Thursday, August 10, 2017

Michael Smyth and Postmedia....Actually, Shitty Smitty and Corporate Pom Pom Girls

Written by Grant G

Michael Smyth...he's not a writer, he's a childmind, .....the only one(s) giving Gordon Wilson the time of day is Keith Baldrey and especially Michael Smyth(shitty Smitty)....

Why....because Postmedia is desperate to tarnish John Horgan....

The problem for Balderdash and bit writer Shitty Smitty is.....BC Public, including BC Liberal voters, they know Gordon Wilson is a public trough sucking political whore....BC Public knows exactly what type of a scab Gordon Wilson is....Judy Tyabji, and Gordon Wilson...The Wilson's received a BC Grant for over $250,000... the grant produced 20 sheep hides(for a $quarter million of taxpayer dollars)....Their Son, I do believe Kaz Tyabji has pending criminal charges for importing for Mathew Wilson.....some very disturbing allegations against him...and it doesn't involve sheep..

Judy Tyabji wrote the Christy Clark biography, a crappy written bit of fiction.....

Gordon Wilson, before the 2013 election was opposed to LNG, he wrote that on his short-lived blog...Flippy Wilson, literally month(s) before election 2013 changed his tune and endorsed Christy Clark...Clark won election 2013 and Wilson's reward?....a near $200k per year job being a LNG pom pom girl...Gordon Wilson's job(?) was to echo Christy Clark's 2013 election campaign.."LNG" ..

Gordon Wilson, according to verifiable sources, the few town meetings he attended was literally booed out of town...Gordon Wilson was rude, uninformed, and vague...he had strict talking points he couldn't veer other words....Gordon Wilson was Christy Clark's shoe shinning BITCH..nothing more, nothing less....And the B.C. public, on the left, on the right, in the middle, everyone knows that Gordon Wilson is a cheap political whore....

LNG in BC is a absolute projects went forward, no projects are going for Wilson's claim of connecting BC businesses with LNG companies...well, unless BC companies are selling product or service to the US Gulf one is selling LNG service or product in BC because LNG in BC was/is an utter failure..

A reputation harmed?....Gordon Wilson's real reputation as an adulterer, a flip flopper, as a man who will sell his soul for taxpayer dole is intact...Everyone in BC and in the LNG industry know the reputation of Clark's shoeshine guy...reputation, real reputation confirmed...

From Grant G to you Gordon Wilson....Slither away already, go slime your way under your taxpayer funded rock..

As for Michael Smyth....

Mikey, you are a two-bit writer, nothing indepth, ever, nothing important, are a little shit disturbing monkey preaching to a declining group of Postmedia readers...and even your readers know Gordon Wilson is a scab...makes sense does is not?, scab writer promoting a taxpayer trough sucking scab....Guess you don't want to write about alleged charges against Kaz Tyabji for importing fentanyl..

almost 5 years as a BC LNG pom pom girl.....and you Michael Smyth blather about a 180 page report from 2014 from Wilson....1500 plus days Gordon Wilson was BC pom pom girl....a 180 page report...there should be 5000 plus pages of work, or more...

A failed LNG gambit...a failed Christy Clark...propped up by a taxpayer sponge named Gordon Wilson...

Keith Baldrey....Michael Smyth....BC Liberal bit writers and shoe polishers....

Meanwhile....John Horgan restored free adult education and ESL courses, .....that brilliant move will bring Horgan a big ethnic vote surge..

John Horgan has laid down the law with Kinder Morgan, the fight is election promise fulfilled...

Site C dam...sent to the BCUC..another election promise fulfilled...

Welfare, disability rates raised..another election promise fulfilled....

Site C dam is socialism in its finest....BC Government going to pay $15 billion dollars for 2200 temporary jobs, BC Hydro rates set to surge, ..BC Hydro already on shaky economic ground...

And more....Shitty Michael Smyth(who is on air on CKNW)....Who does Mike Shitty Smyth bring on air to defend the BC Liberal's management of other than BC Liberal ICBC appointed Chairman and very partisan ex BC Liberal MLA and cabinet minister Barry Penner...The same Barry Penner who oversaw ICBC being economically raped by Gordon Campbell and Christy Clark...

Barry Penner had the audacity to say, and I quote....Money taken by the BC government from ICBC had no affect on ICBC's bottom line...Government taking dividends in the past had nothing to do with ICBC's economic shape in 2017...? what kind of drugs are you on Barry Penner?

Are you a complete moron Barry, when a crown corporation is flat broke, needing an immediate $1.6 billion cash infusion..... Insurance laws, by LAW ICBC must have this money on hand, and they don't have it now, where oh where will ICBC find this money? HELLO Mr Barry Penner....The BC Liberals took over $4 billion dollars in cash from ICBC over the last 10 years, only this year (election year 2017)did the BC Liberal forgo scooping from ICBC....and you Barry Penner say that the BC Liberal government is not responsible for ICBC's fiscal shape of 2017....and Shitty Smitty, you said nothing, you gave Barry Penner a soap box to preach from, you gave Gordon Scab Wilson a soap box too...

My gawd Michael bring in Barry Penner to bafflegab a BC Liberal government defense on  ICBC..

