Saturday, February 1, 2025

Justin Trudeau and Canada Face Most Serious Decision(s) in a Century, maybe ever

 Written by Grant G                                                                                   Written November 11th/2024 Remembrance Day

 It's unfortunate that most Canadians, like our American neighbors are oblivious to what Trump actually campaigned for, outside of mass deportations and drill baby drill the majority of persons have no idea about how harmful and insidious the madman's plans are to economies around the world, not to mention the geopolitical ramifications many nations now face.....Canada and most other nations will now face head on both economic and territorial threats from newly emboldened aggressor states led by America..

Trump campaigned on taking jobs and economic growth FROM everybody, from every country, not just China, India, but Japan, Mexico, the European union and Canada, every nation. Trump promoted tariffs ranging from 20% to 1000%....In conjunction with his tariff scheme Trump also promoted his corporate carrot...That being..any corporation, any manufacturer, any producers of goods, food items and services from any nation around the world can avoid US tariffs, by setting up shop in America, by building in, producing in, manufacturing in, with the use of American workers on American soil these companies can avoid tariffs and as an added bonus they'll get a world low 15% US corporate tax-rate(current US corporate tax-rate is a very competitive 21%, down from 35% 6 years ago)

Right now America has the world's best economic conditions of any country, it's been that way for the last 2 years, record stock market, 401Ks soaring, record low unemployment, cheap gasoline($3 dollars a gallon)...Trump at his rallies vowed to take jobs and businesses from every nation around the world.

Trump has a hatred towards every nation, he claims without merit that France, UK, China, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Ireland, everybody has quote "ripped off America and lowered our economic standing"

In Trump's mind, in Trump's America being number 1 is not good enough, he won't be satisfied until pain is inflicted upon every country in the world.

Part 11

The Response From the World's Leaders......?

I expect most countries will apply countervailing tariffs, thus driving up prices for the world's populous, a world populous already angry and suffering with high costs of living, and what of the 15% corporate tax-rate carrot Trump is dangling before corporate power brokers, does that drive the greed monsters to abandon the nations they currently call home...Does that tax-rate carrot cause nations around the world to lower their corporate tax-rates to match the USA...or even go lower..?

The world's nations lowering corporate tax-rates to 15% or lower to counter Trump's proposals will cause tax rates to increase on the populous everywhere, either through direct taxes or consumption taxes, tariffs and the like.....A race to the bottom for Joe and Jane public while the corporates wallow in more reward, more treasure, more concentration of wealth for society's upper tier inhabitants.

If Trump is successful in harming the economies of other nations, raising unemployment rates around the world he will also cause anger in populations everywhere, which in turn could fuel democratic inclined governments to fall, a world seed change, inspire a rise of tough talking authoritarian isolationists....Or do Governments stand tall, band together to isolate the world's most economically and militarily dominant nation....America

Part 111

Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government and Canada as a whole are at more risk than any nation in the world

To be clear, the childminded Trump already despises Canada and it's democratic leanings, and Trump personally despises Trudeau for his good looks, his charm, his fatal attraction spell he cast on Trump's wife Melania.....Melania didn't just smile at Justin Trudeau she gave him the oh I want to lick you fuck you wrap both my arms and legs around you and make out like ......Like she never did with Trump....That's the genesis of Trump's hatred towards Trudeau and Canada....Trump will never say that Melania's lust for Trudeau is why he's attacking Canada, he'll blame unfair trade practices and a myriad of other reasons for his assault upon Canada's economy.

Melania has never looked at Trump that way, ever, and yes, most people would say Trump would never start an economic and territorial war with a country, with Canada over his prenup wife's lust for their leader...Unfortunately "most people" don't realize the level of Trump's insanity, what motivates Trump's personal vengeance.

Let's face facts soon to be on the ground.......Trump is going to cut off all financial support for Ukraine and he'll simultaneously start to stymie NATO....Trump will also prevent American arms manufacturers from selling weapons and munitions to Ukraine..

Trump has already told Trudeau that he wants, he demands Canada, despite ongoing support for Ukraine from Germany, Belgium, Portugal, France and all the other nations supporting Ukraine's fight against the invading nation Russia to cut off all financial and military support...Trump has demanded an end to any and all arms to Ukraine via Canada.......OR ELSE...

And that's where we(Canada) are as a country.....

Trump glad-handing Vladimir Putin Europe, .....Putin glad-handing North America to Trump

Yes...You may of heard it from other sources, if not you heard it hear....Trump going to war against Canada is not an if, it's a when....Our American neighbors, the Trump regime is giving Trudeau and Canada a choice, you are either with us or...Against us....Trudeau has been told in no uncertain terms that either Canada does what Trump dictates or Canada will be treated like a hostile nation..

Canada must stop all economic and military support for Ukraine or else...The "else" has not been spelled out...

Except for this....Trump want's BC's water, our frak gas, he wants Alberta's tar oil, America wants our prairie wheat fields and the economic might of Ontario....

Hostile America to the south and a hostile neighbor to our north with Russia....

