rail scandal, her Husband Mark Marrisen is up to his ankles in BC Rail, and yes folks, Christy Clark had a high flying lawyer paid for by the BC Government to shield her from testifying at the "Mock BC Rail Trial"....If Christy was innocent she would not have needed a lawyer along with hours and hours of coaching from the defence team. The NW gig was buying her silence!
3) To Give Clucker a voice and platform for future political ambitions.
Of course everything went to plan for the Campbell Liberals, BC Rail trial sham ended before any witnesses with functioning brain cells and memories had to testify, and indeed cknw gave the Clucking Christy a voice, and boy oh boy, not only does she have a voice but a big mouth, that my friends is the Achilles heel for Christy Clark.
The problem Christy has is her mouth, everything is on the record.
Remember these statements you made last week Christy Clark, you called everyone who signed the HST petition "TALIBAN"......."Bill Vander Zalm the leader of the Taliban".......Gee, that one will make a great sound bite and lawn sign!
She hates school teachers, she hates school boards, she cackled away insulting and inciting hatred and anger towards public education, she is frothing at the mouth wanting to take away Fare passes for workers at BC Ferries so they can ride for free, she thinks that`s outrageous, what was outrageous was the last contract for ferry workers...A 5% increase over 7 years, but that my friends is but the tip of the iceberg for problems for Ms Clark....
For I have dozens and dozens of her on air gaffes on file.......Let me remind you of a few of them from this year alone...Christy Clark threw venom and a snide attitude towards the Mayor of Tofino(A tiny town on the wild west coast of Vancouver island) because the mayor and council of Tofino signed an order in council to keep big box stores and big chain outfits out of their town, Tofino is a quaint little town and their goal is to remain unique, in other words, they have clothes stores and coffee shops there already, they don`t need a Starbucks or a Zellers to put the local owners out of business.....Well, Christy Cluck was freaking out and literally calling Tofino out as acting illegal to the law....Obviously Christy has never been there or she would have kept her fat mouth shut! Christy believes like Campbell that towns have no rights, Christy did vote to strip power from all communities when she was in office.
Of course we know she hates Gregor Robertson and bike lanes, she has literally accused him in not so many words of being a pot head and pot grower at his island home, maybe he does, I hope she can back it up.
I am no fan of Gregor but she was way over the top for a radio program.
There`s more, much more, Christy Clark thinks all roadside memorials should be removed, these memorials are where people`s loved ones have died, her excuse was that they`re ugly and a distraction to cars, well....Lets see Christy, flashing store lights, billboards, advertising, pedestians, I would say that those items are far more distracting than a little wreath of flowers and pictures, believe me folks, Christy is a vindictive money grubbing bitch, the gall of her to promote the wear pink against bullying when she ran roughshod over the mayor of Tofino, grieving relatives, slags teachers and school boards,.....Clark doesn`t believe in public education, she believes in private education and burning down, tearing down any school that isn`t at 100% capacity, she`s very short sighted!
Christy Clark is also against the new drinking driving penalties, she believes that drivers at .05 to .08 don`t cause accidents, glug glug glug.
And then there is BC Ferries, last year Christy Clark lied her face off on air about BC Ferries, she said that under David Hahn that BC Ferries was making $500 million dollars in profit, she also stated that the NDP neglected repairs to the existing fleet because they had no money left after the fast cat episode, utter lies, I of course called in to correct her on air and she was rude, disparaging and denied my claims that she was 100% wrong.
Well, I had just finished writing a series on BC Ferries, how they were drowning in debt, how they were barely making enough money to pay the interest on their $1.6 billion dollar debt let alone any of the priciple,......So on air Christy Clark defended the lies, and then.
And then I filed complaints to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council(CBSC) ...I got documents from Debra Marshall of BC Ferries, these documents stated that the $500 million dollars BCFerries paid the Province was from a loan BC Ferries took out with German banks, the Campbell Government provided BC Ferries a debenture which they used to leverage a loan of $500 million dollars, The money from the loan and debenture Campbell put into general revenue and used to claim a balanced budget, the money wasn`t profit, Christy was spewing lies!
Well folks, we know what happened next, Christy cluck cluck had to retract on air, in other words she admitted she lied,....Gotcha again Christy.....And the part about Christy Clark being a vindictive bitch....She knew it was me that nailed her on BC Ferries, meanwhile I was still a regular all star caller on the cutting ledge show, Vaughn Palmer, Baldrey, Good, they knew I always had the Straight Goods and inside juice, but Christy told Nick W(nick on the controls) who answers the phone and brings Christy her coffee(I think he rubs her feet too) not to let me on the air on her program.
And that`s ok folks, it`s her right I guess, ....So now let`s fast forward to 2 weeks before the 2010 Olympic games...CKNW were giving away tickets to Molson Hockey House for opening night of the Olympics...Well, it was a Tuesday and Nick said, well take caller number 8 for two tickets to the Molson Hockey House, I waited 6 seconds, called in and lo n behold Nick answered the phone and said congratulations your caller number 8.
When I said great, I won, at that time Nick recognized my voice, Christy was in the background screaming at Nick to hang up on me, which he did, but before he hung up he called me names and said don`t ever, ever call here again, Christy Clark was all over Nick like white on rice!......I filed complaints to Tom Plasteras(program manager for cknw)....Tom Plasteras emailed me back the next day after he received my complaint and told me I would get my prize, ....Well there was no way Christy Clark would let that stand, she literally pulled her hair out with anger, Tom Plasteras caved in to the Diva Christy Clark, ...I never got tickets to Molson Hockey house, Tom Plasteras(the station) sent me tickets to see Don Rickles at the River Rock casino two months after the Olympics.....Christy got a partial victory....Like I said, Christy cluck cluck Clark is a vindictive bitch used to getting her way, she`s as big a bully as Campbell, why should I have been treated that way when I was absolutely right on BC Ferries and Christy was 100% wrong?
So as for Christy Clark running for premier, she has said hundreds of times, "I am in favour of the HST"....So if she was to run it would have to be on a pro-hst stance, so between her temper, her greed, her love of the HST, her dozens of lies on air have all but cooked her election victory chances, people might as well vote for Gordon Campbell because Christy Clark and Gordon Campbell are two peas in a pod, identical mind set, destroy public education, never raise the minimum wage, survival of the fittest....Well Ms Clark...I feel very fit this morning and I got mountains of dirt and words that you spoke to use against you.
Enjoy these links from my early archives
One about the retraction the other about Christy Clark`s anger and not wanting to give me my prize
This is the first installment on Christy Clark, she is a Campbell clone, vindictive, loves the HST, hates teachers, hates the poor, the needy, she`s a bully.........And Christy, this is just the tip of the iceberg...Christy Clark is...
"Dead on Arrival"
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Ears Wide Open
Then John Furlong was pursued to lead the BC Liberals and he immediately let it be known he would rather have all his teeth pulled then take over the titanic, then it was going to be Dianne Watts but we here at The Straight Goods debunked that rumour first.......And of course we know that Moira Stilwell threw her hat in the ring as a joke and a channel changer for the defunct BC Liberal party......And the rat pack, George bobblehead abbot, Rich Coleman, Mike De Jong, and Kevin Boo Hoo Falcon, none of those Campbell groupies stand a chance to win an election, but be rest assured it will be one of the RAT PACK, they are as tainted by Campbell as anyone, they will receive no support from an angry electorate......So now the rumour mill is saying Christy Clark(ain`t gonna happen folks, it`s gonna be Rich the Shank Coleman)....
Before I get started on Christy cluck cluck Clark,......Patrick Kinsella was the the person who placed Christy Clark at CKNW, there were two reasons why the higher ups in the BC Liberal party gave the Clucker a cushy gig at NW.
#1) Christy could day in day out promote the BC Liberal party.
2)Christy needed to be silenced over her role and knowledge of the BC Rail scandal, her Husband Mark Marrisen is up to his ankles in BC Rail, and yes folks, Christy Clark had a high flying lawyer paid for by the BC Government to shield her from testifying at the "Mock BC Rail Trial"....If Christy was innocent she would not have needed a lawyer along with hours and hours of coaching from the defence team. The NW gig was buying her silence!
3) To Give Clucker a voice and platform for future political ambitions.
Of course everything went to plan for the Campbell Liberals, BC Rail trial sham ended before any witnesses with functioning brain cells and memories had to testify, and indeed cknw gave the Clucking Christy a voice, and boy oh boy, not only does she have a voice but a big mouth, that my friends is the Achilles heel for Christy Clark.
The problem Christy has is her mouth, everything is on the record.
Remember these statements you made last week Christy Clark, you called everyone who signed the HST petition "TALIBAN"......."Bill Vander Zalm the leader of the Taliban".......Gee, that one will make a great sound bite and lawn sign!
She hates school teachers, she hates school boards, she cackled away insulting and inciting hatred and anger towards public education, she is frothing at the mouth wanting to take away Fare passes for workers at BC Ferries so they can ride for free, she thinks that`s outrageous, what was outrageous was the last contract for ferry workers...A 5% increase over 7 years, but that my friends is but the tip of the iceberg for problems for Ms Clark....
For I have dozens and dozens of her on air gaffes on file.......Let me remind you of a few of them from this year alone...Christy Clark threw venom and a snide attitude towards the Mayor of Tofino(A tiny town on the wild west coast of Vancouver island) because the mayor and council of Tofino signed an order in council to keep big box stores and big chain outfits out of their town, Tofino is a quaint little town and their goal is to remain unique, in other words, they have clothes stores and coffee shops there already, they don`t need a Starbucks or a Zellers to put the local owners out of business.....Well, Christy Cluck was freaking out and literally calling Tofino out as acting illegal to the law....Obviously Christy has never been there or she would have kept her fat mouth shut! Christy believes like Campbell that towns have no rights, Christy did vote to strip power from all communities when she was in office.
Of course we know she hates Gregor Robertson and bike lanes, she has literally accused him in not so many words of being a pot head and pot grower at his island home, maybe he does, I hope she can back it up.
I am no fan of Gregor but she was way over the top for a radio program.
There`s more, much more, Christy Clark thinks all roadside memorials should be removed, these memorials are where people`s loved ones have died, her excuse was that they`re ugly and a distraction to cars, well....Lets see Christy, flashing store lights, billboards, advertising, pedestians, I would say that those items are far more distracting than a little wreath of flowers and pictures, believe me folks, Christy is a vindictive money grubbing bitch, the gall of her to promote the wear pink against bullying when she ran roughshod over the mayor of Tofino, grieving relatives, slags teachers and school boards,.....Clark doesn`t believe in public education, she believes in private education and burning down, tearing down any school that isn`t at 100% capacity, she`s very short sighted!
Christy Clark is also against the new drinking driving penalties, she believes that drivers at .05 to .08 don`t cause accidents, glug glug glug.
And then there is BC Ferries, last year Christy Clark lied her face off on air about BC Ferries, she said that under David Hahn that BC Ferries was making $500 million dollars in profit, she also stated that the NDP neglected repairs to the existing fleet because they had no money left after the fast cat episode, utter lies, I of course called in to correct her on air and she was rude, disparaging and denied my claims that she was 100% wrong.
Well, I had just finished writing a series on BC Ferries, how they were drowning in debt, how they were barely making enough money to pay the interest on their $1.6 billion dollar debt let alone any of the priciple,......So on air Christy Clark defended the lies, and then.
And then I filed complaints to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council(CBSC) ...I got documents from Debra Marshall of BC Ferries, these documents stated that the $500 million dollars BCFerries paid the Province was from a loan BC Ferries took out with German banks, the Campbell Government provided BC Ferries a debenture which they used to leverage a loan of $500 million dollars, The money from the loan and debenture Campbell put into general revenue and used to claim a balanced budget, the money wasn`t profit, Christy was spewing lies!
Well folks, we know what happened next, Christy cluck cluck had to retract on air, in other words she admitted she lied,....Gotcha again Christy.....And the part about Christy Clark being a vindictive bitch....She knew it was me that nailed her on BC Ferries, meanwhile I was still a regular all star caller on the cutting ledge show, Vaughn Palmer, Baldrey, Good, they knew I always had the Straight Goods and inside juice, but Christy told Nick W(nick on the controls) who answers the phone and brings Christy her coffee(I think he rubs her feet too) not to let me on the air on her program.
And that`s ok folks, it`s her right I guess, ....So now let`s fast forward to 2 weeks before the 2010 Olympic games...CKNW were giving away tickets to Molson Hockey House for opening night of the Olympics...Well, it was a Tuesday and Nick said, well take caller number 8 for two tickets to the Molson Hockey House, I waited 6 seconds, called in and lo n behold Nick answered the phone and said congratulations your caller number 8.
When I said great, I won, at that time Nick recognized my voice, Christy was in the background screaming at Nick to hang up on me, which he did, but before he hung up he called me names and said don`t ever, ever call here again, Christy Clark was all over Nick like white on rice!......I filed complaints to Tom Plasteras(program manager for cknw)....Tom Plasteras emailed me back the next day after he received my complaint and told me I would get my prize, ....Well there was no way Christy Clark would let that stand, she literally pulled her hair out with anger, Tom Plasteras caved in to the Diva Christy Clark, ...I never got tickets to Molson Hockey house, Tom Plasteras(the station) sent me tickets to see Don Rickles at the River Rock casino two months after the Olympics.....Christy got a partial victory....Like I said, Christy cluck cluck Clark is a vindictive bitch used to getting her way, she`s as big a bully as Campbell, why should I have been treated that way when I was absolutely right on BC Ferries and Christy was 100% wrong?
