Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Voice of Reason?

I`m back, another fun-filled thrill ride into the big smoke, honking cars, traffic jams, unimaginable street scenes in east Vancouver, our own twisted version of Alice in Wonderland and empty bike lanes(Saturday afternoon).

I enjoyed many of your contributions to our stories, however we had many really angry haters, Christy lovers...To the gentleman who suggested the NDP can build a bike lane to Vancouver Island, well, I suggest you write Dr Mcgeer on that one......And there was another anonymouse who let fly with the expletives in defence of Christy Clark.....I must admit, there were several words I haven`t heard before in conjunction with one another, now don`t get me wrong, I like expletives, ....Especially this one  @#%$...Although this one I more commonly use...^&%&%%$  !@# *&%^^......But really friend, to put this one  *^^&&&*   together with this..@$%$%$%  follwed by a @#$&^%* ^%^*^$  &^#@@%^&....Topped off with  *&%^  *#$....Now that was clever, and a wee bit nasty...

And there was an interesting comment from someone who claimed to have visited our site twice (It`s ok, no one admits to reading me) ...He said that the commentary was fair(Fair!, that`s it?..Just fair, how about a B)  but that he didn`t like the snideness(is that a word?)....He/She suggested I water it down and keep my apparant nastiness to myself, ......And if I agree will you read my stories daily?....Well, who knows friends, I obviously struck a nerve....

Let me say first off, I wasn`t trained to write in any particular style, I kinda just start plucking the keyboard and prayed for the best, I hope you`re not disappointed, I could have chose to write like Keith Baldrey and make excuse after excuse and forgive and justify any and all Government decisions, lies, policies and the such or maybe write like Les Leyne who leaves more facts out, overlooks blatant lies, misses the story time and time again but always falls back into BC Liberal arms,.....Michael Smyth is a pretty good ranter at times but ..But research and Michael Smyth are oil n water, you never see them together, too thin and void of any feeling for my liking....And of course, our good friend Vaughn Palmer, by far the best writer of the stooges, in fact Vaughn Palmer is a specialist, ..I call it the Palmer technique...He`s a master of leading readers astray, his title sends you one way while the story goes another, classic Palmer...What Palmer will do..He`ll have a title that slaps the Campbell Government , but when you read the story, Vaughn spends the whole story putting the Liberals on a pedestal and the very end of his article he will give a little nip on the butt to the Liberals, it could be called bait and switch journalism I suppose....

But since I had no force fed format in my training, what you see is what you get, ....Where was I...Oh yea, The contributor who wanted me to tone down the rhetoric, ....You know friends the reason I started writing this blog, places like the Tyee, even Sean Holman`s place, they wouldn`t allow me to say things like Campbell is a liar, a #%^&$#, I couldn`t write Gordon Campbell and Lara Dauphinee are boss/employee lovers, even though there was proof everywhere they wouldn`t allow it written on their sites, of course now everyone calls Campbell  a liar, Colin Hansen a liar, that should have been allowed 9 years ago when it started, the lying I mean......

So out of frustration the Straight Goods(Thanks Ross K, I think) is born,.....What were you saying, you wanted nice clean mellow commentary, you mean like David Shreck, Paul Willcocks?...Well let`s give it a try..