And, nobody will be able to come to our rescue...Allies on our side would have to either fly or sail across vast oceans to support us...Where American firepower will shoot our allies out of the sky or send them to the bottom of the ocean..

Canada...We are located next door to a demented madman who seeks to destroy the world's economies and bend the will of nations to either fall in line or fall prey and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

 As a Canadian I know what my choice would be.....Die or fight, .....and more probable....Fight and die.

Yet, here in Canada, roughly 44 million persons living in democratic freedom, albeit with a few rules of law to follow...It's the only way of life most of us have ever known, outside of immigrants to Canada, we've never lived under a tyranny..That's about to change,             or not?

The decision will be made by Trudeau and the Canadian Government, not by the people, and to be perfectly honest, the decision needs to be made by a democratic(even with it's flaws) government, not the people because..

There's too many Canadians that will not only give up, but many that will embrace America's conquering of Canada...From the Alberta Conservatives who only care about selling tar, driving trucks and shooting black bears, and brown bears and....and shooting just about anything brown or black that moves....

Quebec/French Nationalists(old-stock-Canadians)who on the first word of an American onslaught immediately start shining their jackboots and practicing their goosestepping moves will aid America's assault of Canada.....They're not called "surrender Monkies" for nothing...

Outside of British Columbia's freedom loving people, and Ontario's Canadian faithful, and Eastcoast patriot Canadians who will fight for Canada's freedom and self determination, we have far too many Canadians who lust to be taken-over by a newly brown and black person purged White Nationalist America......We have our Canadian magas yearning for Trump or a Canadian Trump like leader to purge Canada of it's colored people too....

Justin Trudeau and Canada have roughly 2 1/2 months to decide which road Canada takes...

You readers of The Straight Goods know where I stand

The time is now for Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Government, for Canada and the world to stand strong, reject Trump, reject tyranny and live for, and fight for a future for all mankind.

A Remembrance Day post..........A Time to remember who we are....and who we once were.

The Straight Goods

One Tin Soldier

Cheers Eyes Wide Open



Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Storm of Tears, (In Your Eyes)

Written by Grant G

(I wrote this in 2012.......not sure why i'm putting it back on my front page today...January 28th/2025)  Cheers

Having immersed myself in the dark void of soulless data I find myself becoming increasingly bitter and callous.

If only you could see the world through my eyes, maybe you can, that is my ultimate goal, enlightenment, perhaps that is part of the media`s problem, do journalists see what we see, I can`t sleep anymore, the nightmares don`t stop.

I woke up to tears again this morning, how many of you wake up every other day with salty drops running down your cheeks, have the reporters and journalists stopped seeing, reporting, feeling so they can sleep, I have not that answer but I,....But I need the tears, it reminds that I still care, my dad has been fishing without me all month, how he does it is beyond me he is over 80, he drags my mom up in the morning and prods her to the boat,a difficult task 20 years ago but now that my mom`s legs don`t work is amazing, a recent colon cancer survivor, lumps, bumps and breakdowns of body will not stop him, not only is he fighting the clock but also the demons.

A fear of losing his mind has shaped his routine, no one wins that battle with time, at best you can hold the swinging pendulum at bay but for a moment, recently I was in a special section of the Maple Ridge hospital, the woman I was visiting is fighting for freedom, a girl too young to be looking for freedom, society stole her sanity and left her to fend for herself.

Will her mind return is unknown, the vast majority of patients, victims, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers in this unit are lost, the visitors to this place are me, sons, daughters, lovers and as I observe, watch, document, sons talking to fathers, daughters to mothers and I see blank stares and fear, blank stares from these loved ones whose minds are gone, memories purged, emotions ripped from their souls only to be replaced with pills and water......And fear in the eyes of blood related visitors....

Fear of ending up in the same place, crossword puzzles and Sudoko have been standard fare for my dad for years, I know what his fear is, not the clock but the blank stare, he has no worries as he still betters me when watching/playing Jeopardy, I am looking forward to spending labour day weekend with my parents, fishing with mom and dad has always been a temporary tear stopper for me, China Creek and Bamfield will provide the backdrop.

Recently mom told me dad said to her that despite his fits of anger towards me at times that he thinks I`m brilliant, I have been waiting a lifetime to hear that, not that I am brilliant or special but who doesn`t need the occasional compliment, with my dad emotions have always been hard for him, where as my mom it`s the complete opposite, passion and anger bubbles through.

Someone blessed me with a mix of both, cold calculated analytical with uncontrollable emotions, I was raised with warnings about being cannon fodder, taught to think and decide, to examine all sides and be vocal, yet that price is tears when I sleep and thoughts that can`t be stopped, happiness is fleeting and eludes me and I can`t help but think of the blank stares of fathers and mothers whose minds have been purged and the children who live in fear of ending up in the same state.

Why? Those empty minds sleep without tears and peace seems to be in their grasp, I have not any answers only more questions, I`ll be gone fishing next week and I will have arguments with my dad and lose every one of them and he won`t call me brilliant, he`ll call me something and when I sleep I will wake up to tears and any happiness will be but a facade, my earliest memories are of fishing with dad and mom wiping my tears away, I was never promised happiness, all I look forward to now is completion, you know what our goal is and damn it, even if it kills me we will continue.

