(The below was originally posted August 21st/2015...Thought June 12th/2016 would be good time to revisit this post....Grant G
Updated November 7th/2016..
British Columbia LNG Industry, The Last Gas(P)......A Straight Goods Special
Written by Grant G
"A fool and their money soon part ways".....
Seems to me that every time devastating news on the world LNG front rears its head out comes a British Columbia made LNG spin story, yesterday was no different, articles and newscasts came out blazing, ...The proponent,...Steelhead LNG
Steelhead`s proposal, a floating LNG operation near Mill Bay on Vancouver Island and a $30 billion dollar LNG liquefaction plant in Port Alberni..
This proposal will never happen, never be built, a foolish pipedream, ...Steelhead LNG is not an energy company, they have no assets, they own no LNG facilities, they own no upstream drill properties, Steelhead LNG is a group of people, including BC Liberal Geoff Plant and some other people with expertise in the energy game, but to be clear they have no financial means to back up their silly proposal..
I feel bad for Vancouver Island First Nations who have drank the LNG koolaid...
Steelhead LNG proposes a pipeline from northeast British Columbia to our southern B.C. coastline, from there another pipeline on the bottom of the Georgia Straight, from there a pipeline to cross Vancouver Island to BC`s wild west coast, (Sarita Bay)...In Sarita Bay Steelhead LNG proposes building a $30 billion dollar liquefaction plant, ..Thus having massive LNG tankers traversing the wind-swept Alberni canal, a waterway that is winding, very narrow, where winds whip up to 100 miles per hour on a regular basis, winds that come out of nowhere, regardless of the weather, the Port Alberni canal is a natural wind tunnel, winds race through the canal without a cloud in the sky, winds in the canal are thermal dynamic driven...The canal is also full of fishing vessels, both sport and commercial, the canal is also a tourist destination with fishing lodges and camp-sites from end to end...
This project will never happen, for two reason, the first being the risk to tourism, to salmon, to life itself, the canal is too small and too windy to ever have that kind of operation approved..
The second reason why the project will never happen is money, Steelhead has no financial means and no bank or money lender will ever sanction such an expense on an industry gone/going bust.
Breaking News...Japan has restarted their first nuclear plant(Sendai #1) ..Japan is also on pace to restart 11 more nuclear plants in the next year...
Remember this during BC`s 2013 election ...Christy Clark said this about LNG and I quote..
"British Columbia can receive five to six times the price for BC LNG in Japan"
"British Columbia will create hundreds of thousands of high-paying LNG jobs"
"British Columbia will create a $100 billion dollar prosperity fund"
"British Columbia through LNG will retire our provincial debt, pay off all crown debt, eliminate bridge tolls, British Columbia could even eliminate our provincial sales tax"
This section updated January 1st 2016...Japan is ramping up their nuclear restarts, so...Don`t look to Asia, as in Japan to buy any B.C. LNG...Nuclear power has NO GHG emissions...
Read this all you LNG spindoctors....And, it`s not just Japan ramping up nuclear power, South Korea is ramping up nuclear too...China has 50 nuclear plants under construction as I write this, however, for now let`s peruse Japan`s latest strides towards restarting the nuclear power grid..
Japan Nuclear Update
Sendai 1 and 2 Generated 1.3 Million MWh in November
FEPC said Japan’s nuclear generating capacity factor for November was 4.4 percent, up from 2.7 in October, 2.2 in September and 0.9 in August. The latest generating figure means that Kyushu operated its two 890-megawatt pressurized water reactors at 105 percent capacity on average in November. Sendai 1 and 2 began full commercial operations Sept. 10 and Nov. 17.
Takahama Restart Gets Local Approval
Kansai Electric said Nov. 25 that it expects the restart of Takahama 3 and 4 to be delayed to late January and late February 2016, because of a delay in its preparations for final on-site checks by Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority.
Kansai Electric also is waiting for Fukui District Court to decide on its appeal against an injunction preventing the restart. A court hearing ended Nov. 13.
Takahama Restart Delayed by a Month
Kansai EPC said the postponement is due to a delay in its preparations for final on-site checks to be conducted by Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority. The company also is awaiting a court decision following a Nov. 13 hearing on its appeal to lift an April injunction preventing the restart.
