Years of sweat and internal fear, a girls dream, not sugar,not spice but to slice through the air and soar,to soar where only eagles dare.
Not dresses nor dolls but arrows and poles, to fly as angels, to fly as men, compete as equals and vie for space only to be treated with such disgrace.
Four years more four years more,just wait just wait, you will grow,there there deary deary, don`t be teary, the shame we feel the perma stain, and the clock that never stops,the time won`t wait for angels,time won`t hide our shame, for country, for nation, for power used to tame.
And who is to blame, dreams, hopes and more, when all girls want to do is soar.
Dedicated to our courageous female ski-jumpers who lost their finAL BATTLE today AS THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA REFUSED TO HEAR THEIR CASE OF DISCRIMINATION.The court gave no reasons for refusing to hear the case.
Merry Christmas girls
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
And Merry Christmas to you!
Just a quick thanks for a very interesting Blog Site. It puts the main stream media to shame!
There will be alot of grist for your mill, post Olympics!!!!!!!!
Cheers, Gary L.
Wonderful post! And a Merry Christmas to you and yours too buddy!
If the male jumpers had any balls, and female spectatators were paying attention...they boycott these games in protest.
Not going to happen in this "Man's World." (James Brown)
The sooner this 5-ring circus comes and goes, the better. The IOC seems to be the only entity in the world that can take over a country without firing a shot.
Our laws don't apply to anything olympic related. They, through Vanoc have endeared themselves to no one with the heavy-handed tactics they have employed against businesses that carried names close to the word "olympic". They've even tried to claim exclusive ownership of everyday words and phrases. They expect all British Columbians living in the lower mainland and the Whistler area to put their lives and livelihoods on hold just so the elites of the world can have a good time at the taxpayers' expense. Who will make up the loss of wages for those that are impacted, and the loss of revenue that many companies are sure encounter? You can bet it won't be the IOC or any of the sponsors.
As for the IOC's refusal to let the females ski jumpers compete, I think they have proved they are not as smart as they make themselves out to be. The ski jumping venue is only used for one event, so to add a second event would have been a no brainer. Extra event=more TV time=more advertising revenue for the media. Who's running their financial arm, Colin Hansen?
I have been a fan of sporting events for many years and have always enjoyed watching them on TV. Now that I see the inner workings of the IOC and their sycophants up close, my views are jaded to such a point that I will just tune them out and watch reruns for the duration of this spectacle. I wish all our athletes success in their endeavors and may they all set personal bests, but as some wrestler of the tube used to say "don't hate the player-hate the game"!
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