Are you aware that the BC Liberal advertising (propaganda) campaign is scheduled to "ramp up" starting on April 1st/2013, right now we are witnessing only "the tepid" part of the advertising blitz.
Vaughn Palmer wrote how these current provincial Liberals are spending $34 million dollars this year alone on advertising, but even that number is suspect, add in ICBC, BC Lottery, BC Ferries and other crown corporations and who really knows the true numbers.
I have been told by a friend in the media/advertising game that that Christy Clark and her fellow Liberal cronies will be expending $50 million taxpayer dollars on many suspect ads from the period of April 1st/2013-through to the election(May 14th/2013)...Interesting that when Christy Clark was part of the opposition in the late nights she bellowed from the backbenches in Victoria about the NDP Government of the day spending a whopping $600K on a year-long advertising campaigns, we are talking about the BC Liberals spending 70 times more money in 2012 on propaganda, and an estimated 100 times the NDP $600k ad campaign of the late 90`s in a 2 month period coming this April/2013 through May/2013..
Vaughn Palmer was also concerned that the "Jobs Plan" and subsequent jobs plan advertisement campaign was initially talked about and debated in the Legislature, the plan was to spend the majority of these copious amounts of advertising dollars over seas, and not so subtlety the ad campaign shifted(with a now shuttered Legislature)from foreign to domestic markets..
Is it just me, these ads reek of partisan propaganda, continually these ads bandy around the number "1 $trillion dollars for BC"...Yet not one LNG liquidfication plant has been built, in fact the very first LNG Project, the one furthest along has failed to sign any long-term LNG buying contracts, for without a guarantee of big-bucks long term it won`t get built, and yes, you regular readers here at The Straight Goods are well aware of not only the risks but the facts on the ground related to LNG, the facts about the world glut of LNG in a stagnant broke world, in other words..
LNG even exported to Asian countries will never fetch more than $6 to $7 dollars per BTU, and at that price, add in the cost of liquifying and transporting by tanker, and the tremendous start up costs....And considering Russia, New Zealand, USA, Qutar, Philippenes and especially Australia are years ahead of us..
We are talking about an exercise in futility, a pipedream, but that never stopped the Facist and wholly corporate owned BC Liberal party from selling fake snake oil, and using our tax dollars to boot!
And unfortunately for us taxpayers, Global BC news have dived headlong into the selling propaganda as news programming game, they too will soon have to answer to the CRTC for faking out viewers and giving primetime info-mercials/Government advertising disguised as programming.
Add in the Federal Conservative Government propaganda campaign and Enbridge`s animated cartoons and nauseating radio ads, a symphony of almost indentical in form and structure propaganda schemes....
And it`s enough to give one a permanent ad-nauseum headache!
This post of course is not about advertising, it`s about exaggeration, specifically, Enbridge economic benefits accruing through the approval, completion and ongoing operation of the Northern Enbridge pipeline...Exaggeration on steroids, Exaggeration Enbridge style.
If we go back into the way-back-when time machine, to be precise, December 11th/2011...11 months ago, right about the time when Enbridge discussions were heating up and heading into the Joint Review Panel hearing`s on Northern Gateway..
December 11th/2011 these words were uttered.............
"Redford said the benefits for B.C. and Canada as a whole are evident in a new University of Calgary study showing $132 billion in new wealth for the Canadian economy from 2016-30 if North American pipeline capacity were sufficiently expanded to match the growth in oilsands production with demand in the U.S. and Asia."
The University of Calgary's School of Public Policy issued an analysis Thursday concluding that with expanded pipeline access to U.S. and Asian markets, Canada's gross domestic product would jump $132 billion in 2010 dollars between 2016 and 2030, generating $27 billion in federal, provincial and municipal taxes and 649,000 person-years of employment.
But the study also shows that the overwhelming economic benefit of pipeline expansion to B.C. goes to Alberta.
The opening of the Asian market would trigger $10.5 billion in gains and 52,000 person-years of employment in Canada, ......
but almost $10 billion of that wealth and 44,000 person-years go to Alberta.
Ontario would get $286 million and 4,000 person-years, while B.C. would enjoy $131 million and 2,000 person-years.
The study also suggests that B.C. would gain an additional $85 million in GDP and another 1,000 person-years due to increased exports to California if pipelines are built to the West Coast.