Kyushu Electric Power Co.’s Sendai 1 and 2, the first Japanese power reactors to restart, resumed normal operations in September and November. All 41 other operable reactors in the country are shut pending confirmation they meet NRA safety requirements, obtain permission from local authorities and complete required pre-operational inspections.
The NRA on Nov. 18 granted full 40-year operating licenses for Takahama 3 and 4 and for Sendai 2. Under Japanese regulations, nuclear power plant operators receive a 40-year operating license, subject to a review of the operator’s maintenance plan at the 30-year mark. All three reactors are now licensed to operate until 2025.
Meanwhile, Kansai EPC filed an application Nov. 26 for a 20-year license renewal for Mihama 3, the first reactor to request a total 60 years of operation. NRA inspections required for the application included age-related assessments, ultrasonic testing of the reactor pressure vessel’s base metal and welds, and confirmation of the concrete containment’s strength, and found “no abnormality.”
Sendai 2 Begins Commercial Operations
The electricity output from Sendai 1 and 2 in October was about 840,000 megawatt-hours, according to the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan. Japan’s nuclear generating capacity factor in October was 2.7 percent, up from 2.2 percent in September.
The rest of Japan’s 43 operable reactors are shut pending confirmation by Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority that they meet post-Fukushima safety requirements. On Nov. 18, NRA commissioners approved 10-year life extensions for Sendai 2 and Kansai EPC’s Takahama 3 and 4, both of which are undergoing pre-operational inspections prior to restart.
JAPC Files for Examination of Tsuruga 2
Various Japanese power companies have filed with NRA to restart 26 Japanese reactors, five of which have shown they comply with the new standards.
Sendai 2 Attains Full Power Operations
Sister plant Sendai 1 returned to regular commercial operations Sept. 10. Kyushu EPC said the two reactors’ return to commercial operation will enable it to cut monthly losses of $99 million, returning the company to profitability this fiscal year.
Shikoku EPC to File for Ikata 3 Restart Oct. 30
The tornado measures are the last issue needed to complete Ikata 3’s engineering work program. NRA’s approval of the engineering program will allow Shikoku EPC to submit an application for pre-operational inspections, the last regulatory requirement prior to restart. Local authorities approved the restart Oct. 26.
Takahama Engineering Work to Be Completed February
Kansai EPC also hopes the Nuclear Regulation Authority will simultaneously complete its fifth and final set of pre-operational inspections at the two units by then. The inspections began at the two reactors Aug. 17 and Oct. 21.
Ikata 3 Restart Gets Final Local Approvals
In July the 846-megawatt pressurized water reactor cleared examinations to confirm its compatibility with new post-Fukushima regulatory safety standards imposed by the Nuclear Regulation Authority. Shikoku EPC will file with NRA by Oct. 30 a plan for tornado countermeasures, the last document required before it applies for pre-operational inspections.
Christy Clark said all those things and more, including Christy Clark saying this, and I quote...
"We can sell British Columbia LNG to japan for five to six times the North American price" snip
Christy Clark, Rich Coleman and other LNG spindoctors are too stupid to realize why Japan is returning to nuclear power, because of money, profitability, in order to compete with other countries in manufacturing/heavy industry...Japan was not going to sit there and do nothing, Japan was not prepared to be held hostage by big energy companies and mouthy governments..Christy Clark literally told our Japanese neighbours that British Columbia was going to get rich off gouging them..Christy Clark, the mouth that roared empty words....Pretty safe to say now that Japan won`t need a lick of BC LNG...And who can forget what the painted lady Pamela Martin said about LNG..!
Christy Clark`s communication director Pamela Martin stated, and tweeted to British Columbia`s public, and I quote..
"What would you do with a $trillion Dollars"
Where to even begin, there is so much bad news out there for British Columbia`s LNG industry..
Najib Razak, Malaysia`s prime minister and Petronas head is in survival mode, the proposed Petronas Prince Rupert project has been put on the back-burner, in fact I and many others believe the project is about to be officially cancelled altogether...Yes Petronas has some contracted obligations to deliver LNG in the future, many BC LNG spindoctors ( Brad Zubyk, Resources Works, BCLNGA) and others have blathered about Petronas and the LNG they were contracted to deliver by 2019...
