Tuesday, November 30, 2010

With a Cluck Cluck Here and a Cluck Cluck There!

Before we get started, I have contacted the CBSC by email and have requested a hard copy of not only my complaint against Christy Clark but also the remedy Christy Clark provided, I will personally call them tomorrow on the telephone(3 hours difference back east, I was busy with medical appointments today)...Then I will show the complaint to Sean Holman, maybe he will post it.  ....It`s quite apparant(IMO) that Sean Holman is promoting Christy, maybe Sean Holman wants Christy Clark`s 12:30 to 3:00 radio slot, who knows for sure, once a BC Liberal always a BC Liberal, he would fit right in,  eh Sean?.

A very clever campaign being run by cknw and the BC Liberals(they are one in the same)....Moira stilwell, Then Abbott, Christy Cluck muses, now Falcon, tomorrow Ding Dong De Jong.....The BC Liberals are in the news 24/7 over the leadership race but devasting Provincial news and all the scandals are not...BC Rail who?..IPP who?....Looming $2.5 billion dollar deficit who?....Like I said, the leadership grunting will wane and the real life fiscal nightmare will return to the big screen....

I`m curious about Christy Clark, will she be satisfied with a short run as premier if she wins the leadership race, the reason I ask is this, will Christy Clark become bored sitting as opposition leader for 4 years?...Or will she move on to pollinate another new flower, Christy Clark, now divorced with $millions  and $millions  from Mark Marrisen, ......

Why does Christy Clark want to be premier, to save the HST...To continue the downgrading of public education....To keep the NDP out...To destroy what`s left of unions....To sell off the last remnants of our natural resources and rivers, to reduce school boards to ashes?

What is your motive Christy?....Would you launch a child poverty reduction strategy and put real dollars behind it, will you fulfill your 2001 promise of 5000 additional long care beds for the elderly.....What is your real motive Christy, are you going to fight for funding for autistic children or are you going to fight to lower corporate taxes, ...How does that question go....."If you were president(premier) what would be the first thing you would do?"  What is your answer Christy......Promote the HST, destroy Fish Lake, Enbridge pipeline, re-invent the education system, private health care.........Or are you going to cut the new user fees levied on seniors care, lower MSP premiums, who will be your economic advisor...Michael Levy or Michael Campbell, how does your friend Jordon Bateman fit into the mix?

Are you proud of the BC Liberal record on a human scale? Yes or No

The reason I ask is, regardless of who is running for the BC Liberals the NDP are going to win, so the question is this Ms Clark, are you prepared to sit and be ignored for four years as opposition leader?.....

Now before you faithful start quizzing me, I have been listening to CKNW phone-in callers very carefully over the last few days, and what I have discovered is fascinating, first off, the hardcore BC Liberal male(the one`s still voting Liberal) will vote for and prefer Christy Cluck over the rat pack,  although men tend to follow their little head more than females voters....But what amazed me was female callers to cknw, the majority of female callers to the station like Christy  as a talk show host but think she would make a terrible leader, they called her combative, shrill, lacking wisdom, a political opportunist, .....I can`t put my finger on it but Jane Public see Christy Clark as a wealthy talk show host, who received a huge divorce settlement, she may be a single mom but she has daycare provided, money is no option, there is no struggle, a big time cushy gig yacking on the radio for three hours a day being paid more than families with both parents working...in other words friends, Christy Clark isn`t being regarded like the Wild Rose alliance party in Alberta, having a purpose,a grass roots party fighting for change....The female electorate seesChristy Clark as ......

A wealthy political opportunist who used the microphone to advance her career, a woman with more money than most, who wants for nothing, a political BC Liberal insider interested in carrying on with everything Gordon Campbell started, she`s in favour of the HST, she`s in favour of more private school, more private health clinics, more deregulation, she agrees with Neils Veldhuis at the Fraser institute about never raising the minimum wage, she cares not about the bears(Christy carpets), the fish, fish farms, the environment be damned, taxes, user fees, skyrocketing hydro rates, bridge tolls and higher property taxes means nothing, Christy Clark has never ever had to count pennies to survive, her world is that of a social butterfly attending all the right parties, ......Christy Clark does not come across as real woman making the best of a tough situation.....And the real female voter in this Province, even her own female listeners for the most part don`t want her as premier, it`s kinda like Oprah...Bruce Springsteen and other big names, the big names are great for raising money for aid, farm aid, tsunami relief, earthquake money but when these poeople delve into politics is just doesn`t transfer......The female Christy Clark fan will not vote for a Premier Christy Clark.

So as far as I can see, Christy clark is doomed before she runs, destined for four years as opposition leader.