Those words were uttered on December 11th/2011, right about the time the Enbridge big push started..
Let`s decipher those numbers, first off any numbers coming from the University of Calgary are definitely skewed towards big-oil, this Calgary University study was meant to sell big-oil and more pipelines to Canada, and specifically British Columbia..
"but almost $10 billion of that wealth and 44,000 person-years go to Alberta"
That statement was true, relatively true, let me explain how those person-years of employment work..The University of Calgary uses 2016-2030 time frame, those jobs are divided by year..So if you divide 44,000 by 14 you come to...
3142.85714286.....Let`s call it 3142 jobs for Alberta each year, due to Enbridge..
And British Columbia would get......
"while B.C. would enjoy $131 million and 2,000 person-years.
The study also suggests that B.C. would gain an additional $85 million in GDP and another 1,000 person-years due to increased exports to California if pipelines are built to the West Coast."
Look at the total monies BC would get...$131 million and a suggested(possible) additional $85 million dollars...If we divide that money by 14...That total is.
$15.4285714286......Let`s call it $15. 5 million dollars per year...Now let`s do the jobs total..
Remember what the UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY SAID .....
"while B.C. would enjoy $131 million and 2,000 person-years.
The study also suggests that B.C. would gain an additional $85 million in GDP and another 1,000 person-years due to increased exports to California if pipelines are built to the West Coast."
2000 person-years..Plus 1000 person-years of employment, a total of 3000 person-years, again, let`s divide this number by 14..
That number totals...
214.285714286.......Let`s call that 214 full-time after construction jobs, and that my friends is almost exactly how many full-time jobs will be created in B.C....All that risk for a handful of jobs.
And as bloggers and honest reporters(what few there are) reported, the Enbridge Kalamazoo spill, Keystone cops, The Red Deer river spill, the other 1000 major oil spills Enbridge has had.
Then we had Joe Oliver calling all environmentalists and concerned British Columbian`s "Eco-terrorists..Radicals"...Then asshole bought voices like Ezra Levant and Vivian Krauss weighed in on foundations and societies donating to and or assisting in the Enbridge battle, they talked about a few $million dollars over years or a few hundred $thousand dollars over years while simultaneously ignoring China and big oil contributing $hundreds of millions of dollars in 2 years for the Enbridge project alone, a true David and Goliath yet they spun, confused and distorted and shills like Bill Good, Sean Leslie and Global not only bought the bullshit the propagated the lies, they spread the spin and played the game, and yes, now their airwaves(Global BC and CKNW) are almost exclusively Government or industry ads, .....Anything for money eh Global? You care not about truth, and you certainly don`t give a rat`s ass about the future..
Still Enbridge was losing the battle over public approval, and losing it badly, news of almost weekly oil pipeline leaks in their systems wasn`t helping their cause.
Then Enbridge tried to fake out a Nation(Canada) by lying about First Nation support for the Northern Enbridge pipeline, Enbridge lied about the First Nation support, Enbridge actually bribed First Nation elders in a few communities and got these elders to state support for the pipeline when there was none! The Vancouver sun, the Province and almost every Canadian big daily headlined the story, but there was no story, those elders had no standing, no authority to sign anything, they went into hiding, eventually the truth came out, yet the big dailies went silent on their retractions, there were no follow up stories, only silent embarrassment.
Enbridge wasn`t finished, they faked documents to the JRP review, documents claiming Haida nation support, again Enbridge got busted for lying..
And boy oh boy did both we and the Gitxsan learn a lot about the bought-man Elmer Derrick..
Elmer Derrick: The Inside Man on Enbridge
- Details
- Published Date
- Written by Damien Gillis
- Category: Opinion
Embattled Gitxsan Treaty Rep, Enbridge Deal-Maker Elmer Derrick Has Long Ties to BC Liberal
by Damien Gillis l The
The heated debate playing out in the BC media over the past few days regarding the now-disputed deal
announced this past Friday between Enbridge and the Gitxsan First
Nation warrants a closer examination of the lone Gitxsan man behind the
Just who is Elmer Derrick - besides a hereditary chief and lead
treaty negotiator for the Gitxsan?