Petronas has solved that problem with this acquisition..
Sarawak Shell Berhad, a unit of Shell, has handed over its 50 percent stake of MLNG Dua to Malaysia’s Petronas.
Previously, MLNG Dua was operated by Shell via a production sharing contract signed with Petronas in 1993.With this handover, Petronas subsidiaries PCSB and EPMV now own 90 percent and 10 percent equity respectively as PSC operators. The previous PSC expired August 20, Petronas said in a statement on Friday.
“Petronas is committed to ensure that there will be no interruption to the supply and demand of gas and achieve stability in the operations of MLNG Dua,” said Petronas Senior VP Upstream Malaysia, Mohd Anuar Taib.
Petronas has just secured supply, with that acquisition they can meet their deliverable contracts without their Prince Rupert LNG liquefaction facility......An acquisition and major news story that BC`s lamestream media ignored....They were too busy spinning Steelhead LNG`s uneconomical and unattainable pie in the sky proposal.
The world LNG market today, in 2015 is already in a structural glut, and that`s before the 60 million tonnes of new capacity comes online in the next four years, the world LNG market is in a structural glut before Japan restarted their first nuclear plant, with 11 more nuclear plants slated to come online in the next year, and I remind you that at present Japan is the largest by volume consumer of LNG..NOT FOR LONG..
The news gets worse, existing LNG operations have seen their profits plunge year over year and anyone paying attention to world economies, China is in recession, manufacturing in free-fall, energy stocks are low, oil hovering at $40 dollars per barrel and forecasted to reach lows not seen in decades, possibly dropping as low as $20 dollars per barrel, expert forecasters are predicting oil to remain low for at least another decade..
Australia’s Santos, operator of the GLNG project, reported a half-year net profit of $37 million after tax, 82 per cent lower than the previous first half, reflecting significantly lower oil prices and a higher exploration expense.
The half-year results were also highlighted by improvements in production and significant cost reductions across the business, Santos said in its results report on Monday.Strong operational performance – particularly from PNG LNG and Darwin LNG – saw Santos record production growth of 13 per cent compared to last year. However, the lower realised oil prices resulted in sales revenue declining by 15 per cent.
Japan, even before they restarted their first nuclear plant have seen LNG imports decline precipitously ...
And as for South Korea...Here`s more bad news for British Columbia`s LNG aspirations..
"Yoo Sang-Hee told Platts that high prices of LNG compared to coal and nuclear push the demand for the liquefied natural gas further down in the power generation sector as more gas-fired power plants remain idle.
Operating rates of gas-fired power plants went from 61.3% in 2013 to 50.8% in 2014, and as Yoo said, it is expected that these rates will slip to 23.7% by 2019 and even lower to 16.8% in 2022."
Kogas of South Korea, the world’s largest corporate buyer of LNG, said its sales volume totaled 1.90 million mt in July, a drop of 20 percent as compared to the same month last year.
Gas sales into the power sector were at 1.01 million mt, down 26.8 percent when compared to July in 2014, Kogas said in a filling to the stock exchange.The company’s city gas sales dropped 10.6 percent on year to 887,000 mt.
Kogas imported 16.54 million mt of LNG in the first half of 2015, down 17.1 percent as compared to the previous year.
Kiss Japan as a B.C. LNG buying market goodbye...you can add South Korea to the not interested in BC LNG camp too....
And what about China?.....Well, China has lost nothing but money on Canadian energy projects and now China is getting the hell out of Canada..
"After a string of bad investments, China Investment Corp. (CIC) has shut down its Toronto office and is opening a new one in New York, part of a quiet retreat from Canadian natural resources by China’s state-controlled entities......
CIC was founded in 2007 by the Chinese government to help the country earn a higher return on its pool of foreign exchange reserves, worth US$3.44 trillion at the end of November. CIC manages US$747 billion......
Some of that money flowed into Canada at the height of the commodity boom. CIC committed US$500 million in 2009 to SouthGobi Resources Ltd., the Vancouver-based company with operations in Mongolia, then invested $1.7 billion in Teck Resources Ltd...