So as for Christy Clark running for premier, she has said hundreds of times, "I am in favour of the HST"....So if she was to run it would have to be on a pro-hst stance, so between her temper, her greed, her love of the HST, her dozens of lies on air have all but cooked her election victory chances, people might as well vote for Gordon Campbell because Christy Clark and Gordon Campbell are two peas in a pod, identical mind set, destroy public education, never raise the minimum wage, survival of the fittest....Well Ms Clark...I feel very fit this morning and I got mountains of dirt and words that you spoke to use against you.
Enjoy these links from my early archives
One about the retraction the other about Christy Clark`s anger and not wanting to give me my prize
This is the first installment on Christy Clark, she is a Campbell clone, vindictive, loves the HST, hates teachers, hates the poor, the needy, she`s a bully.........And Christy, this is just the tip of the iceberg...Christy Clark is...
"Dead on Arrival"
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Ears Wide Open
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Our Good Friend and Journalist Extroardinaire is Coming Back!


This blog, retired on May 10, 2010, will be resurrected with new vigor in the New Year.
There is a reason.
It will support another public effort to be soon announced.
Watch this space...but not too closely...until late December when all will be revealed
I know you are all as thrilled as I am, unfortunately Mr.David Berner is going to leave us hanging in suspense until Christmas.....I hope it`s not too forward of me but I`m putting your link in my favorites..blogroll
Welcome back David....We missed you
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Gordon Campbell and Bill the Shill Good Unplugged
As an avid listener of cknw for years, at one time I listened to that station for good honest talk radio but over the last 5 years that has all changed, I now listen to hear what lies and propaganda Bill Good, Cluck Cluck and their news department are spouting.
We know that Bill Good and Gordon Campbell are best friends and neighbors, I personally have been wondering if Bill Good gets a piece of the action, a cut of the BC Government advertising dollars Good`s friend Campbell directs to cknw....We know hundreds of thousands, no millions have been spent advertising the HST fraud on cknw, but could someone explain why ICBC is advertising on cknw, let me be crystal clear, ICBC can run ads in the form of public safety, for example, drive carefully in cold icy weather or perhaps a message from ICBC saying don`t drink and drive, that last one, I don`t think we are going to hear that ad anywhere from ICBC, not when Rich Coleman and Ian tostenson are telling people on TV and radio that "It`s ok to have a few drinks and drive".......
That last quote from Tostenson and Coleman might have something to do with ICBC`s ad they currently have running on cknw, perhaps since ICBC would normally be advertising to the public to not drink and drive, but since Gordon Campbell and Rich Coleman are promoting drinking and driving over the collapse of the bar business might explain ICBC tossing money at cknw....If you haven`t heard the ad.
Our tax dollars are paying for advertising on cknw, the ad is telling us that ICBC in 95% of accidents does not place blame on both sides.....That`s it folks, that`s the ad, why would they do that?
Why would ICBC spend hundreds of thousands of dollars advertising on cknw telling us that most accidents the blame goes to one party....It`s not like ICBC has any competition, they have none, you drive here you must insure through ICBC, there is zero competition, there is competition in the optional insurance side, but the optional insurance is for theft of contents, when a person is claiming on the optional side there is no blame to any party...
So the only thing I can gather is this ad from ICBC is a replacement ad for the normal...."Don`t drink and drive" ad...An ICBC ad thrown CKNW`s way for absolutely no reason but to put money in the hands of Corus radio!
Makes sense to me with the Government promoting drinking driving that they certainly wouldn`t run counter ads saying don`t drink and drive.
The latest inflation numbers are out and B.C. and Ontario leads the way in increased prices on consumer goods, so much for the HST lowering prices, nothing has gone down in price, nothing, excuse me, one item has gone down in price, new luxury cars, when Campbell brought in the HST he threw a gift to his rich friends and removed the luxury tax on really expensive cars, so now the Ferrari buyer will save about $6000 dollars, yet the working stiff buying a used car is paying an extra 7% tax..
Bill Good had a focused open line about the HST today, there have been many focused open line on cknw on the hst, but in listening to the callers, the callers against the hst are not regular callers, they`re people, different people but the callers who claim to love the hst, callers like Hardy and Ken, I got to thinking, of the thousands of callers phoning cknw saying they love the hst over the last year, there really has only been about 20 callers supporting the hst, it`s the same tiny little pocket of callers who chime in on the tax over and over again, it`s an illusion, just like the claim of price reductions, the hst is a scam, an obvious scam, no prices have dropped...
One caller called in and said booze taxes at restaurants have gone down, that`s true, the tax food joints charge on liquor was reduced by 2 points, yet Bill Good and the caller failed to mention that the province raised the floor price of booze to make sure they wouldn`t lose a dime, Bill Good knew that but deliberately failed to mention it....
It`s all media manipulation, remember the RCMP saying they had the pipe bomber Weibo Ludwig, the press conference, wag the dog, Ludwig turned out to be innocent, remember that other story that went viral, the one the media jumped all over, the Pitt Meadows gang rape, where did that story go, don`t get me wrong, I am not defending a bunch of drunk teenagers who filmed, watched while one girl and one older boy had sex in the feild, but that was the story, the media ran with it, like the Weibo Ludwig the media and RCMP had different motives, it was all about changing the channels on the Campbell crime family.
Moira Stilwell, she isn`t running for leader of the BC Liar party, it was another channel changer, she had no support team, no press conference, it was a Monday morning channel changer orchestrated by Bill Good and Gordon Campbell, she had no platform, no ideas except talk to the people and promote the HST, gee, what vision...
Back to the HST fraud about prices going down, ain`t gonna happen folks, the HST is a scam, there is zero imperical evidence that prices dropped anywhere the hst has been installed, yes that includes Atlantic Canada, in fact prices rose in Atlantic canada with the implemetation of the HST....Last night on the National.....
Rumours months ago about cell phone fees dropping in Canada with new foreign competition, as you know we in Canada pay on average about $300 dollars more per year than almost every country in the world for cell phone service fees, Tony Clement was on the news last night, the Federal Government has now backtracked and Clement said they are putting a 2 year freeze before allowing outside/foreign competition into Canada.....In other words, the big Canadian telecoms, Rogers/Telus/Bell have chewed off Harper and Clement`s balls and put them in their place, so much for the free enterprise party.
Gordon Campbell charges money to schools, to hospitals, every regional district, everyone has to buy carbon offsets from the crown corporation, (Pacific carbon trust) ...Nothing but a scam folks, it`s not about being pro or con global warming, it`s about stealing money back from schools, hospitals, everyone, that includes the carbon tax on fuel, there will be no reduction in greenhouse gas emisions in BC, not when all the untaxed gas flaring is going on and the CABIN GAS PLANT in Northeast B.C. alone is adding 3% to the total carbon emissions of the Province, that`s right folks, the consumer carbon tax hasn`t reduced any fuel use, hasn`t changed anyone`s habits, yet one industrial project will add 3% to our total provincial emissions, there is nothing this Government has done that is honest, smoke in mirrors, we won`t tear up contracts, we won`t sell BC rail, 999 years leases, tax indemnities, how much has the Province paid for lawyers defending itself since 2001...I would gather it`s in the $billion dollar range, no wonder there is huge backlog in the BC Supreme court, perhaps we should create a special court, a court designated to people and entities suing the Campbell Government, maybe then we can eliminate the huge backlog in our BC supreme court and give the people a chance to have their cases heard.
Gordon Campbell and his shill Bill Good....Don`t be fooled folks!
"Recall in the Fall"
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
We know that Bill Good and Gordon Campbell are best friends and neighbors, I personally have been wondering if Bill Good gets a piece of the action, a cut of the BC Government advertising dollars Good`s friend Campbell directs to cknw....We know hundreds of thousands, no millions have been spent advertising the HST fraud on cknw, but could someone explain why ICBC is advertising on cknw, let me be crystal clear, ICBC can run ads in the form of public safety, for example, drive carefully in cold icy weather or perhaps a message from ICBC saying don`t drink and drive, that last one, I don`t think we are going to hear that ad anywhere from ICBC, not when Rich Coleman and Ian tostenson are telling people on TV and radio that "It`s ok to have a few drinks and drive".......
That last quote from Tostenson and Coleman might have something to do with ICBC`s ad they currently have running on cknw, perhaps since ICBC would normally be advertising to the public to not drink and drive, but since Gordon Campbell and Rich Coleman are promoting drinking and driving over the collapse of the bar business might explain ICBC tossing money at cknw....If you haven`t heard the ad.
Our tax dollars are paying for advertising on cknw, the ad is telling us that ICBC in 95% of accidents does not place blame on both sides.....That`s it folks, that`s the ad, why would they do that?
Why would ICBC spend hundreds of thousands of dollars advertising on cknw telling us that most accidents the blame goes to one party....It`s not like ICBC has any competition, they have none, you drive here you must insure through ICBC, there is zero competition, there is competition in the optional insurance side, but the optional insurance is for theft of contents, when a person is claiming on the optional side there is no blame to any party...
So the only thing I can gather is this ad from ICBC is a replacement ad for the normal...."Don`t drink and drive" ad...An ICBC ad thrown CKNW`s way for absolutely no reason but to put money in the hands of Corus radio!
Makes sense to me with the Government promoting drinking driving that they certainly wouldn`t run counter ads saying don`t drink and drive.
The latest inflation numbers are out and B.C. and Ontario leads the way in increased prices on consumer goods, so much for the HST lowering prices, nothing has gone down in price, nothing, excuse me, one item has gone down in price, new luxury cars, when Campbell brought in the HST he threw a gift to his rich friends and removed the luxury tax on really expensive cars, so now the Ferrari buyer will save about $6000 dollars, yet the working stiff buying a used car is paying an extra 7% tax..
Bill Good had a focused open line about the HST today, there have been many focused open line on cknw on the hst, but in listening to the callers, the callers against the hst are not regular callers, they`re people, different people but the callers who claim to love the hst, callers like Hardy and Ken, I got to thinking, of the thousands of callers phoning cknw saying they love the hst over the last year, there really has only been about 20 callers supporting the hst, it`s the same tiny little pocket of callers who chime in on the tax over and over again, it`s an illusion, just like the claim of price reductions, the hst is a scam, an obvious scam, no prices have dropped...
One caller called in and said booze taxes at restaurants have gone down, that`s true, the tax food joints charge on liquor was reduced by 2 points, yet Bill Good and the caller failed to mention that the province raised the floor price of booze to make sure they wouldn`t lose a dime, Bill Good knew that but deliberately failed to mention it....
It`s all media manipulation, remember the RCMP saying they had the pipe bomber Weibo Ludwig, the press conference, wag the dog, Ludwig turned out to be innocent, remember that other story that went viral, the one the media jumped all over, the Pitt Meadows gang rape, where did that story go, don`t get me wrong, I am not defending a bunch of drunk teenagers who filmed, watched while one girl and one older boy had sex in the feild, but that was the story, the media ran with it, like the Weibo Ludwig the media and RCMP had different motives, it was all about changing the channels on the Campbell crime family.
Moira Stilwell, she isn`t running for leader of the BC Liar party, it was another channel changer, she had no support team, no press conference, it was a Monday morning channel changer orchestrated by Bill Good and Gordon Campbell, she had no platform, no ideas except talk to the people and promote the HST, gee, what vision...
Back to the HST fraud about prices going down, ain`t gonna happen folks, the HST is a scam, there is zero imperical evidence that prices dropped anywhere the hst has been installed, yes that includes Atlantic Canada, in fact prices rose in Atlantic canada with the implemetation of the HST....Last night on the National.....
Rumours months ago about cell phone fees dropping in Canada with new foreign competition, as you know we in Canada pay on average about $300 dollars more per year than almost every country in the world for cell phone service fees, Tony Clement was on the news last night, the Federal Government has now backtracked and Clement said they are putting a 2 year freeze before allowing outside/foreign competition into Canada.....In other words, the big Canadian telecoms, Rogers/Telus/Bell have chewed off Harper and Clement`s balls and put them in their place, so much for the free enterprise party.
Gordon Campbell charges money to schools, to hospitals, every regional district, everyone has to buy carbon offsets from the crown corporation, (Pacific carbon trust) ...Nothing but a scam folks, it`s not about being pro or con global warming, it`s about stealing money back from schools, hospitals, everyone, that includes the carbon tax on fuel, there will be no reduction in greenhouse gas emisions in BC, not when all the untaxed gas flaring is going on and the CABIN GAS PLANT in Northeast B.C. alone is adding 3% to the total carbon emissions of the Province, that`s right folks, the consumer carbon tax hasn`t reduced any fuel use, hasn`t changed anyone`s habits, yet one industrial project will add 3% to our total provincial emissions, there is nothing this Government has done that is honest, smoke in mirrors, we won`t tear up contracts, we won`t sell BC rail, 999 years leases, tax indemnities, how much has the Province paid for lawyers defending itself since 2001...I would gather it`s in the $billion dollar range, no wonder there is huge backlog in the BC Supreme court, perhaps we should create a special court, a court designated to people and entities suing the Campbell Government, maybe then we can eliminate the huge backlog in our BC supreme court and give the people a chance to have their cases heard.
Gordon Campbell and his shill Bill Good....Don`t be fooled folks!
"Recall in the Fall"
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Monday, November 22, 2010
A Dedication to Leah, a Woman of Unbridled Passion
I would like to apologize to Leah and to all my faithful contributors, it`s my goal to evoke emotions and occasionally I may upset you fine folk......Tomorrow is another day....We will never surrender....Whatever the cost may be.
Bless all your souls, I have no words right now, .... I give you this peace offering
The Straight goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Bless all your souls, I have no words right now, .... I give you this peace offering
The Straight goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Laila Blonde Bomber Yuile`s Story on Shadow Tolls Goes National!
The Cult strikes again, the crazy zany bloggers(or is that boggers) beat the mainstream media again, Congrats Laila....Start talking Kevin Falcon!
