To tell you the truth they both scare me, Gregor may highlight a green hue in his Mascara choices but to me he appears to be cut from the same corporate cloth as those who came before him and as for Susan Anton, I wonder what is happening in her brain, I mean really, what won`t she say, from bike lane moratoriums to a 70 story St. Pauls hospital to now advocating removal of Occupy Vancouver demonstrators by whatever means possible, this I assume would mean use of water cannons, police dogs and tear gas....
The mainstream media still doesn`t get it, certain bloogers have their head stuck so far up their own asses they unfortunately will never get it..
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. unveiled a sweeping $560-million overhaul that will see it close most of its aging meat-processing factories in Canada in a bid to slash costs as it fights with more efficient global rivals.
Facing increased competition from U.S. meat suppliers and pressure from shareholders to improve the financial results, Maple Leaf chief executive officer Michael McCain pledged in an interview to significantly boost the company’s profits by closing eight plants and distribution centres, building a massive new factory in Hamilton and upgrading plants in Brampton, Ont., Winnipeg and Saskatoon. But the plan also comes with a human cost: It will cut 1,500 jobs, or about 12 per cent of the work force in the meat division, Maple Leaf’s largest unit.
Read whole story here
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Most media has been concentrating their efforts in discrediting the "Evolution" by using the taxing the rich argument, claiming how futile taxing the rich would be in lowering the National debt, and that would be true however......However the media and right wing rant blogs have avoided the bigger questions and implications, ad nauseum emanating from the depths of the corporate balck hole...."It`s different in Canada, we have fairer taxation, Canada`s middleclass is well off, our banks behaved".....I love the buzz words, in particular this one.."Productivity"...The above story about Maple Leafs Foods is not a story about 1000,s of family supporting jobs vanishing, no, it`s a success story about productivity....
When and if the world financial picture improves, the markets, the markets will rise and oil will surge in price resulting in an even bigger shocks at the pump, gas prices will drive consumer demand downward thus repeating this hideous financial cyclethon we`re on, ..
Gregor and Susan are subtly suggesting violent measures to remove the occupiers, a certain nasty little blogger is almost demanding it, violence that is, ....yes indeed, this is Canada so by all means bring out the water cannons, the tear gas and the sonar stunner, who do these people think they are, they aren`t peaceful loving hockey fans, they aren`t football fanatics they are but down and outers, stinky smelly degenerates so by all means arrest them, haul their sorry asses to jail, after all, doesn`t Harper have some super max prisons needing to be filled....
What Maple Leaf Foods is doing is exactly what all the other corporate players are doing, becoming more productive with fewer and fewer workers, outsourcing jobs combined with automation means but one thing...
"Race Against the Machine" and human labour will be the only victim!...Below is a little prelude to the future
A faltering economy explains much of the job shortage in America, but advancing technology has sharply magnified the effect, more so than is generally understood, according to two researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Read the whole story here
"Occupy the World"...The "evolution"....What is evolution in BC, last night on Global news there was a shocking story about how both Media and the corporate world see British Columbia, how they see our high-tech future....In an attempt to prop up a faltering and sagging Christy Clark Global news did a story about the future of jobs in BC...The story told of a bright future for families and the Province of BC....Apparently the future of British Columbia will rely on....
Coal mining....The story highlighted a young person with a degree in geology who got a job in the coal mine, the story went onto say...There is an extreme shortage of skilled coal miners!....I wonder why, BC`s future relying on coal to China for steel manufacturing, remember the Golden Decade Gordon Campbell promised, priorities being put on educating BCers into being the most literate and highest educated on the planet and now, and now your future is in truck driving, put down your pens and books and pick up that shovel and get in that truck, take your family and move to the frozen north.....
I`m not denigrating working with Gas n oil and coal dust but for a young person to enter that field is a life-time commitment, working with toxic chemicals and health hazards and once in the game you can`t get out, reliant on boom-bust cycles in the frozen north, -40 below in the winter, huddled indoors waiting for the warmth to return....
It appears that the BC Liberals have given up on a modern society and sent Global news to sell the gullible BC public on a life in the frozen north distilling gas n oil...In fact if you watched Global news last night and tonight you would think there are no parts of BC besides those set aside for gas n oil that have any jobs....
British Columbia and Canada are making a huge mistake by relying solely on petro-chemicals to propel the future, the message is confused, Christy Clark announced a new tourism strategy just today, Christy Clark said she was concentrating on "eco tours" ...
Yet with oil n gas, pipelines and oil tankers the eco-tourists will stay home...
None of that matters to Canada`s politicians, Harper is drunk on Alberta tar sand and Christy Clark is giddy for gas, and if anyone wants a life-long job driving a truck by all means head to frozen Fort Nelson, I spent a year there one month in 1975, you can have it!