And I wouldn`t want it any other way.


The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Canadian Idiots, Racists, and Traitorous Provincial Governments along with Canada's Unwitting Morons.....Stand Tall and Identify Yourself and Take Credit for What's to Come!


Written By Grant G

Before I get started, here is a little background on the progression of silencing voices, controlling the interweb messages, and public information strangulation by the powers that be...

During my early years in our education system, there were no computers, no internet, no handheld mobile computers or phones...

To learn anything required reading books, newspapers or watching a handful of media TV conglomerates or going to public libraries, or good school educators, and or real life experiences where knowledge and data is passed from one to another, or others.

Being self-taught on early computers, going from a fumbled fingered typist and internet searching moron to morphing into a fact and data finding specialist, where suddenly with a few clicks I could access accurate data from the world's online archives...

I read and read, researched and studied, developed opinions on a myriad of topics, on important public issues, from economics to environment to justice, law, crime, on governmental affairs... on near everything..

My voice, my written words on comment threads, on other people's platforms, on big media's internet offerings' comment boards, in those early years my voice and writings had limited affect, but they were heard..

A well tempered but sometimes cryptic online writer and thinker extraordinaire Mr Ross K, on his online platform, a long time ago (The Gazetteer     ) in comments directed at me Mr K. suggested I start my own site......That led to the Straight Goods Blog..

I'm not going to bore you with my many online success and failures, this article isn't about that, it's about the ever changing names of the stranglers, the shadow banners and ultimately, the humanity killers.

My site was soon getting 5000 views, 10,000 views a day(seems a long time ago now) and my messages were being heard, by all sides on every issue I was covering...

I placed links to my articles everywhere I could, on Facebook(for a short while), on legacy media's online forums, The Vancouver Sun..The Province...National Post, Global....and even Twitter..

My usual written offerings targeted big corporations, the resource extractors, and governments, exposing grift, corruption and self dealing....

Then suddenly....My online comments, including links to my articles were shadow banned on all the above platforms...Legacy media beholden to big corporations were first to block my content, at the behest of the corporations....Facebook followed and soon after early twitter throttled near everything I platformed, it didn't end there, Government itself directed shadow banning....

Not everyone was targeted, many voices remained, mainly banal or soft ex'poses were left alone, 

Even Blogger too, throttled my range.....And i'm far from alone......

Online CBC ....Their sane washing drivel they now produce allows no comment threads, they've tried to silence criticism of their content by essentially ignoring the feedback...Whistling past the graveyard...indeed.

Elon Musk acquired Twitter, promised free speech, only the throttling on that platform once again targeted voices like mine...Now, only if I paid/pay him money would my voice be allowed to be heard..

I abandoned Twitter long ago....and Left Elon's X  almost instantly....The throttling of voices on Twitter/X was rapid, the hate, racism, the assault on everything decent went into full swing on X..

And today, January 22nd/2025 Twitter/X is a extreme rightwing hate site with 100,s of millions of users who are being groomed by a self declared Nazi named Elon Musk, who happens to be the world's richest person who also owns the US presidency and is actively trying to own potential extreme rightwing governments around the world...Elon Musk is trying to get the NAZI Party of Germany back in power, he's trying to get French Nazis back in government, and, the shocking part, he's doing it in plain sight, nothing is hidden..

My decades' long experience in being silenced, and shadow banned over my written words, my facts, data and in depth research was over exposing corruption in government, over detailing the environmental and economic frauds of the big Corporation       .and now...

And now a full fledged Nazi with a massive public forum is actively promoting an uprising and return to Nazi rule, not in just Germany, but America, France, the UK....Everywhere, including Canada, where at least several million so-called Canadians are prepared to goosestep and get onboard with this twisted form of corporate fascism....Elon Musk, the unabashed leader of the ratpack...Zuckerberg, a reluctant joiner along with Bezos....Zuck and Bozo are wind vanes, they'll go whichever direction serves their bottom line, morals, ethics and public perception of their about face be damned, they don't care..

CNN and other legacy media has followed suit with capitulation on the very obvious rise of Corporate and American Political Fascism well in advance of any threat.....Corporate and Tech giants opened their arms and become 21st Century Vichy....

It was once said......

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” is a quote by Spanish philosopher George Santayana.

A very good quote indeed, but, is that quote even relevant anymore?

Not sure if this has ever been said before.....My latest words, perhaps to become a future quote repeated by others, or not.....

"Those who know of the evil of past large scale crimes against humanity but still lust for it's return are going to repeat it"......Grant G January 22/2025

Any Canadian still on Twitter/X....or Facebook is a willing participant in the rise of White Nationalist Corporate Nazism....By choice..

Stand up Alberta residents, put on your maga hat and publicly celebrate the hate, rejoice in the public square over demonizing brown and black humans....Celebrate and prod your elected Alberta Government to fully embrace their 21st century Vichy moment...

To all other Canadians......Make your choice be known...There is no middle ground anymore..