Laila Yuile`s Shadow Toll story as posted in the Globe and Mail ...Here
And there is much much more, shadow tolls are bad enough but a $100 million dollar per year maintenance contract for 25 years, $300,000.00 dollars per day, 7 days a week, every damn day for 25 years!...Read it here
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Laila Yuile`s Shadow Toll story as posted in the Globe and Mail ...Here
And there is much much more, shadow tolls are bad enough but a $100 million dollar per year maintenance contract for 25 years, $300,000.00 dollars per day, 7 days a week, every damn day for 25 years!...Read it here
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Dalton McGuinty and the Liberals to be Blown Out of Ontario!
Wow, what a crazy week, time to reflect on a couple of the hot issues, first off, despite the last inaccurate Evi Mustel poll the BC Liberals are 20 plus points behind the NDP......
That`s right folks, the next Angus Reid poll will prove me right, let me perfectly clear, despite the NDP infighting I can tell you that 99% of the poeople who voted for the NDP in the last election will vote for them again, yea I read opinions and comments from so-called NDPers who say if Carole James is still leader they will no longer vote for that party, HOGWASH, who are they going to vote for? The BC Liberals?...The Greens?....Independent?....
So that means the NDP have 42% of the voters already in their camp and I can assure you that 15% of Liberal voters will stay home, spoil their vote or vote Conservative, Liberal voters may never turn to the NDP but they are still smart enough to recognize that corruption has infested the Liberal party through all ranks, from Gordon Campbell using the Commons to make his friends rich to Campbell putting $millions of dollars into pockets of his MLAs with new ministries, secretarial positions to Patrick Kinsella being paid because he`s Campbell`s friend to executives from BC Rail paid to remain silent. BC Liberal voters simply can`t endorse a party of lawbreakers,
None of the scandals are gone, serious questions on the tax indemnity to CN rail now estimated at $600 million dollars, the Basi/ Virk payoff....And there is still the matter of B.C. being the basketcase of Canada, a Province in tax limbo, there is also demands for Gordon Campbell to personally pay the $240 thousand dollars for his televised infommercial, and there are many more shoes to fall, have any of you been wondering why the second special prosecutor is taking so long with the Kash Heed election fraud case, I have, the second special prosecutor has a much easier task, the leg work has been done, the RCMP evidence is available....I can tell you that Kash Heed will be stripped of his MLAship, there is a deliberate stall going on before Heed is sent packing, the stall is waiting for good BC Liberal news to emerge, no such news is coming.
But what I really wanted to talk about is the upcoming election win of tim Hudak and the eradication of Dalton McGuinty and the Ontario Liberal party, Angus Reid has just completed a new poll and Dalton is history, McGuinty has been flipping and flopping like a circus de soleil performer and using weasel words, for example he recently announced a 10% reduction in residential hydro rates....Sounds good right? Except for one thing, hydro rates under McGuinty are forecast to rise by 46% over 5 years so this phony reduction will be used to partially offset the increase, what does that mean, it means Ontario rate payers won`t see a dime of reduction, it`s typical McGuinty/Gordon Campbell style Bullshit.....Remember what Hansen said about the HST before it came in....And I quote..."Some prices may go up after the HST is implemented but they would go up more without the HST" SNIP....I`m not sure what that means, gobbily goop from the king of weasel shit Colin Hansen.....Colin Hansen also lied about caucus firing bill Bennett when Campbell did, also Kash Heed defended Bill Bennett before the caucus meeting but Rich Coleman and Colin Hansen chewed off Heed`s balls just like they turned Jordan Bateman into a unick.....Hows that new bikini underwear working out for you Jordan?
But the elephant in the room in Ontario is the HST,McGuinty will be out of office soon, their election is around the time of our HST referendum, that is if we were having one, the BC Government will fall well before then through recall, oh indeed folks......
I hope you realize that the MSM media has been manipulating us again, one of our favorite contributers Crankypants(Cam) got me thinking.....They are tricky bastards indeed, they flogged the heck out of phony Mustel poll, every half hour all weekend, Global news ran with it as did CTV, ....The poll is bunk, Evi Mustel knows her poll is bunk, when Cluck cluck had Evi Mustel on her program, Evi Mustel cited Campbell resigning as the reason for the surge of support, but her poll was done between November 4th and 15th...What was Campbell`s infommercial about last month, it was about a tax cut that was taken away on November 17/ a day after Bill Bennett`s confession, certainly the 15% income tax would be the only thing that would move a party`s poll numbers, money knows no allegiance, the tax cut was what the televised infommercial was all about, yet Evi Mustel never mentioned it once when she was on with Cluck cluck Clark last Friday, why didn`t Evi Mustel mention it? The tax cut question had to have been part of her poll, but with Mustel polls they give zero information, it`s easier to lie that way!....
Have a look at this mustel poll here
If you notice from that Mustel poll in the link above(propaganda)..It was April 14/2009...It had the NDP at 34% support and the BC Liberals at 52% support, a 17 point spread, but in the election one month later the spread was a mere 4 1/2 points....Nothing bad happened to the BC Liberals in the last month before the election, what could explain a poll with numbers that badly skewed?...Nothing, it was propaganda through polls, a Mustel specialty!.....And here is Mustel`s lastest poll
You will notice that the Mustel polls have no details of what questions they asked, nothing, their polls are a blank cheque!...Everytime Campbell wants a propaganda campaign heated up he calls evi Mustel and the main-stream-media and they launch a coordinated effort to spin the public....
Think about it friends, Bill Bennett`s tirade was the story, Campbell being a frothing spitball spewing womanizer was the story....Who cares what the NDP are doing, we had no fall session, the NDP can`t stop any bills because the Liberals have the majority, BC Liberals refuse to answer any questions in QP period or estimate debates, any NDP ideas are ignored or stolen, what I am saying is under our parlimentary system there is no need for an opposition, the media report nothing except what Campbell wants, in actuality, it`s really the media that is opposition to Government and there is no media in BC but us, Palmer,Baldrey, Vancouver Sun,Province,Global....They aren`t news, they`re infommercials for the BC Liberals..
All weekend, the news was about the NDP imploding, who cares what the NDP are doing, they don`t run Government, every NDPer could smash their chairs, scream and yell, vote united against Campbell`s Bills and Acts and it means nothing, they are a minority....Where is the media reporting about no fall session, no Governing, tax cut flip flop, $240K infommercial, where are the stooges to report on Colin Hansen`s 1000th lie this year, what about Kash Heed getting his balls chewed off....
This whole week was a coordinated effort in conjunction with a worthless garbage poll from Musty Crusty Evi Mustel....Look through the media manipulation friends, it`s an attempt to get us all fighting .....
It won`t work this time friends, BC is on-line and getting the news from us, from BC Mary, Ross K, Da House, the Tyee, Terrace daily news, Island tides, their games won`t work anymore, incumbents are falling like Dominoes, Ford who won in Toronto, The tea party movement down south, Shawn Graham getting slaughtered in New Brunswick, the Liberals tossed from Nova Scotia, McGuinty Liberals in Ontario will be reduced to third party status and the BC Liberals getting wiped off the map in B.C....
Don`t believe the bullshit friends, the NDP have a solid 45% of the vote, the Greens, the Conservatives, independents and 30% hardcore Liberal votes will result in 60 seats for the NDP...A few conservatives, a couple of independents and a handful of BC Liberal seats.
The carole James thingy will work itself out, we will win, and you know what folks, they always talk about how the NDP is always fighting and eating each other, it`s true but there is a reason, NDPers care about the environment, we love children and families, we believe in the best health care for citizens, we believe in caring for the needy, the disabled, we believe the people of BC deserve the best regardless age, colour or economic class...
That`s why we fight friends, BC Liberals don`t fight because they only have one belief, steal from the public and fill theirs and their corporate friends pockets full of money and to hell with everything else....
Have a good look BC Liberals, your going down bigtime, Stephen Mcneil and the Liberals got roasted in Nova Scotia, Shawn Graham`s Liberals got punted out of New Brunswick, Dalton McGuinty`s Liberals will be eradicated in Ontario and Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberals to be jailed when the books are opened here in B.C....
(Just off the news wire, Ian Tostenson, head of the restaurant and foodservices association(BCRFA) is considering running for the BC Liberal leadership, no bull, I heard him say it on air!...HA HA!)
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
That`s right folks, the next Angus Reid poll will prove me right, let me perfectly clear, despite the NDP infighting I can tell you that 99% of the poeople who voted for the NDP in the last election will vote for them again, yea I read opinions and comments from so-called NDPers who say if Carole James is still leader they will no longer vote for that party, HOGWASH, who are they going to vote for? The BC Liberals?...The Greens?....Independent?....
So that means the NDP have 42% of the voters already in their camp and I can assure you that 15% of Liberal voters will stay home, spoil their vote or vote Conservative, Liberal voters may never turn to the NDP but they are still smart enough to recognize that corruption has infested the Liberal party through all ranks, from Gordon Campbell using the Commons to make his friends rich to Campbell putting $millions of dollars into pockets of his MLAs with new ministries, secretarial positions to Patrick Kinsella being paid because he`s Campbell`s friend to executives from BC Rail paid to remain silent. BC Liberal voters simply can`t endorse a party of lawbreakers,
None of the scandals are gone, serious questions on the tax indemnity to CN rail now estimated at $600 million dollars, the Basi/ Virk payoff....And there is still the matter of B.C. being the basketcase of Canada, a Province in tax limbo, there is also demands for Gordon Campbell to personally pay the $240 thousand dollars for his televised infommercial, and there are many more shoes to fall, have any of you been wondering why the second special prosecutor is taking so long with the Kash Heed election fraud case, I have, the second special prosecutor has a much easier task, the leg work has been done, the RCMP evidence is available....I can tell you that Kash Heed will be stripped of his MLAship, there is a deliberate stall going on before Heed is sent packing, the stall is waiting for good BC Liberal news to emerge, no such news is coming.
But what I really wanted to talk about is the upcoming election win of tim Hudak and the eradication of Dalton McGuinty and the Ontario Liberal party, Angus Reid has just completed a new poll and Dalton is history, McGuinty has been flipping and flopping like a circus de soleil performer and using weasel words, for example he recently announced a 10% reduction in residential hydro rates....Sounds good right? Except for one thing, hydro rates under McGuinty are forecast to rise by 46% over 5 years so this phony reduction will be used to partially offset the increase, what does that mean, it means Ontario rate payers won`t see a dime of reduction, it`s typical McGuinty/Gordon Campbell style Bullshit.....Remember what Hansen said about the HST before it came in....And I quote..."Some prices may go up after the HST is implemented but they would go up more without the HST" SNIP....I`m not sure what that means, gobbily goop from the king of weasel shit Colin Hansen.....Colin Hansen also lied about caucus firing bill Bennett when Campbell did, also Kash Heed defended Bill Bennett before the caucus meeting but Rich Coleman and Colin Hansen chewed off Heed`s balls just like they turned Jordan Bateman into a unick.....Hows that new bikini underwear working out for you Jordan?
But the elephant in the room in Ontario is the HST,McGuinty will be out of office soon, their election is around the time of our HST referendum, that is if we were having one, the BC Government will fall well before then through recall, oh indeed folks......
I hope you realize that the MSM media has been manipulating us again, one of our favorite contributers Crankypants(Cam) got me thinking.....They are tricky bastards indeed, they flogged the heck out of phony Mustel poll, every half hour all weekend, Global news ran with it as did CTV, ....The poll is bunk, Evi Mustel knows her poll is bunk, when Cluck cluck had Evi Mustel on her program, Evi Mustel cited Campbell resigning as the reason for the surge of support, but her poll was done between November 4th and 15th...What was Campbell`s infommercial about last month, it was about a tax cut that was taken away on November 17/ a day after Bill Bennett`s confession, certainly the 15% income tax would be the only thing that would move a party`s poll numbers, money knows no allegiance, the tax cut was what the televised infommercial was all about, yet Evi Mustel never mentioned it once when she was on with Cluck cluck Clark last Friday, why didn`t Evi Mustel mention it? The tax cut question had to have been part of her poll, but with Mustel polls they give zero information, it`s easier to lie that way!....
Have a look at this mustel poll here
If you notice from that Mustel poll in the link above(propaganda)..It was April 14/2009...It had the NDP at 34% support and the BC Liberals at 52% support, a 17 point spread, but in the election one month later the spread was a mere 4 1/2 points....Nothing bad happened to the BC Liberals in the last month before the election, what could explain a poll with numbers that badly skewed?...Nothing, it was propaganda through polls, a Mustel specialty!.....And here is Mustel`s lastest poll
You will notice that the Mustel polls have no details of what questions they asked, nothing, their polls are a blank cheque!...Everytime Campbell wants a propaganda campaign heated up he calls evi Mustel and the main-stream-media and they launch a coordinated effort to spin the public....
Think about it friends, Bill Bennett`s tirade was the story, Campbell being a frothing spitball spewing womanizer was the story....Who cares what the NDP are doing, we had no fall session, the NDP can`t stop any bills because the Liberals have the majority, BC Liberals refuse to answer any questions in QP period or estimate debates, any NDP ideas are ignored or stolen, what I am saying is under our parlimentary system there is no need for an opposition, the media report nothing except what Campbell wants, in actuality, it`s really the media that is opposition to Government and there is no media in BC but us, Palmer,Baldrey, Vancouver Sun,Province,Global....They aren`t news, they`re infommercials for the BC Liberals..
All weekend, the news was about the NDP imploding, who cares what the NDP are doing, they don`t run Government, every NDPer could smash their chairs, scream and yell, vote united against Campbell`s Bills and Acts and it means nothing, they are a minority....Where is the media reporting about no fall session, no Governing, tax cut flip flop, $240K infommercial, where are the stooges to report on Colin Hansen`s 1000th lie this year, what about Kash Heed getting his balls chewed off....