"Occupy the World" is about common sense, it`s about corporate theft, occupy the world is about nasty bloggers wanting them dragged by force through the streets for mere pleasure, that and the occupiers message wasn`t clear enough, one particular nasty blogger goes down there looking for confrontation, there can be no other conclusion because he wouldn`t know a piece of art if he tripped over it, would a just message make "Occupy the World" acceptable to any of them, there is no message when Eyes and Ears are shut...
"There is none so blind as those who refuse to see"
Let EnCana gas poison lakes and destroy watersheds, let employees kill themselves through exposure of chemicals and hope the families of said workers don`t drink the toxic water, let`s give money dedicated for health and education to LaFarge cement and EnCana gas because....
Because they haven`t got enough money yet!....Poison thy environment and get praised by big media, close down and shutter plants and halve your employment numbers and get a tax break......Yet join a world-wide justified protest against $billionaire corporate thieves and get hit by Susan Anton`s and Gregor Robertson`s water cannons!
Vision or NPA....No one cares and none of these candidates are worthy.
Welcome to Boom Town BC
Don`t forget your gloves and gas mask!
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
The mainstream media still doesn`t get it, certain bloogers have their head stuck so far up their own asses they unfortunately will never get it..
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. unveiled a sweeping $560-million overhaul that will see it close most of its aging meat-processing factories in Canada in a bid to slash costs as it fights with more efficient global rivals.
Facing increased competition from U.S. meat suppliers and pressure from shareholders to improve the financial results, Maple Leaf chief executive officer Michael McCain pledged in an interview to significantly boost the company’s profits by closing eight plants and distribution centres, building a massive new factory in Hamilton and upgrading plants in Brampton, Ont., Winnipeg and Saskatoon. But the plan also comes with a human cost: It will cut 1,500 jobs, or about 12 per cent of the work force in the meat division, Maple Leaf’s largest unit.
Read whole story here
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Most media has been concentrating their efforts in discrediting the "Evolution" by using the taxing the rich argument, claiming how futile taxing the rich would be in lowering the National debt, and that would be true however......However the media and right wing rant blogs have avoided the bigger questions and implications, ad nauseum emanating from the depths of the corporate balck hole...."It`s different in Canada, we have fairer taxation, Canada`s middleclass is well off, our banks behaved".....I love the buzz words, in particular this one.."Productivity"...The above story about Maple Leafs Foods is not a story about 1000,s of family supporting jobs vanishing, no, it`s a success story about productivity....
When and if the world financial picture improves, the markets, the markets will rise and oil will surge in price resulting in an even bigger shocks at the pump, gas prices will drive consumer demand downward thus repeating this hideous financial cyclethon we`re on, ..
Gregor and Susan are subtly suggesting violent measures to remove the occupiers, a certain nasty little blogger is almost demanding it, violence that is, ....yes indeed, this is Canada so by all means bring out the water cannons, the tear gas and the sonar stunner, who do these people think they are, they aren`t peaceful loving hockey fans, they aren`t football fanatics they are but down and outers, stinky smelly degenerates so by all means arrest them, haul their sorry asses to jail, after all, doesn`t Harper have some super max prisons needing to be filled....
What Maple Leaf Foods is doing is exactly what all the other corporate players are doing, becoming more productive with fewer and fewer workers, outsourcing jobs combined with automation means but one thing...
"Race Against the Machine" and human labour will be the only victim!...Below is a little prelude to the future
More Jobs Predicted for Machines, Not People
By: Steve Lohr
The New York Times
The New York Times
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Photo: Don Klumpp | Getty Images
The automation of more and more work once done by humans is the central theme of “Race Against the Machine,” an e-book to be published on Monday.
“Many workers, in short, are losing the race against the machine,” the authors write.
Erik Brynjolfsson, an economist and director of the M.I.T. Center for Digital Business, and Andrew P. McAfee, associate director and principal research scientist at the center, are two of the nation’s leading experts on technology and productivity. The tone of alarm in their book is a departure for the pair, whose previous research has focused mainly on the benefits of advancing technology.
Indeed, they were originally going to write a book titled, “The Digital Frontier,” about the “cornucopia of innovation that is going on,” Mr. McAfee said. Yet as the employment picture failed to brighten in the last two years, the two changed course to examine technology’s role in the jobless recovery.
The authors are not the only ones recently to point to the job fallout from technology.Read the whole story here
"Occupy the World"...The "evolution"....What is evolution in BC, last night on Global news there was a shocking story about how both Media and the corporate world see British Columbia, how they see our high-tech future....In an attempt to prop up a faltering and sagging Christy Clark Global news did a story about the future of jobs in BC...The story told of a bright future for families and the Province of BC....Apparently the future of British Columbia will rely on....