Christy Clark, what a great communicator, what a voice, although when flustered she stutters, the NDP would be well served to enroll half their members into public speaking courses, Mr. Farnsworth, the word umm, umm, umm..It doesn`t sound good on radio, if you have no answer say nothing, not umm...Ralston needs to find a little fire in the belly, public projection friends, learn to speak in clear terms or learn to be quiet, children should be seen and not heard(right dad).....Christy is a good communicator, maybe too good, perhaps I was out of line mentioning Christy`s attacks on school boards, however 13 out of 15 shows all beating the same drum, the ad nauseum about bike lanes day after day, in the long run who cares, I mentioned the bike lanes up top because it was a dry warm Saturday afternoon(today) and I went cruising through Christyville to have a look,.....I saw 3 bike riders in two round trips from over the Burrard bridge to Hasting street and back(1:pm  to 2:pm)....Perhaps bike lanes should be a summer fare only......But the elephant in the room, east Hastings, a scene from right out of a movie, a cross between one flew over the cuckoo`s nest and escape from New York, a 21st century drug experiment on the mentally disabled and castaways...That story folks should be the one that gets drummed and strummed every day, a goofy over-priced bike lane is standard fare for Christy yet an open infected puss filled wound and the shame of Canada is on display day after day with nary a word....Maybe I`m being picky, I suppose Christy`s promoting of the Trophy Grizzly bear hunt  should be ignored too...Where else are people going to get bear rugs for their floors, growling bear heads with the pearly whites shining for their walls, and let`s don`t forget about that bear skin hat.....

Of course I don`t need to report on these truths, I listen to Christy for laughs too, remember Gregor Robertson got caught off camera but on mike calling people @#$%#%$  NPA hacks, yea Christy ran with that story for days and it`s her right, but it`s also hypocritical because Christy Clark called Bill Tieleman  a "BACKROOM NDP HACK" snip...And she has called Chris Delaney "A HACK" snip....So for me to point out how Christy doesn`t care about the use of the word hack, as she clearly loves the word and is very familar with its use, for Christy it`s about the person, her hatred of Gregor in my opinion stems from Christy Clark`s failed bid to become mayor of Vancouver, in fact, I heard Christy Clark`s Friday teaser message, it`s my belief that Christy Clark will indeed run for office, but not for the Premiership but for Mayor of Vancouver.

To me, a good writer trys to inform, points out hypocrisy on both sides, for example, when Ms Clark called everyone who signed the anti-HST petition "Taliban" perhaps she wasn`t calling the general public anarchists but calling Bill Vander Zalm ..Osama Bin Laden.....The point being if Carole james or any NDP mla called the public Tailban, NPA HACKS,  we would never hear the end of it, cknw would be running as their lead news item twice an hour and Christy would be mudraking the NDP over it, those my friends are just facts, Christy did 3 shows attacking Guy Geuntner with almost delusional qualities, her attacks on Guy were scary in its intensity, she insinuated that Guy Geuntner was using the death of a child to forward his career, ....And what sin did Guy commit, last year Guy Geuntner spent money from his constituency budget and ordered thousands of glow and the dark wristbands for elementary students, that way they can be seen at night, also Halloween was approaching, the poor young girl whom some deranged human animal attacked and killed in Delta some months ago, Guy Geuntner ordered these glow in dark wristbands months before that sick tragedy occurred yet Christy Clark was suggesting that Guy was a sick, cold minded creep trying to capitalize on that story and the young girl`s death, if anyone heard that segment one would have thought Christy Clark was frothing at the mouth and spitting spittle into the radio listeners ears....Look friends, politicians will be politicians, Guy Geuntner did make one error, he put his initials on the wristbands, big deal, where was Christy`s venom over Campbell`s Olympic Gordallions,(hypocrisy right there)......

 What were those intials on the wristbands, Guy Geuntner, GG....Well friends, I`m not much of an expert on initials but ... Does it get any better than that ....GG?

I will have much more to say on Ms Clark and I will try to tone it down on occasion but only a little, hey we do tear-jerker stories too, everything in time.

But the last thing that will ever happen to the Straight Goods and my commentary is to turn it into "Milk and Cookies"......Save the milk and cookies for the 1 in 7 children in B.C. going to bed with their stomach`s growling them a bed night story!

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Grant, you forgot to give honourable mention to Ross K for helping you start out the Straight Goods.

    It looks like you hit the nail on the head again. Why would Cluck Cluck talk about bike lanes and Gregor if she wasn't going to run for mayor?

    The whole Cluck Cluck LIEberal leadership crap smells exactly like the whole LIEberal leadership crap about Taylor and Watts. They all let the speculation drag on and on and on.

