Monday, December 24, 2018

Hollowed Souls and The Inescapable Box, Donald Trump Edition

Written by Grant G

Donald Trump's presidential victory...

I have difficulty in describing the hollow feeling within, my internal compass was and is still spinning wildly, not knowing what direction to point, an emptiness filled my soul after Donald Trump triumphed and I'm not an American nor do I live in that country so it's easy to relate to the despair 50 million Americans are feeling..

Alone, that's how I felt when my father died, depressed and bitter when my long lived animal companions perished in a house fire, but never before did I feel hollow, dad left me direction and a moral compass, my feline family members left me resolve to start anew and Jinnycat has more than filled the void..

I was not a Hillary Clinton fan, believed the democratic party didn't try hard enough to give America a fresh choice, Clinton..Bush..never do I want to see those names on a presidential ballot again..

The Klu Klux Klan is making plans for a December 3rd victory march in Pelham North Carolina  and yes Donald Trump is saying he disavows that racist club but does he really, a wink nod campaign, Donald Trump alluded to 2nd amendment fanatics and NRA people to stop Hillary in a not so subtle assassination threat..even at Trump's election night victory party his supporters were calling for Hillary Clinton to be locked up..

Did I know racism was so rampant in America, not to this extent, a rural suburban divide, a division of the educated, a division of colour, a division of voters who live in diverse multi-coloured cities against nearly all white rural counties and no, it's not right to paint voters with a broad-brush but one can't overlook or ignore the demographics...Donald Trump attracted older white male votes, older white female votes and votes from the least educated Americans...the same demographic that voted for Stephen Harper in our last federal election...

Americans marching and in some cases protesting violently from coast to coast and Trump has yet to do a single legislative thing or use any presidential executive order, those privileges don't kick in for a few months and I don't see how Donald Trump can do anything to pacify Americans on either side of the political spectrum, conservative or democratic...

If Donald Trump actually starts building a useless wall or creates deportation goon-squads the protests we see today will seem like mere angry letters to editors and if Donald Trump doesn't go forward with his core election platform....(Deport millions of undocumented people....Build an impenetrable wall with Mexico picking up the tab....Lock Hillary Clinton up...Extreme vetting and Muslim immigration ban)

If Donald Trump abandons his election platform his base will go ballistic, his core voter finally had a president willing to carry out what they believe is wrong with America, not only stopping illegal immigration but deporting millions.....Donald Trump has put himself in a box, put himself in many boxes...Will corporate America close down their factories in Mexico and China and return to America, will those Americans who lost countless jobs to outsourcing and modernization begin anew making flip-flops, dish-racks and plastic forks, and if they do what will corporate America pay those workers...

Factories that once employed thousands now employ mere hundreds, or dozens, automation and robot factories are the new norm, driverless trucks, robot workers, exactly what jobs can Donald Trump bring back to the rust belt...Joe Fresh clothes being made by Indian workers making a dollar per day....

Rebuild America's infrastructure, for the last 20 years every politician in America and Canada have made that election promise, rural America isn't going to get new infrastructure, big cities will and big cities have all the tradepersons they need, America and Canada big infrastructure projects go to a finite group of companies, SNC Lavilin for example..over-priced projects always going over-budget by gobs of money and that won't change anytime soon..

America's demise, Canada's demise started in the Ronald Reagan/Margaret Thatcher era and it's been downhill for workers ever since...Trickle down economics has never worked and Donald Trump is prepared to double-down on failed policies...

The American farm, family farms are nearly extinct, Monsanto and automation, self-serve checkout, tellerless banking, no more gas jockeys, no more buggy-whip makers, no more endless requirement of workers, we are indeed at a crossroad, 5% of the world's workers can produce 100% of what the world's people need to survive and who is prepared to rip up the world's entire economic system, who is prepared to remove the accumulated world debt, a debt that will never be paid or reduced...

Third world countries denied computer generated pixel money to modernize their infrastructure and or to improve living conditions because of no ability to repay the vapourmoney yet Canada, America, Russia, and Europe will never reduce their debt...

The world elite, the bankers, Wallstreet, IMF, the Federal Reserve, ....Derivatives, fraud and endless bailouts for the architects of the Ponzi....

The Great Depression brought on by a rigged market...1989 saving and loans Bailout..2008...Bear Stearns..AIG..Freddy and Fanny...European bank bailouts...too big to fail but not big enough or proud enough to not take bailout money created out of thin air...

Hollow and gutted is how I feel and I didn't like Hillary Clinton as a choice, the lessor of two evils syndrome perhaps..

Donald Trump built himself a presidential box from which he can't escape.....

America can't return to making dish-racks for many reasons, one reason being corporations won't pay wages high enough to cover house notes and health coverage..America can't deport millions of undocumented people...a wall won't keep people from relocating and won't stop the drugs, and considering big pharma is the new druglord, killing more people and destroying lives at levels never seen before....only legalization of all drugs will curtail the drug-fuelled nightmare...

"Make America Great Again"

Clean the air and keep water drinkable, feed the masses and finally come to the realization that endless growth on a finite planet is impossible...

Only admitting the truth and facing our fears head on will make America, and the world for again, the world and America never was great to begin with...

I hope that Time, my dreaded enemy Time heals my hollow hurt and returns warmth to a frozen soul..

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


Sailorbob said...

Spot on artical. Bring back the Jobs. How? I believe that the only source of wealth left to tap into is the wealth that we have left in out poor pockets. Trump and his merry band of carpetbagger lawyers will be coming for that soon. Kurt Vonnegut gave us a glimpse of this job market in his book Piano Player in this book the lower class, whose skills and purpose in society have been replaced by machines

Anonymous said...

This is exactly how I felt after the last election in BC. Hollow.

I am not really hopeful for the upcoming one either.

But at least you know you are not alone in feeling that way, Grant.

John's Aghast said...

It hasn't got any better in the ensuing years! I fear for the fate of the planet's inhabitants. I'll be gone, but I feel for the ones that I've brought into this world.
Dirty trick!