Written by Grant G
"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
I have referenced that saying many times over the years, in particular in relation to the BC Liberal Government and the Stephen Harper regime....
Incredulous, no one with connected brain cells can believe Stephen Harper when he says that he was left in the dark over the whitewashing of the Mike Duffy senate scandal, Stephen Harper, renown for micromanaging the finest details, a control freak, a overarching grip on every move made by his office staff and party henchmen/woman...Are we to believe that Harper was unaware of a near dozen PMO staffers running around like blind mice chasing down and consuming every piece of stinky senate laced cheese....
Stephen Harper must be lying, must be a conman, he knew of the Duffy sins, he knew of the deal, Harper okayed the deal in the form of "good to go" and now he wants the whole sordid affair to go away...
No one believes Stephen Harper and rather than be a man and own up to this pathetic lowbrow cover-up, Stephen Harper continues to build a silk web of lies,
Christy Clark...Ethnicgate scandal...Health firing scandal...Bollywood scandal..Burnaby Hospital scandal...The same theme runs through both governments, lies from the Premier, Lies from the Prime Minister, nobody in charge of a province or country can ever claim that they knew not what their staff was up to, these staffers weren`t temp secretaries or mail-boy trainees but Chiefs of Staff...Communication Directors..Legal teams, Personal lawyers...Political staffers personally appointed by Christy Clark and Stephen Harper...
Incompetence, incoherent,"Just not ready" or plain old corruption from the top offices of British Columbia and Ottawa.
I don`t care what a person`s political leaning is..Right, Left or mythical Center when one discovers rot, decay, insect infestation that is eating away the foundation of Democracy and snubbing the nose of the rule of law, one must reject corruption, remove the rot and lay poison for the king and queen egg layers, there are no other solutions, once the foundation is cracked and begins sinking into a blackhole of corruption and lies...
There is no turning back...For once the leaders start lying more and more lies are needed to cover for the original lies, political staffers and appointees who possess the straight goods on the real truth they too become liabilities, liabilities that must be shielded, protected and financially taken care of resulting in a bigger and ever growing web of deceit
"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
Stephen Harper deserves but one thing, to be shown the exit door, so many people have piles of dirt on Stephen Harper that the office of the Prime Minister under Stephen Harper is forever stained, tainted, corrupted, Harper has no moral authority to Govern anymore, all those political dirt possessing palms to be greased with silence$$$ dole...
Here is another example of a bought politician, Stephen Harper working for the oil companies, Harper silently appointed a Kinder Morgan paid consultant to Canada`s National Energy Board two days before the election writ was dropped, he appointed a man who was employed by Kinder Morgan to promote their own projects, this outrageous appointment saw this oil executive bounce from Kinder Morgan`s employ to the NEB, a political appointment that doesn`t pass the smell test...Stephen Harper gave Kinder Morgan a third of the power at Canada`s NEB...An oil executive to decide on oil and pipeline projects.
The same thing goes for Christy Clark...Christy Clark and her cabinet have lied and deceived the British Columbia public so often, on so many scandals, Clark`s office staff, her political staff and partisan appointees have so much dirt on Christy Clark`s Government that the corruption train will run and run, gain speed and careen forward until finally it derails, and in Stephen Harper and Christy Clark`s case, derailment is good for Democracy, good for the people good for renewal and gives hope for a brighter future...
The BC Liberals are so corrupt, so corporate owned, likewise with Stephen Harper, there is no salvaging any part of those political gangs, the rot runs too deep, only a gutting, a purging, a wholesale burn-them-to-the-ground and sweep away the ashes...
Mike De Jong...Rich Coleman...Christy Clark.....You can`t morally ink MOUs and pass legislation with felons, with tax evaders, with thieves and criminals or with equally corrupt foreign Governments..
Christy Clark`s bullshit LNG con-job..There are no $billions in windfall profits for British Columbia..LNG is a polluting beggars fuel on the way out before it became a perceived in...The entire LNG industry is riddled with graft and public theft...
Australian LNG projects all went over budget by $10`s of billions of dollars, inflated project budgets....Graft..When Governments allowed energy giants to write-off all build costs prices zoomed upwards, the kick-back and triple billing schemes turned soup de jour, all the rave, energy giant CEOs dance the jig knowing Joe Smuck taxpayers are on the hook to pay the inflated bills.
Look at who Christy Clark is joined at the hip with.... Sukanto Tanoto, a criminal, tax evader, environment killer?...And most likely from what I have read a mass murdering $billionaire who destroys villages and the lives of those who get in his profiteering ways..A ruthless killer of those who have no voice...
