Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Golden Ears Bridge Boondoggle Revisited(Updated February 16/2011)

 As written here last year, Golden Ears bridge to lose millions for years...The Olympic villages and now this story, I wonder if the media gets tired of being a day late and a dollar short every time? you can read the above link, or you can read what was written long ago below.

Well friends, the mouthpiece for Translink Drew Snider has been on the news of late,particularly talking about the Golden Ears bridge, apparently the bridge has not met revenue projections,Drew Snider blamed the economic downturn and claimed indirectly that people can`t seem to find the elusive bridge,let`s crunch the numbers.
First off, the claim by the Habitual lying Campbell Government that Construction of the Golden Ears bridge was on budget is false, it didn`t cost the $800 million they claimed,the price was actually $1.2 billion dollars.
A little background information is required, under the original terms of the deal between Translink and the builder the builder would get paid back for the build through tolls, but, it wasn`t until the 11th hour when the builder and Translink changed the deal, it`s obvious now that the builder knew it had zero chance to recoup the build cost let alone make money on the tolls,so the deal was changed, under the new terms of the deal Translink would pay the builder a set fee schedule, a fee schedule that started very low in the first year and spirals upwards at an alarming rate.
Before I get into the fee schedule I would like to quickly discuss what Drew Snider said yesterday.
Here are some Drew Snider quotes from yesterday.
" Because of the global economic turn down we didn`t realize our traffic forecasts" and this..."We expect that when the economy picks up so will toll revenue".....and more "We aren`t anticipating raising tolls at this time" and Drew Snider continued..."We are planning on advertising the bridge" snip.
Well well well, those were the statements, first off, wasn`t the GVRD going great guns with all the Olympic activity? Secondly, what kind of fool does Drew Snider take the public for, is there anyone who doesn`t know where the secret entrance to the Golden Ears bridge is? I thought everyone knew that you drive through the bat cave, turn right at the fortress of solitude,then a hard left at wonder woman way.......Sheesh, I reference comic books because Drew Snider is definitely living in fantasy land, although I don`t blame Drew Snider, Gordon Campbell`s public affairs bureau are the idiots behind these news releases, and of course Canwest Global/CTV or CKNW Stooges merely pump out the garbage without question, the real truth of the matter is the Golden Ears bridge is a financial disaster growing by leaps and bounds!
Now according to Drew Snider the Golden Ears bridge from June 20 (Grand opening) to the first of the year the bridge lost $2.1 million dollars.
The Fee Schedule___________________________________________________
  1. Translink will pay to the builders from June/20/2009 through to December 31/2009 ...$500.000,00 (1/2 million dollars) per month,plus a monthly maintenance fee of $316.000,00.
  2. From Jan 1/2010 through to June 30/2010 Translink will pay the builder $1.5 million dollars per month plus a monthly maintenance fee of $316.000,00 dollars.
  3. From July 1/2010 through to June 30/2011 Translink will pay the builder $3 million dollars per month plus a monthly maintenance fee of $316.000,00 dollars.
  4. From July 1/2011 though to June 30/2015 Translink will pay the builder $4 million per month plus a monthly maintenance fee of 316.000,00 dollars.
  5. From July 1/2015 through to ...................2040 translink will pay the builder $4.7 million dollars plus a monthly maintenance fee of $316.000,00 dollars.
So friends, we can extrapolate from the numbers,if Translink lost $2.1 million dollar in roughly 6 months, over a year that number rises to over $4 million dollars...But, that was at the lowest fee schedule, $500.000,00 per month....So we can further project that between January 1/2010 to June 30/2010 Translink will lose $8.1 million dollars more.
And we can project that between July 1/2010 and June 30/2011 Translink will lose $34 million dollars,or let me re-phrase,will have to pay the builder $34 million dollars over and above toll revenue.
And we can project that after July 1 /2011 Translink will lose $46 million dollars per year until ........Until the Port Mann tolls start up, at that time the losses will subside somewhat.but the bridge will still lose millions and millions per year for decades.
Now I expect that the Fine folks of Langley and Maple Ridge are going to be in for some shocking Toll increases,the tolls are already pegged to inflation,in other words the tolls will rise each year to keep up with inflation, but those increases will be but 1% to 3% per year, not earth shattering numbers, but unscheduled toll increases are going to be put on the bridge,that or Translink will fry with debt, also yesterday Drew Snider claimed that Translink`s total revenue losses for the year were $68 million dollars, a big chunk of that loss went to subsidize the money losing Canada line, that boondoggle is for another day, one Gordon Campbell financial disaster per week is all I can handle!
Back to the boondoggle Golden ears bridge, Drew Snider can blame the bogey man or claim the entrance to the bat cave is the reason revenue projections are way off all he wants, he can leave trails of bread crumbs leading to the bridge,it won`t help, I visit Maple ridge every month, my friends refuse to use the bridge,they can`t afford it,those who can put their backs up and drive around anyway.
I`m going to give you a little friendly advice Drew Snider, I hope you`re listening Gordon Campbell,you too Shirley Bond, what you must do, don`t shoot the messenger folks but here`s the deal...
Remove the tolls on the Golden Ears bridge(sort of).....Add tolls on every main bridge in the GVRD, $1 dollar per crossing, maxing out at $3 dollars per day,in other words the most people will be billed per month is $100 dollars, but, at least everyone driving will pay,even the rich boys on the north shore, and while your at it,put a toll on the sea to sky highway(past horseshoe bay,but not for local residents,for the rich ski crowd) What`s fair is fair.....I guarantee that if you spike the tolls on the Golden Ears bridge cars driving on that bridge will be rarer than spotted owls or Vancouver island Marmots!
The Straight Goods
Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. looks like scampbell,is politically dead hes so stupid he doesn't realize it,hes given away so much to so few its unconscionable,but then again he has no conscious,what an idiot and lout he is the thing is hes taking us all down and he'll still be able to eat,where are the stooges from the media in all this?that night when they had that shoddy flickering video about the things that are going up was just someone sending him a message,a blackmail message because it was off just as fast as it was on ,maybe he payed up?cause the cupboards are bare because of their magnificent money managing,just a thought Grant .