    It strokes their ego, they lead everyone along and then at the last second they say no to taking over as captain of the Titanic.

  2. On Friday on CFAX1070, I heard an ad demonizing the NDP as evil doers. Ida Chong has come up with an ad that is claiming that the HST recall campaign is really all the NDPs' doing and don't be fooled into thinking it is about the HST and claims that this is about rerunning a lost election. The flavour of the ad is full of hate and spite towards the NDP and uses fear to try to put you 'in-line' with LIBS. I think a lot of people will be made to think that this will automatically put a NDP MLA in to replace her, and not trigger a by-election. I really took offence with this ad as it just furthers the divide of voters. Reason and democracy need to win out here, and this ad is a big fat D- for not delivering. Also, I would like to shame the radio station for accepting the revenue for this ad and running it. It is not one bit professional and puts them at the bottom of the barrel as well. Lets try and keep this crap in the US, where it came from.

    Grant, don't worry about your writing style, we all want to be heard and have meaningful input. I appreciate your posts a lot and hear your message. It helps unite us and that is of utmost importance.

  3. So I see Brand-X is touting Cluck-Cluck for Premier and I thought that they were supposed to be neutral - Ha, Ha.

    Sad fact is, if the Libs do select Cluck-Cluck to replace Gordo, she would beat Carole James hands down, but maybe this is what it would take to get that barnacle removed.

  4. Grant, I for one read your blog for that exact reason,you tell it like it is. People cannot get real news from MSM anymore so I quit watching any local news stations and rely like many others on the internet and blogs like yours(Don't let it go to your head but to tell you the truth I prefer yours the most). Listen, don't change you style. The Liberal Crime Family and their toadies must be exposed for what they are and for what they have done and continue to do to this Province. I don't know what it will take for the people of this once beautiful Province of B.C. to wake up before it's too late. There is struggle going on here for what's left of the wealth and the social fabric of B.C. Between ordinary citizens and the Corporate Liberal Crime Family. We all know whose side the MSM are on so don't consider that a little ranting is getting in the way of giving the people the straight goods because all is fair in love and war ( and my friend this is class warfare).On another note I thought that the CBC was funded by the citizens of Canada and as such should report all news in an unbiased way (like they used to that's why I used to watch it, now they are just as bad as Global and CTV, what gives?

  5. For anon 4:21 AM and others.

    Ida Chongs ad demonizing the NDP and saying this is recall is rerunning a lost election is just the party line being distributed by the PAB in Campbells office. The closer we gwt to recall the more Hitler/Goebbles type of propaganda we are going to see. Donna Barnett and I'm sure others have taken up this stance, almost verbatim.
    In the Oak Bay/Gordon Head riding all they have to do is look at who the top organizer is. He is a (possibly former)Liberal voting retired RCMP officer. How much better could it get than to quash the party line with that info. And every riding involved in recall has a cross section of voters. In Cariboo Chilcotin for canvassers and up front volunteers we have Liberals, Conservatives, Green Party, and Independents. Full disclosure here: I personally am not a member of any political party. I have voted both NDP and Liberal in the past as well as Rhino, and independent.
    I will state here that I would rather vote for any party that would look after the voters rather than there big business friends. Why? BECAUSE THE MAJORITY OF VOTERS DID NOT PUT THERE X ON A LINE TO ELECT SOMEONE TO GIVE AWAY THEIR PROVINCE AND FLEECE THE POCKETS OF THE COMMON MAN JUST TO GIVE THAT MONEY TO BIG BUSINESS.

  6. I suppose a majority of BC voters are ignorant enough of what has happened to BC under Gordon the Liar to vote for Crusty the Clown Clark. However, what is Carole James position on raw log exports, BC Hydro privatization and the lowest corporate taxes in Canada? Imagine if the insanity of Gordon Campbell's selloff and ongoing privatization of BC had happened with someone like Dave Barrett as Premier? Campbell, Cristy Cluck and the rest of the liars would have been continually exposed as corporate quislings and traitors.
    What will Carole James do if she is elected?