This whole week was a coordinated effort in conjunction with a worthless garbage poll from Musty Crusty Evi Mustel....Look through the media manipulation friends, it`s an attempt to get us all fighting .....
It won`t work this time friends, BC is on-line and getting the news from us, from BC Mary, Ross K, Da House, the Tyee, Terrace daily news, Island tides, their games won`t work anymore, incumbents are falling like Dominoes, Ford who won in Toronto, The tea party movement down south, Shawn Graham getting slaughtered in New Brunswick, the Liberals tossed from Nova Scotia, McGuinty Liberals in Ontario will be reduced to third party status and the BC Liberals getting wiped off the map in B.C....
Don`t believe the bullshit friends, the NDP have a solid 45% of the vote, the Greens, the Conservatives, independents and 30% hardcore Liberal votes will result in 60 seats for the NDP...A few conservatives, a couple of independents and a handful of BC Liberal seats.
The carole James thingy will work itself out, we will win, and you know what folks, they always talk about how the NDP is always fighting and eating each other, it`s true but there is a reason, NDPers care about the environment, we love children and families, we believe in the best health care for citizens, we believe in caring for the needy, the disabled, we believe the people of BC deserve the best regardless age, colour or economic class...
That`s why we fight friends, BC Liberals don`t fight because they only have one belief, steal from the public and fill theirs and their corporate friends pockets full of money and to hell with everything else....
Have a good look BC Liberals, your going down bigtime, Stephen Mcneil and the Liberals got roasted in Nova Scotia, Shawn Graham`s Liberals got punted out of New Brunswick, Dalton McGuinty`s Liberals will be eradicated in Ontario and Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberals to be jailed when the books are opened here in B.C....
(Just off the news wire, Ian Tostenson, head of the restaurant and foodservices association(BCRFA) is considering running for the BC Liberal leadership, no bull, I heard him say it on air!...HA HA!)
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Carole James puts up a Fight, a Fight for her Position, Too bad she never fought for the Province!
So Carole James lashes out in anger, lashes out at party dissidents,.....I have never seen or heard that kind of anger expressed by Carole James once in the last decade......
So what spawned this anger, was it the ministry of children and family development erring and causing the death of an innocenct child, was the anger over a $600 million and growing tax indemnity we owe to CN Rail over the illegal theft of our railway...
Was this extroadinary anger over Campbell not raising the minimum wage in a decade, did she express this rage over Jane Thornthwaite`s drunk driving during the Olympics, did she become infuriated over once again B.C. leading Canada with child poverty, was the outburst over a massive spike in food bank use, did Carole scream to the rafters about 5000 additional long term care beds promised by Campbell in 2001 that have yet to be delivered on, did she rage about the treatment of seniors and hospital closures, the dismantling of public education, has she demanded the Premier resign over habitual lies, over lying about our fiscal books, gag laws, the slashing of legal aid, the closure of 10 prisons and 25 courthouses since Campbell`s reign of terror began........
No friends, Carole`s new found anger and scathing critiques, her bravado, her drawing a line in the sand, her putting her foot down and saying...Saying she`s furious and won`t take it anymore, the new Carole James only learned to fight for herself.
If that doesn`t take the cake I don`t what will, let me be clear, Carole James cares about the Province but cares more about her leadership, a true leader would say...put it to a vote.....Let the majority speak, sure I have heard David Shreck and others talk about no new ndp leader has presented themself, why would they until a leadership vote or convention is called, Bob Simpson spoke out with mild criticism and Carole dusted him off, Gordon Campbell has announced his resignation and still no new potential leader has come forward...
I suspect there will be a snap election called almost immediately when a new Liberal leader comes forward, recalls are going to bring down the BC Liberal Government, Kash Heed will be stripped of his MLAship soon, the BC Liberals will try and capitalize on a spark by their new leader and the NDP waffling and placating Carole James, the leadership growing pains must be resolved before the next ndp convention....If the ndp brass/riding associations, members call for a full blown leadership contest, let the chips fall where they may, if Carole James has the majority of support and wins a leadership contest I will support her....I will support whoever comes out on top...
You can`t threaten people Carole, you can`t force people to like you, Campbell tried to shove his love for us down our throats, he threw money at us to buy favour, the bottom line is you can`t turn the public perception around, like Campbell, Carole James has been in the political scene for a long time, whatever BCers think about Carole James now will not change, a new shade of lipstick and new perfume won`t mask the past or draw voters to her, Carole is smart enough to know that.....
Carole`s new rage should have been present before the last election, my gawd, how much ammo did the NDP have, what a pathetic campaign was run, not the individuals but the backroom brains were in a coma, I mean really, the raising of the price of beer in the NDP campaign, that one critical error cost the NDP the Mission riding, Caribou, Comox Valley, Kamloops....
Carole should have raged at Campbell during the writ period of our last election, she should have called him an habitual liar, the hell with being politically correct, she should have had lawn signs saying...There is nothing honourable about premier Campbell....
The friends I associate with, average Joes, they have opinions of Carole James, my brother inlaw Larry thinks she sounds like a nagging wife...My friend Mike calls Carole James... finger nails scratching a chalk board.
Carole James stomped Gordon Campbell in the televised T.V. debates in both 2005 and 2009 yet it did nothing for her.
The ndp party must call a full blown leadership campaign, there is more at stake than bruised egos and personal pride, the well being of our Province is on the line, we can`t afford the takeover of British Columbia by Corporations and shareholders, if the BC Liberals win the world of scorched earth abusers will be crawling all over our land.....
The line in the sand was drawn a deacde ago by Howe street and the media, they vowed then to never let the ndp Govern, by hook, by crook, by lies and propaganda, despite the Liberal party swirling the toilet bowl the Howe streeters haven`t forgot that pledge, the media, radio, the stooges have attacked Carole James like an ICBC lawyer attacking a claim, now the Vancouver Sun, The Province, Bill Good, Cluck Cluck Clark, Palmer, Baldrey, Les Leyne, Tom Felcher fletcher, eveyone with Global/Canwest(now Blackpress or whatever) Shaw, cknw ...Everyone of those people and entities attacked Carole James until......
Until there was talk of a new ndp leader and all of a sudden Carole James is the only one to lead the party, they use phrases and words like political suicide, crazy, insane, stupid.....
Open your eyes Carole, don`t believe the spoonfed garbage, .....Are you that stupid...Have you not seen the PAB directives to promote Carole James at all costs!...Have you not heard BC Liberal MLAs say they want you around for the next election...
If you hang on Carole James, if you lose the next election, do you think an apology to the poor children of British Columbia will suffice?
(UPDATED HERE) 12:35PM...Carole James survives the first round...Good for her....Hear me cleary Carole James....your new found anger, aim it at the BC Liberals, start exposing the truth, start yelling, calling press conferences, start calling the LIARs liars.....To hell with parlimentary language, you want to beat the BC Liberals, get down in the gutter where they live, take it to them, you might want to start with the Laila Yuile`s shadow toll story, and preferably before the story goes National!
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
So what spawned this anger, was it the ministry of children and family development erring and causing the death of an innocenct child, was the anger over a $600 million and growing tax indemnity we owe to CN Rail over the illegal theft of our railway...
Was this extroadinary anger over Campbell not raising the minimum wage in a decade, did she express this rage over Jane Thornthwaite`s drunk driving during the Olympics, did she become infuriated over once again B.C. leading Canada with child poverty, was the outburst over a massive spike in food bank use, did Carole scream to the rafters about 5000 additional long term care beds promised by Campbell in 2001 that have yet to be delivered on, did she rage about the treatment of seniors and hospital closures, the dismantling of public education, has she demanded the Premier resign over habitual lies, over lying about our fiscal books, gag laws, the slashing of legal aid, the closure of 10 prisons and 25 courthouses since Campbell`s reign of terror began........
No friends, Carole`s new found anger and scathing critiques, her bravado, her drawing a line in the sand, her putting her foot down and saying...Saying she`s furious and won`t take it anymore, the new Carole James only learned to fight for herself.
If that doesn`t take the cake I don`t what will, let me be clear, Carole James cares about the Province but cares more about her leadership, a true leader would say...put it to a vote.....Let the majority speak, sure I have heard David Shreck and others talk about no new ndp leader has presented themself, why would they until a leadership vote or convention is called, Bob Simpson spoke out with mild criticism and Carole dusted him off, Gordon Campbell has announced his resignation and still no new potential leader has come forward...
I suspect there will be a snap election called almost immediately when a new Liberal leader comes forward, recalls are going to bring down the BC Liberal Government, Kash Heed will be stripped of his MLAship soon, the BC Liberals will try and capitalize on a spark by their new leader and the NDP waffling and placating Carole James, the leadership growing pains must be resolved before the next ndp convention....If the ndp brass/riding associations, members call for a full blown leadership contest, let the chips fall where they may, if Carole James has the majority of support and wins a leadership contest I will support her....I will support whoever comes out on top...
You can`t threaten people Carole, you can`t force people to like you, Campbell tried to shove his love for us down our throats, he threw money at us to buy favour, the bottom line is you can`t turn the public perception around, like Campbell, Carole James has been in the political scene for a long time, whatever BCers think about Carole James now will not change, a new shade of lipstick and new perfume won`t mask the past or draw voters to her, Carole is smart enough to know that.....
Carole`s new rage should have been present before the last election, my gawd, how much ammo did the NDP have, what a pathetic campaign was run, not the individuals but the backroom brains were in a coma, I mean really, the raising of the price of beer in the NDP campaign, that one critical error cost the NDP the Mission riding, Caribou, Comox Valley, Kamloops....
Carole should have raged at Campbell during the writ period of our last election, she should have called him an habitual liar, the hell with being politically correct, she should have had lawn signs saying...There is nothing honourable about premier Campbell....
The friends I associate with, average Joes, they have opinions of Carole James, my brother inlaw Larry thinks she sounds like a nagging wife...My friend Mike calls Carole James... finger nails scratching a chalk board.
Carole James stomped Gordon Campbell in the televised T.V. debates in both 2005 and 2009 yet it did nothing for her.
The ndp party must call a full blown leadership campaign, there is more at stake than bruised egos and personal pride, the well being of our Province is on the line, we can`t afford the takeover of British Columbia by Corporations and shareholders, if the BC Liberals win the world of scorched earth abusers will be crawling all over our land.....
The line in the sand was drawn a deacde ago by Howe street and the media, they vowed then to never let the ndp Govern, by hook, by crook, by lies and propaganda, despite the Liberal party swirling the toilet bowl the Howe streeters haven`t forgot that pledge, the media, radio, the stooges have attacked Carole James like an ICBC lawyer attacking a claim, now the Vancouver Sun, The Province, Bill Good, Cluck Cluck Clark, Palmer, Baldrey, Les Leyne, Tom Felcher fletcher, eveyone with Global/Canwest(now Blackpress or whatever) Shaw, cknw ...Everyone of those people and entities attacked Carole James until......
Until there was talk of a new ndp leader and all of a sudden Carole James is the only one to lead the party, they use phrases and words like political suicide, crazy, insane, stupid.....
Open your eyes Carole, don`t believe the spoonfed garbage, .....Are you that stupid...Have you not seen the PAB directives to promote Carole James at all costs!...Have you not heard BC Liberal MLAs say they want you around for the next election...
If you hang on Carole James, if you lose the next election, do you think an apology to the poor children of British Columbia will suffice?
(UPDATED HERE) 12:35PM...Carole James survives the first round...Good for her....Hear me cleary Carole James....your new found anger, aim it at the BC Liberals, start exposing the truth, start yelling, calling press conferences, start calling the LIARs liars.....To hell with parlimentary language, you want to beat the BC Liberals, get down in the gutter where they live, take it to them, you might want to start with the Laila Yuile`s shadow toll story, and preferably before the story goes National!
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Friday, November 19, 2010
Gordon Campbell and Rich Coleman Give Green Light to Drink and Drive and Maim
Absoultely amazing folks, the Provincial Government under heavy pressure from the restaurant and bar industry slaughter the new drinking driving penalties!
2200 breathalyzers machines are being recalibrated to let impaired drivers go even if they blow over 0.5.....That`s right folks, the story also states that there will be no more 3 day suspensions handed out, the old 24 hour suspension is being reinstated!
What kind of moronic Government would backtrack away from .05...........Here we are going into the holiday season and there`s a headline story in the Vancouver sun stating .05 is out, 3 days suspensions are out and every breathalyzer machine in the Province is being recalibrated to not register a reading below .06.....
My Gawd folks, what kind of message does that send, even the old rules on drinking driving issued a 24 hour roadside suspension for blowing .05.........The .05 ......24 suspensuion is now gone!
So not only has the Provincial Government flip-flopped on their new drinking driving penalties but they have actually made the law weaker then before the tougher penalties were imposed...A step backwards!
That`s right folks, Gordon Campbell has given direction to the police forces in the Province to make drinking driving more acceptable...
Take out the trash on friday comes true....But this is so much more, could you imagine the howls from the media if an NDP flip-flopped on drinking driving laws and promoted drinking and driving!
I hope you BC liberals are happy, the police have no authority to change the law, they cannot arbitrarily change suspensions from .05 to .06....That order had to be approved by Rich Coleman....
Many people will die from drinking drivers in B.C. this holiday season, how many people will lose loved ones from a impaired driver over .05.....
You can read the story here
The Gordon Campbell Liberals have reached an all time low, this little tweak will not get the smart people who wised up back in the bar guzzling, the damage is done, but rather than allowing people to adapt to designated drivers, taxis, busses the Gordon Campbell(convicted drunk driver) Government has decided to go backwards and stain their hands with blood and brain matter of the victims of drunk drivers!
Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberals have lost the moral authority to Govern the Province of B.C.
When someone dies, not if someone dies......I hope it`s one of your family members Campbell/Coleman......I will shed no tears!