  2. Grant - Can you provide some recent traffic counts over the GEB? I can't seem to find any.

    Hopefully this will be just be another nail in Gordo's coffin come this fall. And I'm also looking forward to see your name on the HST initiative as a registered canvasser at Elections BC when we take down Gordo's Horse Shit Tax in the next few weeks.

    I never thought that I would say this but Hail Victory!

  3. 8:09PM...Bill Teileman is going to be in my neck of the woods on Monday,with Nicholas Simons....

    But let me be perfectly clear, the HST initiative can`t stop the HST whether it is successful or not....Gordon Campbell can ignore it,cabinet/Government perogative....

    Also,the HST is already the law of the land,the Federal Senate in Ottawa got the HST bill,didn`t debate at all,all the senators Liberal and Conservative gave it the nod of approval and sent it off for royal assent....

    The only thing left is for the BC Legislature to repeal the PST,leaving us the HST...

    "recall in the fall" is the only other option...

    If the NDP take power in the fall,or in 2013...

    We can pay back the HST bribe and take back our tax soverngty.....

    Saskatchewan,or Manitoba had the HST, I think it was Saskatchewan, the NDP came to power and got rid of it,so it can happen.

    As for the Golden ears traffic counts...

    The golden ears bridge is the only major bridge in the GVRD that does not have a traffic cam that can be accessed on computer,that was done on purpose so the internet crowd can`t see the empty bridge,again more manipulation...

    So anyway,I will attempt to locate the actual numbers....

    Back to the HST initiative, it is still important for us to succeed even if Campbell ignores it, it will help drive the recall nails into his coffin at "Recall in the Fall"


  4. The number of vehicles crossing the Golden Ears Bridge will not give an accurate estimate of revenue derived from tolls. There are no toll booths. Translink collects their money through a transponder system and through pictures of license plates of those vehicles without a transponder. This works to a point for vehicles carrying BC plates. The tolling system has no way of collecting from vehicles licensed outside BC. They get free access and there have been some reports that a good portion of the traffic is truck traffic bearing foreign plates.

    Our transportation gurus are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. The lack of turnstyles allows many people to ride Skytrain for free. No toll booths on a toll bridge allows many to use the bridge for free. Then they wonder why their revenue is less than it should be.

    Another flaw in their approach to these tolls, is that one only pays when one gets a bill in the mail. If a person uses it once, it probably costs more to process the bill than what Translink derives from the toll. Toll booths would work better for the casual user and foreign licensed vehicles.


  5. Grant, the HST is not necessarily a done deal! That's what MSM and PAB want us to be believe, and many do.

    If our petition approved by Elections BC is successful will be submitted to the Legislative Standing Committee with two options:

    1. Implementation of the results of the petition or...

    2. It goes to a province wide Initiative Vote. There we must have a majority vote (more than 50% of registered voters), as well as a majority in 2/3 of electoral districts to pass. If it passes, the Libs will have to legislate to stop, or repeal the HST.

    If this happens later than sooner, we can take heart that any monies Ottawa has received in the form of HST must be returned to the citizens of the province, not the Liberal government.

    On another note of interest, there is a lawyer drafting up an injunction to stop this...and they feel he will have success at the SCoC level because of the cost to the federal government if we're ignored. The monies collected from HST are going to be considerably more than either level of government is leading us to believe. Billions more. Based on the fact that Ottawa will have to refund all HST received, and that it could effectively bankrupt them when they have to pay it back - the injunction stands a good chance of succeeding.