All Canadian positions became big money losers. In some cases CIC is now the largest shareholder after others bailed. The move to New York may signal CIC will cut its Canadian holdings"
I don`t believe China will be too interested in losing more money on unprofitable LNG export terminals
The bad news on the LNG front is staggering, the prospect for British Columbia to get any LNG projects is very, very grim indeed...Petronas, the company the BC Liberals bent over backwards for and sold out British Columbia to is in a world of hurt...Firstly...Petronas`s LNG sales are in steep decline,....And even the head honchos at Petronas see no relief in the near to long term..
Malaysia’s oil and gas giant Petronas said it has sold 8 percent less LNG in the second quarter of 2015, as compared to the same quarter a year ago.
The company’s LNG sales were at 6.92 million tonnes, down by 0.6 million tonnes on year due to lower production at its LNG complex in Bintulu, Petronas said on Friday.In the first half of this year, Petronas sold 14.96 million tonnes of LNG, down from 15.15 million tonnes a year ago.
Petronas President and Group CEO Datuk Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin said that the company does not foresee a reprieve from the low oil prices in the near future
“I do not expect our cash flow from operations this year to meet our CAPEX and dividend commitments. This means that we will have to persevere through with more austerity measures, and will have to draw on our cash reserves,” he said.
The news for Petronas`s Najib Razak and the people of Malaysia gets even worse....Petronas which supplies the government of Malaysia upwards of 30% to 40% of their national budget...Petronas will not be able to meet their dividend obligations to Malaysia...Meaning the entire population of Malaysia are about to feel the pain, cutbacks and worse..
Petronas cuts dividend payment to RM26b in 2015
Summary of the news presented in point form:
- Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas), is trimming the national oil firm’s dividend paid to the government this year, in view of weaker earnings.
- Revenue dropped 21% to RM66.2 billion for 1QFY15, from RM84 billion a year ago.
- Oil firm has allocated a full year dividend of RM26 billion for the government, as compared to the RM29 billion last year. In 2013, Petronas paid a dividend of RM27 billion.
- Petronas saw a 39% decline in its net profit to RM11.4 billion for the first financial quarter ended March 31 (1QFY15), compared with RM18.8 billion in the previous corresponding period.
Christy Clark and Rich Coleman blather about a generational opportunity with LNG, all the promised riches, a $trillion dollars was hyped a few short years ago and now those numbers slashed by a factor of 20 today, and now Petronas can`t even honour commitments to their own country...
The LNG industry is oversupplied, in structural over-supply with 60 million tonnes of capacity under construction coming online in the next few years, even American brownfield LNG projects are in doubt as to profitability...A brownfield operation is where most of the LNG infrastructure was already in place, in the USA a decade ago $billions were spent to gear up for LNG imports, regasification plants and pipeline networks were built, but along came the fracking revolution and the USA found themselve awash in natural gas, those facilities have been, are being converted to LNG export facilities...In British Columbia LNG would be a greenfield industry, meaning nothing is in place, no existing facilities available for conversion, no pipeline networks, everything has to be built from scratch, also, BC`s gas supplies are hundreds of miles and a rugged mountain range away from the coastline....Making BC LNG very expensive indeed, not counting First Nations needing equity deals and protecting a very diverse rich river and salmon environment...Nothing easy, not without destroying our forever sustainable wild salmon..
PIRA, they have recently come out with data implying the USA`s brownfield LNG exports plants are going to struggle to make financial returns...
YC-based PIRA Energy Group believes that the return of Japanese nuclear capacity, surging Asian LNG supply, and the weakness of crude prices does not bode well for Atlantic Basin flows to Asia.
The broader compression of Asian spot prices at the high end against Henry Hub at the low end strongly implies shorter haul LNG trade and lower prices, PIRA said in its report.The North American natural gas supply curve continues to look flatter. PIRA still believes that there will be an uptick in price as the US passes through its demand surge and LNG and industrial projects start up, but the extent of the inflation adjusted run-up post-2020 has been reduced as the resource base expands and productivity improves.
PIRA also sees an increasing concern that U.S. LNG projects will find it difficult to recover full costs plus a return in an increasingly competitive market.