Christy Clark can`t claim innocence, or stupidity when it comes to Sukanto Tanoto, Christy Clark knows what a ruthless, corrupt cheat Sukanto Tanoto is, the information is out there, ten minutes of online research on sukanto Tanoto is enough to ring alarm bells, she doesn`t care, Christy Clark is selling out British Columbia and its people for political gain, for personal money, Clark makes sure she is well-fed and taken care of and doesn`t give a damn if $hundreds of $billions are stolen, looted from British Columbia`s coffers and life itself sucked out of our salmon rivers, as long as Christy Clark and the BC Liberal party are paid off with political bribes nothing else matters.
This posting, this recital of facts, this scathing story is meant as a wake-up call to all Canadians..
Remove the rot, burn these corrupt entities to the ground, clean house, sweep these elected criminals out of office and with luck, jail them for crimes against humanity and grand theft of the public purse..
PETRONAS...NAJIB RAZAK....They are one of the same...Stephen Harper CON PARTY and Christy Clark`s Liberal Government have disrespected First Nations, they have corrupted all environmental assessments, the NEB is an oil industry infiltrated entity, British Columbia Government are cooking mythical books on vague LNG revenues flowing to BC sometime in the future(2028), a decade plus later?? for finite natural gas, the BC Liberals are lying about investment value of these LNG projects by a factor of 10...Lying about employment numbers by a factor of 20, lying about financial returns to the province and lying their godamn faces off over the threat to Canada`s second most productive salmon river..The Skeena..
Christy Clark and Rich Coleman would kill every wild salmon in British Columbia for the price of a political bribe and personal gain, they will deal with corrupt bought governments, mass murderers?, tax evaders, even worse, these BC Liberal grafters are spending probably $12 to $15 billion on a not needed Site C dam, this power, another BC taxpayer gift being handed to the sunset industry known as LNG export..
A project they refuse to be examined by the BCUC or any expert...$billions and billions to be spent, a decision made by a school drop-out, Christy Clark`s BC Liberal team know Site C dam power project won`t survive scrutiny....Corruption, Bought..
Christy Clark will even have business dealings with Malaysia`s Najib Razak, remember Najib, he is the head of Petronas energy company and the Prime Minister of Malaysia...
Well, ....Najib Razak, Malaysia`s prime minister is embroiled in a growing and growing scandal..
"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
Najib Razak, Malaysia`s prime minister was outed by a whistle-blower, the whistle-blower who is now MIA..Gone, probably dead, the whistle-blower reported on the fact that Najib Razak mysteriously had near $900 million US dollars deposited in his personal bank account, not a political party bank account, not a government bank account but his own personal bank account, ..10,000 years worth of his yearly prime minister salary($80 K per year) deposited in his bank account..
The shit hit the fan, the money is believed to be stolen from a Malaysian investment fund that has gathered up $11 billion in debt over the last few years.....A crime and corruption commission looking into the scandal became a target of Najib Razak and his Government powers...Members of the commission were disbanded, arrested and sent packing, the investigation halted..Malaysia`s attorney general was fired, honest Malaysian cabinet ministers removed, four of them tossed, local Malaysian newspapers and media outlets shuttered, dozens arrested as Christy Clark`s Malaysian business partner attempts to put out all his domestic fires, pure brute force to silence Razak`s critics, and silence justice.
After the BC Liberals used their majority to ram through their draconian sell-out LNG legislation Mike De Jong immediately and personally flew to Malaysia to tell Najib Razak in PERSON that the BC Liberal Government legislated into law all the demands he requested.
Mike De Jong was there to collect on what they were promised, shovels in the ground before the 2017 election, he never even got a commitment on anything, unfortunately for Mike De Jong, Najib Razak is in survival mode and Petronas`s Prince Rupert project proposal has been shuffled to the back-burner...Mike De Jong was shown the out-door and the way back to the Malaysian airport and sent back to British Columbia empty handed.
BC Liberals drafted legislation and sold us out on a flyer, a prayer, a wisp of fairy dust, tongue hanging, pant pant pant, not a flattering picture, a burning image of De Jong and Christy Clark begging for bones from the $1 billion dollar man..
Who today wants to invite Najib Razak to British Columbia, or Canada and hold a big ritzy photo-op and presser where the environmental approval and whitewashing rigged environmental assessment result is announced....Stephen Harper can bond with another tough on ISIS crusader?...Christy Clark can teach Najib Razak kite-surfing?..