It turns out Mr. Derrick also has a
decade-long history as a key political appointee of the BC Liberal
Mr. Derrick was among the first political appointees of Gordon Campbell (see Order in Council 847) when the former premier replaced most of the BC Hydro Board of Directors with his own appointees soon after coming to power in 2001. Derrick was among that first batch of board appointments and retained his position at least until March 2008, the last time he is listed as a director in the annual report of the crown corporation.
M r. Derrick began his foray into politics under the NDP's tenure, when he was appointed in 1995 to the board of the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (O.I.C. 1331). Six years later he was becoming a go-to appointee for Campbell. In 2002, Derrick was appointed to the First Peoples' Advisory Committee (O.I.C. 385) to the Campbell Government as well. In his biography on the Northwest Tribal Treaties Association's website, Derrick is also listed as a board member of Powerex - BC's electricity trading crown corporation - and "a volunteer community member of the National Committee on Sustainable Development, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for three successive reports to the Parliament of Canada."
Mr. Derrick involved himself in the recent BC Liberal leadership debate earlier this year - throwing his support behind losing candidate George Abbott, according to a Black Press story which is no longer posted on the company's websites but was re-posted on a Vancouver Island realtor's blog, where it remains at the time of publication of this story. The story notes, "Also joining Abbott at the announcement were Klahoose First Nation Chief Ken Brown, Gitsxan Chief Elmer Derrick..." (emphasis added).
Mr. Derrick has also acted as co-chair of the Northwest Power Line Coalition, an industry-driven group designed to support the building of the Northwest Transmission Corridor - an initiative championed by both the provincial Liberal and federal Conservative governments - to open up mining and hydro projects in Northwest BC. Among a group of over 50 mining and industrial equipment companies, engineering firms and trade organizations are two First Nations entities, listed as, "Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs and Tahltan Development Corporation."
Mr. Derrick was among the first political appointees of Gordon Campbell (see Order in Council 847) when the former premier replaced most of the BC Hydro Board of Directors with his own appointees soon after coming to power in 2001. Derrick was among that first batch of board appointments and retained his position at least until March 2008, the last time he is listed as a director in the annual report of the crown corporation.
M r. Derrick began his foray into politics under the NDP's tenure, when he was appointed in 1995 to the board of the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (O.I.C. 1331). Six years later he was becoming a go-to appointee for Campbell. In 2002, Derrick was appointed to the First Peoples' Advisory Committee (O.I.C. 385) to the Campbell Government as well. In his biography on the Northwest Tribal Treaties Association's website, Derrick is also listed as a board member of Powerex - BC's electricity trading crown corporation - and "a volunteer community member of the National Committee on Sustainable Development, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for three successive reports to the Parliament of Canada."
Mr. Derrick involved himself in the recent BC Liberal leadership debate earlier this year - throwing his support behind losing candidate George Abbott, according to a Black Press story which is no longer posted on the company's websites but was re-posted on a Vancouver Island realtor's blog, where it remains at the time of publication of this story. The story notes, "Also joining Abbott at the announcement were Klahoose First Nation Chief Ken Brown, Gitsxan Chief Elmer Derrick..." (emphasis added).
Mr. Derrick has also acted as co-chair of the Northwest Power Line Coalition, an industry-driven group designed to support the building of the Northwest Transmission Corridor - an initiative championed by both the provincial Liberal and federal Conservative governments - to open up mining and hydro projects in Northwest BC. Among a group of over 50 mining and industrial equipment companies, engineering firms and trade organizations are two First Nations entities, listed as, "Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs and Tahltan Development Corporation."
A Marketwire story
form January 2010 quotes Mr. Derrick: "'We look forward to working with
and supporting [BC Transmission Corporation] in this process,' added
Coalition Co-Chair Elmer Derrick, Hereditary Gitxsan Chief. 'We are
confident that the needs, concerns and questions of those impacted by
this power line will be met through the environmental assessment.'"
Mr. Derrick has come under fire by members of his own Gitxsan nation for brokering a deal with Enbridge in support of the company's proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline. Several hereditary chiefs from the community claimed in a press release this past Friday that Mr. Derrick had no authority to sign an economic benefit agreement with Enbridge and are now seeking to reverse that move.