  7. The Evil NDP!

    Yes, I recall the dark, dismal 1990's. A lost decade! We all lived in cardboard boxes and ate dirt. The horror!

    Thank gord we now have the BC Liberals sound fiscal management. We are meeting our target budget deficit of only $1.7 billion this year!

  8. Campbell has thieved BC province and the people in it, to the point, we don't have enough money to live on. We know, Campbell shut down 51 mills, caused 36,000 mill jobs lost, during his time in office. Our mill jobs went to China, along with our raw logs. We also know Campbell sold off our rivers. We know, site C dam's water, goes to Alberta's dirty tar sands. BC citizens know about, the Enbridge pipeline, the dirty oil tankers from China. BC people aren't blind to what Campbell has done, nor, are we blind to what Campbell, is going to do. BC is in financial ruin, so, he will pollute this province into a wasteland for money...He knows he will be lynched, when citizens really see, how much BC is in debt for. We know Campbell will use every dirty tactic he can, to stay in office, he is stalling for time. Campbell is frantic, to get all of the documents, regarding, his corrupt sale of the BCR, he want's to shred them. No 9:15, we know all too well, what kind of treachery Campbell is capable of. Campbell is full of, hate, spite, malice, and is extremely vindictive. We know what happens to people, who oppose him. He has a violent temper, an ugly disposition, he screams filthy language, at them and all of those people, lost their jobs. Google sociopath, and see if that rings a bell.

  9. In a few words Grant. WE LOVE YOUR STUFF IN NANAIMO BC. Thank-you Sir. Oh shit I went over the few word mark, does this mean my comment will be deleted ? If Craig James was the author it would be.

  10. Ida Chong's attempt to characterize the recall campaign as an NDP plot is really RICH. After the 1996 election (where Gordo told SOME truth, that he would sell BC Rail, and lost) the LIEberals launched a recall campaign to recall the entire government - which didn't get very far. BTW, apparently the first recall petition filed (in Skeena) was over the 200 word limit by Butt Boy Craig James new rules regarding acronyms.

    BTW Grant, as to writing style, it is called SNARK, and I utilize it also - it is the only way to write about such depressing subjects as the Campbell Crime Family or Cheney/Bu$hCo without needing prozac hourly.

    BTW Katrina Conroy is MY MLA and I'm happy she wouldn't wear a scarf - but was disappoited to see Michelle Mungall hugging the whiney bitch while wearing a scarf (Michelle is the NDP rookie in my neighboring riding - who replaced Corky and HAD TO HAVE FEMALE GENITALIA to be the nominee! They actually gerrymandered the ridings here hoping I assume that Creston would allow a LIEBERAL to steal that seat - Corky was mine in the previousl legislature and when he retired they gerrymandered the boundaries and his replacement couldn't be a man.

  11. You point of view is honest. Please don't change!

  12. The cbc has still disabled comments on all stories. Has anyone heard why yet? I heard a rumor that they were updating their webpage?

    This was one of the few democratic places to exchange ideas available to Canadians. It would be a blow to democracy if Harper and Company shut it down.

  13. My only push to have that Moronic BITCH Clark (who destroyed the Educ. system while there, created magnet schools and destroyed others) win the nomination is so we could expose her whining ass. Let the public know about Hubby oops (Ex Hubby) and brother who were up to their ass in the BC Rail scandal. Also, get her to explain why Gordo would not let her, Collins & Reid run again because he wasn't sure he could keep his lying friends, Sun/Prov. Good et al in a position to hide all from the public.
    She still has not got her head out of her ass from the defeat by Sullivan. Could somebody put a bicycle pump, you know where.

  14. Well Grant, the way I see it, if you were spreading falsehoods about your many targets, you would be spending most of your waking hours in court fighting lawsuits. The fact that your site is still up and running, and you are still churning out articles, suggests that you are operating on the right side of the law, and those that play the offended card are probably nothing more than plants out to discredit both your views and your site.