Let me be perfectly clear, if USA brownfield LNG export projects are now looking very iffy as to profitability and return on investment than British Columbia greenfield proposals are money sinkholes that will never see a profit...Unless British Columbia gives Petronas free gas, tax free and royalty free the proposed projects aren`t viable and what is even more scary...The LNG obsessed BC Liberal Government is ramming forward with a $10 billion dollar plus Site C dam project to supply electricity for an LNG industry that ISN`T going to happen!..
Over $10 billion dollars flushed down the toilet, $10 billion plus taxpayer dollars flushed away...Petronas can`t even pay themselves let alone pay British Columbia..
This information has been available here at The Straight Goods for some time, only now are the world energy experts and forecasters coming to terms with this new LNG reality, unfortunately Christy Clark and the BC Liberals put all their eggs in one basket and our domestic media sold out the people of British Columbia...Here a simple blogger with little means, no research staff, no money, a one person operation has put the Vancouver Sun, The Province, Global BC, CTV, CKNW, Vaughn Palmer, Michael Smyth, Les Leyne, Keith Baldrey and others to shame....
Those entities have the resources and the information but unfortunately they have been corrupted, sold out to the BC Liberals and to big industry..
I have saved the best for last...From Bloomberg....Nothing new that hasn`t already been reported here for several years, but confirmation..
Gas Golden Age Fades as Supply Boom Meets Japan Nuclear Rebirth
The golden age of natural gas lost some of its luster this month.
Japan, the world’s biggest buyer of the fuel in liquid form, restarted a nuclear reactor on the island of Kyushu Aug. 11, re-embracing atomic power to shrink energy-import costs.
A week later, a production milestone was marked at Santos Ltd.’s Curtis Island plant in Australia, a new liquefied natural gas project that’s part of a record annual capacity increase.
Japan’s return to nuclear power after the 2011 Fukushima disaster and China’s economic slowdown are undermining the demand that prompted the International Energy Agency to envision a golden age four years ago. Companies including Chevron Corp. and BG Group Plc were counting on Asia’s consumption as they sank hundreds of billions of dollars into new supply. A glut will cap LNG prices for years, according to Citigroup Inc.
“Japan is going to do very well out of this,” Christopher Haines, a senior oil and gas analyst at BMI Research in London, said by phone Aug. 20. “Australia will probably be hit the hardest, there is a lot of new capacity coming online.”
The fossil-fuel import bill for Japan, once Asia’s biggest nuclear power producer, surged after Fukushima as the nation turned to other energy sources including LNG to plug the gap. This contributed to four years of trade deficits that hit a record 12.8 trillion yen ($103 billion) in 2014.
Sendai Restart
Kyushu Electric Power Co.’s No. 1 reactor at the Sendai facility is the first to come back online under new post-Fukushima safety rules as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe seeks to revive the atomic fleet. While Kyushu plans to resume operations at a second unit in October, the timing on further restarts is uncertain due to tougher procedures set by Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority, legal challenges and public opposition.Utilities have applied to resume operations at 25 of Japan’s 43 reactors. Next year, 11 units may restart, according to Polina Diyachkina, an analyst who has covered the nation’s power providers for three years at Macquarie Group Ltd.
Australian Supply
Demand for LNG will slow as the nuclear restarts continue, Citigroup analysts including Ed Morse said in an Aug. 12 research note. The price of the fuel shipped to northeast Asia has slipped about 60 percent since climbing to a record $19.70 per million British thermal units in February 2014.“There will be a glut of spot cargoes which will put further downward price pressure to spot prices” as Australia starts up 13 LNG units over the next three years, David Hewitt, the co-head of global oil and gas equity research at Credit Suisse Group AG, said by e-mail. “We would not be surprised to see some very low headline spot price deals in the next few years.”
LNG producers are forecast to add 50 million metric tons of new capacity next year, the largest single annual increase in history and equivalent to a fifth of current global demand, according to Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.
$150 Billion
The bulk of the supply is coming from Australia, where companies including ConocoPhillips, Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Inpex Corp. are spending more than $150 billion on ventures due to start in the next two years.On Curtis Island in Queensland, the $18.5 billion Santos development sent gas into the first processing unit of its LNG plant, a key step on the path toward starting production, the company said Aug. 18. There are two other projects on the island, including Origin Energy’s A$24.7 billion gas-export venture with ConocoPhillips.