You Smitty are so wrong on Site C, you never report on Muskrat Falls dam boondoggle, you never cite the failed BC Hydro load forecasts going back over a decade, power demand flat or declining, you won't report the $billions in BC Hydro deferral accounts(future bills to be dumped on the ratepayers), and that was before the Site C dam bills, you never reported the Partisan BC Liberal appointed to as BC Hydro president, a proven liar(Jessica MacDonald), you don't report the glaring partisanship and conflicts of interest with Brad Bennett, Christy Clark's boy toy she appointed to BC Hydro chairman.....Michael Smyth, you have been wrong on just about everything....Wrong about Horgan, Weaver...Wrong about Clark staying on as leader, wrong wrong wrong...and even wronger(is that a word) on LNG, for years you told readers LNG was coming....wrong again Smyth..

Listen readers, friends and contributors....BC Liberals were/are economic frauds....everything is hidden, BC debt skyrocketed under Gordon Campbell and Christy Clark...under BC Liberal rule..$5 billion added each year to BC's debt, on average for the last decade each and every year BC's debt rose by $5 billion...not counting BC Hydro debt, ICBC debt, BC Ferries debt, Pavco debt ...every where you look BC government debt has been stashed......

However, don't blame the BC Liberals people....Blame Michael Smyth..Keith Baldrey and Vaughn Palmer...Three stooges dancing to string pulling of Postmedia Marionette masters..our media, our legislative media, for a few perks and jobs in public affairs, also by order of their Postmedia corporate masters....our media failed to inform the BC public of the true dismal fiscal numbers...deliberate omissions..

Greasy little Michael Smyth....Ass sniffing Keith Baldrey and Vaughn Palmer, the master of lying through quoting others who are lying....leave those lies hanging eh Vaughn, you didn't write those lies, you merely quoted those you knew who were lying..classy Vaughn, real professionalism there...

Postmedia.......John Horgan is here to say.... John Horgan told me last month...

you really need to stop reading and listening to Michael Smyth, nobody reads him for facts, nobody listens to Mike Smyth on radio for fairness, he's a cheap bit writer with nothing else to offer..

Indeed....John Horgan...The smartest man in the room....

Anyone ready for an election, or should I say a leadership contest...The Contenders..

Kevin Falcon....? he has the far right side of party vote pretty well locked up...

Coleman...nope, he's heading for cover...

Bernier....nah, appeal

Todd party or province deserves to be governed by a male version of Christy Clark..

Carole Taylor...she's not interested in joining the rump party....not anymore..

Dianne Watts...she's tainted by association with Stephen Harper...she's not very intelligent and...I hope BC Libs choose Dianne Watts because..

The sad truth is...BC will not have another female premier for a longtime, a decade or more....Christy Clark soured BCers on female leadership...dimwitted pom pom girls who can't speak English, only utter word salad(eh Christy) or in the case of Dianne Watts, another smiling backbenching Harperite, now a Sheerite, Dianne Watts, a politician who now pretends she isn't what she really is...that being a bought by the corporate rightwing, kowtow to bible thumpers for votes, just another holier than thou faker with nary an original thought.....Toll bridges Dianne Watts did nothing as Mayor of Surrey to stop the outrageous BC Liberal tolling policy...and you went real dirty lowdown in federal election 2015...fearmonger much Dianne?....need more Dianne Watts..only a very selfish person would cause 2 to replace your federal seat, another by-election when someone is forced to resign in a safe BC Liberal seat to make room for you...Going to Kelowna Dianne..or Whiterock?

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


Anonymous said...

Another great article telling it the way it really is in BC politics and disgusting media representation.

Guy in Victoria

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see bold, decisive moves from John Horgan and his colleagues. That's what we elected them to do - clean up this province. The squalling from our pathetic mainstream media hacks is predictable.

Great article. Refreshing to hear the truth, plainly spoken.

Rob said...

Politicians of all stripes will try and get away with whatever they can. The job of the journalist is to make it exceedingly difficult to do that. Baldrey, Palmer and Smyth are the reason our province is in the shape it is today. They can take all the credit! They destroyed the NDP to make room for Campbell and have given the so-called Liberals a free ride ever since. The fact that the provincial police forces and courts appear to be bought and paid for makes it even more difficult.
Looking at Baldrey on twitter today, you would swear he is a paid Liberal bot and he gloats about making the NDP look bad!

Anonymous said...

I have read on the internet that the only records found by G Wilson were from 2014, that there are no records from 2015-2017, was wondering if someone could confirm. Also, if that is true and he sues, could we ask for a refund for that period? Also wondering if you have been reading Harvey Oberfeld's latest blog entries about Horgan and the NDP and your thoughts? I personally was/am shocked by what he has written, he has drank the koolaid, too bad.

Grant G said...

As for Gordon Wilson's 2014 makes sense the end of 2014 and early into 2015 is when the BC LNG fantasy was dead on paper, dead in the eyes of big energy....Gordon Wilson may well have stopped working at that time...can't blame him for not working on a dead file....I wrote in 2015..

British Columbia LNG Industry, The Last Gas(P)....A Straight Goods Special

Petronas was already gone in was Chevron..Exxon mobile..BG Gas(British Gas) was gone..since mid-2015....the only thing cooking on BC LNG was phony BC Liberal press releases and fake stories from LNG spindoctors..


davemj said...

All these Postmedia false reporters are clueless shills if they think the smarter of public is buying their crap they need serious help ! It will be the smarter voters that will point out to the uninformed the true facts i hope some will see the light especially if they find out how it has affected them maybe the raise in some who collect welfare maybe the ones that did not vote will start.So the three stooges will be kicked to the curb like Leslie and Goode maybe they can do commercials they dont have tell the truth for that job either.Postmedia should not own both of the only main papers in B.C.