Gordon Campbell is truly not mentally fit to Govern this Province, this Government must be stopped, my condolences to the family members who will receive that 4:00am phone call telling them their husband, their wife, their children are dead.....Carole Berner would have passed the breathalyzer recalibration.....Remember friends, on camera, on voice tape, the RCMP sting on Carole Berner got her to admit she 3 glasses of wine before driving, and according to Rich Coleman, that`s peachy keen and A/OK to consume a few glasses of wine!
Updated here
Read the story at the above link, Carole Berner admitted to drinking 3 large glasses of wine....When people drink, no matter what their original intention was, the nature of acohol, the first thing to go is good judgement....Carole Berner registered an alcohol reading after the accident, a low reading, a few hours later with a bigger more accurate breath tester she registered sober, texting and driving kills people, cell phone use and driving kills people, booze is no different....For goodness sakes folks, a non-drinker type person could be plastered on 2 drinks, anyone who defends raising the booze limits has a societal problem, ...Why .06...Hell, let`s go .07... .08.....What the hell, let`s
just round it off to 1.0.....You happy now?
Information on recalibration, remember folks, there is a difference between recalibration and moving the limit up!
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
2200 breathalyzers machines are being recalibrated to let impaired drivers go even if they blow over 0.5.....That`s right folks, the story also states that there will be no more 3 day suspensions handed out, the old 24 hour suspension is being reinstated!
What kind of moronic Government would backtrack away from .05...........Here we are going into the holiday season and there`s a headline story in the Vancouver sun stating .05 is out, 3 days suspensions are out and every breathalyzer machine in the Province is being recalibrated to not register a reading below .06.....
My Gawd folks, what kind of message does that send, even the old rules on drinking driving issued a 24 hour roadside suspension for blowing .05.........The .05 ......24 suspensuion is now gone!
So not only has the Provincial Government flip-flopped on their new drinking driving penalties but they have actually made the law weaker then before the tougher penalties were imposed...A step backwards!
That`s right folks, Gordon Campbell has given direction to the police forces in the Province to make drinking driving more acceptable...
Take out the trash on friday comes true....But this is so much more, could you imagine the howls from the media if an NDP flip-flopped on drinking driving laws and promoted drinking and driving!
I hope you BC liberals are happy, the police have no authority to change the law, they cannot arbitrarily change suspensions from .05 to .06....That order had to be approved by Rich Coleman....
Many people will die from drinking drivers in B.C. this holiday season, how many people will lose loved ones from a impaired driver over .05.....
You can read the story here
The Gordon Campbell Liberals have reached an all time low, this little tweak will not get the smart people who wised up back in the bar guzzling, the damage is done, but rather than allowing people to adapt to designated drivers, taxis, busses the Gordon Campbell(convicted drunk driver) Government has decided to go backwards and stain their hands with blood and brain matter of the victims of drunk drivers!
Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberals have lost the moral authority to Govern the Province of B.C.
When someone dies, not if someone dies......I hope it`s one of your family members Campbell/Coleman......I will shed no tears!
Gordon Campbell is truly not mentally fit to Govern this Province, this Government must be stopped, my condolences to the family members who will receive that 4:00am phone call telling them their husband, their wife, their children are dead.....Carole Berner would have passed the breathalyzer recalibration.....Remember friends, on camera, on voice tape, the RCMP sting on Carole Berner got her to admit she 3 glasses of wine before driving, and according to Rich Coleman, that`s peachy keen and A/OK to consume a few glasses of wine!
Updated here
Read the story at the above link, Carole Berner admitted to drinking 3 large glasses of wine....When people drink, no matter what their original intention was, the nature of acohol, the first thing to go is good judgement....Carole Berner registered an alcohol reading after the accident, a low reading, a few hours later with a bigger more accurate breath tester she registered sober, texting and driving kills people, cell phone use and driving kills people, booze is no different....For goodness sakes folks, a non-drinker type person could be plastered on 2 drinks, anyone who defends raising the booze limits has a societal problem, ...Why .06...Hell, let`s go .07... .08.....What the hell, let`s
just round it off to 1.0.....You happy now?
Information on recalibration, remember folks, there is a difference between recalibration and moving the limit up!
All breathalyzers indicate BAC (Breath Alcohol Concentration) based on the information stored in the sensor's memory. Exact values of certain specific BAC data are stored so that the sensor can provide the most accurate readings.
Over time, however, these stored values lose accuracy as more tests are conducted. The stored sensor values deteriorate over time with continuous testing and external/ environmental effects. All breathalyzers must be recalibrated to refresh the sensor values and to allow the breathalyzer to obtain accurate readings.
How often does my breathalyzer require re-calibration?
It varies depending on the specific breathalyzer model and its usage but it is recommended that breathalyzers be calibrated every 200 tests or at least once yearly (whichever comes first). Also, if a large number of "high positive" (high alcohol) readings are taken by the device, you may need to have calibration service performed much sooner than normally recommended.
Our calibration procedures?
* Perform functional test
* Test and calibrate the unit for its entire reading range
* Use automated DOT approved "Wet Bath Simulators"
* Replace mouthpieces
* Replace exterior plastic parts if broken
* Complete the task in 5 working days
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Over time, however, these stored values lose accuracy as more tests are conducted. The stored sensor values deteriorate over time with continuous testing and external/ environmental effects. All breathalyzers must be recalibrated to refresh the sensor values and to allow the breathalyzer to obtain accurate readings.
How often does my breathalyzer require re-calibration?
It varies depending on the specific breathalyzer model and its usage but it is recommended that breathalyzers be calibrated every 200 tests or at least once yearly (whichever comes first). Also, if a large number of "high positive" (high alcohol) readings are taken by the device, you may need to have calibration service performed much sooner than normally recommended.
Our calibration procedures?
* Perform functional test
* Test and calibrate the unit for its entire reading range
* Use automated DOT approved "Wet Bath Simulators"
* Replace mouthpieces
* Replace exterior plastic parts if broken
* Complete the task in 5 working days
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Great Myths of History, Oogo Pogo, Loch Ness Monster and Accuracy of Mustel Polls
Boy were the stooges ever boring on the Billy Boy Good show today, lame, no intensity, weak callers, a dull flat cutting ledge episode worthy of the trash heap......
I heard yesterday that Evi Mustel(Joan Mcintyre`s ex-business partner) was releasing a poll today, apparanty the poll was conducted between November 4th through to November 15th.....And as usual the first release of the poll numbers were on the cutting ledge show, this happens over and over again with Mustel polls, the release I mean, every Mustel poll is released on a Friday and the stooges of CKNW being given first dibs, unlike the most accurate pollster(Angus Reid) who never gets any air play on cknw.......
So cue Vaughn the Pawn Palmer to release the musty crusty polls results and miraculously according to Evi Mustel, big time business partner of Joan Mcintyre(Liberal MLA)....The BC Liberals are surging in the polls, a mere 5points behind the NDP.....And Gordon Campbell`s approval ratings have surged to match Carole James.......
HA HA LOL LOL...HEE HAW....We need a little history with the Musty Mustel...Every Mustel poll on BC Politics in the last 6 years have been skewed so badly, as a rule of thumb with any Mustel poll regarding BC Liberals and BC NDP you can subtract 10 points the BC Liberals and add 10 points to the BC NDP...The Mustel poll before the last B.C. provincial election Evi Mustel had the BC Liberals with a 17 point lead over the NDP....And what was the election result....Libs..47%.....NDP 42%....What happened Evi ?....Where did the other 12 points go?
The most accurate pollster in our last Provincial election and the last Federal election was Angus Reid....Heads and tails above the rest........
So Vaughn Palmer, Baldrey and Bill boy Good made hay with the Musty news release, not only has it been their LEAD item on their newscast every half hour but it`s also being reported on the....what`s going on in the news segment at 15 after the hour and 45 minutes after the hour it`s been the lead item there too...
Evi Mustel and the stooges claim the reason for the massive surge in BC Liberal support is........
1) Gordon campbell announced his resignation.
2) The announced 15% income tax cut.
Hilarious friends, if I was the BC Liberal party I would ask for the money back paid to Musty Polls....By the way folks.....For those who don`t remember, Mustel polls was originally called....Mcintyre and Mustel....
So there is no doubt about skewed results from Mustel, yet...When Mustel polls other items outside of BC politics their polls are fairly accurate, keep that in mind folks, this poll was store bought and isn`t worth the paper it`s written on...
Still with the Mustel poll...November 4th to November 15th....Well friends, The Bill Bennett confession hadn`t happen yet during this polling period, the 15% income tax cut hadn`t been rescinded yet, and most people were still unaware that Campbell wasn`t going anywhere anytime soon....Those first two items, Bill Bennett`s confession and the rescinding of the 15% income tax not being part of the Mustel Comic strip poll make it all but useless!...
The tax cut reversal is another lie from Campbell, him resigning as premier was another soft lie....Bill Bennett telling the world what we already knew, that Campbell is a demented child mind, womanizer with a bad temper, those items alone are enough to toss Musty`s poll out the window....As for Mustel claiming people`s opinion of Carole James has worsened, I doubt it, Carole James has done nothing to offend the public, .....Let me be clear, Carole James will not survive the leadership convention next year, also folks, as much as I believe Carole has a good heart, I strongly believe the NDP need a new leader....
The one fly in the ointment is the fact that all the early recalls will be successful and there will be an election before June of 2011....Months before the NDP convention, either way, either Carole James becomes premier within a year or the new NDP leader becomes premier at the next election in 2013.....
Also folks, today the NDP MLA from Kooteney west has resigned as caucus whip, more infighting in the NDP camp, this is all good friends, my source tells me that Carole James will do the right thing shortly and put leadership to a vote.
And despite what raging grappa drinkers say, despite the media stooges who all of a sudden think Carole James is the greatest thing since sliced bread, despite those fools claiming the NDP would be committing suicide to remove Carole James as leader, read between the lines friends, the stooges have motives, their motives are to elect the BC Liberals despite the ruined economy, despite child poverty, despite the hundreds of lies and thefts from the public purse their goal has remained the same....Sell their soul for a job and advertising dollars!
Hey Evi Mustel....You might want to re-do your poll, ahh...Who cares, let the cknw stooges and and the 1 in 10 people in B.C. who support the Liberals think that......
Wag the Dog Evi Mustel.....Woof, Woof, Woof
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
I heard yesterday that Evi Mustel(Joan Mcintyre`s ex-business partner) was releasing a poll today, apparanty the poll was conducted between November 4th through to November 15th.....And as usual the first release of the poll numbers were on the cutting ledge show, this happens over and over again with Mustel polls, the release I mean, every Mustel poll is released on a Friday and the stooges of CKNW being given first dibs, unlike the most accurate pollster(Angus Reid) who never gets any air play on cknw.......
So cue Vaughn the Pawn Palmer to release the musty crusty polls results and miraculously according to Evi Mustel, big time business partner of Joan Mcintyre(Liberal MLA)....The BC Liberals are surging in the polls, a mere 5points behind the NDP.....And Gordon Campbell`s approval ratings have surged to match Carole James.......
HA HA LOL LOL...HEE HAW....We need a little history with the Musty Mustel...Every Mustel poll on BC Politics in the last 6 years have been skewed so badly, as a rule of thumb with any Mustel poll regarding BC Liberals and BC NDP you can subtract 10 points the BC Liberals and add 10 points to the BC NDP...The Mustel poll before the last B.C. provincial election Evi Mustel had the BC Liberals with a 17 point lead over the NDP....And what was the election result....Libs..47%.....NDP 42%....What happened Evi ?....Where did the other 12 points go?
The most accurate pollster in our last Provincial election and the last Federal election was Angus Reid....Heads and tails above the rest........
So Vaughn Palmer, Baldrey and Bill boy Good made hay with the Musty news release, not only has it been their LEAD item on their newscast every half hour but it`s also being reported on the....what`s going on in the news segment at 15 after the hour and 45 minutes after the hour it`s been the lead item there too...
Evi Mustel and the stooges claim the reason for the massive surge in BC Liberal support is........
1) Gordon campbell announced his resignation.
2) The announced 15% income tax cut.
Hilarious friends, if I was the BC Liberal party I would ask for the money back paid to Musty Polls....By the way folks.....For those who don`t remember, Mustel polls was originally called....Mcintyre and Mustel....
So there is no doubt about skewed results from Mustel, yet...When Mustel polls other items outside of BC politics their polls are fairly accurate, keep that in mind folks, this poll was store bought and isn`t worth the paper it`s written on...
Still with the Mustel poll...November 4th to November 15th....Well friends, The Bill Bennett confession hadn`t happen yet during this polling period, the 15% income tax cut hadn`t been rescinded yet, and most people were still unaware that Campbell wasn`t going anywhere anytime soon....Those first two items, Bill Bennett`s confession and the rescinding of the 15% income tax not being part of the Mustel Comic strip poll make it all but useless!...
The tax cut reversal is another lie from Campbell, him resigning as premier was another soft lie....Bill Bennett telling the world what we already knew, that Campbell is a demented child mind, womanizer with a bad temper, those items alone are enough to toss Musty`s poll out the window....As for Mustel claiming people`s opinion of Carole James has worsened, I doubt it, Carole James has done nothing to offend the public, .....Let me be clear, Carole James will not survive the leadership convention next year, also folks, as much as I believe Carole has a good heart, I strongly believe the NDP need a new leader....
The one fly in the ointment is the fact that all the early recalls will be successful and there will be an election before June of 2011....Months before the NDP convention, either way, either Carole James becomes premier within a year or the new NDP leader becomes premier at the next election in 2013.....
Also folks, today the NDP MLA from Kooteney west has resigned as caucus whip, more infighting in the NDP camp, this is all good friends, my source tells me that Carole James will do the right thing shortly and put leadership to a vote.