Coal mining....The story highlighted a young person with a degree in geology who got a job in the coal mine, the story went onto say...There is an extreme shortage of skilled coal miners!....I wonder why, BC`s future relying on coal to China for steel manufacturing, remember the Golden Decade Gordon Campbell promised, priorities being put on educating BCers into being the most literate and highest educated on the planet and now, and now your future is in truck driving, put down your pens and books and pick up that shovel and get in that truck, take your family and move to the frozen north.....
I`m not denigrating working with Gas n oil and coal dust but for a young person to enter that field is a life-time commitment, working with toxic chemicals and health hazards and once in the game you can`t get out, reliant on boom-bust cycles in the frozen north, -40 below in the winter, huddled indoors waiting for the warmth to return....
It appears that the BC Liberals have given up on a modern society and sent Global news to sell the gullible BC public on a life in the frozen north distilling gas n oil...In fact if you watched Global news last night and tonight you would think there are no parts of BC besides those set aside for gas n oil that have any jobs....
British Columbia and Canada are making a huge mistake by relying solely on petro-chemicals to propel the future, the message is confused, Christy Clark announced a new tourism strategy just today, Christy Clark said she was concentrating on "eco tours" ...
Yet with oil n gas, pipelines and oil tankers the eco-tourists will stay home...
None of that matters to Canada`s politicians, Harper is drunk on Alberta tar sand and Christy Clark is giddy for gas, and if anyone wants a life-long job driving a truck by all means head to frozen Fort Nelson, I spent a year there one month in 1975, you can have it!
"Occupy the World" is about common sense, it`s about corporate theft, occupy the world is about nasty bloggers wanting them dragged by force through the streets for mere pleasure, that and the occupiers message wasn`t clear enough, one particular nasty blogger goes down there looking for confrontation, there can be no other conclusion because he wouldn`t know a piece of art if he tripped over it, would a just message make "Occupy the World" acceptable to any of them, there is no message when Eyes and Ears are shut...
"There is none so blind as those who refuse to see"
Let EnCana gas poison lakes and destroy watersheds, let employees kill themselves through exposure of chemicals and hope the families of said workers don`t drink the toxic water, let`s give money dedicated for health and education to LaFarge cement and EnCana gas because....
Because they haven`t got enough money yet!....Poison thy environment and get praised by big media, close down and shutter plants and halve your employment numbers and get a tax break......Yet join a world-wide justified protest against $billionaire corporate thieves and get hit by Susan Anton`s and Gregor Robertson`s water cannons!
Vision or NPA....No one cares and none of these candidates are worthy.
Welcome to Boom Town BC
Don`t forget your gloves and gas mask!
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
You know you are dead right on this. Fracking is f***ing the ground water of the Peace River district for the monetary benefit of the onepercenters who could care less about the water wells of the locals. Ground water destroyed FOREVER. Chemicals forced into the ground to drain the gas for maybe 5/10 years of greedy profit for the onepercenters benefit. Who don't give a fiddlers fart for the local folks. Their greed only knows that as long as it doesn't impact their present life style (AND 70+- years here on earth) they couldn't give a s**t about humanity and even their own offspring. This is the onepercenters legacy to humanity and the planet.
"It appears that the BC Liberals have given up on a modern society and sent Global news to sell the gullible BC public on a life in the frozen north distilling gas n oil."
I guess that want to maybe process gas (and put the neighbors at risk of explosions in Kitimat and on Texada Island to supply the US, who need no gas, and China) but forget about refining oil. The plan there is just like selling lumber, oops, I mean raw logs to China. They want to sent the gooey tar by pipeline to Houston so Murcans can have the value added jobs, and wanna be America Spiteful Steve is all for it.
BTW, I kinda noticed this morning that my post of yesterday was kinda confusing, I was in too much of a hurry, and might make more sense now........
Thousands of citizens walked the streets in Oakland California in support of the OWS being forcibly removed, violently I might add, by the police. Removing these occupiers will only serve to escalate the protests and meanwhile the police play their usual, 'we'll investigate ourselves' over the matter of too much force. A predictable joke they indeed are.
Message to politicians. Change the rules to the game, there is no other option.
There is more talk of logging the rain forests. China will use the same route as the dirty oil tankers use, to get into Port Kitimat, the Douglas Channel, which is now being excavated.
I'm not sure if China will pick up the logs out of the sea, or have their freighters loaded from land? If Harper manages to con other country's into accepting the dirty oil, we may end up with many more oil tankers, and also freighters to pick up the raw logs.