    As much as depending on the Initiative Petition to succeed, if it should fail...and there is NO guarantee it won't...then we have to rely on two things:

    1. Successful recall of the liberal government in November.

    2. The integrity of the NDP to repeal this tax themselves.

    I'm not sure that will happen when they see the volume of money involved in it. A sum that would make our eyes bug out if we knew the total amounts collected, which we never will. Of course.

  6. Leah...I am going to be canvassing for signatures either way..

    Everything can be reversed, I`m still hoping for a Shawn Graham type moment,I`m waiting for the Liberal rats to flee the sinking Campbell...

    I`m not convinced it will help the economy or government revenues..It didn`t help Atlantic Canada..

    Leah,my biggiest is that the HST will hurt the econonmy,a big tax hit to consumers/people that hurts the economy...

    And here is another problem,despite the HST,the Governments(Plural)...Municipal/Provincial/Federal or all going to need more tax revenue,due to the corporate giveaway,which means even after an HST we get saddled with more tax hits on all ends.

    And I heard some very disturbing news on the radio yesterday,from Ottawa,the federal Liberals hosted some event,the key speakers who seem to have the ear federal liberal policy makers....

    Have told Iggy that the Federal Liberals need to impose federal carbon taxes and they need to reform healthcare,particularly,raise taxes..Again with the treat the bad old baby boomers and health rationing...

    For goodness sakes,there is plenty of money available,get out of Afghanastan and start charging corporate taxes again...

    So it appears that federal Conservatives definatly can`t be trusted,Federal Liberals aren`t worthy of trust(They helped ram the HST down our throats)...

    So unless the federal NDP can win,or make big gains,there appears to be an across all Governments screw job going on.

  7. Grant said - "Saskatchewan,or Manitoba had the HST, I think it was Saskatchewan, the NDP came to power and got rid of it,so it can happen."

    It was Saskatchewan. But the BC NDP have avoided the issue of removing the HST when they become government and I fear that they will keep the HST.

    So what do we do? Vote for that clown Vander Zalm?! It's like being between a rock and a hard place.

  8. There is one really really big thing to remember....

    The Habitual liar Campbell is not only assaulting us with HST,hydro rates spike,msp spike,carbon taxes,he is also killing off salmon,destroying the environment and selling off all our assets...

    Indeed the NDP may not get rid of the HST..But..They can lower the rate,they can impose corporate taxes on big PROFITABLE industries like banks and oli n gas...

    They can add tax exemptions to many items..

    That my friends is the big picture.

    Campbell is killing us in a thousands ways at once....

    and perhaps the Provincial Conservatives,Refederation party,even independents can make inroads..

    But one thing is for certain..

    Gordon Campbell and the Fiberals MUST BE REMOVED.


  9. To your last sentence, I give an "AMEN, BROTHER!!"

  10. Let's all hope Bill Vanderzalm has a little fight left in him after we take down Gordon (Korsakoffs) Campbell tax. Remember Vanderzalm was the one to implement the PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX that we all pay one percent of now on purchasing a Home. Bill cost us 2300.00 last year to purchase a modest townhome. Are you listening Bill ? Will you make this your last hoorah considering I'm canvassing against this stinking proposed tax ?.

  11. A top BC pollster, Robbins SCE Research, released an opinion poll yesterday and I just can't understand why the NDP can't do better than that convicted criminal and habitual liar Gordo:

    "If an election were held today in the province of British Columbia, for which leader and party would you caste your ballot?"

    Gordon Campbell and BC Liberals 21.2 %
    Carole James and BC NDP 24.2 %
    Jane Sterk and BC Green 5.9 %
    John Cummins and BC Conservatives 6.7 %
    I probably would not vote 32.3 %
    Undecided 9.7 %

  12. Well,I don`t want to argue with my friend Mr.Robbins but....

    On Vancouver island if there was an election tomorrow the NDP would sweep every riding..

    The Peace river country would be a slight Campbell win.

    Kamloops would turn orange.

    The kelowna are would shuffle a seat or two.

    4 more seats in the GVRD would turn orange.

    The Fraser Valley,the bible belt,sad,they would vote (according to Michael Smyth) for a shaved ape if they ran as a Liberal...

    And I guarantee if Adrian Dix or John Horgan was leader of the NDP the orange vote would skyrocket.

    So as for his poll, the number for the NDP is too low,the last election the NDP received 42.7% of the vote...4% lower than the Liberals..

    I can`t imagine the NDP have lost 20% support...

    But with all respect to Mr. Robbins...

    It`s my opinion that he is sending a message to the NDP to change their leader!

    Which I totally agree with..

    Remember,always think outside of the box,it will serve you well.


  13. Carole James is working furiously for another Liberal win.
    Some say she is a Liberal plant within the NDP!
    Damned clever those Liberals!!