I mentioned the B.C. fiscal nightmare that`s being ignored, GDP numbers came out today and Canada, as a whole GDP was zero...Actually it was negative, back to back quarters of negative growth and that pace is forecast to continue into 2012....What I`m saying is this, last week there was a Provincial update and again Colin Hansen was lying about the books, personal income tax collected is way down, natural resource revenue is off of estimates by $500 million dollars, property transfer taxes are way down, liquor and gaming revenues are all below this year`s forecast......Even the BS Hansen was talking about last month, an estimated $1.8 billion dollars over three years from corporate tax(remember Campbell`s vanishing income tax cut, those fictitious dollars were going to pay for it)  That was at best rosy forcasting of fictitious funds, the likelyhood of that money being there are slim and none with these GDP numbers....

Austerity measures(taking away of entitlments) in Spain, in Greece, the UK, Ireland, France, pensions slashed, millions of workers laid off, increased retirement age, tripling of tuitions for students, the US in a jobless funk, now Canada`a growth has flat-lined and projected to stay in a flat line for at least two more years, the stimulus spending in the US and Canada has ended, well folks, all these numbers mean but one thing...

Commodity prices will flaten out, exports of raw resources will fall, tourism will be stale, you can`t stress out all those countries and take and take without the world pulling back and BC and Canada as exporting Nations will suffer, China will make less finished goods, with reduced demand, less Chinese manufacturing means less raw resources from B.C. and Canada, people taking vacations won`t be coming to the most expensive province in Canada they will stay home or go the cheaper countries, Asia, thirdworld islands, Mexico, BC tourism will falter, add in all the domestic internet shopping, cross border shopping to avoid the draconian tax and what you have is a fiscal disaster for Canada and especially British Columbia....

And there`s more, the USA has filed a well-substantiated soft-wood lumber complaint against BC(not Canada, BC is named specifically)..The Government of B.C....We will lose that case and a huge fine totaling a $billion dollars plus will be levied at B.C....Don`t expect private forestry companies to pay it, Campbell and Pat Bell broke the rules and B.C. will pay the price....Colin Hansen was waffling last week about B.C. meeting its deficit target this year, he forecast at the beginning of the year a $1.7 billion dollar deficit, that after $500 million dollars of the HST bribe and $760 million dollars stolen from ICBC (ratepayers) were added to general revenue.....So if you count the true deficit without those cash infusions....The true deficit would be $3.2 billion dollars, and now even that $1.7 billion dollar figure won`t be realized, natural gas revenue is way off, $200 million more dollars was spent on forest fires over and above what was budgeted, in other words friends, there is no money under the cushions, ministries will be cut some more and deficits will be larger, there will be no extra money to play Santa Claus, our true 2010 deficit could reach $4 billion dollars!....

Whoever is in power will rule under a dark, moneyless cloud, there will not be $1billion... $2 billion..$3billion dollar surpluses, there will be scary high hydro rates with BC Hydro losing money, increased user fees on MSP, escalating tolls for workers from the Fraser valley, an HST that the BC Liberals won`t remove, Translink will eventually be adding another carbon tax, even after property taxes are raised for the evergreen line Translink`s money shortfall is in the 10s of $Billions.....

Canadians are drowning in debt, there is but one message they want to hear, lower taxes, unfortunately with all the subsidies to the corporate sector, run of river/IPP power buying contracts, P3 payments, BC Ferries drowning in debt, there will be no way to lower taxes, the mess, the disaster, whoever follows in Government after Gordon Campbell is going to inherit a economic disaster similar to what Barack Obama inherited....It won`t be pretty....

So my question to you Christy Clark is, is the premiership of B.C. a shiny new bauble for you to play with or do you actually have a vision, a vision that doesn`t require any money, there are no goodies to hand out, the cupboard is bare, in fact the hinges have come right off the cupboard.

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Whomever forms the next Goverment of B.C. should immediately conduct a forensic audit (done by a firm from outside B.C. with no ties to any political party) of the Liberal Government during their term in office and then make that audit open to public viewing. Once the citizens of B.C. have their eyes opened up to how corrupt the Liberals really are then we can prosecute them, throw them in jail and sieze their assets as proceeds from crime. Another thing , does anyone see Sean Holman for anything other than what he is? Just another sneaky mouthpiece for the Liberals, just look at his website.

  2. Grant, since you seem to have all the straight goods about Cluck Cluck, I hope you will also be our eyes and ears as "Old MacDonald", who had a farm, to continue to furnish us with the Straight Goods on Cluck Cluck! It will be a hoot.

  3. You tell it like it is.

  4. Sounds like you're trying to scare her off. I think I'll slip on over to Alberta.

  5. A common practice of despots! campbell used it in 01. claim that because it was a sweetheart deal with health care unions, ripping up their contract was justified.As dishonest and dispicable as this argument is coming from the thieves who have utterly and completely destroyed any possibility of an economic revival of our only asset (resource industries). BUT! maybe the notion of arguing and with proper professional outside forensic accounting and a judicial system not connected to the banana republic kangaroo court which constitutes canadian law, but say! the Hague.could we reverse the damage campbells white collar crime spree has done and maybe have these crooked giveaways of our common property declared null and void and returned to us?