Not Stephen Harper, he has his own office problems, but not for long..Tic Toc, tic toc..
So, Nazib Razak gets caught with near $1 billion US dollars in his personal bank account, he needed an excuse, and boy oh boy did Najib Razak come up with a whopper.
Najib Razak made the claim that the near $1 billion US dollars deposited in his personal bank account in March 2013 was..
"A political donation"
A $billion dollar political donation, from an un-named, unknown Middle East donor, ?
Are you kidding me...Najib Razak, Christy Clark`s partner in crime made the absurd claim that this $1 billion US dollars was a mere election campaign gift.
However, no brain-cell connected person believes the story, except Christy Clark and Stephen Harper, only those two political leaders believe Najib Razak...after-all, Mike Duffy scandal..military procurement boondoggles, endless deficits and ballooning debt, ...Christy Clark has a dozen scandals, every office staffer mute, political appointees investigating political appointees in an endless stream of scandal, graft, public theft and political thugness, roll out the legal guns eh Christy, eh Stephen..
Well, we have news, big damning news...Cuz guess what, Najib Razak has changed his mind, err, changed his story, again, this near $1 billion dollar gift, which earlier Najib Razak claimed was a political election party donation, now Najib Razak is claiming the money was gifted to him because....
Because he was instrumental in the fight against ISIS....Wholly smokes Batman. Hold onto to your tights Robin...This is a bombshell announcement that is about to blow up all over Najib Razak`s political future..
Prime Minister
Datuk Seri Najib Razak should come clean about the RM2.6 billion
donation made to his personal accounts following revelations that the
money was given to Malaysia for fighting militant group Isis, DAP said
Its parliamentary leader Lim Kit
Siang added that this latest "spin" was so far the most "ludicrous and
outrageous" explanation of the funds deposited into Najib's accounts.
"It has been said that once you tell a lie, you need to tell ten
more lies to cover the first lie," Lim said in a statement today."But the latest spin that the RM2.6 billion deposited into Najib’s personal bank accounts originated from Saudi Arabia as an appreciation to Malaysia for championing Islam, fighting Isis and for practising Sunni Islam really takes the cake for being the most ludicrous and outrageous explanation so far."
Najib's claim was full of holes and could not hold up under scrutiny, Lim, the Gelang Patah MP said
Well, that changes everything, so this near $1 billion US dollars deposited into Najib Razak`s personal bank account wasn`t a political party donation but a personal gift for championing the fight against ISIS....Oh how noble, what a sweet gift, Christy Clark`s business partner...Stephen Harper`s Malaysian buddy..
(Stephen Harper with Najib Razak pictured above)
Well, maybe Stephen Harper can enlist Najib Razak to help him in his Canadian campaign of fear...
Possibly, except we have a problem with the latest version of where and how this massive chunk of money came to be, because this money was deposited in Najib Razak`s personal bank account in March 2013....
And, ...first things first..
"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
Near $1 billion US dollars was deposited in Najib Razak`s personal bank account in March 2013...Then, fast-forward to a few months ago(in the year 2015)..... A whistle-blower reported that Najib Razak had nearly $1 billion US dollars in his bank account.
Najib Razak, clearly not thinking straight when confronted on the money by authorities..Razak claimed the money was a political election campaign donation from a anonymous Middle Eastern donor, to this day still anonymous, that was the meme and theme Najib Razak and his henchmen have been trying to sell to an ever more skeptical public..
Now today, August 18/2015
Najib Razak is changing his farcical political donation story...Najib Razak is now claiming the money deposited in March 2013 was a gift from the Middle East for speaking out against ISIS...
There is a problem with that new fairy tale, two problems actually...The first issue...There was no official ISIS entity in March 2013...The world, the USA, Canada, none of you readers, none of the world press knew of any group called ISIS in March 2013 because ISIS didn`t exist on the world stage.
"In April 2013, ISIS announced that the Nusra Front in Syria was affiliated with al Qaeda and the two would work together in Syria and Iraq. There were reports that ISIS had waned in influence early in 2014 and in February, al Qaeda separated itself from ISIS. This may have accounted President Obama's comment that the group was "the jayvee team" – a reference to the apparent rise of the still AQ-affiliated Nusra Front at the expense of ISIS. But in June 2014, the Nusra Front was reported to have merged into ISIS, providing it with an additional 15,000 soldiers for its latest push across western Iraq.
