Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What is your Game Plan Kash Heed? Hide and Seek?

Interesting time that we live in, as a layperson, as a casual but keen observer of my immediate surroundings and the lay of the land I can tell you that I have never seen so many losers and liars....My life, my father`s life, and further, never can I remember a time when disappointment distortion and distrust all coming together to screw the peoples of the world both financially and mentally.....

Happy 1 Year Anniversary of the Olympics friends....The promises of prosperity and legacies.....There is but one symbol of the 2010 Games that remains, a metal fire belching natural gas burning cauldron that gets fired up every couple of months, a hideous monstrosity with stark resemblances to Hitler`s metal Gas Torch,.....The Whistler athletes village remains unsold and sour, who wants to live next door to an asphalt plant that spews toxic fumes

The Vancouver athletes village,early estimates are in , the City of Vancouver will lose at least $170 million dollars, that is if the buyers buy the units after  30% reductions.....But, let me tell you, Bob Rennie only cares about his commissions, the receivership company Earnst & Young they have one job, to get money from the asset, in this case the Athlete`s Village....But if the units don`t sell with a 30% discount then what...???....Then the units will be reduced by 50%  and when the units themselves are over priced by 60%...Well....Lets have that conversation next year when some hard numbers come in...

The point I am trying to make is this, the athlete villages were rip-offs, the city of Vancouver will lose $300 to $400 million dollars, whistler tourism is dead, visitors are parking miles away in free parking lots rather than pay $8 dollars to park in the village, the promised boom, the future Olympic highway paved in gold turned out to be a dead end street and a bill of goods....B.C. tourism is dead, David Hahn made the rounds last week bleating away about how ferry rates needs to rise a bunch....Nobody asked why BC Ferries is broke, the answer is simple, the rates have been priced to the point of diminishing returns, raise rates and ridership declines, BC Ferries has a $1.6 billion dollar debt and if you combine the debt servicing with ferry operating costs with fewer riders and you have a recipe for disaster...

The HST...We have lost nearly 40,000 jobs in three months and nobody is talking about it, commodity prices are booming, BC exports are booming and we are bleeding jobs from the food industry, tourism, building and trades all losing jobs yet exporters who were already making big money are reaping huge rewards, nothing to do with the HST, the exporters could pay triple the tax and still make money yet the HST...The HST tax siphons $2billion dollars per year from the public and the BC  Economy is in the tank and consumer spending and confidence is way down, skyrocketing hydro rates and  debt ridden households hanging on by a thread,...Jock Finlayson was on the Bill Good sho9w last week and again....Not one mention of the job losses from Jock...Jock said Consumer spending and tourism is soft but exporters combined with record copper prices are doing good....Again, nothing to do with the HST but with world prices, companies making zillions who can afford to pay some tax pay none while a stagnant public gets bled dry.....

Meanwhile disappointment after disappointment, Obama failed to deliver, Wall Street was never punished, the economic forecasters, the rating agencies, no one was ever punished and Governments around the world are taking from the masses, reneging on promises, Michael Campbell, Michael Levy, Fraser institute, Republicans, Conservatives all beating the drum about pension reform for the masses, new fees, less health care, a new world order....

And what I see are liars and thieves, con men and crooks, last Friday on CKNW and the BC Liberal Leaders debate....I was amazed how easily the BC Liberals can lie their face off...Christy Clark was asked by Bill Good if being a Federal Liberal was a problem....Christy Clark answered with a smooth lie....Clark said she hasn`t been a Federal Liberal for 15 years and .....And there was no follow-up question to Clark....Perhaps Christy Clark could explain why her name was listed as president of the Young Liberals of Canada, or perhaps Christy could explain away Mark Marrisen being at the top of the food chain in the Federal Liberal party,and then there is her brother Bruce Clark and his involvement with the federal Liberals.....I won`t go on and on....The point being is Christy Clark will boldly look you in your eyes and lie her face off....Just like only last year when Christy Clark said on air that BC Ferries under David Hahn was making $500 million dollars in profit...She lied then and Christy lied again on Friday`s leader debate on CKNW....

I do not want a Premier who lies their face off to the public before she`s been elected or chosen, oh indeed friends, Christy Clark has mastered the art of lying her face off!

