Written By Grant G
Before I get started, here is a little background on the progression of silencing voices, controlling the interweb messages, and public information strangulation by the powers that be...
During my early years in our education system, there were no computers, no internet, no handheld mobile computers or phones...
To learn anything required reading books, newspapers or watching a handful of media TV conglomerates or going to public libraries, or good school educators, and or real life experiences where knowledge and data is passed from one to another, or others.
Being self-taught on early computers, going from a fumbled fingered typist and internet searching moron to morphing into a fact and data finding specialist, where suddenly with a few clicks I could access accurate data from the world's online archives...
I read and read, researched and studied, developed opinions on a myriad of topics, on important public issues, from economics to environment to justice, law, crime, on governmental affairs... on near everything..
My voice, my written words on comment threads, on other people's platforms, on big media's internet offerings' comment boards, in those early years my voice and writings had limited affect, but they were heard..
A well tempered but sometimes cryptic online writer and thinker extraordinaire Mr Ross K, on his online platform, a long time ago (The Gazetteer https://pacificgazette.blogspot.com/ ) in comments directed at me Mr K. suggested I start my own site......That led to the Straight Goods Blog..
I'm not going to bore you with my many online success and failures, this article isn't about that, it's about the ever changing names of the stranglers, the shadow banners and ultimately, the humanity killers.
My site was soon getting 5000 views, 10,000 views a day(seems a long time ago now) and my messages were being heard, by all sides on every issue I was covering...
I placed links to my articles everywhere I could, on Facebook(for a short while), on legacy media's online forums, The Vancouver Sun..The Province...National Post, Global....and even Twitter..
My usual written offerings targeted big corporations, the resource extractors, and governments, exposing grift, corruption and self dealing....
Then suddenly....My online comments, including links to my articles were shadow banned on all the above platforms...Legacy media beholden to big corporations were first to block my content, at the behest of the corporations....Facebook followed and soon after early twitter throttled near everything I platformed, it didn't end there, Government itself directed shadow banning....
Not everyone was targeted, many voices remained, mainly banal or soft ex'poses were left alone,
Even Blogger too, throttled my range.....And i'm far from alone......
Online CBC ....Their sane washing drivel they now produce allows no comment threads, they've tried to silence criticism of their content by essentially ignoring the feedback...Whistling past the graveyard...indeed.
Elon Musk acquired Twitter, promised free speech, only the throttling on that platform once again targeted voices like mine...Now, only if I paid/pay him money would my voice be allowed to be heard..
I abandoned Twitter long ago....and Left Elon's X almost instantly....The throttling of voices on Twitter/X was rapid, the hate, racism, the assault on everything decent went into full swing on X..
And today, January 22nd/2025 Twitter/X is a extreme rightwing hate site with 100,s of millions of users who are being groomed by a self declared Nazi named Elon Musk, who happens to be the world's richest person who also owns the US presidency and is actively trying to own potential extreme rightwing governments around the world...Elon Musk is trying to get the NAZI Party of Germany back in power, he's trying to get French Nazis back in government, and, the shocking part, he's doing it in plain sight, nothing is hidden..
My decades' long experience in being silenced, and shadow banned over my written words, my facts, data and in depth research was over exposing corruption in government, over detailing the environmental and economic frauds of the big Corporation .and now...
And now a full fledged Nazi with a massive public forum is actively promoting an uprising and return to Nazi rule, not in just Germany, but America, France, the UK....Everywhere, including Canada, where at least several million so-called Canadians are prepared to goosestep and get onboard with this twisted form of corporate fascism....Elon Musk, the unabashed leader of the ratpack...Zuckerberg, a reluctant joiner along with Bezos....Zuck and Bozo are wind vanes, they'll go whichever direction serves their bottom line, morals, ethics and public perception of their about face be damned, they don't care..
CNN and other legacy media has followed suit with capitulation on the very obvious rise of Corporate and American Political Fascism well in advance of any threat.....Corporate and Tech giants opened their arms and become 21st Century Vichy....
It was once said......
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” is a quote by Spanish philosopher George Santayana.
A very good quote indeed, but, is that quote even relevant anymore?
Not sure if this has ever been said before.....My latest words, perhaps to become a future quote repeated by others, or not.....
"Those who know of the evil of past large scale crimes against humanity but still lust for it's return are going to repeat it"......Grant G January 22/2025
Any Canadian still on Twitter/X....or Facebook is a willing participant in the rise of White Nationalist Corporate Nazism....By choice..
Stand up Alberta residents, put on your maga hat and publicly celebrate the hate, rejoice in the public square over demonizing brown and black humans....Celebrate and prod your elected Alberta Government to fully embrace their 21st century Vichy moment...
To all other Canadians......Make your choice be known...There is no middle ground anymore..
Denounce Trump....Denounce Elon Musk(with action, by leaving his platform) or stand tall with fascism and let everyone know who's side you're on, fly the Nazi flag,.....Own it.
I'm going to keep on writing and keep on expressing my opinion whether anybody reads it or not..
I've joined https://bsky.app/profile/straightgoods.bsky.social
I'm trying to reestablish a little reach, so far the Bluesky experience is positive...I suggest you all give it a try....Elon's hate and army of haters has thus far been shuttered out...I hope it remains a safe accurate data and information sharing site....
And one day....I may start a YouTube Channel.....all in due time..
Landslide bring you down
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Canada no longer has a mainstream media, the US hedge funds who own many media outlets have made sure of this.
Now, we have the blog, which is becoming a powerful news and information tool, with traditional news outlets doing all they can to slander and libel the bloggist.
The "Eye" has some shape with the newspaper business with a relation being the former owner/publisher of the Vancouver Sun. In my youth, so long ago, I met many, Wasseman, Webster, Holt and many more. These people were "Newsies" and searched out real stories, meaningful stories.
Today, the news is propaganda, presented by shills, more worried about their invites to gala functions and more. Most would not know real news if the tripped over it.
The folks from Rail for the Valley have been banned from commenting on the CBC, Global, Postmedia and even from the Tyee, because their news is not official NDP/TransLink news and they don't want to embarrass their patrons.
All I have to say is keep on writing and hold their feet to the fire, report the stories they are afraid to report; do not be afraid to go into the dark and shine a light on the truth, because the mainstream media is afraid to do so!
Thanks for that Evil Eye....Rail for the Valley...I had many an email conversation with them(him), going back a long time....Translink flex and guv pushed for RFTV shadow banning...CKNW is totally gone. they no longer allow him(RFTV) to phone in as a commenter and get any airtime.
Seems to me...The public doesn't want to read anymore...They watch video.
I'll continue to call em as I see em..
I've also removed facebook, Twitter and other malicious apps from my devices.
Even if you don't use them, purge them from your systems..
As for blogs...We've had them for literally decades...The golden era of blogs has passed(IMO)...I'd love to see blogs rebound and reach more than a finite community of blog readers..
Still baffles me....With instant fact-checking available online, pervasive lies and conspiracy thrive......How did the masses become so dumbed down?
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