ISIS has enormous financial reserves. When Iraqi forced killed the ISIS commander of Mosul in June 2014, they retrieved 160 computer flash drives – which the CIA, among others, has been combing for information. According to The Guardian newspaper, the drives contained "noms de guerre of all foreign fighters, senior leaders and their code words, initials of sources inside ministries and full accounts of the group's finances." A British official told the newspaper, "Before Mosul, their total cash and assets were $875 million. Afterwards, with the money they robbed from banks and the value of the military supplies they looted, they could add another $1.5 billion to that."
ISIS, then, was not unknown to American, British, Iraqi or other intelligence services before it began its streak across the Syrian-Iraqi border and the acquisition of territory in which it has declared its caliphate."
- The Islamic State of Iraq in the Levant (ISIL), another name for the same group, started operations in Northern Syria following large demonstrations against Assad.[vi]
- ISIL officially declared its governance over the Levant in April 2013
- In August 2013, U.S. officials said ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was operating from Syria, but directing suicide attacks in central Iraq[vii]
- The group refocused efforts on Iraq-Syria border after fighting began with other rebel groups and Assad in late 2013 early 2014 [viii]
- AQ Central and ISIS split due to differences over methodology and fighting in early 2014 [ix]
- ISIS pushed deeper into Iraq, capturing Fallujah in Jan 2014[x] and Mosul in June.
So, in March 2013, a time in history when you, Canada, America(USA), United Kingdom, Canada`s leaders, Canada`s media never ever heard of the group ISIS...Najib Razak is now claiming the near $1 billion US dollars deposited in March 2013 in his personal bank account was given to him because he spoke against the ISIS threat and presumably, Razak kept quiet about this grand gift until...Until caught! ....Utter hogwash..
Calling it Hogwash is being poloite, it stretches the imagination, no, you Najib Razak must be lying, must really be corrupt, a bought politician..
Here is the smoking gun proof that Najib Razak is lying about the purpose of that money/bribe
Najib Razak is now saying.... The money deposited in March 2013 into his private bank account was because he was a staunch vocal opponent of the terrorist group ISIS...
Yet, on June 23th/2014...At a UMNO party function, UMNO are the initials of Najib Razak`s Malaysian political party...15 months after the money was deposited into his private bank account, at a partisan political UMNO dinner..
Najib Razak said this about ISIS...
Be brave like ISIL fighters, Najib tells UMNO
Submitted by farhan on

must emulate the bravery of a Middle Eastern militant group that
defeated an Iraqi force outnumbering it nearly 30 to one if the Malay
nationalist party is to survive, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said yesterday.
The Umno president and prime minister was listing virtues that were needed to allow the Malay nationalist party to continue in power, during a dinner to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its Cheras branch yesterday.
“For example, when someone dares to fight to their death, they can even defeat a much bigger team.
- More at AllSingaporeStuff.com http://www.allsingaporestuff.com/article/be-brave-isil-fighters-najib-tells-umno
FB: http://fb.com/allsgstuff
The Umno president and prime minister was listing virtues that were needed to allow the Malay nationalist party to continue in power, during a dinner to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its Cheras branch yesterday.
“For example, when someone dares to fight to their death, they can even defeat a much bigger team.
- More at AllSingaporeStuff.com http://www.allsingaporestuff.com/article/be-brave-isil-fighters-najib-tells-umno
FB: http://fb.com/allsgstuff
Be brave like ISIL fighters, Najib tells UMNO
Submitted by farhan on

must emulate the bravery of a Middle Eastern militant group that
defeated an Iraqi force outnumbering it nearly 30 to one if the Malay
nationalist party is to survive, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said yesterday.
The Umno president and prime minister was listing virtues that were needed to allow the Malay nationalist party to continue in power, during a dinner to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its Cheras branch yesterday.
“For example, when someone dares to fight to their death, they can even defeat a much bigger team.
- More at AllSingaporeStuff.com http://www.allsingaporestuff.com/article/be-brave-isil-fighters-najib-tells-umno
FB: http://fb.com/allsgstuff
The Umno president and prime minister was listing virtues that were needed to allow the Malay nationalist party to continue in power, during a dinner to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its Cheras branch yesterday.
“For example, when someone dares to fight to their death, they can even defeat a much bigger team.