Denounce Trump....Denounce Elon Musk(with action, by leaving his platform) or stand tall with fascism and let everyone know who's side you're on, fly the Nazi flag,.....Own it.


I'm going to keep on writing and keep on expressing my opinion whether anybody reads it or not..

I've joined

I'm trying to reestablish a little reach, so far the Bluesky experience is positive...I suggest you all give it a try....Elon's hate and army of haters has thus far been shuttered out...I hope it remains a safe accurate data and information sharing site....

And one day....I may start a YouTube Channel.....all in due time..

Landslide bring you down

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


Saturday, January 11, 2025

Trump's Campaign Promises Come Face to Face With Reality........MAGA Voters Get Sold Snake Oil And Lies

 Written by Grant G

10 days until Trump starts pulling the levers of power and not so many more days after that MAGA will realize they've been deceived by the orange buffoon.

Trump has asked Congress to put together an all encompassing single Bill to cover taxation, immigration and Energy.....A tough ask with a razor thin majority in the House of Representatives indeed.

Where to begin.....


"President-elect Donald Trump’s border czar Tom Homan has privately told Republican lawmakers to temper their expectations for the incoming administration’s initial deportation operation, citing limited resources, according to multiple sources involved in the conversations"

Behind the scenes lawmakers are being inundated with howls and complaints from farmers, ranchers, construction companies, fast food and restaurant operators and a myriad of other industries that a mass deportation will decimate the economy and raise prices on Americans from coast to coast...

These business owners who operated and profited for decades used undocumented labor, consequence free, meaning no penalties for hiring, at sub-standard wages illegal/undocumented immigrants and now these same Trump voters and business owners are asking for relief, relief for themselves from having to eliminate their labor force....

Seems these business owners never believed Trump would follow through with his mass deportations but now are concerned Trump just might do it...

Ahh...But the stories come out, stories being put out by Trump's handpicked Border Czar Tom Holman is a clear indication that the orange buffoon is coming to terms that the USA needs these workers...

So now Tom Holman is publicly saying that a mere 1.4 million undocumented immigrants who already have final immigration orders of removal  will be targeted first.....And furthermore, Holman states that he'd need about a $trillion dollars to remove 8 million undocumented and to go full blast and deport 20 million he'd need $2 trillion dollars plus...

To further complicate matters are all those businesses that employ undocumented workers are telling, yelling to their local government representatives that their profits will fall and consumer prices will rise exponentially.....and with midterms a mere 2 years away, with the GOP holding a barebones majority with many in purple districts where republicans won with scant margins...48% to 52% range, dozens and dozens of GOP congresspersons who won albeit by slim margins....These congressperson are hearing their constituents howling already before the harm has been inflicted..

Big Tech/Elon Ketamine Musk has also put his thumb on the scale and H1B visas are not being restricted, or ended but increased by large margins to serve as the tech industries indentured employee base, and at substandard wages...

Trump has caved on the immigration issue already, before it's even begun..The Trump MAGA racist base are going to have a complete meltdown when they see first-hand that Trump blustered and boasted pre-election only to fold like a cheap suit..

Even IF Trump didn't fold on immigration the howling from all Americans would begin in earnest as staple food prices skyrocket.....All that before his doomed tariff scheme comes to fruition..



The only tax provisions that are still on the table for Trump are....

1) Making permanent his 2018 tax bill that benefitted the millionaires and billionaires

2)Lowering the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15%

3)No tax on tips election promise

That's it....His other taxation promises, "No tax on overtime and no tax on social security" are being punted to later in his in never.

The only way Trump can pay for the lowering of corporate tax-rates and his permanent tax break for the wealthiest among us, and no tax on tips is with tariffs..

Tariffs of 25% on all Canadian, Mexican and Chinese imported products will raise the price of all consumer goods, including domestically produced items by on average 25%...

That will cause the angry Trump Americans to howl and scream.....

These Americans who won't be getting a tax cut will soon figure out that they are paying 25% more on everything so the wealthy and corporate sector get more riches, and as for no tax on tips....That sector will feel the wrath of the MAGA voter too.....

The Trump voter will attack tip earners as soon as they realize they will be paying 25% or more for everything so tip workers get a little bit more and the wealthiest get a lot more..

Once again, with midterms 2 years away......The GOP slim majority in Congress will be thinking more about self preservation than they will about obeying the demented orange asshole.

If Trump went full Nazi and deported millions of undocumented immigrants while simultaneously enacting 25% tariffs from China, Canada and Mexico you will see prices rise anywhere from 50% to 100%, on thousands of items....including energy.



Trump wants energy reforms included in this big all encompassing Bill from Congress.

What does that mean?

I don't know for sure but I suspect that Trump is going to issue a demand of big oil producers to neuter Canada's oil exports to the USA and mandate that big oil produce enough oil to eliminate imports of Canadian oil and produce enough that the USA can be self sufficient and export gobs of oil to countries all over the world and become the kingpin of energy supply...Trump will also mandate in this Congressional Bill that the US opens up Anwar for oil production..

That may sound sweet to MAGA morons and TRUMP but that fictional pipe dream will be put to rest in a heartbeat....

Because of a few pesky facts......