What will happen to the Spirit Bears and the unique small wolves, and thousands of other wildlife creatures, that live in the Rain Forest?
What will happen to our beautiful Orca and Humpback Whales? What about all of the other marine species, that call the Douglas Channel their homes?
I'm sure I read somewhere the tar sands dirty oil, is as solid as a hockey puck. The chemicals to make the oil flow freely, is absolutely lethal. The chemicals also corrodes the pipes away. The pipes become fragile and burst. There are rock slides, mud slides, avalanches, in our vast wilderness, that can knock the pipeline out. How long could it take, to find the burst pipe?
How many more rivers, streams, lakes and lands need to be poisoned, before common sense trumps greed?
Will greed not be satisfied, until we all able light our water on fire, coming out of our faucets? Fracking is poisoning our clean underground water, at a frightening pace.
Harper and the Campbell/Clark BC Liberals are a gaggle, of brain dead idiots. We can't drink oil and gas. We can't eat fish out of poisoned lakes. We can't grow food on poisoned land. Livestock and wildlife creatures, will die from the water, because of fracking. Mind you our brain dead politicians, are destroying our farmland as fast as they can by, urban sprawl and dams.
What does everyone think? If we could force feed Harper and the Campbell/Clark BC Liberals, to drink the fracked water. Or force feed them, the deformed fish from Athabasca lake in the tar sands?
Grant, you haven't worked in the oil, gas and coal business; and probably haven't even been to the peace river country. As on who has, I know it isn't anything like you portray the industry or countryside to be. Sure the industry may not be the best it can be but where would you and the rest of BC be without oil, gas and coal. It's a good life for those in the industry and those who benefit from the use of the products of the industry.
I have been in the Peace region, as for oil n gas, have at it.....
The Province and the news media are fooling themselves if they think oil n gas will be the big Kahuna...You are talking about 1000,` of jobs...Tourism and eco-BC employs 100,000`s of BCers..
And there are questions as to fracking and ground water contanimation.....And, places like Fanny bay are worried about a new coal mine destroying their shellfish industry..
The Peace region gas extraction needs to be slowed, the price is crap, the resource is finite and the Province is barely making a dime on it...
Robertson vs. Anton? In my opinion Anton is, hands town, the worst of the two.
This woman in my opinion would be worse than Campbell. Just look at how intent she is in sending in the Gestapo and tearing down the Occupiers tent city. People have a right to protest and no amount of supposed lack of permits should trump that right. Anton for all intents and purposes appears to want to ride roughshod over everyone. This is unacceptable.
Hey Grant, I just stumbled across your blog while Googling $14 trillion for the 2008 bailout. This is great! I am from Vancouver, worked up in Powell River in forestry about 15 years ago, and I think you may also find my blog quite interesting and right up your alley.
As another point of interest, I am currently working as an engineer. I started in my job doing a variety of interesting projects and of course our company has moved into coal mining... I am becoming an expert coal mine designer. The irony is that this goes against everything I stand for and I am currently wrestling with that conflict. It's not something I am very comfortable with, and I understand what you are saying that this is NOT the way we should be moving with our economy. I see our economy, our sovereignty, our country slipping away... I don't plan on staying in coal mining long, but seeing that the monetary system is on the brink of collapse I need to prepare myself for that and when the event comes I'll take my leave and move on to the next phase of my life.
Dutiful Vancouver Occupier...
Must be Tsakumis you are talking about. I went to his blog today and he really has a problem with the protesters and all his CON readers seem to agree. I thought he was someone with something to say but latly it just reads like CON propoganda. He was even slamming his friend Keith O. because Keith was ok with the protesters. I don't know why he is taking it so personal
Susan Anton will be to Vancouver what Rob Ford is to Toronto.
"It's a good life for those in the industry and those who benefit from the use of the products of the industry."
My forebears mined coal underground, and under the North Sea for a few generations. My grandfather was smart enough to move and get into another line of work and none of us have gone underground since, or died in a cave-in, explosion or been drown in the bowels of the earth. I'd rather wreck my lungs with maryjane or tobacco than coal dust!
Alex G Tsakumis is flailing his arms up and down, "Occupy Vancouver has nothing to do with it...
AGT is mad because he`s jealous of real journalism, here at The Straight Goods...
Tsakumis can`t write articles, he`s a cheap gossip hound who is soooo jealous..
Sorry AGT...Either you are born with "The real Straight Goods" or you are not.
And no amount of preppy boy school training can account for skills and brain power...
Tsakumis only knows name calling..
AGT, coward and amateur!...Journalism, I THINK NOT!
I'm not worried about the germs, Grant, that's what security/anti-virus software is for.
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