Mr. Derrick has come under fire by members of his own Gitxsan nation for brokering a deal with Enbridge in support of the company's proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline. Several hereditary chiefs from the community claimed in a press release this past Friday that Mr. Derrick had no authority to sign an economic benefit agreement with Enbridge and are now seeking to reverse that move.
Merv Ritchie smelled an Enbridge rat too, and published this shocker, with questions and deflective answers..

REPORTING · 3rd December 2011
"One week ago, on Friday, November 25, 2011, the Regional District Kitimat Stikine (RDKS) took the extraordinary step of unanimously supporting a single project for the Provincial Governments “Community Recreational Grant Program”. They had more applicants and could have even listed their choices in order of preference, but they were steadfast and determined. The Gitxsan Nation had worked so hard, united and together for this one dream, the new Sports Arena to replace the crumbling Ken Trombley Memorial Arena in Hazelton, they decided they would risk everything to show their support for the Gitxsan people and their demonstration of unity by offering the Province no other alternatives.
Elmer Derrick may have just flushed that new found hope and dream of a unified people down the toilet. Just what did Enbridge promise him? He claims one fortieth of ten percent. That made one media spokesperson openly chuckle.
Three and a half years ago Derrick did essentially the same thing. He heads up the Gitxsan Treaty Office (GTO) and the Gitxsan Treaty Society (GTS). Without consulting the Gitxsan people he held a media conference and announced to the world a new Gitxsan Governance Structure. The Gitxsan people heard about it first through the media just like today they are hearing they suddenly support Enbridge on the nightly news.
Even Derrick fumbled badly when asked who he speaks for and where he gets his authority he had the following answers to these questions;"
Listen the the entire media conference call announcing this deal, between Enbridge and Derrick, by clicking on the attached audio file below
Are the Band Councils on Board with this decision?
I don’t know […] I haven’t solicited any opinions from the Band Councils
Can you legitimately speak for all the people?
Our title holdings (referring to being a Hereditary Chief) have been recognized by the Supreme Court of Canada.
But you didn’t confer with any of those elected officials?
Well we send out information and talk to ah, we’ve been talking to as many people as possible in the past six years.
Who was actively participating in reaching this agreement with Enbridge, just you?
No input from Band Councils but we have a staff
Was it ultimately your decision then?
Not necessarily, I just do the negotiations for the nation.
Do the actual members of the first nation support this, do you even know?
Most of them do.
How do you know?
Just from talking to people.
So, no consultation, no referendum, no Chief meetings, no community polling, no input whatsoever, “just from talking to people”, and that is good enough for Elmer and Enbridge to host an international media scrum.
After the 2008 fiasco with his announced “Alternative Gitxsan Governance Model” the Nation became somewhat fractured. Lawsuits were filed and challenges to authority were levelled.
On October 2 of 2008, a world renowned Gitxsan and widely published author on aboriginal matters, Neil Sterritt, wrote a letter critiquing the dictatorial approach of the GTO.
“As a Gitxsan person and former leader, my personal vision is of an umbrella organization that is a positive, respectful, uniting force for all Gitxsan people, rather than one that arbitrarily polarizes and divides the people.”
"The response from the GTO ignored the unity issue and focused almost entirely on attacking the Indian Act and the Band Councils; not a whisper of compromise and conciliation.
Clashes of authority took on such a heightened exchange that a Band Council made a resolution in December 2009 to burn down an unauthorized building being constructed on reserve land using funds provided by Derrick and the GTO; and burn it they did. The claim at the time was the Hereditary Chiefs were attempting to re-establish the Village Community of Gisega’as, which had been incorporated into the village of Gitanmaax in 1947/48. This was a direct challenge to the authority of the Band Council who had filed a lawsuit earlier in 2009. The lawsuit had Village Councils and Hereditary Chiefs on one side with the GTO and Hereditary Chiefs on the other. This all happened during the emotionally trying time after the RCMP hunted down and shot a young native man in the bush at a hunting cabin just a few miles north.
Two years later the GTO had provided the seed capital for the new Hazelton Ice Arena and Sports complex, which saw all organizations and Villages jump on board; Native and non-Native alike. The municipal and regional authorities all joined in, which culminated in last week’s phenomenal declaration at the Regional District Kitimat Stikine.
One can only wonder if Chief Derrick will have a moment of clarity and recognize the harm he has perpetrated.