- More at AllSingaporeStuff.com http://www.allsingaporestuff.com/article/be-brave-isil-fighters-najib-tells-umno
FB: http://fb.com/allsgstuff
KUALA LUMPUR — Umno must emulate the bravery of a Middle Eastern militant group that defeated an Iraqi force outnumbering it nearly 30 to one if the Malay nationalist party is to survive, Malaysia’s Prime Minister Najib Razak said yesterday (June 23)
The Umno president and prime minister was listing virtues that were needed to allow the Malay nationalist party to continue in power, during a dinner to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its Cheras branch yesterday.
“As proof — whether we agree or not is another matter — the group ISIL with the strength of just 1,300 people, can defeat an Iraqi army of 30,000 soldiers, until four, five generals with three, four stars run for their lives, jump out the window at night. Why? Because they are afraid of those who are brave,” he told more than 1,000 Umno members in attendance.
Apart from bravery, the five other virtues Mr Najib said Umno needed were to remain strong and relevant included obedience, loyalty, unity, excellence and sincerity. He also stressed the importance of being loyal to god, the party, and friends.
Mr Najib said having wisdom and foresight in battles as well as the ability to organise is also crucial in strengthening the party.
“Loyalty must not only be to the party but to the country as well, be brave to face the challenges. We must have the ability to adapt to changes and follow changes in the social media and technology.
We cannot just go into a battle without being prepared for the technical advancement. If there are people who are using Facebook to challenge us, we must fight back using Facebook. If they use online, we must also know how to fight back via online,” he said.
The Islamic State of Iraq in the Levant (ISIL) is a splinter group of al-Qaeda that wants to set up an Islamic caliphate encompassing both Iraq and Syria.
ISIL is viewed as a terror organisation by authorities both here and abroad.
A Malaysian suspected of being a member of ISIL was believed to have been the suicide bomber who killed 25 members of an Iraqi police team last month.
Earlier this month, three local men were arrested by police for suspected links to ISIL. AGENCIES
"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
Did you catch that harsh language from Najib Razak directed at ISIS, it sounded more like an ISIS recruitment speech than anything else..Remember, during that political speech by Razak he already had that money in his bank account for 15 months, ....He calls ISIS brave, Najib Razak places ISIS on pedestal in June 2014....If it doesn`t make sense it isn`t true
So,,let us recap, Christy Clark and Stephen Harper are chummy with a corrupt bought politician...Najib Razak who found himself on the receiving end of $900 million US dollars, deposited in his personal bank account in March 2013....A time in history when no one never even heard of the group ISIS(including myself and I read everything, everywhere)...Earlier in 2015 a whistle-blower(now gone missing) reported on the massive amount of money in Najib Razak`s personal bank account....The shit hit the fan...Najib Razak fired cabinet ministers, the attorney general, he shut down the crime and corruption commission, shut down Malaysian media and arrested dozens, claimed the money was from an anonymous Middle East donor, and now today, August 18th/2015 Najib Razak and his henchmen are saying that this near $1 billion US dollars was a gift, an anonymous gift from the Middle East for speaking up against ISIS, speaking up against ISIS ????, are you kidding me.
In March 2013 ISIS was unknown to the world....
Christy Clark....At this stage of the Najib Razak corruption scandal, a scandal that directly involves Petronas, the people of British Columbia should not have to honour or adhere to any legislation your party and government drafted to please a bought, corrupt politician and corrupt energy company..
You Christy Clark can`t legally bind British Columbia`s financial future to a known criminal(s)..
The next BC Government will have a moral authority to shred any legislation you wrote as to LNG...
Stephen Harper...Christy Clark...Sukanto Tanoto...Najib Razak...
Embezzlers, tax evaders, Mass Murderers?, environmental criminals, all bound together by the ties that bind..
Members of the Bought Politician`s Club.
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Seri Najib Razak last night outlined six virtues that Umno needed to
survive and flourish in the country among which bravery, as displayed by
some Middle East militants, was a requisite trait.
The Umno president said the party should emulate the exploits of a Middle Eastern militant group which defeated an Iraqi force outnumbering it.
“For example, when someone dares to fight to his death, he can even defeat a much bigger team,” he said, singling out the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil).
Isil, a splinter group of al-Qaeda, wants to set up an Islamic caliphate encompassing both Iraq and Syria and has been classified as a terror organisation. - See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/umno-should-get-some-tips-from-isil-militants-says-najib#sthash.KpS0I8xt.dpuf
The Umno president said the party should emulate the exploits of a Middle Eastern militant group which defeated an Iraqi force outnumbering it.
“For example, when someone dares to fight to his death, he can even defeat a much bigger team,” he said, singling out the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil).