Currently the USA imports 3.9 million barrels of Canadian oil per day....and, one only has to look at what companies are in Alberta tar fields to figure it out..


According to the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), more than 906 US-based companies provide equipment, parts, and services for the development of Alberta's oil sands.


But what about opening up and developing the Anwr nature reserve in Alaska?

Again, reality is gonna punch Trump in the nose....

1)According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), it would take at least 10 years to produce oil from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) after the first lease sale:

2)ProductionFields typically take 3 to 4 years to reach peak production, maintain peak production for 3 to 4 years, and then decline

3)InfrastructureIt could take a few years to set up the necessary infrastructure for drilling.

4)Industry interest: The industry itself and most analysts say that companies are not eager to drill in ANWR

In other would take a decade to produce any substantial amounts of ANWR oil..

And the cost would be very prohibitive to energy producers...Meaning the cost of ANWR oil would be expensive compared to sources like Alberta...

There is one more notable stat when it comes to ANWR oil reserves....How much oil is there?

According to the experts there is approximately 


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimates that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska contains between 4.3 and 11.8 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil:

Coastal Plain-The USGS estimates that the 1.57-million-acre Coastal Plain in the northern part of the Refuge contains 7.7 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil on federal lands. If Alaska Native lands and adjacent waters are included, the estimate increases to 10.4 billion barrels


That sounds like a lot of oil....but is it? time for some simple math, math that perhaps even Trump and his MAGA morons can understand..

The USA imports from Canada 3.9 million barrels per day....Let's round it up to 4 million barrels a day for ease of calculations..

10 days of Canadian oil imports to the USA =40 million barrels

100 days of Canadian oil imports to the USA=400 million barrels

365 days of Canadian oil imports to the USA=1.46 billion barrels per year..

10 years of Canadian oil imports to the USA at current levels = 14.6 billion barrels of oil..

That's more than the recoverable oil in ANWR....and it would take near a decade to bring ANWR to fruition.

In other words, Trump talks a big game without having a clue as to the game parameters.

Furthermore..There is no supply shortage in the world right now, no supply shortage in the USA, for congress, and or the president to mandate oil companies to produce more than is necessary from other domestic supplies the price to American consumers will rise exponentially.

Big energy make big money, shareholders demand big money and Trump has no flex over these behemoth companies...

And, in my opinion....If Trump succeeds in arm-bending big oil into shutting down Canadian oil over time....We, the Canadian Government must mandate that we cut off America's supply well in advance of any new American supplies coming online...

However, I don't believe Trump will succeed, for many reasons, he's a fucking braindead moron, the big corporations have big flex, big American oil companies have footprints and financial interests all around the world, in many countries....Big oil is not going to cut off a left or right arm of oil production in another country only to have to expend vast dollars to bring different domestic supply into the market..

And lastly....Trump is a lame duck, he'll probably die before his term ends, and he can't run again..

In other words....Trump is a lame duck president who hasn't a clue how the world energy market works..


 Lastly....The American people freaked out over egg prices rising during the Corporate Price Gouging Era...

The people who elected Trump want prices to drop...Not to rise

The people who elected Trump want brown people removed, not just talked about removing.

In other words....For Trump to actually make happen his immigration, deportation, taxation, tariff, and energy policies...

Maga will be begging for a return to the Biden years....And Trump, he's a lame duck.

My only fear of the USA is.....Trump gets so pissed off from not being able to accomplish anything that he promised and campaigned on he starts a war with Canada for spite...He'll need lackies high in the military to do that, along with a complicit Congress...

We're not there yet....

Trump is not called a lame duck for no reason..

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Donald Trump Just Announced He's Coming For Canada......And no, this is not a joke

Trump posted the above picture today on Truth Social.....No words, just a picture of Trump drooling over Canada...

And this was also reported today, how Trump mused that perhaps Canada should be part of the USA.....From CNN


Trump joked to Trudeau that Canada should become a 51st state during a discussion on tariffs

President-elect Donald Trump joked to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that Canada should become a 51st state during a discussion on tariffs over dinner Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club last Friday, two sources briefed on the conversation told CNN.

Trudeau’s impromptu trip to Florida came just days after Trump promised massive hikes in tariffs on goods coming from Mexico and Canada starting on the first day of his administration, specifically calling for a 25% tariff on all products sent to the US, a version of which Trump mentioned during the dinner. After what was described as polite pushback on the matter from Trudeau on how such tariffs would hurt the Canadian economy, Trump joked that if that were the case, maybe Canada should join the United States as a 51st state


I suggest that you readers, and all Canadians take this threat seriously......

Trump is about to make the Canadian economy hurt, and the question will be asked by Trump to Canadians.....Trump will ask Canadians in a demanding way shortly after he takes the reins of the US government.....

Join us as part of the USA or face economic pain and worse......

And if you think this short post is a isn't....

Will Justin Trudeau loudly reject Trump's demand to acquire Canada....?

 Will Pierre Poilievre roll out the red carpet for Trump and accept his demand that Canada join the USA or else?