A real Hereditary Chief only speaks for his people when he consults with his people and gets the authority to deliver their decision. Chief Derrick did not do this most primary function.
When asked why he chose now to make this announcement he answered this way."
Why did you chose now to sign?
The opportunity to sign today that’s all
How much did the announcement this week by many First nation that didn’t support the pipeline or tankers influence today’s announcement.
I really wasn’t aware, unfortunately, of the details of the announcement that came out yesterday or the day before. So this announcement today has no bearing on what’s been done over the past day or so.
Just another coincidence it appears, only a couple of days after a united statement of solidarity by BC First Nations communities, Enbridge suddenly makes a signing opportunity available for Chief Derrick.
It should also be pointed out Derrick has been working on securing the position of the pipe pig owner and operator. It was announced over a year ago how the GTO was negotiating with Enbridge to secure the entire ownership of the pig function.
This is a unit specifically designed to travel inside the pipe inspecting the interior surfaces for corrosion and security.
Has this anything to do with your attempt to own the pig?
We haven’t talked about specifics but we’re hopeful that we’ll get some opportunities to enable some Gitxsan contractors to actually do some major works for the project.
The safety of the pipe should be of considerable importance to those who have it traversing their lands.
How many kilometres of that pipeline will run through your nation’s territory?
There is actually none that will run through our territory.
How do you think your decision will affect your relationship with other first Nations in the Area?
Hopefully it will not impact our relationship negatively, we’ve always been frank with our opinions on different projects and we respect the positions taken by the other First Nations, our neighbours.
At the end of the day will it be Hereditary Chiefs who decide how the money is spent?
It’ll be, ah, it’ll be ah, it’ll involve the whole community.
So you don’t really have a structure for the money will be distributed?
Oh, we do.
So how will you consult the community?
Well we ah, um, like we always do, we have continual meetings with everybody.
Where does the decision making process end?
Well there will be a board and professional administrators.
So here we have the Federal Government acting like bullies, we have all the big daily newspapers repeating Enbridge lies, what were those newspapers thinking, were they lazy, uniformed or part of Enbridge`s agenda(for an advertising price)..The only answer can be they were bought for a fistful of advertising dollars, editors and reporters should have been fired for and with cause...
You would think that Enbridge might start to play it Straight, are you kidding, they are still lying, every step of the way through this process Enbridge has lied, spun and exaggerated, here Enbridge got caught, again lying and faking a study about wildlife...Another "oops moment" for Enbridge..
Not only does Mark Hume then nail Enbridge with another lie, then comes along Opinion 250, a online BC Liberal flagship promotional and propaganda site, the last part of this post exposes exaggeration on steroids, reported willingly and without question by Ben Meisner and Opinion 250, that shocker is below....
Which brings me to the latest exaggerationfest sponsored by Enbridge and Alberta, remember those economic numbers we started with, the one`s from the University of Calgary..
Let`s look at the latest version of those numbers..Courtesy of the Always in the BC Liberal`s pockets, Ben Miesner and Opinion 250...You will never find stories about BC Liberal scandal here, the online paper is nothing but a corporate whore propaganda rag, and yes, Opinion 250 is losing the Enbridge battle too, but they are still pimping..Here was a recent article they did, no numbers were questioned, Opinion 20 merely smiled and posted the pure bullshit propaganda piece..
Mark Hume Nails Enbridge on Caribou Paper Cheat
Which brings me the latest exaggerationfest sponsored by Enbridge and Alberta, remember those economic numbers we started with, the one`s from the University of Calgary..
Let`s look at the latest version of those numbers..Courtesy of the Always in the BC Liberal`s pockets, Ben Miesner and Opinion 250...You will never find stories about BC Liberal scandal here, the online paper is nothing but a corporate whore propaganda rag, and yes, Opinion 250 is losing the Enbridge battle too, but they are still pimping..Here was a recent article they did, no numbers were questioned, Opinion 20 merely smiled and posted the pure bullshit propaganda piece..
Here are the numbers, be prepared to be shocked..
Both men applaud the environmental review process, with Krischke
saying it’s important that people speak up to ensure the environment
is protected, but that shouldn’t stop all development “In a perfect world,
BC is beautiful so should we just make it a park? I don’t know how BC
residents will survive. I’m opposed to that (stopping development)”.
