Saturday, February 1, 2025

Justin Trudeau and Canada Face Most Serious Decision(s) in a Century, maybe ever

 Written by Grant G                                                                                   Written November 11th/2024 Remembrance Day

 It's unfortunate that most Canadians, like our American neighbors are oblivious to what Trump actually campaigned for, outside of mass deportations and drill baby drill the majority of persons have no idea about how harmful and insidious the madman's plans are to economies around the world, not to mention the geopolitical ramifications many nations now face.....Canada and most other nations will now face head on both economic and territorial threats from newly emboldened aggressor states led by America..

Trump campaigned on taking jobs and economic growth FROM everybody, from every country, not just China, India, but Japan, Mexico, the European union and Canada, every nation. Trump promoted tariffs ranging from 20% to 1000%....In conjunction with his tariff scheme Trump also promoted his corporate carrot...That being..any corporation, any manufacturer, any producers of goods, food items and services from any nation around the world can avoid US tariffs, by setting up shop in America, by building in, producing in, manufacturing in, with the use of American workers on American soil these companies can avoid tariffs and as an added bonus they'll get a world low 15% US corporate tax-rate(current US corporate tax-rate is a very competitive 21%, down from 35% 6 years ago)

Right now America has the world's best economic conditions of any country, it's been that way for the last 2 years, record stock market, 401Ks soaring, record low unemployment, cheap gasoline($3 dollars a gallon)...Trump at his rallies vowed to take jobs and businesses from every nation around the world.

Trump has a hatred towards every nation, he claims without merit that France, UK, China, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Ireland, everybody has quote "ripped off America and lowered our economic standing"

In Trump's mind, in Trump's America being number 1 is not good enough, he won't be satisfied until pain is inflicted upon every country in the world.

Part 11

The Response From the World's Leaders......?

I expect most countries will apply countervailing tariffs, thus driving up prices for the world's populous, a world populous already angry and suffering with high costs of living, and what of the 15% corporate tax-rate carrot Trump is dangling before corporate power brokers, does that drive the greed monsters to abandon the nations they currently call home...Does that tax-rate carrot cause nations around the world to lower their corporate tax-rates to match the USA...or even go lower..?

The world's nations lowering corporate tax-rates to 15% or lower to counter Trump's proposals will cause tax rates to increase on the populous everywhere, either through direct taxes or consumption taxes, tariffs and the like.....A race to the bottom for Joe and Jane public while the corporates wallow in more reward, more treasure, more concentration of wealth for society's upper tier inhabitants.

If Trump is successful in harming the economies of other nations, raising unemployment rates around the world he will also cause anger in populations everywhere, which in turn could fuel democratic inclined governments to fall, a world seed change, inspire a rise of tough talking authoritarian isolationists....Or do Governments stand tall, band together to isolate the world's most economically and militarily dominant nation....America

Part 111

Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government and Canada as a whole are at more risk than any nation in the world

To be clear, the childminded Trump already despises Canada and it's democratic leanings, and Trump personally despises Trudeau for his good looks, his charm, his fatal attraction spell he cast on Trump's wife Melania.....Melania didn't just smile at Justin Trudeau she gave him the oh I want to lick you fuck you wrap both my arms and legs around you and make out like ......Like she never did with Trump....That's the genesis of Trump's hatred towards Trudeau and Canada....Trump will never say that Melania's lust for Trudeau is why he's attacking Canada, he'll blame unfair trade practices and a myriad of other reasons for his assault upon Canada's economy.

Melania has never looked at Trump that way, ever, and yes, most people would say Trump would never start an economic and territorial war with a country, with Canada over his prenup wife's lust for their leader...Unfortunately "most people" don't realize the level of Trump's insanity, what motivates Trump's personal vengeance.

Let's face facts soon to be on the ground.......Trump is going to cut off all financial support for Ukraine and he'll simultaneously start to stymie NATO....Trump will also prevent American arms manufacturers from selling weapons and munitions to Ukraine..

Trump has already told Trudeau that he wants, he demands Canada, despite ongoing support for Ukraine from Germany, Belgium, Portugal, France and all the other nations supporting Ukraine's fight against the invading nation Russia to cut off all financial and military support...Trump has demanded an end to any and all arms to Ukraine via Canada.......OR ELSE...

And that's where we(Canada) are as a country.....

Trump glad-handing Vladimir Putin Europe, .....Putin glad-handing North America to Trump

Yes...You may of heard it from other sources, if not you heard it hear....Trump going to war against Canada is not an if, it's a when....Our American neighbors, the Trump regime is giving Trudeau and Canada a choice, you are either with us or...Against us....Trudeau has been told in no uncertain terms that either Canada does what Trump dictates or Canada will be treated like a hostile nation..

Canada must stop all economic and military support for Ukraine or else...The "else" has not been spelled out...

Except for this....Trump want's BC's water, our frak gas, he wants Alberta's tar oil, America wants our prairie wheat fields and the economic might of Ontario....

Hostile America to the south and a hostile neighbor to our north with Russia....

And, nobody will be able to come to our rescue...Allies on our side would have to either fly or sail across vast oceans to support us...Where American firepower will shoot our allies out of the sky or send them to the bottom of the ocean..

Canada...We are located next door to a demented madman who seeks to destroy the world's economies and bend the will of nations to either fall in line or fall prey and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

 As a Canadian I know what my choice would be.....Die or fight, .....and more probable....Fight and die.

Yet, here in Canada, roughly 44 million persons living in democratic freedom, albeit with a few rules of law to follow...It's the only way of life most of us have ever known, outside of immigrants to Canada, we've never lived under a tyranny..That's about to change,             or not?

The decision will be made by Trudeau and the Canadian Government, not by the people, and to be perfectly honest, the decision needs to be made by a democratic(even with it's flaws) government, not the people because..

There's too many Canadians that will not only give up, but many that will embrace America's conquering of Canada...From the Alberta Conservatives who only care about selling tar, driving trucks and shooting black bears, and brown bears and....and shooting just about anything brown or black that moves....

Quebec/French Nationalists(old-stock-Canadians)who on the first word of an American onslaught immediately start shining their jackboots and practicing their goosestepping moves will aid America's assault of Canada.....They're not called "surrender Monkies" for nothing...

Outside of British Columbia's freedom loving people, and Ontario's Canadian faithful, and Eastcoast patriot Canadians who will fight for Canada's freedom and self determination, we have far too many Canadians who lust to be taken-over by a newly brown and black person purged White Nationalist America......We have our Canadian magas yearning for Trump or a Canadian Trump like leader to purge Canada of it's colored people too....

Justin Trudeau and Canada have roughly 2 1/2 months to decide which road Canada takes...

You readers of The Straight Goods know where I stand

The time is now for Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Government, for Canada and the world to stand strong, reject Trump, reject tyranny and live for, and fight for a future for all mankind.

A Remembrance Day post..........A Time to remember who we are....and who we once were.

The Straight Goods

One Tin Soldier

Cheers Eyes Wide Open