Trump is coming for Canada....Trump is coming after Canada.....What did we do wrong as Canadians to deserve losing our country and identity...? Nothing

When you elect a demented billionaire who had everything handed to him on a silver plate to the most powerful position in the world, with the strongest military by far....When you give that person who had everything he wanted, always, there never is enough....

Trump wanting Canada and Trump wanting more chapters in history books is a deadly combination..

Deadly for Canada.......

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

I'm an idiot for thinking Americans weren't idiots........2024 US Election Breakdown

 Written by Grant G


The internet has turned into a toxic sewer

 Where to even begin.....I wrote a few years ago that the internet, which has all the world's information and factual data easily available with a mere click of a mouse has done more harm to mankind in the last 10 years than anything else.

The early internet years were a boon for advancing man's quest for free flowing information, and it was clean slate... provable lies were not prevalent, misinformation wasn't the norm, it was rare, yes, the corporate sector spun and twisted online, but writers, readers and content producers were not able to blatantly lie and gain traction, or viciously slander innocent people and propagate fiction without legal consequences, slander suits, liable suits, cease and desist warnings would fly and services providers(when they still had a moral compass) would cut your service.

Facebook let mis, and disinformation spin out of control, they allowed foreign nations, foreign actors and every freak to prey on an eyes glued to their device populous.

YouTube did, and does well with keeping broadcasters, podcasters from airing poisonous toxicity, I applaud them for their efforts however, that brought about the rise of sites like Rumble, and other streaming services where everything and anything goes, poisonous shows like Bannons' Warroom, and hundreds of other rightwing podcasters funded by dark money, funded by adversary nations. 

Rumble podcasts, a place where anything goes, where any and all lies, conspiracies, liable and slander are allowed to go unchecked, allowed to flourish with zero consequences. Anyone who posts debunking info into their comment sections are instantly muted...Factchecking prohibited.

A few weeks before the election Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson were together chatting with each other on a podcast of sorts, big names, big audiences and they were chuckling with each other while talking about Harris or Biden getting assassinated....It was dangerous, and sick, and allowed to happen with no repercussions, they broadcast that poison to millions.

Twitter after regulators and governments threatened their existence tried to rein in the racism, the hate the obvious lies and disinformation but then, the same perpetrators who produced and spread the toxicity howled and screamed censorship...and then more toxic sites rose, 4chan, 8chan, Gettrr, Truth Social where moderation is a taboo word...There are millions of people in North America that crave the crudeness, they seek out havens where toxic lies and memes are not just accepted, they're wanted.

Seems toxicity reigns everywhere, Tic Toc and Instagram aren't much better.

Disinformation online, on podcasts, .....The vast majority of online garbage, conspiracies, harmful rhetoric comes from the right, and I hate that, I hate calling what Trump is, what these offending writers and podcasters are..."The Right" in the leftwing progressive and rightwing conservatism.

Nearly every damn conspiracy that pops up is pushed by the "Right"....Every week it's a new conspiracy and no matter how many times these evil clowns are debunked they just move on to the next one..And their followers, like sheep spread it around and eat it up.

These influencers, and Trump telling lies online for 4 straight years that Joe Biden received $millions from the mayor of Moscow, that he took money from China, from everybody...Lies about an open border you just walk through...

The lies from a former president that Biden and Harris in 4 years let 13,099 known murderers just walk in, that they let 350,000 known criminals just walk in, the lie that 21 million came across the border in last 4 years(real number is 11 million border encounters, and many many are repeaters met at the border)the lie that countries around the world emptied their prisons, mental institutions and insane asylums and not only sent them to the US they all got in unchecked, unvetted..

You can search until you are blue in the face and you won't find a single story, a single source, a single country that did any of those things.

In 2024 the MSM and literally every network, every online streaming platform allowed this conspiracy bullshit, allowed these lies to go viral to go completely unchecked...

CNN debate with Biden and Trump..Yes Biden bombed, looked old, tired and out of the game but he didn't lie, CNN's Dana Bash allowed Trump to unleash a torrent of lies, without a single factcheck..

The ABC debate was a little better, but still, the firehose of Trump lies drenched the stage and he was barely factchecked...ABC said "there's no evidence of Haitians eating pets" .. They felt a need to factcheck that but when Trump said the world's prisons and mental institutions have been emptied and those that were in them are ALL now in the US killing Americans....That was left untouched.

Twittergate...The scandal that never was....When Elon Musk took over Twitter and allowed what little moderation there was to fade to black.

 I warned many at the time of what Elon's intention was....I had regular readers tell me, one reader in particular said to me...

"Don't worry about Elon musk and Twitter..Twitter isn't real life"

And in a flash, every online Nazi, conspiracy theorist, homophobe, every shitposter and spammer, every adversarial foreign nation was embraced by Elon..He manipulated algorithms, forced his own posts down everyone's throats while truth tellers and accounts Elon didn't like were throttled, shadowbanned via stealth technology...He cut average normal people Twitter/X users off if they didn't pay him..