Krischke says the other message they want to share is that people
can co-exist with pipelines “We have over a 100 thousand kilometers of
pipeline in Alberta and we co-exist quite well. So part of our message
is that you can co-exist with pipelines. Is there risk? Absolutely there
is risk, there is risk in anything that happens, there is risk in
walking across the road. So we want to spread the message that you can
live next to a pipeline and you don’t even notice that it’s there.”
The Enbridge proposal struck alarm bells with
many following the spill in Kalamazoo Michigan, but that disaster has
resulted in a positive says Krischke “ It forced Enbridge to say ‘OK we
understand what your concern is, we will do these added things
to minimize the risk on this pipeline’, so in a back handed way, it
wasn’t good for the people of Michigan but it was a good thing for this
process because it heightened that issue of risk and I think good things
are coming out of that.”
“We’re not here to tell anyone how to vote or approve
or disapprove of the project” says Krischke, “we’re more here to say we
see economic benefits not only for Alberta but for B.C. and all of
According to the Capital Region Board, ( which paid for the two day
tour) those economic benefits would , over 25 years, translate as
B.C. $28 billion and 25% of the total jobs
Saskatchewan $5 billion and 3% of total jobs
Manitoba $4 billion and 4% of total jobs
Ontario $63 billion and 52% of total jobs
Quebec $14 billion and 13% of total jobs
Maritimes and Territories: $3 billion and 3% of total jobs
Their projection did not outline economic benefits for Alberta,
but suggests nearly 780 thousand jobs would be created in Alberta.
Where will they find all the workers to fill those
positions? “We’ll have to bring in skilled workers from other arts of
the world” says Houston, “We have no choice.” Alberta, like all other
parts of the country is facing a shortage of skilled workers.
The two will be in Kitimat tomorrow for meetings with leaders in that community.
First off, would any of you buy a used car from those 2 guys?....Let`s examine their numbers, which apparently came from..The Capital Region Board
First off, would any of you buy a used car from those 2 guys?....Let`s examine their numbers, which apparently came from..The Capital Region Board
Who the hell is the "Capital region board"?
Let`s look at the jobs numbers first, if you add up these provinces..
According to the Capital Region Board, ( which paid for the two day
tour) those economic benefits would , over 25 years, translate as
B.C. $28 billion and 25% of the total jobs
Saskatchewan $5 billion and 3% of total jobs
Manitoba $4 billion and 4% of total jobs
Ontario $63 billion and 52% of total jobs
Quebec $14 billion and 13% of total jobs
Maritimes and Territories: $3 billion and 3% of total jobs
That adds up to 100% of the jobs, yet Alberta isn`t even included in those numbers
To be clear, these Alberta clowns are talking about over 25 years, not 14 years, let`s compare...Here is what the University of Calgary said..
To be clear, these Alberta clowns are talking about over 25 years, not 14 years, let`s compare...Here is what the University of Calgary said..
"while B.C. would enjoy $131 million and 2,000 person-years.The study also suggests that B.C. would gain an additional $85 million in GDP and another 1,000 person-years due to increased exports to California if pipelines are built to the West Coast."
Do you see the massive difference?...For argument sake, considering the U of Calgary was 14 years and these clowns talking 25 years let`s double the University of Calgary numbers...
$262 million dollars and 4,000 person additional $170 million in GDP and another 2,000 person years ..
You see, if you double the money and jobs numbers, going from 14 year outlook to 25 years, the yearly job numbers are the same, about 200 full-time after construction jobs in BC...Because these 2 clowns from Alberta don`t even post a Canada jobs total, they only use see
According to the Capital Region Board, ( which paid for the two day
tour) those economic benefits would , over 25 years, translate as
B.C. $28 billion and 25% of the total jobs
Saskatchewan $5 billion and 3% of total jobs
Manitoba $4 billion and 4% of total jobs
Ontario $63 billion and 52% of total jobs
Quebec $14 billion and 13% of total jobs
Maritimes and Territories: $3 billion and 3% of total jobs
Yet look at the money number, the university of Calgary had the truthful number of $131 million dollars coming to BC over 14 years, we doubled that number to stretch to 25 years for comparison purposes, to $262 million dollars, and an "suggested" $170 million in GDP
Yet the Opinion 250 story, look at their $dollar numbers for BC..."B.C.------$28 billion and 25% of the total jobs"......What job total? How many jobs?..Who knows, they only use a percentage, a percentage of what?, That we don`t know! And look at the money total...