  14. The only answer provincially and federally is a new voting system....PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION IS LONG OVERDUE, you know, the one Campbell did NOT include in his sick ballot game, the citizens committee study of first past the post or single transferable vote. 2. The dangerous, corrupt media problem, clean up how?? 3. Carole James MUST GO.

  15. The thing that strikes me about this poll is 32% of the respondents would probably not vote. That is not usually included as a question by most pollsters. Also the 9.7% that state they are undecided could well be the king makers.

    What this poll shows me is that Campbell and James are done in the voters minds and must stand aside.

  16. Just wait, the $5 billion Gateway and bridge project will cost the taxpayer dearly, then add the huge expenses for the Canada Line, Sea to Sky, etc. etc. No wonder the mainstream media were extolling the virtues of the Olympics last week, it is merely a smokescreen to hide the fact that the taxpayer is being screwed.

    The three stooges, BS Bula, and the rest will never report the truth, just mindless rhetoric - a truck load of what the Cockney's say - "Pork Pies"!

  17. There are two words ( I know there are a multitude of other words but I want to spare you from my ranting )I can think of to describe the past and present BC Liberals, Pathetically Corrupt with a capital P and C!

  18. blah, blah, blah, blah. That's all I hear when these people open their mouths. When can we get rid of them?

  19. I can't believe you are gunning for a Harper victory!!!

    Hopefully Iggy and Jack can work out some sort of arrangement like the Catch -22 movement.

    Both Harper and Jack are against nuke power at a time when the energy issue is the most important issue we face bar none.

  20. Seth...I wrote this post last year...It`s about fiscal mismanagement ...

    As for federal politics, I can`t stand Harper!!!!

    Iggy is a twit!!!!!

    Jack Layton(NDP) is my choice...Unless a good independent runs in my riding.

    Stay tuned....

  21. An article from the Vancouver Sun from last year with traffic counts:

    You'll notice the article talks about reducing tolls. After the article came out, Translink RAISED some tolls, because of lesser traffic.

    Makes sense, eh?

    I live close to the GEB. When I do go on it, I can't see the license plate number of the car in front of me. It's too far away. This bridge is a joke that we're gonna be paying for for years.

    My understanding is the concessionaire lets Translink know the traffic count. Does anyone know if that's correct? Fox in a chicken coop?

  22. The Golden Ears bridge was just another example of the Lieberals not being able to do business. Although they like to label themselves as people who can run business all they have done is run the business of this province into the ground.
    They can't figure out if you make things too expensive people won't use it. They can't figure out that if you reduce the amount of money coming in (lowering corp. taxes) you have less money to spend on health, children, et.c
    They did figure out how to allow people to "launder money" though casinos, and they did figure out how to make money for the McQuire group, and they knew how to make money for foreign rail companies. o.k. so here is what it works out to the lieberals make money for people who are not hard working citizens of the province or for children, the sick, etc. got it.
    Now lets get rid of the lieberals.

  23. BC is pretty much a dead province. The HST has done so much damage, we are not going to survive it. BC has done the worst of all of the western provinces, we are dead last, because of the HST. Big business, mines, banks, gas and oil company's, get billions of our tax dollars. They get huge tax reductions, and are getting more. I saw that motion pass, by the entire House of Commons. Because, large corporations are bottomless pits of greed. They all lined up at the pig trough, squealing for the HST too. I would prefer to see big business, kicked right out of our province, we don't need them. All big business has done, is steal from the BC citizens, with Campbell's assistance of course. We want our BCR back. We want our rivers back. We want every dime back, Campbell has stolen from us.

  24. I think there will be a lot of people moving out of BC in the not too distant future. People that rent a house/apartment will be the first to move, followed by those that will be lucky enough to sell their properties/homes - some returning to the provinces they left years ago to move to BC.

    That is quite an achievement by Campbell - drive people away. First they drive out of province to shop because they cannot afford to pay the full prices charged here. No wonder the HST returns are not as good as they say.

    It is not over yet - only when these parasites that play government, are removed from office, can the healing start.


  25. Drew Snider is nothing but a buffoon. He gives us this sad tale of losses attributed to the Golden Ears Bridge, and has the gall to say that taxpayers will not be on the hook for the shortfall. Well Mr. Snider, where does Translink derive its revenue from, the sale of BC Bud? In the same way as all government entities, shortfalls will be made up by increased taxes and/or fees and reductions in services.

    One wonders how inept one must prove to be to get land a job as nothing more than a babbling brook.


  26. I live in Maple Ridge and I have said, ever since they were asking the Public for in-put on how to pay for the Golden Ears Bridge, (and they never listen), "put a .50 cent toll on every bridge in the Lower Mainland and the Sea to Sky Highway. You are correct Grant, toll them all for much less money, everyone gets to pay and it is not a burden at .50 cents. Nuff Said, They don't Listen!