And despite what raging grappa drinkers say, despite the media stooges who all of a sudden think Carole James is the greatest thing since sliced bread, despite those fools claiming the NDP would be committing suicide to remove Carole James as leader, read between the lines friends, the stooges have motives, their motives are to elect the BC Liberals despite the ruined economy, despite child poverty, despite the hundreds of lies and thefts from the public purse their goal has remained the same....Sell their soul for a job and advertising dollars!
Hey Evi Mustel....You might want to re-do your poll, ahh...Who cares, let the cknw stooges and and the 1 in 10 people in B.C. who support the Liberals think that......
Wag the Dog Evi Mustel.....Woof, Woof, Woof
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What`s good for the Party, What`s Good for Cabinet, Somehow the Province and People got Lost
What a wild ride this week has been and it`s not even Friday yet.... Many questions have been asked, few ligit answers have been forthcoming, .....And I have noticed since this afternoon the big media have been ordered to stop asking questions or reporting the obvious facts about the Bill Bennett "confession"....
I`ve read many opinions today, lots of people coming forward to praise Bill Bennett, Bill Bennett gets no quarter from me or The Straight Goods.....Yea sure Bill Bennett described a Gordon Campbell led Cabinet as a "house of horrors".....So what, as Les Leyne would say,......Bill Bennet is a racist, a scum dog, a partisan pit bull who attacked the NDP and assaulted the B.C. public.....It takes no courage to go after Campbell when he has sorta resigned, no bravery in telling Campbell to leave sooner than later....As Bill Bennett said on the Sean Leslie show on Sunday......
"If Gordon Campbell leaves sooner than later it will give the BC Liberal party a fighting chance and time to re-gain the public`s trust before the next election" snip
Sure and Bill Bennett talked of Campbell bringing Caucus and cabinet members to tears, how Campbell was a domineering womanizer, he talked of Gordo`s vicious temper, ruling with an iron fist, ignoring all advice from caucus and being a one man show, Bennett talked how his pride and morality could no longer stomach Gordon Campbell`s dictorial ways.....Well.....
Too late Bill Bennett, you voted on a weekend session with no media present and shredded the HEU contract, you have been repeating George Abbott`s lies about building and adding 5000 new long term care beds, Well Bennett, there are less long care beds today than there was in 2001....You have no problem lying with your buddy George Abbott, BC Rail, how many no comments it`s before the courts have you made, what about minimum wage, closing woman`s shelters, the deficit lie from last year, the biggest toxic fudge budget in B.C. history, ...You Bill Bennett have defended those lies, repeated those lies, we have led the country in child poverty every year since Campbell took over.....And you Bill Bennett speak up now!.....Did you say the people of B.C. deserve better Governance right now? What Governance?...Did you say the public have been getting NO representation by their MLAs? did you say the people of B.C. come first?..... Just once did you say the people of B.C. come Before "party" before "Cabinet" before anything?.....
No Mr. Bennett, you said none of those things,..... I hear you and the cknw stooges talking about the party, talking about the BC Liberals, talking about cabinet, talking about keeping the NDP out of power, not once Mr. Bennett have you said the people of B.C. must come before party or cabinet......You merely described what Gordon Campbell is like, "so what" you knew, everyone in the media knows about Campbell`s temper and womanizing attitude, ....That`s right Bill Bennett, everyone knows that Gordon Campbell is an adulterer(with Lara Dauphnee) ...A Liar, a criminal, an habitual liar, a brute of a man with an ugly temper, we all know that, Bill Good and Cluck cluck know that, but the gullible public does not.....You Bill bennett, Baldrey, Palmer, Les Leyne, Gary Mason, everyone of you stooges knew what Campbell`s bedside manner was, but none of you had the balls or testicular fortitude to inform the public, you spineless blind mice deliberately withheld the truth for fear of losing your jobs!!!!.....Mr. Bennett, what took you so long, your government has tripled our debt, the economy is in the tank, your party has allowed Campbell to destroy and remove any legitimacy from our environmental assessments, .......
You Bill Bennett are nothing but an enabler, your one and only concern by speaking out was your future hopes for a MLAship and the party, not once was your concern over protecting the people of B.C.......You will receive no quarter here Bennett.....The gas chambers have been used already, the salmon streams killed, the rights of towns gone, the rights of taxpayers gone, municipal authority all but stripped away, gag laws came and went twice, and you Bennett voted for all of this....You and your cohorts, Shirley Bond, Kevin Falcon, Pat Bell,Hansen, Coleman, Abbott.....You kept quiet on secret road tolls, on giving an unelected Translink authority to tax people on Campbell`s behalf, you inked bills that override any community`s right to object to a project that will affect a town.....You Bill Bennett sat back and watched every shred of worker protections, people`s rights, you watched Democracy get flushed down the toilet and now you want Gordon Campbell to leave sooner rather than later for the sake of the party!.........Flock the BC Liberal party, you can`t undo the mess, the eggs will not magically become unscrambled........Go back home Bennett, shut your mouth, say nothing until you are ready for the complete confession and admit your sins, all your party`s sins!
The reversal of the 15% tax cut, fiscally it was a very smart move to cancel these income tax cuts, buy why.....
Why the hell isn`t the media screaming from the rafters, Gordon Campbell was prepared to spend $2 billion dollars if it would increase his popularity, where was cabinet, where was caucus, the vindictive child mind has a trantrum and takes the tax cut back, everyone knows why the tax cut was rescinded, because people still rejected Campbell, we have seen this play before, announce a tax cut only to steal back double through user fees and hydro increases, that game is over......
But it speaks volumes, the BC Liberal cabinet and caucus is still prepared to look the other way, cabinet was willing to let Gordon Campbell spend $2 billion dollars to win a popularity contest, where is the media demanding proper governance, where the hell was Bill Bennett then ?...I didn`t hear any criticism from Bennett, .....I heard nothing....
The night of Gordon (soiled diapers) Campbell`s televised speech I was live blogging at Sean Holman`s place(it was fun)....And I also had the radio on, tuned to CKNW, they had advertised that they were having a special evening program with......Sean Leslie, Vaughn Palmer, Keith Baldrey, Gary Mason, Christy cluck cluck Clark, I wanted to hear what those stooges had to say about Campbell`s speech....
Sean Leslie was first to speak that night, he was drooling with glee over Campbell`s tax cut announcement, he called it a homerun from Campbell,.....Cluck cluck said the same thing, Keith Baldrey was tripping over himself trying to praise Campbell, Gary Mason was a pathetic garbage man that night, the greatest leader in BC history Campbell is(according to Gary Mason) even Vaughn Palmer was all gushy and believed the game was saved.....All the stooges promoted Campbell and lauded his 15% income tax cut.....
Yet they ignored Campbell gulping and gasping while lying on TV, there was no mention of the very misleading charts and graphs designed to con the public.....And then Carole James came on the air responding to Campbell`s televised speech.
And I give Carole James "kudos"...A two thumbs up....Because despite the stooges of cknw sniffing and licking Campbell`s junk Carole James spoke the truth, she called the tax cuts "vote buying"..."Fiscally irresponsible"....Before the speech had been dismantled by the real media, "the bloggers"...Carole James lashed out against the tax cuts and....
And Christy cluck cluck Clark, Vaughn Palmer, Keith Baldrey, Sean Leslie, Gary Mason, everyone of those paid Campbell stooges said to Carole James...."Are you going to vote against the tax cuts"..."Is that your stance, you are against the tax cuts"......
And Carole James said..."Yes, I am against the tax cut"...."Yes, as of right now I will vote against the tax cuts in the legislature".......
And then it started, CKNW ran that item on their news that night and the next day..."Carole James and the NDP to vote agaisnt the Campbell income tax cut".
And it wasn`t until polling the next day by Ipsos Reid done for Global TV that it was revealed that Campbell flopped, his income tax cut flopped, his approval rating fell even further into the depth`s of hell.....Only then did the cknw stooges back off on Carole James, it was only then when Bill Bennett and other BC Liberal insiders realized that Gordon Campbell is toxic, detested, the most unpopular politician in the history of North America, the floodgates opened.....
It was then and only then when some BC Liberals spoke up, but they didn`t speak up for children, for schools, for seniors, for starving kids living in poverty....No one spoke of a Province in need of a Government, of the people`s business, no friends.......... It was only when Carole Taylor, Dianne Watts, John Furlong, it was only when their saviours in waiting said thanks but no thanks, you hit the iceberg, you sink to the bottom, it was only when the party itself was ready to self destruct did a few speak out to save their own skin.
The BC Liberals are done friends, Watts, Taylor, Muhammad or Jesus Christ himself couldn`t save the liberals, you get what you deserve Liberals, you sold out the public,you put your paycheques and position ahead of starving children, you put your party ahead of Democracy, the people will not be soothed until the BC Liberals have been eradicated from office, every recall will succeed, the Campbell Government will fall very shortly....Go cry to your maker Bennett!
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
I`ve read many opinions today, lots of people coming forward to praise Bill Bennett, Bill Bennett gets no quarter from me or The Straight Goods.....Yea sure Bill Bennett described a Gordon Campbell led Cabinet as a "house of horrors".....So what, as Les Leyne would say,......Bill Bennet is a racist, a scum dog, a partisan pit bull who attacked the NDP and assaulted the B.C. public.....It takes no courage to go after Campbell when he has sorta resigned, no bravery in telling Campbell to leave sooner than later....As Bill Bennett said on the Sean Leslie show on Sunday......
"If Gordon Campbell leaves sooner than later it will give the BC Liberal party a fighting chance and time to re-gain the public`s trust before the next election" snip
Sure and Bill Bennett talked of Campbell bringing Caucus and cabinet members to tears, how Campbell was a domineering womanizer, he talked of Gordo`s vicious temper, ruling with an iron fist, ignoring all advice from caucus and being a one man show, Bennett talked how his pride and morality could no longer stomach Gordon Campbell`s dictorial ways.....Well.....
Too late Bill Bennett, you voted on a weekend session with no media present and shredded the HEU contract, you have been repeating George Abbott`s lies about building and adding 5000 new long term care beds, Well Bennett, there are less long care beds today than there was in 2001....You have no problem lying with your buddy George Abbott, BC Rail, how many no comments it`s before the courts have you made, what about minimum wage, closing woman`s shelters, the deficit lie from last year, the biggest toxic fudge budget in B.C. history, ...You Bill Bennett have defended those lies, repeated those lies, we have led the country in child poverty every year since Campbell took over.....And you Bill Bennett speak up now!.....Did you say the people of B.C. deserve better Governance right now? What Governance?...Did you say the public have been getting NO representation by their MLAs? did you say the people of B.C. come first?..... Just once did you say the people of B.C. come Before "party" before "Cabinet" before anything?.....
No Mr. Bennett, you said none of those things,..... I hear you and the cknw stooges talking about the party, talking about the BC Liberals, talking about cabinet, talking about keeping the NDP out of power, not once Mr. Bennett have you said the people of B.C. must come before party or cabinet......You merely described what Gordon Campbell is like, "so what" you knew, everyone in the media knows about Campbell`s temper and womanizing attitude, ....That`s right Bill Bennett, everyone knows that Gordon Campbell is an adulterer(with Lara Dauphnee) ...A Liar, a criminal, an habitual liar, a brute of a man with an ugly temper, we all know that, Bill Good and Cluck cluck know that, but the gullible public does not.....You Bill bennett, Baldrey, Palmer, Les Leyne, Gary Mason, everyone of you stooges knew what Campbell`s bedside manner was, but none of you had the balls or testicular fortitude to inform the public, you spineless blind mice deliberately withheld the truth for fear of losing your jobs!!!!.....Mr. Bennett, what took you so long, your government has tripled our debt, the economy is in the tank, your party has allowed Campbell to destroy and remove any legitimacy from our environmental assessments, .......
You Bill Bennett are nothing but an enabler, your one and only concern by speaking out was your future hopes for a MLAship and the party, not once was your concern over protecting the people of B.C.......You will receive no quarter here Bennett.....The gas chambers have been used already, the salmon streams killed, the rights of towns gone, the rights of taxpayers gone, municipal authority all but stripped away, gag laws came and went twice, and you Bennett voted for all of this....You and your cohorts, Shirley Bond, Kevin Falcon, Pat Bell,Hansen, Coleman, Abbott.....You kept quiet on secret road tolls, on giving an unelected Translink authority to tax people on Campbell`s behalf, you inked bills that override any community`s right to object to a project that will affect a town.....You Bill Bennett sat back and watched every shred of worker protections, people`s rights, you watched Democracy get flushed down the toilet and now you want Gordon Campbell to leave sooner rather than later for the sake of the party!.........Flock the BC Liberal party, you can`t undo the mess, the eggs will not magically become unscrambled........Go back home Bennett, shut your mouth, say nothing until you are ready for the complete confession and admit your sins, all your party`s sins!
The reversal of the 15% tax cut, fiscally it was a very smart move to cancel these income tax cuts, buy why.....
Why the hell isn`t the media screaming from the rafters, Gordon Campbell was prepared to spend $2 billion dollars if it would increase his popularity, where was cabinet, where was caucus, the vindictive child mind has a trantrum and takes the tax cut back, everyone knows why the tax cut was rescinded, because people still rejected Campbell, we have seen this play before, announce a tax cut only to steal back double through user fees and hydro increases, that game is over......
But it speaks volumes, the BC Liberal cabinet and caucus is still prepared to look the other way, cabinet was willing to let Gordon Campbell spend $2 billion dollars to win a popularity contest, where is the media demanding proper governance, where the hell was Bill Bennett then ?...I didn`t hear any criticism from Bennett, .....I heard nothing....
The night of Gordon (soiled diapers) Campbell`s televised speech I was live blogging at Sean Holman`s place(it was fun)....And I also had the radio on, tuned to CKNW, they had advertised that they were having a special evening program with......Sean Leslie, Vaughn Palmer, Keith Baldrey, Gary Mason, Christy cluck cluck Clark, I wanted to hear what those stooges had to say about Campbell`s speech....