  6. It seems like an opportunity ... when all these dubious characters still carrying the stench from the BC Rail corruption ... step into the limelight as a group ...

    it'll be the BC Rail Political Corruption Trial all over again.

    Only this time, the people get to ask the big questions and if the tainted candidates don't answer us ... well, they get voted off the island.

    My first question to Mz Clark would be: when will you establish a Public Inquiry to find out how we lost BC Rail? And will you swear to release the findings?

  7. Not at all John Aghast......Just fair warning to all, Gordon Campbell inherited a $1.7 billion dollar surplus when he came to power in 2001...

    Colin Hansen was waffle man last week on BC`s economic update...These were the ministry`s words..

    "Personal income revenue tax down, property transfer tax revenue down, natural resource revenue down"

    Hansen mumbled something about a forecast allowance, but add in the $300 million forest fire fighting when they budgeted $50 million, Natural gas revenue is in the tank,

    Add that to the the $1.7 billion dollar predicted deficit for 2010...But that deficit number was aided by $500(part of the $1.6 billion) million dollar HST bribe money from Ottawa, plus the $760 million scoop of cash from ICBC...

    Add it up friend, the BC Liberals are bleeding red ink, much deeper in the red than advertised, even with raiding the cookie jar and finding money under the seat cushions, even with the one time only infusions of cash the deficits are huge.

    When T Hudak beats Dalton McGuinty and wins the Ontario provincial election in September of 2011...What will Mr. Hudak inherit????

    Deficits of $20 billion dollars, followed by more $20 billion dollar deficits, the Dalton McGuinty Liberals have completely ruined the Ontario economy.

    Fair warning to Cluck Cluck, does she have a bold new vision or is she running to maintain the status quo...Hide the books and lie!

    I want Christy to run, I can watch her languish in opposition for 4 years(If she didn`t quit) and I don`t have to hear a Female Neils Velduis clucking on the radio 5 days a week.

    That`s a win win for me!


  8. DEBT - who is going to bail out BC?

    This government has lied and lied. Ireland has been sold to the IMF like NZ and Haiti and possibly many more to come - If we don't make some drastic changes fast we are next.

  9. "Like I said, the leadership grunting will wane and the real life fiscal nightmare will return to the big screen...

    Perfect turn of phrase Grant!

    Today I'm concentrating of my paroxysms of moral outrage" and appreciating Robin's superb piece over at Mary's (and I thoroughly enjoyed this Cluck Cluck Session.

    BTW Grant, who do you think the Shank will throw his substantial weight behind for captain of the Titanic?

  10. I was thinking of that very question Kootcoot...I think Coleman will support Abbott....Coleman who gave Mary Polak her start was a bit disturbed she endorsed Falcon...

    Mike De Jong announced his leadership ambitions today, De Jong had no apparant MLA backers?????

    And I can`t help but wonder why cknw have barely mentioned the De Jong announcement, no hoopla, no interview, no clips of his announcement...

    Interesting, timing, who wants to lead the party in these brutal fiscal times, the Feds are broke, the cities are broke, the Province is broke, stimulus spending is done..

    It`s going to be a rough ride for whoever is in power....

    Perhaps the really smart candidate(for the BC Liberals)is the one that doesn`t run!

  11. After much thought and reading different articles on the various websites, I have come to the conclusion that if Christy decides to run then she is dumber than a sack of hammers. If she chooses to compete for the leadership of the BC Liberal Party, she will be showing only one thing, which is she is addicted to politics.

    When she bailed on the BC Liberal Party, it was all because of Hamish, according to her. Well, the kid is only 9 years old now, so what has changed? His formative years are still before him, and she thinks that now is the time to leave the balance of his upbringing to hired help. This seems hypocritical to me.

    Personally, I would love to see her run just so she would be gone from the airwaves. I just don't think that this would be the best decision she could make for her son's upbringing.


  12. Whoever does win. The BC people want their BCR back. We want our rivers back. We want our mills back, the jobs back, that went to China, as well as our raw logs. BC citizens want everything back, that Campbell has stolen from the citizens of this province. We want a toll on the sea to sky highway. Thousands of BC people are never going to use it. The well to do, can afford to ski there, so, they can well afford to pay the toll. Why should all the BC people have to pay the way, for the wealthy. The rest of us, are going to pay for that dammed highway, for 25 years. I wonder if the RCMP will investigate, the sea to sky highway scam? The citizens want the BC Liberal government, to go the hell away.