We are going from the University of Calgary study using these numbers...
The University of Calgary's School of Public Policy issued an analysis Thursday concluding that with expanded pipeline access to U.S. and Asian markets, Canada's gross domestic product would jump $132 billion in 2010 dollars between 2016 and 2030, generating $27 billion in federal, provincial and municipal taxes and 649,000 person-years of employment.But the study also shows that the overwhelming economic benefit of pipeline expansion to B.C. goes to Alberta.
The opening of the Asian market would trigger $10.5 billion in gains and 52,000 person-years of employment in Canada, ......
but almost $10 billion of that wealth and 44,000 person-years go to Alberta.
Ontario would get $286 million and 4,000 person-years, while B.C. would enjoy $131 million and 2,000 person-years.
The study also suggests that B.C. would gain an additional $85 million in GDP and another 1,000 person-years due to increased exports to California if pipelines are built to the West Coast.
To the Alberta Capital Region using these numbers..
According to the Capital Region Board, ( which paid for the two day
tour) those economic benefits would , over 25 years, translate as
B.C. $28 billion and 25% of the total jobs
Saskatchewan $5 billion and 3% of total jobs
Manitoba $4 billion and 4% of total jobs
Ontario $63 billion and 52% of total jobs
Quebec $14 billion and 13% of total jobs
Maritimes and Territories: $3 billion and 3% of total jobs
The increase in BC`s money total, meaning the money BC will receive has gone from over 25 years..From the University of Calgary in December 2011....$262 million and a "suggested" $200 million in GDP....
To the capital region of Alberta stating that BC will receive over 25 years..."$28 billion dollars" and a unknown amount of jobs!
And here is the most outlandish statement those above pictured Oil Whore representatives made...From the article..
According to the Capital Region Board, ( which paid for the two day
tour) those economic benefits would , over 25 years, translate as
B.C. $28 billion and 25% of the total jobs
Saskatchewan $5 billion and 3% of total jobs
Manitoba $4 billion and 4% of total jobs
Ontario $63 billion and 52% of total jobs
Quebec $14 billion and 13% of total jobs
Maritimes and Territories: $3 billion and 3% of total jobs
Their projection did not outline economic benefits for Alberta,
but suggests nearly 780 thousand jobs would be created in Alberta.
"Where will they find all the workers to fill those
positions? “We’ll have to bring in skilled workers from other arts of
the world” says Houston, “We have no choice.” Alberta, like all other
parts of the country is facing a shortage of skilled workers."
According to those lying bastards from the Alberta Capital Region the Enbridge pipeline will create in Alberta a staggering 780,000 jobs, 1/4 of the entire population of Alberta will be required for the Enbridge pipeline, they don`t mention job years, they say the Enbridge pipeline "suggests nearly 780 thousand jobs would be created in Alberta."
There you have it, Opinion 250 playing the propaganda games along with cknw, Global news, Enbridge, Federal Government and of course BC`s own Facist and wholly owned corporate party the BC Liberals...
In just over 1 year BC`s enbridge benefits have grown from $262 plus an additional $200 million in GDP million(over 25 years) to over $28 billion dollars..
And Alberta, but only if BC allows Enbridge will create a "suggested 780,000 jobs for that 1 project..
Well well well, let`s wait another year and the jobs potential will be $billions of jobs and BC`s economic benefits will be in the $trillions....
Ah, never-mind.....Christy Clark is already using the $trillion dollar number in her propaganda, eer jobs advertising blitz!
But what do I know about exaggeration?
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Nice job pointing out huge discrepancies in the numbers, WTF, does Enbridge believe we all travel on turnip trucks.
Hey Grant,
As far as Christy's trillion goes I would wager we will never see dollar one,these people simply don't have the ability!It is simply pipe dreams another contrived issue for election never planned to materialize.
When you hear the enbridge numbers it boggles the mind they aren't being challenged other than here. it seems they grow like pinochio's nose but no-one calls them on the lies. Come april my T.V. will be off so their money[our money] will be waisted on me.
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