The next wave of exports will come from North America, where only six of the roughly 40 proposals so far will be built, according to a Bernstein report last month. Those facilities -- from Cheniere Energy Inc.’s Sabine Pass project in Louisiana to Dominion Resources Inc.’s Cove Point project in Maryland -- are scheduled to construct more than 60 million tons of capacity by 2021, according to the researcher.
Meanwhile, British Columbia doesn`t have a single final investment decision, not one shovel in the ground, all that Australian and American capacity coming online, already under construction, 60 million tonnes annually coming online from the USA alone....
Australia has downgraded government revenue forecasts from existing LNG operations...
The news get even worse, green technology, solar energy and roof-top applications will soon see electricity produced cheaper than gas or coal....clean green technology..
From an earlier Straight Goods posting..
The renewable-energy boom is here. Trillions of dollars will be invested over the next 25 years, driving some of the most profound changes yet in how humans get their electricity. That's according to a new forecast by Bloomberg New Energy Finance that plots out global power markets to 2040.
Here are six massive shifts coming soon to power markets near you:
price of solar power will continue to fall, until it becomes the
cheapest form of power in a rapidly expanding number of national
markets. By 2026, utility-scale solar will be competitive for the
majority of the world, according to BNEF. The lifetime cost of a
photovoltaic solar-power plant will drop by almost half over the next 25
years, even as the prices of fossil fuels creep higher.
power will eventually get so cheap that it will outcompete new
fossil-fuel plants and even start to supplant some existing coal and gas
plants, potentially stranding billions in fossil-fuel infrastructure.
The industrial age was built on coal. The next 25 years will be the end
of its dominance.
solar power so cheap, investments will surge. Expect $3.7 trillion in
solar investments between now and 2040, according to BNEF. Solar
alone will account for more than a third of new power capacity
worldwide. Here's how that looks on a chart, with solar appropriately
dressed in yellow and fossil fuels in pernicious gray:
© BNEF Expect $3.7 trillion in solar investments between now and 2040, according to BNEF. Solar alone will account for more than a third of new power capacity worldwide.
3. The Revolution Will Be Decentralized
biggest solar revolution will take place on rooftops. High electricity
prices and cheap residential battery storage will make small-scale
rooftop solar ever more attractive, driving a 17-fold increase in
installations. By 2040, rooftop solar will be cheaper than electricity
from the grid in every major economy, and almost 13 percent of
electricity worldwide will be generated from small-scale solar systems.
4. Global Demand Slows
Yes, the
world is inundated with mobile phones, flat screen TVs, and air
conditioners. But growth in demand for electricity is slowing. The
reason: efficiency. To cram huge amounts of processing power into
pocket-sized gadgets, engineers have had to focus on how to keep those
gadgets from overheating. That's meant huge advances in energy
efficiency. Switching to an LED light bulb, for example, can reduce
electricity consumption by more than 80 percent.
So even
as people rise from poverty to middle class faster than ever, BNEF
predicts that global electricity consumption will remain relatively
flat. In the next 25 years, global demand will grow about 1.8 percent a
year, compared with 3 percent a year from 1990 to 2012. In wealthy OECD
countries, power demand will actually decline.
5. Natural Gas Burns Briefly
gas won't become the oft-idealized "bridge fuel" that transitions the
world from coal to renewable energy, according to BNEF. The U.S.
fracking boom will help bring global prices down some, but few countries
outside the U.S. will replace coal plants with natural gas. Instead,
developing countries will often opt for some combination of coal, gas,
and renewables.
Even in the fracking-rich U.S.,
wind power will be cheaper than building new gas plants by 2023, and
utility-scale solar will be cheaper than gas by 2036.
fuels aren't going to suddenly disappear. They'll retain a 44 percent
share of total electricity generation in 2040 (down from two thirds
today), much of which will come from legacy plants that are cheaper to
run than shut down.http://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/markets/the-way-humans-get-electricity-is-about-to-change-forever/ar-AAbZhP2?ocid=iehp
Petronas`s proposed Prince Rupert project is about to be cancelled, I suspect that`s why the political forces that be, the BC Liberal Government and a sold-out compliant BC Media ran guns a blazing with the Steelhead LNG proposal...What a waste of spin on a project so uneconomical, never going to happen...With green technology running over fossil fuels, with a world glut of LNG, with oil prices in the tank, with China`s economy just starting a 10 year economic slowdown, maybe even recession...