On a grand scale politicians of all stripes around the world have been lying and betraying the public on a mass scale,  American Governments and Europeans and Canadian Governments owe $9000 billion trillion dollars to each other and they want to take away my health care to pay for it, take away meager pensions, they will take away everything..... Meanwhile thieving politicians sit back living high on the hog with their ill-gotten gains....Well the revolution is here, ........I laugh at the BC Liberal Gordon Campbell Government........

I listened to the throne speech yesterday, but more importantly I watched, our L.T. Governor Steven Point make the throne speech, what a sad affair, there was next to no one outside of the legislature, marching bands and representatives from our military all dressed prim and proper with medals and honors displayed.....

The moment for me was surreal, I was watching fighting men, military men, men of honor opening a place of laws, of legislation, a place where the concerns and the business of people is conducted,  the old rules, the hat wear, all the old rituals that at one time meant TRUTH..HONOR...HONESTY...SERVICE.....

And what I saw on TV was a visual picture of a dull grey day in Victoria where a disgraced and sham Government slunk out of their hiding, a tired group of liars whose leader has been thrown out for lying to the people, for betraying the public trust, a Gordon Campbell Government who broke law after law, who tripled our debt, sold assets and stole from the commons, a group of people who put the needs of the very few ahead of the needs of British Columbia....I saw an old Government doing nothing but using space, no legislation, no plan, no ideas, a group of lost souls who are still in hiding, I saw a defeated Gordon Campbell with a look of perplexment on his face, why do the people hate me i`ll bet he wonders, the answer is easy, the BC Liberal mask has been removed and we see what they are, a lame duck criminal Government who are doing nothing but collecting pay, a useless group of soulless liars...Gordon Campbell took every BC Liberal to Hell with him....The BC Liberals have died people, there is nothing but BC Liberal Skeletons collecting money in Government, these people aren`t alive anymore...Gordon Campbell took their souls...

Steven Point made the throne speech....Steven Point rose, he thanked the Premier for his service, he thanked Carole James for her service,  Steven Point then rose up and walked out....The look on his face, Steven Point walked out of the legislature, down the center of the room with MLAs on both sides sides and.....

And Steven Point walked right by Gordon Campbell and the entire BC Liberal party, Steven Point only shook hands with one member on the NDP side of the house, the moment was very telling, Steven Point ignored the liar and criminal Gordon Campbell and walked right on by him without making contact.....The BC Liberal party are dead...

I`m about to listen to the budget, another wasted exercise as Colin Hansen lies his face off again.....But lastly....

Kash Heed...What is your game plan, you hid in the shadows, you won`t answer questions from the media or from your constituents, are you Kash Heed going to hide behind the BC Supreme court and then the BC Appeals court ...

Yes friends, Kash Heed attended at the legislature but is hiding from a throng of media, and what a way to bring in a new session, Hash Heed hiding, Gordon Campbell hiding, a dead Government neglecting all ministries, a group of wannabe BC Liberal leaders who lie their face off, .....And after these 4 phony days in the legislature again the people`s house will be closed until the beginning on May, apparently the BC Liberal feel there is no need for any Governing until after the NDP choose a new leader.....

No folks, there is nothing to talk about, no new legislation, no working on a new post HST tax, no plans for the growing unemployed, no talk about the increased social service costs arising from higher unemployment, no talk about Ferries or Translink or nothing, what we have is a morally disgraced Government who lied their faces off, a Government who tripled the debt, ran the economy in the ground, sold assets and bled the middle class dry and now they hide behind closed doors and comments like " it`s before the courts and no comment"......Keep walking Kash Heed.

Happy Anniversary Folks

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Another great post Grant,you always hit the nail on the head. We have just arrived back on the island. They want to double the prices of the ferry rides. Well we paid $233.00 (one way) to bring our truck and trailer back to the island.
    I dread to think that we will be paying $466.00
    when we take our next holiday camping. Isn't this what most people on holidays do when they visit our Island - bring their camper with them.
    They may come once, but if the prices rise we will never see them again. So much for tourism B.C.

    Watching Colin Hansen on TV today, he does not change, lies through his teeth, while Campbell eggs him on,sitting beside him.

    Why do they clap and pound the desks every time they speak. It's so annoying, kids in school do not act this way. The libs don't look a happy bunch that's for sure.