Isil, a splinter group of al-Qaeda, wants to set up an Islamic caliphate encompassing both Iraq and Syria and has been classified as a terror organisation. - See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/umno-should-get-some-tips-from-isil-militants-says-najib#sthash.KpS0I8xt.dpuf
Seri Najib Razak last night outlined six virtues that Umno needed to
survive and flourish in the country among which bravery, as displayed by
some Middle East militants, was a requisite trait.
The Umno president said the party should emulate the exploits of a Middle Eastern militant group which defeated an Iraqi force outnumbering it.
“For example, when someone dares to fight to his death, he can even defeat a much bigger team,” he said, singling out the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil).
Isil, a splinter group of al-Qaeda, wants to set up an Islamic caliphate encompassing both Iraq and Syria and has been classified as a terror organisation. Malaysians are said to be linked to the group. One was believed to have been the suicide bomber who killed 25 Iraqi policemen last month while police here arrested three local men, believed to be members of the group, earlier this month.
“Whether we agree or not is another matter, the group Isil with the strength of just 1,300 people, can defeat an Iraqi army of 30,000 soldiers, until four, five generals with three, four stars run for their lives, jump out the window at night,” he said at a dinner to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the party’s Cheras Umno branch last night.
He said ISIL could defeat a bigger force simply because the latter was afraid of it.
Apart from bravery, the five other virtues Najib said Umno needed were to remain strong and relevant included obedience, loyalty, unity, excellence and sincerity.
"Loyalty must not only be to the party but to the country as well, be brave to face the challenges. We must have the ability to adapt to changes and follow changes in the social media and technology.
"We cannot just go into a battle without being prepared for the technical advancement. If there are people who are using Facebook to challenge us, we must fight back using Facebook. If they use online, we must also know how to fight back via online," he said.
Najib later launched a book titled “Buku Minda Syed Ali” and a special bulletin to commemorate Cheras Umno's 20th anniversary. – June 24, 2014.
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/umno-should-get-some-tips-from-isil-militants-says-najib#sthash.KpS0I8xt.dpuf
The Umno president said the party should emulate the exploits of a Middle Eastern militant group which defeated an Iraqi force outnumbering it.
“For example, when someone dares to fight to his death, he can even defeat a much bigger team,” he said, singling out the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil).
Isil, a splinter group of al-Qaeda, wants to set up an Islamic caliphate encompassing both Iraq and Syria and has been classified as a terror organisation. Malaysians are said to be linked to the group. One was believed to have been the suicide bomber who killed 25 Iraqi policemen last month while police here arrested three local men, believed to be members of the group, earlier this month.
“Whether we agree or not is another matter, the group Isil with the strength of just 1,300 people, can defeat an Iraqi army of 30,000 soldiers, until four, five generals with three, four stars run for their lives, jump out the window at night,” he said at a dinner to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the party’s Cheras Umno branch last night.
He said ISIL could defeat a bigger force simply because the latter was afraid of it.
Apart from bravery, the five other virtues Najib said Umno needed were to remain strong and relevant included obedience, loyalty, unity, excellence and sincerity.
"Loyalty must not only be to the party but to the country as well, be brave to face the challenges. We must have the ability to adapt to changes and follow changes in the social media and technology.
"We cannot just go into a battle without being prepared for the technical advancement. If there are people who are using Facebook to challenge us, we must fight back using Facebook. If they use online, we must also know how to fight back via online," he said.
Najib later launched a book titled “Buku Minda Syed Ali” and a special bulletin to commemorate Cheras Umno's 20th anniversary. – June 24, 2014.
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/umno-should-get-some-tips-from-isil-militants-says-najib#sthash.KpS0I8xt.dpuf
Grant, you certainly have a way with words!
I hope you are not harbouring a secret desire to run as a Conservative or Liberal candidate in the next election(s). I think they have your number!
Grant, maybe this was a political contribution from the taxpayer's of BC. I am sure Christy would not think it wrong to contribute to her savior in this huge LNG boondoggle.
David...in this post..
I suggest, because I believe that the BC Government IS a potential source of the bribe money in Razak`s personal bank account...The money arrived in Razak`s bank account a mere month before our 2013 provincial election...
Razak is finished, so is the Petronas Prince Rupert project.
".... Stephen Harper when he says that he was left in the dark ...."
Just how many times has Harper been left in the dark by his assistants? How many times has there been a Nigel Moment; a Payoff; a Kickback; sweeping the dirt under the carpet... carpetbagger
And the frantic tilt-a-whirl spin continues...
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