With Iran, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Russia, China all busy constructing natural gas direct pipelines to Asia, to Japan, to Pakistan, tonnes of natural gas not needing expensive liquefaction facilities on one end and regasification terminals on the other..
Now with Japan for domestic financial reasons proceeding with nuclear restarts..
LNG export industry is the new poster boy for fools rush in..
Lastly...Steelhead LNG is nothing but noise, no financial institution is going to bankroll that operation on slim margins, in an already saturated market, with LNG use on the decline, with Japan about to slash its LNG use, with China starting a longterm slowdown, with oil and energy stocks in the tank..
The time is ripe for the BC Liberals to present their plan B to pay off the massive $140 billion they added to BC`s debt..
I won`t hold my breath.
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
vaporare quite literally vaporware?
google solar map
Grant, tremendous detail as per usual and we concur, you have shredded british columbias lamestream media on so many topics, my family appreciates the effort.
Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear Chrispy say "Alright folks, I fu$kd up. I, like most others (except Grant) misread the market. So here's what we're going to do...."
Equally refreshing would be to hear Shi(f)ty Steve say "Yes, I was aware of the Duffy Deal, but I just wanted to see how far I could extend my credibility. You win."
That's hilarious Johns, we all know and for those who don't know she is (in my opinion) a psychopathic puppet of the most dangerous of psychopaths Herr PeeWee Harper who is not only mentally ill but also aiding and abetting the illuminati to finish off Canada and it's people through Agenda 21 forever, of which he is a very big player.
PW is well aware of the fact that he and he alone is the one who should be on trial and not Duffy, and imprisoned or better, hung for treason, for what he and his mob have done to the people of Canada.
Thanks John's for a good laugh for the day!
Great stuff Grant, it's so nice to hear the truth for a change which only comes from bloggers like you.
Great powerpoint presentation, it makes perfect sense, those Chrispy Clark Lieberals must be in panic mode, thanks GG
Here is an interesting article.
" Negative Natural Gas Basis to Continue Through 2021 on Robust Appalachia Supply "
Guy in Victoria
Fracking has nothing to do with quakes says Christy and Steve. Sure, right.
You need to copyright your info!
Hey Christy and Steve ...
"Nexen, owned by Chinese state-controlled CNOOC Ltd., also made a plea that cancelling the licence would jeopardize hundreds of millions of dollars in investments."
This is where China-FIPA comes in, allowing Chinese investors to sue Canada over decisions which affect their profits.
12 min audio rebuttal
Remember you mentioning a conduit to foreign bribery, a company from the States.
"Alstom Sentenced to Pay $772 Million Criminal Fine to Resolve Foreign Bribery Charges
Represents Largest-Ever Criminal Foreign Bribery Fine
Alstom S.A., a French power and transportation company, was sentenced today to pay a $772,290,000 fine to resolve criminal charges related to a widespread corruption scheme involving at least $75 million in secret bribes paid to government officials in countries around the world, including Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Bahamas and Taiwan."
Hmmmmm how's your math? Coal to LNG: China's annual equivalent to British Columbia's 18 months
If China follows through on their plans to convert 4% of their power generation from coal to LNG, it would mean a 90-megaton reduction in greenhouse gases every year – the annual equivalent to shutting down every car, factory, school, and building in B.C. for 18 months.
Promises Made, Promises Kept
Keep up the hard work, G. You've gotten hold of a story so important that the mind boggles.
The province is literally being driven into bankruptcy by a wholly corrupt clique of grifters, while the regular folks are being bamboozled, robbed blind and made to pay for it all.