This 2 year old comment sticks in my mind 

"Don't worry about Elon musk and Twitter..Twitter isn't real life"

Then Elon went "rightwing" crazy, ...He literally dedicated Twitter to elect Trump, he endorsed Trump, he spread the most blatant BS conspiracies, he amplified Trump's lies and in my opinion broke election law by buying Trump voters, $1 million dollar daily lottery for Trump voters..

(Do you see that above, what I wrote..."and in my opinion broke election law"...Wrote it that way so I can't be held liable, can't get sued. I didn't say....Elon Musk broke the law)

It doesn't fucking matter anymore....You can say anything..Elon is a murder..Elon raped children...Trump murdered children, Trump is rapist a 100 times over...You can say whatever the fuck you want and there are no consequences anymore.



First amendment....Go to a movie theater, yell fire, yell bombs under the seats...It doesn't matter anymore.

Part 11

Joe Biden and his administration failed

Joe Biden and his administration failed, not with policy and legislation but with messaging, ...When Biden and Harris assumed power in 2021 the country was flat on it's back, covid raging, lockdowns, high unemployment...And they spent money to shore up individuals, businesses, industry, the printing presses were revved up and money shoveled out the door (as did Trump with covid) but, they had to do it.....The vast majority of Americans had no safety net..

The mistake Joe Biden made was twofold .....

Trump when in office in his first term held a ton of press conferences, he repeated his lies, he beat his chest in public/whitehouse press conferences near every week, he bragged, and exaggerated every accomplishment he made, he brushed off any criticism and bold faced lied every fucking day..

33,000+ Trump lies in his first term.

Joe Biden's mistakes....When he ran in 2020(at age 78) he said to the voting public he was only going to serve out 1 term, he said he wouldn't run for a 2nd term...He lied, Joe should have let it be known after year 2, after year 3 that he wasn't running(because he wants to retire, he's old)....That was a big mistake, but not his biggest mistake..

While Biden was getting legislation done, getting Bills through congress he should of been bragging about his accomplishments weekly, and when Trump, and the GOP members of Congress he controlled starting sham impeachment hearings, baseless accusations accusing Joe of being a mastermind criminal, running a massive scheme to enrich himself..

Biden needed to threaten Congress with liable, with slander, he needed to debunk the made up garbage daily in a forceful manner..And if Joe wasn't up to the task of slamming republicans for the most foul, most egregious lies he had plenty of spokespersons and surrogates to make the case...Joe needed to publicly call Fox news traitors to the nation..every single day

Joe did well legislatively, very well, got more done than the last 4 presidents, yet he leaves office with a tarnished record in the minds of most Americans because of the spin, the lies, the outrageous conspiracies that ooze like green slime from Trump and the above mentioned entities on a daily basis..

Joe...He's old, was raised in an age where spouting provable lies and insane conspiracies would end most people's political careers, Joe ran and won in many an election...Trump was the opposite, even though he and Biden are close in age Trump has engaged in fakery and lies, and too many crimes to count his entire life..

Part 111

Kamala Harris' campaign errors.....

Kamala ran a near perfect campaign except for one thing...

Kamala needed a website, she needed mailers, she needed to address Trump's lies and BS stories, every single day..

Kamala Harris needed to stand tall at each rally, at each and every media appearance and say...

There is no evidence of any emptied prisons..ANYWHERE.....No evidence of countries emptying insane asylums...Trump is lying

NO 21 million did not enter our country...1/6 th of that number....Trump is lying

NO WE DID NOT let 13,099 murderers come in ......Trump is lying..

Yes, Kamala at her rallies rallies did call Trump a liar...But she didn't say what the lies were..

Trump started talking about every country emptying prisons and insane asylums and sending all the deranged savages(Trump's description, not mine)to the US where they just walk in...Trump started telling that made up spew in 2022....

It's 2024.....Why did Joe Biden not rebuke Trump over his bullshit lies in 2022...Why did he ignore it...Why didn't Harris address Trump's outrageous lies about prisons and insane asylums every single day..Why didn't she challenge Trump to give proof....Why didn't Harris slam Trump and put to rest his lie about 13,099 murderers were allowed into the US in 4 years..

My fucking gawd...That number of illegal/migrant murderers and criminals was over 40 years..There are not 13,099 immigrant murderers walking freely in the US...The number was literally the same under Trump's first term....That same report Trump lied about...The same data/report was available when he was president in 2016 ....The number in 2020 when Trump left office was...12,789 murderers ...

That report does not say they are walking around free....The entire story was made up, twisted data..

But that mistake by Harris....To not slam Trump and debunk that lie every single day was a huge mistake.

Why on earth...Trump appears on Fox News..on Bro podcasts...NY Post...Newsmax..all his rallies, and he says..

"Kamala Harris let 21 million illegal just walk across the border,13,099 known murderers, many have killed more than six people pour across our southern border unchecked, she just waved them in.."

Like Joe Biden....Kamala Harris thought Trump's lies are/were so outrageous, so unbelievable American voters will discount it.

Part 1V

Americans are fucking stupid

Joseph Goebbels said back in the 1930s .....