Sean Leslie was first to speak that night, he was drooling with glee over Campbell`s tax cut announcement, he called it a homerun from Campbell,.....Cluck cluck said the same thing, Keith Baldrey was tripping over himself trying to praise Campbell, Gary Mason was a pathetic garbage man that night, the greatest leader in BC history Campbell is(according to Gary Mason) even Vaughn Palmer was all gushy and believed the game was saved.....All the stooges promoted Campbell and lauded his 15% income tax cut.....
Yet they ignored Campbell gulping and gasping while lying on TV, there was no mention of the very misleading charts and graphs designed to con the public.....And then Carole James came on the air responding to Campbell`s televised speech.
And I give Carole James "kudos"...A two thumbs up....Because despite the stooges of cknw sniffing and licking Campbell`s junk Carole James spoke the truth, she called the tax cuts "vote buying"..."Fiscally irresponsible"....Before the speech had been dismantled by the real media, "the bloggers"...Carole James lashed out against the tax cuts and....
And Christy cluck cluck Clark, Vaughn Palmer, Keith Baldrey, Sean Leslie, Gary Mason, everyone of those paid Campbell stooges said to Carole James...."Are you going to vote against the tax cuts"..."Is that your stance, you are against the tax cuts"......
And Carole James said..."Yes, I am against the tax cut"...."Yes, as of right now I will vote against the tax cuts in the legislature".......
And then it started, CKNW ran that item on their news that night and the next day..."Carole James and the NDP to vote agaisnt the Campbell income tax cut".
And it wasn`t until polling the next day by Ipsos Reid done for Global TV that it was revealed that Campbell flopped, his income tax cut flopped, his approval rating fell even further into the depth`s of hell.....Only then did the cknw stooges back off on Carole James, it was only then when Bill Bennett and other BC Liberal insiders realized that Gordon Campbell is toxic, detested, the most unpopular politician in the history of North America, the floodgates opened.....
It was then and only then when some BC Liberals spoke up, but they didn`t speak up for children, for schools, for seniors, for starving kids living in poverty....No one spoke of a Province in need of a Government, of the people`s business, no friends.......... It was only when Carole Taylor, Dianne Watts, John Furlong, it was only when their saviours in waiting said thanks but no thanks, you hit the iceberg, you sink to the bottom, it was only when the party itself was ready to self destruct did a few speak out to save their own skin.
The BC Liberals are done friends, Watts, Taylor, Muhammad or Jesus Christ himself couldn`t save the liberals, you get what you deserve Liberals, you sold out the public,you put your paycheques and position ahead of starving children, you put your party ahead of Democracy, the people will not be soothed until the BC Liberals have been eradicated from office, every recall will succeed, the Campbell Government will fall very shortly....Go cry to your maker Bennett!
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Well lookee here, lookee there, lookee everywhere
I haven`t much to say about Bill Bennett being booted from cabinet today, that isn`t the story, it`s called wag the dog, seperate the pretenders from the contenders, everyone of the rat pack went after Bill Bennett and defended Gordon Campbell, except one.......Rich Coleman, Coleman said nothing, the shank is sharpening his blades, those who defended Campbell today have officially removed themselves from leadership...... meanwhile the Frogboy continues to spin and make up facts to suit his lies, then bluster and threaten, The king of bloggers, yea you sure are Tsukmyass, the king of shit on a stick!......Eh Pedro?..Eh must read comment, eh isn`t there anything you don`t lie about, eer I mean cover......What a bunch self grat crap...Ain`t real man, your delusional!
Let me be clear, Laila Yuile produces very little in the way of a high volume of posts, but when Laila posts a story it`s usually a scorcher, quality is important, not quantity, and the quality of Laila`s posts make AGT posts look like a comic book!.......Kootcoot, I take offence with fat little frog with the middle name of nobody calling Kootcoot a draft dodger, ......I know the story and Kootcoot is an honourable passionate man who cares about people, false accusations and bluster is all AGT has, he`s a nobody with a foul mouth!...
Frogman who went to preppy boy school and the only combat he`s seen was while drunk and fighting the heaves in the back alley of a strip joint, .......And as for Tsukmyass calling BC Mary a "harridan"....Fancy word used for insults, typical MO for a putrid piece of puke, yea folks, BC Mary, a classy lady who went after the NDP, went after Carole James and the NDP,BC Mary went after everyone in power who did nothing but look the other way, BC Mary wrote free of politcs, Mary wrote the BC Rail saga, Mary is BC Rail, for AGT to be a Johnny come-lately and claim to be the end all of everything BC Rail is a sick joke, AGT is an obtuse piece of crap, and from personal correspondence with Laila, with Kootcoot, with Gary E, with BC Mary I can tell you folks......You readers of Rebel with a clause, AGT does nothing but lie his face off everyday, that`s why the mainstream media has punted AGT to hell, he has nowhere near enough talent to get away with being an obnoxious buffoon......Drop dead you nasty piece of slime......As for Grant G/brian G/ as for the Powell River Persuader, I can take the cheap shots, I am no writer by training, my words and stories come from my heart and brain, I am a worker, a self taught carpenter, self taught on computer, on keyboard, no tips, no nothing, my stories and passion put AGT to shame, as does Laila`s, BC Mary`s, Kootcoot, .....We are people who care about a province, AGT wants to fight, AGT thinks by fighting it will increase his ratings, let me be clear, people tune in to laugh at AGT, a train wreck, people slowing down to look at the carnage, that`s what AGT is.....
AGT has threatened me with his words, he cherry picks comments, he skews the truth...We live in an era of law, back in the day, they hung horse thieves, if you lied to a man you could be shot, if you cheated someone retaliation was swift, today you can`t pound the hell out of assholes without facing the cops and courts, there is however a thing called mutual combat, I gave AGT that option, I challenged him to mutual combat, from which AGT ran away like a little baby, ....Manno a manno?.....No, he`s a Coward!
But the big story today, Millennium development is history, the city of Vancouver has put Millennium development into receivership, their bankrupt, all assets will be seized, unfortunately Millennium has no assets, the city of Vancouver will lose a minimum of $200 million on this project, and, I called the bankruptcy last month, am I smart, inside knowledge, a secret source, no folks....Common sense, Millennium owes the city of Vancouver $750 million dollars and they can`t sell the units, at best all the units are worth at market rate....$450 million dollars, and everyone knows, even Sam Sullivan and Peter Ladner knew when they awarded Millennium the athletes village contract that they were broke, the city had to lend Millennium money for the down payment on the land....
The bottom line folks, shoddy over priced construction, $millions and millions of dollars were siphoned out of that project and Millennium`s track record is a legacy of lawsuits, unhappy buyers and unfinished projects....Way to go Vancouver Sun editorial board(Fazil Mihlar)....You are defending Millennium and have pre-written their claim for damages against the city....
This project by design was going to fail, Ken Dobell was over-seeing this project, Estele Lo quit the city of Vancouver over the Millennium contract, this $300 million dollar hit was all caused by the NPA mayor and council, not Gregor, .........Have at her Susan Anton!!!!!!.....The Straight Goods nails another one....
Meanwhile, hats off to Carole James who on the night of Campbell`s televised speech and bribe, that same night she called the 15% tax cut "reckless and foolish" "an attempt to buy votes".....I applauded Carole James for her instant response, despite the fact that Gary Mason, Christy cluck cluck Clark, Sean Leslie and Vaughn Palmer all praised Campbell and claimed he hit a homerun with the tax cut(On cknw the night of the speech)....Wrong...Wrong..Wrong....You stooges are pathetic fools, store bought media...
You media owe Carole James an apology for lashing out at her on speech night, there are plenty of reasons to get flustered with Carole, the position she took on Campbell`s last tax cut was not one of them, she was proven correct....Carole James and others were right while you Eeeffiiinggg cknw stooges played your role perfectly, attack the NDP while you lick and sniff Campbell`s junk!.....
You BC Liberals are done, you PAB will be fired in short order, Luke Skywalker....You lose, again....The 2001 blowout will be repeated, only it will be the BC Liberals reduced to 5 seats or fewer, in fact I doubt you will be the opposition.....With but a few seats....I recommend that the NDP don`t recognize you Liberal bastards as opposition...
Merry Christmas Ida Chong.......
"Recall in the Fall"
Look folks, I apologize for you having to put up with my sometimes short fuse, AGT has attacked good people over and over again, I`m not a drunk, I drink maybe once a month, there is no one in Garden Bay who doesn`t know me as anything but dead sober, well informed and a nice guy, AGT has fabricated so many stories about his sources, about his contact with other bloggers, on more than one occassion I asked AGT to let it go, move on, he doesn`t quit, he acts the tough guy yet when I offered him a chance at mutual combat he ran away and called his lawyer, ...A veiled threat...No friends there is nothing veiled, I offered up mutual combat, AGT ran away and hid...All bluster and lawyers with no balls!
The Straight goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Let me be clear, Laila Yuile produces very little in the way of a high volume of posts, but when Laila posts a story it`s usually a scorcher, quality is important, not quantity, and the quality of Laila`s posts make AGT posts look like a comic book!.......Kootcoot, I take offence with fat little frog with the middle name of nobody calling Kootcoot a draft dodger, ......I know the story and Kootcoot is an honourable passionate man who cares about people, false accusations and bluster is all AGT has, he`s a nobody with a foul mouth!...
Frogman who went to preppy boy school and the only combat he`s seen was while drunk and fighting the heaves in the back alley of a strip joint, .......And as for Tsukmyass calling BC Mary a "harridan"....Fancy word used for insults, typical MO for a putrid piece of puke, yea folks, BC Mary, a classy lady who went after the NDP, went after Carole James and the NDP,BC Mary went after everyone in power who did nothing but look the other way, BC Mary wrote free of politcs, Mary wrote the BC Rail saga, Mary is BC Rail, for AGT to be a Johnny come-lately and claim to be the end all of everything BC Rail is a sick joke, AGT is an obtuse piece of crap, and from personal correspondence with Laila, with Kootcoot, with Gary E, with BC Mary I can tell you folks......You readers of Rebel with a clause, AGT does nothing but lie his face off everyday, that`s why the mainstream media has punted AGT to hell, he has nowhere near enough talent to get away with being an obnoxious buffoon......Drop dead you nasty piece of slime......As for Grant G/brian G/ as for the Powell River Persuader, I can take the cheap shots, I am no writer by training, my words and stories come from my heart and brain, I am a worker, a self taught carpenter, self taught on computer, on keyboard, no tips, no nothing, my stories and passion put AGT to shame, as does Laila`s, BC Mary`s, Kootcoot, .....We are people who care about a province, AGT wants to fight, AGT thinks by fighting it will increase his ratings, let me be clear, people tune in to laugh at AGT, a train wreck, people slowing down to look at the carnage, that`s what AGT is.....
AGT has threatened me with his words, he cherry picks comments, he skews the truth...We live in an era of law, back in the day, they hung horse thieves, if you lied to a man you could be shot, if you cheated someone retaliation was swift, today you can`t pound the hell out of assholes without facing the cops and courts, there is however a thing called mutual combat, I gave AGT that option, I challenged him to mutual combat, from which AGT ran away like a little baby, ....Manno a manno?.....No, he`s a Coward!
But the big story today, Millennium development is history, the city of Vancouver has put Millennium development into receivership, their bankrupt, all assets will be seized, unfortunately Millennium has no assets, the city of Vancouver will lose a minimum of $200 million on this project, and, I called the bankruptcy last month, am I smart, inside knowledge, a secret source, no folks....Common sense, Millennium owes the city of Vancouver $750 million dollars and they can`t sell the units, at best all the units are worth at market rate....$450 million dollars, and everyone knows, even Sam Sullivan and Peter Ladner knew when they awarded Millennium the athletes village contract that they were broke, the city had to lend Millennium money for the down payment on the land....
The bottom line folks, shoddy over priced construction, $millions and millions of dollars were siphoned out of that project and Millennium`s track record is a legacy of lawsuits, unhappy buyers and unfinished projects....Way to go Vancouver Sun editorial board(Fazil Mihlar)....You are defending Millennium and have pre-written their claim for damages against the city....
This project by design was going to fail, Ken Dobell was over-seeing this project, Estele Lo quit the city of Vancouver over the Millennium contract, this $300 million dollar hit was all caused by the NPA mayor and council, not Gregor, .........Have at her Susan Anton!!!!!!.....The Straight Goods nails another one....
Meanwhile, hats off to Carole James who on the night of Campbell`s televised speech and bribe, that same night she called the 15% tax cut "reckless and foolish" "an attempt to buy votes".....I applauded Carole James for her instant response, despite the fact that Gary Mason, Christy cluck cluck Clark, Sean Leslie and Vaughn Palmer all praised Campbell and claimed he hit a homerun with the tax cut(On cknw the night of the speech)....Wrong...Wrong..Wrong....You stooges are pathetic fools, store bought media...
You media owe Carole James an apology for lashing out at her on speech night, there are plenty of reasons to get flustered with Carole, the position she took on Campbell`s last tax cut was not one of them, she was proven correct....Carole James and others were right while you Eeeffiiinggg cknw stooges played your role perfectly, attack the NDP while you lick and sniff Campbell`s junk!.....
You BC Liberals are done, you PAB will be fired in short order, Luke Skywalker....You lose, again....The 2001 blowout will be repeated, only it will be the BC Liberals reduced to 5 seats or fewer, in fact I doubt you will be the opposition.....With but a few seats....I recommend that the NDP don`t recognize you Liberal bastards as opposition...
Merry Christmas Ida Chong.......
