America at a Crossroad---The Demise of Donald Trump and The Powerful Rise of New Voices and New Votes, the Young
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Updated November 4th/2020........Thank goodness Trump lost..however......Once again pollsters led us astray.....Not enough young voters followed through....and it is so distressing to see that many people vote for Trump, that scares me, it shows how easily seemingly educated societies can drift, or be pulled into the darkness......
America is destined for more protests, more hurt and tears, until the populous embraces change .....A divided nation where 50% reject science, ....Rejecting science while embracing religious scripture..
Religion.....The number one reason for human conflict, religion....Religious zealots across America voted for a man they know is deeply flawed, they know Trump is harmful....They don't care who or how many get harmed as long as their religious desires are fulfilled..
The American levee is gonna break soon, one can only hope it breaks for the future
Lastly...Over the last couple of weeks on the campaign trail, Donald J Trump said to his raptured super-spreader-rally-goers on more than one occasion, and I quote...
"Sleepy Joe Biden is the worst presidential candidate in US history, about pressure, how can I lose to the worst candidate in history...I can't lose to Biden"
Trump was right about Joe Biden being the worst presidential candidate in US History.
That about sums up Trump and his one term...
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Grant G....November 4th/2020....1:42 pm
Written by Grant G
World holds its collective breath, five more days and this predictable travesty ends, and end it will, Donald Trump has unwittingly unleashed a new powerful force, a force that threatens not only the survival of the Republican party but also the make-up and direction of the Democratic party.
Change or be changed.
There was a time, in the not too distant past when politicians deliberately lied or found themselves embroiled in scandal they would resign but gradually over the last two decades that tradition of falling on one's sword was replaced with non-plausible denials and utter bafflegab, along with near unanimous subservient obedience from party members, in other words, when it comes to their own, no stench is too overpowering.
The Predictable Travesty
Donald Trump becoming president was the result of an electorate and party faithful on both sides of the aisle that allowed it, no more would politicians be punished for lying so why not lie twenty thousand times in less than four years, corrupt every government office and pollute Democracy at it's core, name-call everyone and demean, divide while looting wherever possible..
The carnival barker Donald Trump was given a free pass on corruption and malfeasance by a Republican party devoid of any ethics, or spines....
And now, Trump is gone, a Joe Biden presidency, along with an increased majority in the House of Representatives and control of the Senate, all three branches of the US Government controlled by the Democratic Party....There will be no excuses, Joe Biden, Pelosi and Schumer can now pass all their legislation, reform the tax code and make the rich and corporate pay, make real strides towards renewable power and clean tech, and....and its long overdue for the "Tax Havenesque Corporate Sector" to pay..
Trump can't change, can't alter course or become human, even when he knows that he is way behind in the polls, a massive deficit among woman, in Arizona the other day at a Trump Super-Spreader rally he called up to the stage struggling to hold onto her senate seat Senator Martha McSally....And Donald Trump called her like one would call a dog..."hurry up, quick quick quick, nobody wants to hear you"
The display by Trump was ghastly...The acceptance of the treatment by Martha was even more ghastly...Only a person who sold their soul to the devil would have went on that stage after being scuttled by Trump....I would love to have seen Martha McSally yell to the "infectious" crowd, something like...Hey Arizona, i'll always work hard to deliver good government to the people of Arizona and the nation so go out and vote....and then see Martha just before exiting the stage say....Fuck you Trump while giving him the middle finger(Dare to dream)...
Martha McSally had nothing to lose, Trump is going down and she could perhaps have saved her own skin and seat...Now they both lose and unfortunately for Martha McSally, she'll have to live that canine moment forever..
Everything has been said about Trump's flaws, by Trump's family, associates, ex-cabinet members and even from high-profile Republicans....This list of what's wrong with Trump is too long to detail here, instead i'll list what is what right with Donald J Trump......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................well maybe i'll tell you what's right about Trump......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................The Silence is Deafening.
Donald is broken, however, this short story isn't about Trump, or Biden, it's about the New Powerful Force Sweeping America, America's droves they are voting, organizing, they are the ones removing Donald Trump from office and it is not because they are enamored with Joe Biden, in fact the youth don't care for Biden at all, it's their hatred of everything Donald Trump is....A 74 year old golden spoon-fed lost in the 50's racist who will burn the earth to the ground, a climate and science denier and today, in the year 2020 the youth of America will not have a president with but a few years left to live decide their future.
What is in it for the youth?
The future of planet Earth itself..... that's something worth voting for.
Trump is trailing female voters by 20 points....Trailing seniors 8 points...Trailing in educated men by 20 points, trailing among independents by 20 points..The only group of voters Trump still holds a sizeable lead with is uneducated white men..
Trump will lose Texas, Georgia, N Carolina, Iowa and many more...Blowout city......Game over.
The youth of America will vote in the millions for a man they don't like to remove a president they despise and fear..
This is and will be the story of the 2020 US Election...
"Children of uneducated white men vote in droves to elect Joe Biden"
Written by Grant G
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Well said.
Let us hope that Tuesday will see the end of this grifter.
Happy to see you back. Your 6 month hiatus was a little worrisome with Covid and all.
Never been more concerned about an election as this one. If what you say comes true my life may turn back to something close to normal. It will be close to day Dave Barret won. Be well!
We had an election and didn't get everything we wanted, but at least we got the NDP; Which means we will have four years of reasonable responsible government as opposed to governments like the liberals who straight out sold our resources in the name of BC Rail in return for financial contributions to the Liberal party. It is documented Grant, and it is one of the many reasons that the liberal party went right down the tubes in the recent election - people stopped believing their lies, and come the next election I will be right there exposing their lies so they don't win that one either. Even if the libs kill me out of spite there are plenty of good natured people who will carry the truth forward. Not saying the libs wouldn't love to do that but they cannot kill all of us for a while yet anyway. That is how it actually is my friend. Say the truth and you could die for that.
If they thought that they could win the next election by killing you or me that is what they would do. Collateral Damage. But there are so many people in BC who absolutely detest them (we can hope so) that they dare not start killing people because they think it will lead to civil war and if you try this on Native Indians it will indeed lead to war.
I don't actually believe that you exist anymore Grant, but am writing in the hope that you do.
BTW, you didn't support my free boat come radio station where we could have published off the coast of BC. And had tons of blondes and Natives and Asians coming to visit us for free. Hate to say it but maybe you lost a couple of steps there :)
And it gets even worse. There were about 5 I could have had. But when it got serious I was afraid. I deserve to die alone.
Good to have you back.
Not sure I hear the fat lady singing.
Hope you'll have an honest look-see outside of the controlled media corp$(e).
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