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Back in the 30s radio was barely emerging, there was no TV set, no cablevision...there was newsprint and magazines, books....The German people in the 1930s couldn't click a mouse and have instant data from all over the world, facts, proof, evidence of the State lying....Back in that era the State only need to control the newsprint..Hitler did...Negatives stories towards Hitler, the government, any stories from newspapers that expressed any dissent would result in being jailed or sent to internment camps, or death camps...
Hitler and Goebbels controlled every aspect of any and all information the German populous received..

The German people of that era can be slightly forgiven for falling prey to Hitler's lies as access to the truth was not readily available..

The  2024 American populous can't be forgiven, they're fucking morons, not all but at least 50%

A click of a mouse and anyone can factcheck a politician for themselves...What self respecting person would attend a Trump rally, or watch what he spews on podcasts, posts on Truth Social, posts on Twitter/X or says on Fox news and believe his anger inciting lies without doing a single factcheck.?

 and after doing your own factchecks you realize Trump just told you a 100 lies in 2 hours would you still vote for him...?

Trump has told his crowds, the media..."I will cut all energy costs by 50% within 12 months of taking office, gas, home heating and electric"

The few times he's been asked by media personalities how will he do it....Trump answers...Drill baby Drill....That's not an answer....US Gas price is hovering at $3 dollars per gallon...During covid depression under Trump oil fell, gas fell to $1.84 per gallon...The oil/gas companies cried for and got bailouts because they were going bankrupt...
Trump can't lower gas prices to that extent unless....Unless the Federal government took over big Energy and nationalized it.....Which would never happen unless the US turned into a total Fascist Nation..You'd kill energy trade markets/wipe out investors...

Tariffs.....everywhere tariffs...Every product made in Canada and every country gonna get tariffed upon being sent to US market....Trump gonna use tariff money to pay for lowering corporate tax-rate to 15%..

Trump's math doesn't add does though reward the super wealthy even more while levying a massive 20% or more sales tax on everything...yes everything, domestic producers will increase right along with em. 

I could go on and on shredding Trump's economic policies....Why didn't any big media dissect it?

Right now, the strongest economy anywhere in the world is the US economy....inflation way down, prices for staple items still too high, gas prices are at very low levels across America..Stock market near record highs, 401ks soaring, unemployment near record lows, interest rates dropping.

America is in a good place with many economic markers...If Joe Public Trump supporter thinks some other giant monetary boom is coming cuz they elected the felon have another thing coming.

Because...If Trump was in office the last 2 years(2022 to 2024) and this was his economy he'd of spun the good news everyday, he'd of convinced everyone it's great...In other words...If the US economy stays right about where it's at right now....It's a win for Trump even if he doesn't do a damn thing.

Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about Joe Public.....He's promised a new golden era under his administration that will see soaring wages and cheap energy and groceries for everyone...

America just elected a deranged Fascist who promised everyone everything without any way of delivering a damn thing.

Lastly.....There are only two realities that explain what just happened in the USA

 Americans who voted for Trump want racism, want brown people purged, want violence directed towards non whites or..

Or Americans are too stupid to see the snake oil selling monster.  A damn cult

To all the people who think any politician is going to make you rich and happy

"If wishes were horses beggars could ride"

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open




Saturday, September 7, 2024

Trump has reached a new level of insanity. Deranged, fear mongering and so many lies....Trump will get worse as his electoral chances fade to black


Written by Grant G

I don't have much commentary to add, i'll let Trump expose himself as a deranged madman....

Donald Trump knows the election is over.....Even the big economic forecasters are calling Trump out on his insanity.

Trump is flailing madly, insanity has taken hold of his remaining braincells....There is nothing left of Trump but hatred, lies and internal anger, Melania hates him, Truth Social is dead and Trump has nothing but deranged fear mongering left....And, nobody but his MAGA bases buys it...

Here's a recent fact...Young black female voters...Registration of this large group is up 175% over 2020..

Numbers so large, that demographic voter alone will sail Kamala Harris to victory.


According to the data firm TargetSmart, registration is up more than 175% among young Black women.

“175% is almost tripling of registration rates among this specific group. You just don’t see that sort of thing happen in elections normally,” says TargetSmart senior adviser Tom Bonier.



Here is some of Trump's insanity, from today only...

First a Trump post on Truth Social..

Totally deranged...




CEASE & DESIST: I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.


Trump went full deranged lunatic mode in a Wisconsin rally today....

Trump actually said his mass deportation plan will be "Bloody"



And here is the full video of Trump's insane rally today in Wisconsin.....And if you actually watch it..

You'll see even his MAGA rally attendees are less than thrilled....Trump is now even too deranged for his base voters..



President Trump in Mosinee, WI


I recommend that everyone watch the Trump rally in full....See the crazed Donald Trump go insane in Wisconsin...

Anyway friends and readers....I called it correct, Kamala Harris is unstoppable and she will become the next US president..

Also...It was so clear to me that when Trump finally realizes he's going to lose that he was going to go batshit crazy, incite fear, lie his fucking face off, ....

Some big American media may try to sane-wash Trump's insanity...I won't..

Trump is so close to a complete mental breakdown....At the pace at which Trump is deteriorating, it's very unlikely he makes it to election day...

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open