"Recall in the Fall"
Look folks, I apologize for you having to put up with my sometimes short fuse, AGT has attacked good people over and over again, I`m not a drunk, I drink maybe once a month, there is no one in Garden Bay who doesn`t know me as anything but dead sober, well informed and a nice guy, AGT has fabricated so many stories about his sources, about his contact with other bloggers, on more than one occassion I asked AGT to let it go, move on, he doesn`t quit, he acts the tough guy yet when I offered him a chance at mutual combat he ran away and called his lawyer, ...A veiled threat...No friends there is nothing veiled, I offered up mutual combat, AGT ran away and hid...All bluster and lawyers with no balls!
The Straight goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Quality of Saviour Candidates for the BC Liberals Scrapes Bottom of the Barrel
Boy is this getting entertaining, media arguing with media, BC Liberals sniping at BC Liberals, pure panic friends, today on the Cluck Cluck show Christy......
Clark was whining about BC Ferries employees getting free ferry passes for them and their families, Cluck cluck took calls and got hammered by the public, the callers defended the little perk ferry employees were getting, considering their last wage increase was a mere 5% over 7 years, ......But Cluck cluck ranted away like an old spinster, oh the humanity, BC taxpayers paying for employee ferry passes.
Let`s be clear, BC Ferries could cancel all employee ferry passes and fares won`t drop one dime!....Also, these ferry passes are a taxable benefit, the employees who use ferry passes drive cars, buy fuel, pay for food and hotels, it`s called economic activity, anyway, the callers made Christy Cluck Angry, and out of the blue no other than David Hahn calls in to cknw and lets it fly and takes a strip off of Cluck Cluck`s hide(feathers)........
Back to what I have been saying, BC Liberals are sniping and attacking each other out of pure panic, a defunct BC Liberal party with no one to lead but "Bottom of the Barrel scrapings"......Folks, let`s go back to last year, the BC Liberals were flying high, leading in the polls, life was good, Christy Cluck cluck Clark lied on the radio, blatant lies about BC Ferries making $500 million in profit per year, Cluck cluck stated that David Hahn was the greatest ferry manager in the world, how he turned BC Ferries around to a profitable company, that radio program was orchestrated after it was divulged that David Hahn was a $1 million dollar per year man, a huge salary, Clark was brought into spin, lie and defend her BC Liberal buddy David Hahn, in fact friends Christy said so many lies about BC Ferries that day last year that I filed complaints to the Canadian broadcast standards council(CBSC).....And I won, Christy cluck cluck Clark had to fully retract on air....Gotcha Bit___!.....
So bring on today, David Hahn defended the employee perks(the ferry passes)...David Hahn called Christy Clark out on air today, Hahn called Cluck Cluck ...A hypocrit...making a mountain out of a mole hill....a slow news day and you`re trying to incite anger with the public........And it got better, David Hahn said to Cluck Cluck....."You voted as deputy premier to keep BC Ferries free from FOI.......The ferry passes were in affect before I arrived, you voted for the coastal ferry act as Government".....
It was an interesting exchange, David Hahn attacked Christy Clark, Hahn called Christy a hypocrit because the rules and the ferry act was voted on by Christy Clark when she was deputy premier, any problems with the act were not Hahn`s fault but the fault of Christy Clark and the Government....Hahn ripped a new hole in Christy`s face, Hahn over and over again threw it in Christy`s face that she voted in favour of BC Ferry secrecy, she voted for this quazi private corporation....And in fact Christy actually said, "Yes, I shouldn`t have voted for those bills with the FOI provisions in it"...Snip....And she apologized.....More calls came in and the public was sniping at Cluck Cluck and calling her out!....She finally pulled the plug on the segment...Yet she is so stubborn she opened up the phone lines again on the topic of BC Ferries in her 2:30 pm to 3:00pm segment and........The public jumped down Christy`s filthy clucking mouth again....Good luck with your leadership ambitions, your mouth has finished you Cluck Cluck, I have dozens of your lies archived.......CKNW audio vault here...Listen to Christy Clark Cluck cluck cluck away..November16/cue up 12:00 forward to 12:30...listen through to 2:00PM....Her 2:30 to 3:00 pm segment Cluck Cluck gets plucked again!
But what I really wanted to talk about was Blair Leckstrom, the bottom of the barrel and failed BC Liberal leader candidate....
Let me explain, as we the bloggers and news media slowly, brick by brick brought Gordon Campbell down, with a little help from the "soiled one" himself, the BC Liberals have obliterated themselves, the back room boys, the Canwest, the Global, CKNW, the stooges kept saying....Dianne Watts will rescue the party, Carole Taylor will rescue the party, Furlong, Christy Clark will save the party, the power brokers believed their own illusions, let Campbell be and our new superstar will bring us back from the depths of hell.....WRONG....They let Campbell destroy their party, there is no coming back, that explains all the internal sniping and infighting, a better example couldn`t be had then Hahn attacking Christy Clark, Clark only last year put Hahn on a pedestal, now they are reaching for each others throat....This friends is typical, the BC Liberal panic button went off, their eating each others young, most know they are all but unemployed within a year, the daggers are everywhere....
Luke Skywalker/Cool Hand/.Luke/Luke redux/ Brad Z.....The idiot who hangs aroud the Frog`s place and the Tyee, the same idiot who has a web site dedicated to attacking our site(A real hack web site created by a person with very limited intelligence).....Anyway, Luke Skywalker/Cool hand has had a bad year, his party is dead, his job is ending, for the last year Luke has cited the names of Dianne Watts and Carole Taylor as saviour for the Liberals, he talked Furlong, he talked Christy Clark, ....His comments are sounding more and more desperate, Cool Hand always posts links to BC Government spin articles, .Luke always is quoting polls, polls about Dianne Watts, polls on Carole Taylor, now Luke Skywalker is posting polling numbers that Blair Leckstrom is polling at 50% ...Abbot/Coleman/Ding Dong/Falcon all polling in the -Minus 40 range, so old Luke spins the poll numbers that Blair Leckstrom can`t lose either leadership or the next general election........
HA HA...You are complete idiot aren`t you?...No wonder you and Tsukmyass get along, you are both braindead and liars, foul-mouthed lying stooges, ....Well it`s no wonder Cool Hand`s site has faded from interest, he`s following AGT`s lead, lie to your readers and pay the price of silence, your readers disappear, the balloon goes flat!......
Let me explain a little something to you straw grasping stooges.......Blair Leckstrom would be running on a NO HST Platform....That would make evey BC Liberal who supported HST who now support Leckstrom look like hypocrits and fools, unfortunately for the BC Liberals and Cool Hand......Before Blair Leckstrom could run as leader the BC Liberal caucus would have to somehow cancel the HST before the referendum and before the leadership campaign, the BC Liberal big business lobby will not allow that to happen.....
For Leckstrom to save the BC Liberals Gordon Campbell`s HST and last income tax cut would have to be rescinded, for that to happen Campbell must be gone and the legislature opened up, all BC Liberal MLAs would have to apologize to the public and throw Campbell/Hansen and the rat pack onto the fire and roast them, I am laughing very hard today friends, Christy Cluck Cluck and Liberal friendlies are assaulting each other, MLAs within the Liberal party are pissing on each other, and the ultra desperate, the blowhards, the public affairs bureau, Cool Hand and the other PAB jobs are gone unless they can find a miracle, they found no miracle and have settled on Blair Leckstrom......
Someone should advise the Government that the BC Liberal PAB have lost it and should be placed on suicide watch!
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
Clark was whining about BC Ferries employees getting free ferry passes for them and their families, Cluck cluck took calls and got hammered by the public, the callers defended the little perk ferry employees were getting, considering their last wage increase was a mere 5% over 7 years, ......But Cluck cluck ranted away like an old spinster, oh the humanity, BC taxpayers paying for employee ferry passes.
Let`s be clear, BC Ferries could cancel all employee ferry passes and fares won`t drop one dime!....Also, these ferry passes are a taxable benefit, the employees who use ferry passes drive cars, buy fuel, pay for food and hotels, it`s called economic activity, anyway, the callers made Christy Cluck Angry, and out of the blue no other than David Hahn calls in to cknw and lets it fly and takes a strip off of Cluck Cluck`s hide(feathers)........
Back to what I have been saying, BC Liberals are sniping and attacking each other out of pure panic, a defunct BC Liberal party with no one to lead but "Bottom of the Barrel scrapings"......Folks, let`s go back to last year, the BC Liberals were flying high, leading in the polls, life was good, Christy Cluck cluck Clark lied on the radio, blatant lies about BC Ferries making $500 million in profit per year, Cluck cluck stated that David Hahn was the greatest ferry manager in the world, how he turned BC Ferries around to a profitable company, that radio program was orchestrated after it was divulged that David Hahn was a $1 million dollar per year man, a huge salary, Clark was brought into spin, lie and defend her BC Liberal buddy David Hahn, in fact friends Christy said so many lies about BC Ferries that day last year that I filed complaints to the Canadian broadcast standards council(CBSC).....And I won, Christy cluck cluck Clark had to fully retract on air....Gotcha Bit___!.....
So bring on today, David Hahn defended the employee perks(the ferry passes)...David Hahn called Christy Clark out on air today, Hahn called Cluck Cluck ...A hypocrit...making a mountain out of a mole hill....a slow news day and you`re trying to incite anger with the public........And it got better, David Hahn said to Cluck Cluck....."You voted as deputy premier to keep BC Ferries free from FOI.......The ferry passes were in affect before I arrived, you voted for the coastal ferry act as Government".....
It was an interesting exchange, David Hahn attacked Christy Clark, Hahn called Christy a hypocrit because the rules and the ferry act was voted on by Christy Clark when she was deputy premier, any problems with the act were not Hahn`s fault but the fault of Christy Clark and the Government....Hahn ripped a new hole in Christy`s face, Hahn over and over again threw it in Christy`s face that she voted in favour of BC Ferry secrecy, she voted for this quazi private corporation....And in fact Christy actually said, "Yes, I shouldn`t have voted for those bills with the FOI provisions in it"...Snip....And she apologized.....More calls came in and the public was sniping at Cluck Cluck and calling her out!....She finally pulled the plug on the segment...Yet she is so stubborn she opened up the phone lines again on the topic of BC Ferries in her 2:30 pm to 3:00pm segment and........The public jumped down Christy`s filthy clucking mouth again....Good luck with your leadership ambitions, your mouth has finished you Cluck Cluck, I have dozens of your lies archived.......CKNW audio vault here...Listen to Christy Clark Cluck cluck cluck away..November16/cue up 12:00 forward to 12:30...listen through to 2:00PM....Her 2:30 to 3:00 pm segment Cluck Cluck gets plucked again!
But what I really wanted to talk about was Blair Leckstrom, the bottom of the barrel and failed BC Liberal leader candidate....
Let me explain, as we the bloggers and news media slowly, brick by brick brought Gordon Campbell down, with a little help from the "soiled one" himself, the BC Liberals have obliterated themselves, the back room boys, the Canwest, the Global, CKNW, the stooges kept saying....Dianne Watts will rescue the party, Carole Taylor will rescue the party, Furlong, Christy Clark will save the party, the power brokers believed their own illusions, let Campbell be and our new superstar will bring us back from the depths of hell.....WRONG....They let Campbell destroy their party, there is no coming back, that explains all the internal sniping and infighting, a better example couldn`t be had then Hahn attacking Christy Clark, Clark only last year put Hahn on a pedestal, now they are reaching for each others throat....This friends is typical, the BC Liberal panic button went off, their eating each others young, most know they are all but unemployed within a year, the daggers are everywhere....
Luke Skywalker/Cool Hand/.Luke/Luke redux/ Brad Z.....The idiot who hangs aroud the Frog`s place and the Tyee, the same idiot who has a web site dedicated to attacking our site(A real hack web site created by a person with very limited intelligence).....Anyway, Luke Skywalker/Cool hand has had a bad year, his party is dead, his job is ending, for the last year Luke has cited the names of Dianne Watts and Carole Taylor as saviour for the Liberals, he talked Furlong, he talked Christy Clark, ....His comments are sounding more and more desperate, Cool Hand always posts links to BC Government spin articles, .Luke always is quoting polls, polls about Dianne Watts, polls on Carole Taylor, now Luke Skywalker is posting polling numbers that Blair Leckstrom is polling at 50% ...Abbot/Coleman/Ding Dong/Falcon all polling in the -Minus 40 range, so old Luke spins the poll numbers that Blair Leckstrom can`t lose either leadership or the next general election........
HA HA...You are complete idiot aren`t you?...No wonder you and Tsukmyass get along, you are both braindead and liars, foul-mouthed lying stooges, ....Well it`s no wonder Cool Hand`s site has faded from interest, he`s following AGT`s lead, lie to your readers and pay the price of silence, your readers disappear, the balloon goes flat!......
Let me explain a little something to you straw grasping stooges.......Blair Leckstrom would be running on a NO HST Platform....That would make evey BC Liberal who supported HST who now support Leckstrom look like hypocrits and fools, unfortunately for the BC Liberals and Cool Hand......Before Blair Leckstrom could run as leader the BC Liberal caucus would have to somehow cancel the HST before the referendum and before the leadership campaign, the BC Liberal big business lobby will not allow that to happen.....
For Leckstrom to save the BC Liberals Gordon Campbell`s HST and last income tax cut would have to be rescinded, for that to happen Campbell must be gone and the legislature opened up, all BC Liberal MLAs would have to apologize to the public and throw Campbell/Hansen and the rat pack onto the fire and roast them, I am laughing very hard today friends, Christy Cluck Cluck and Liberal friendlies are assaulting each other, MLAs within the Liberal party are pissing on each other, and the ultra desperate, the blowhards, the public affairs bureau, Cool Hand and the other PAB jobs are gone unless they can find a miracle, they found no miracle and have settled on Blair Leckstrom......
Someone should advise the Government that the BC Liberal PAB have lost it and should be placed on suicide watch!
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
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