    You obviously put a lot of research into many of your postings, which puts you heads above the swill the MSM delivers on a regular basis. You also stir the thought processes of many of us with your findings, which is all good.

    I don't believe that anyone is right on every subject, and that applies to you, me, and every other person living on this globe called Earth. The thing is, that you have a forum where we can all exchange opinions, and by doing so can, in most cases, arrive at a consensus. This is probably the most democratic way we can make our thoughts heard, and in many cases even acknowledged.

    The bottom line is that it is not the style of the message that is important, it is the substance. Those that don't buy into this should look elsewhere for the misinformation they so crave.

    Keep on keeping on.


  15. Is Marissen Clarke's ex-hubby? I hadn't heard that....

  16. Hear, hear! It appears commenting is back at the CBC. Although they seem to have converted to a Lite version of journalism.

  17. Its official according to Keith Baldry. Christy Clarke is going to announce her campaign for the leader of the BC Fiberals. Please vote Christy for their sure demise.

  18. According to Public Eye Christy has not ever had a complaint with Canadian Broadcast standards.

  19. I just posted a comment anf link at Sean Holman`s place to refute his claim!

    We will see if Holman has the balls to print it!


  20. Here is Christy`s complete lie about BC Ferries.

  21. Anon 12:21 said "Please vote Christy for their sure demise."

    LOL - that abrasive windbag Clark (Chrusty the Clown) will get crushed by the NDP if she becomes LIEberal leader.

    Grant, you should actually be cheering that be-atch on as the final nail in the coffin for the LIEberals! Sha na na na, hey hey hey, good-bye.

  22. Correct Elwood...It would be a WIN WIN...

    Christy gets blown away and removed from the airwaves...Also any appearance an transparency from her would be all gone.(If she returned to cknw with cap-in-hand)


  23. I'm still rolling on the floor laughing at Hugh's historical retrospective of the Nineties in British Columbia ...

    sheesh, those were the days, when we all lived in cardboard boxes and ate dirt ...

    are you listening, PAB? Go home now. Your work here is done.

  24. Still no comment on that Grant ,the pubic eye and that's not a typo(pubic).

  25. Grant, The last time I looked Sean Holman hadn't retracted his lie regarding Cluck, Cluck and complaints - unless he is playing a semantic game. What's with him and Harvey Overfed? According to them Cluck Cluck is a mean Gordo critic - when does she attack him or his policies (I wouldn't know cause I never listen to that crap station, other than the odd gem in the audio vault). Both Holman and Overfed seem to be real Cluck Cluck promoters!

    A poll out this morning has Cluck Cluck a faraway fav for liberal leader and an 11 point winner over Carole "hopeless" James. It certainly clarifies the apparent Kool-Aid drinking of Ian Reid re: James now that I know he was her chief of staff or something like that. I'm surprised he was allowed to hold that position, assuming he has male genetalia and all!

  26. God, in the good old nighties, the 'Eye' was making money, then came tax and spend Campbell and the money well went dry!

    If Christie runs, she will win, unless the NDP can get rid of the barnacle James.

  27. Kootcoot...I talked to Sean Holman...I am waiting for a hardcopy of my complaint and remedy from the CBSC on Christy Clark.

    There are two levels of complaints with the CBSC..

    1)Complaints that are filed and retractions given appear to one area...

    2)If I didn`t accept the retraction my complaint would go to level 2...

    Sean Holman is playing games and is not looking in the right place, my complaint was filed, the retraction was given, time and date noted in the Christy Clark section...

    But...It`s apparant after correspondence with Sean Holman...Sean Holman is working/promoting Christy Clark...Must be his CKNW ties, maybe it`s in his contract with them...

    I was out all day today(health appointment) ..

    I will call the CBSC in person(their back east, 3 hour time difference)...And get my documentation, then I will stick it up Sean Holman`s #$%...

    And make him look the Christy Clown.