Once we connect Site C (cheap power for LNG at great taxpayers' expense), the IPPs (unnecessary environmental destruction for un-needed power at massively inflated prices in order to shift the natural wealth of the common weal to some more of the cronies), and the resulting hollowing out of BC Hydro (so as to stick us rubes with the tab and legitimize privatization), this BCLNG play is turning out to be the worst policy move ever made in the history of BC.
When this bundle of grand larceny is finally tallied, along with huge losses in royalties and revenues from natural resources afforded to a few more crony corporations, the crown treasury is going to be so deeply in the red that only extreme measures will be possible to right things. The remedies will involve some combination of the following: 1) a sell-off of what is left of BCHydro; 2) ever worse rises in regressive taxation on us rubes; and/or 3) extreme fiscal austerity aimed at the regulars and the least able to bear it.
This cabal that has hijacked the reins of power in BC is ideologically committed to creating a neo-feudalism that's going to result in the utter destruction of the common weal and the end of the province as we know and love it.
Horgan had better be warned that his government is going to be handed a fiscal disaster the likes of which have never been seen in this province.
Best to you in the new year Grant.
Ah, British Columbia--my favourite crime scene!
Grant! I wish you wouldn't publicize this stuff. Next thing you know Chrispy will get wind of it and cancel all those jobs (100,000 of them - mostly to TFW's) And there's another gob of jobs attributable to Site C? Gosh, next thing we know we'll be awash in jobs. Which brings to mind an observation I made when I went to civilization to pick up a last years turkey. Gasoline is down to $0.99/litre(US$0.69/litre.) I hear oil is down to $40.00/barrel, but cauliflowers are up to $8.00/head (US$5.60/head!) Can you imagine the jobs and revenue if we put Site C into cauliflower instead of flooding it? Just don't let Chrispy and Rich get wind of this bonanza or they may put the axe to the dam too.
Prepare to be taxed.
Servitude and poverty coming to a town near you.
Thanks for all the comments and links...Scary fiscal times ahead under these BC Liberal grifters.
"While the B.C. Liberals charge ahead on replacing the George Massey tunnel with a toll bridge on the same financial model as the Port Mann, the latter project has become a chronic money loser, according to the government’s own budget statements."
"The main culprit on the loss side is the mounting cost of servicing the $3.3 billion project debt, currently $131 million and climbing. And while the Liberals point to increased tolling revenue on the project as a sign of emerging financial health, the budget projections tell a different story.
Tolls on the Port Mann are scheduled to bring in an additional $26 million over the next three years, an increase of 20 per cent. But debt is projected to grow by $38 million, or 30 per cent, over the same period."
"With the main component of expenses growing faster than the sole source of revenues, one doesn’t need a pocket calculator to realize that the tide of red ink can only keep rising.
For the three years starting April 1, the TI corporation is forecast to endure further losses totalling $300 million, which in turn will push the cumulative deficit for the first seven years of operations to just over $700 million."
Unreal, we are so f#cked. I think you have written about this fiasco.
you forgot 40 million taxpayer/ratepayer dollars every year on Golden ears toll bridge 15 km away.?
how low can you go .BC Liberal want to know?
IF, and that's a pretty big if, if these Steelhead guys are smart enough to put all this together, why wouldn't they be smart enough to put their facility beyond the Alberni Canal? I have no idea where Sarita Bay is, but if they're capable of piping gas from NE BC, across the Georgia Straight and halfway across Vancouver Island, why not shove it over to Tofino and be shed of the shipping problem?
Why not get REALLY smart and put in a natural gas power plant like Alberta is doing?
Why not read the tea leaves and recognize that there IS no market for LNG? Why not use this abundant resource (NG) and create power with it and save Site C for growing food? Why not.... oh, what's the use!
When are the people of B C going to get tired of having smoke blowen up there asses by this band of incompetant Liberals and there friends. These people may be friends of the Liberals but they are not friends of the people of British Columbia. The only thing that they worry about is if they have enough pockets to hide all that cash they are going to steal from the dumb fucks that keep electing the liberals.
Why not, when you discover the market has bottomed out, go to Plan B? Oh, there's no Plan B? Then why not quit wasting money on Plan A? Why not recall Gordon (Flip) Wilson and at least redirect his wages to something reasonable.
Pick up your marbles Christy and go home!
August 19/16
Missing you Grant! Everything okay?
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