    Keep up the good work, it will pay off in the long run. I believe in honesty and truth, the way we were broght up. The Libs have not changed,
    feeding lie upon lie. They are toast (burned).

    A Qualicum Beach Fan.

  2. actually it isn't a comment but a question, do you know what happened to House of Infamy's blog.
    I've enjoyed reading it, as I enjoy reading yours so any infro would be nice, if you know.

  3. The opening of the legislature was a total waste of time and money. However, it was good to see the Lt. Governor walk right out pausing just the one time to shake hands with one of the oppositions members.

    I really do think that not only is Campbell out of touch with reality, but most of the Bc Liberal party as a whole. They are believing their own bullshit now, I am sure.

    A great piece Gary - please keep up the good work.


  4. "American Governments and Europeans and Canadian Governments owe $9000 billion trillion dollars to each other and they want want to take away my health care to pay for it"

    -and so many seem eager - EAGER! to fall for it!

  5. Corporatocracy:

    a system of government that serves the interest of, and may be run by, corporations and involves ties between government and business. Where corporations, conglomerates, and/or government entities with private components, control the direction and governance, including carrying out economic planning notwithstanding the 'free market' label.

    That is us. It is going to be a fight to get back above ground.

  6. Harv O. 'Premier are you going to be a dictator?"
    GC's answer? 'Nice one Harv.?
    Truer words were never spoken by two people.


  7. The biggest problem with the Legislature being in virtual limbo until after the NDP chooses their new leader is that the BC Liberal Party can still continue the raping and pillaging of the assets of British Columbians without any real hope of accountability.

    In the last week we have been informed that at least 3400 people that had ultrasound and CT scans performed on them botched by the incompetency of those that interpreted the tests. This problem was known back in October of 2010, but just came to light in the past week. Supposedly, the government wasn't informed of the problem, and it seems by all accounts, neither were those that were most affected, the patients. What's wrong with this picture?

    Next, we were alerted to the indignities suffered by an 81 year-old gentleman with congenitive heart disease who was being treated by Royal Columbian Hospital in the hallway for 5 days. It seems to have taken exposure on television news to get him a bed in a ward. And, during this exposure, we were informed that as many as 100 people are being treated in areas that were not designed for that purpose.

    Just on the medical situation alone, one must question the actions of the BC Liberal Party. They closed many hospitals in their first term, and upgraded a few over their ten years at the helm. Well, first of all, on tonight's late night news, their poster boy upgrade, the new Abbotsford Hospital is already treating patients in the hallways. What's wrong with this picture? A brand new hospital with the paint just barely dry has already become overwhelmed with demand. I would suggest that this is just the tip of the iceberg, which can be associated with the zeal to densify areas. It seems that there is no problem for densified areas to have amenities such as new shopping areas constructed, but when it comes to infrastructure needed to cope with the influx of many new people, some things get put on the backburner. I suggest that the medical sector fits this idea to a "T". I also suggest that this is nothing more than an attempt to scare enough people into thinking that our medical system is broken and only a change to either private hospitals or private medical insurance, such as that in the USA, or both, is the remedy.

  8. According to yesterday's Globe and Mail, the U.S. annual interest payment for govt debt will go from $242 billion to $928 billion in 10 years.

    That's almost a $trillion per year, just for interest!

  9. Campbell won't walk away with empty pockets, that's for sure. It seems to me, our health care and education, has been sabotaged to bring about, privatized health care and promote private schools.

    Campbell and the BC Liberals lie, the restaurants support the HST. Last night a restaurant owner said, this is the worst business he has done, in over 20 years.

    Campbell has thieved this province, to the point of no return. The HST has totally destroyed this province. You would have to be a dumb, brainless twit not to see that. Campbell and the Liberals, know dammed well the billions of dollars, BC people spend in the U.S. and Alberta. The HST was designed for big business. Our BC HST, goes directly to Harper. That's the last we will see of it. The Harper government already gives, banks, mines, large corporations, gas and oil company's, billions of our tax dollars. They also get huge tax reductions, and now more reductions. I saw all of this, on the Federal House TV channel. The motion was passed, by the entire House. Because, big businesses are bottomless pits of greed, they all lined up at the pig trough, and squealed for the HST too.

    It doesn't matter which party is in office, the results will be the same....Total and absolute corruption.
