Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bill Good.....BC Liberal`s Trained Monkey and Liar

CKNW and Bill Good have offered up nothing but phony radio and rigged segments all week in an attempt to brainwash the public, Bill Good and the BC Liberals won`t quit until their dead, morally Bill Good is already dead.....

Yesterday Bill Good advertised a segment he was having today with the owner of De Dutch restaurants, he advertised the segment saying that the owner was against the HST but when the segment came and went the owner of De Dutch restaurants said that his business is down a little but he knows the Province needs tax revenue for and I quote..."For ferries and bridges" snip ...So the segment went the opposite direction it was advertised to go, Bill Good PRETENDED to be shocked!

Not once did Bill Good bother to correct the restaurant owner and tell him that the HST is revenue neutral to Government and that it`s a $2 billion dollar yearly tax shift that benefits big profitable corporations, time and time again the same tired rhetoric flows from staged guests and callers to CKNW .....Bill Good and the other stooges allow known and unknown voices to claim the Government needs all this tax revenue that the HST generates when the truth is the HST brings in less money than the PST did, add in all the job losses associated to the HST, add in the cross border shopping, internet shopping and the BC economy is in a giant rut/recession.....

I wrote a little bit yesterday about control, about messaging, about power over your mind, the slow drip of pro-hst propaganda that flows from radio, print and TV is shocking and there is no better example of blatant propaganda and total distortion of the truth than today`s 10:30 am segment on CKNW`s Bill Good show......

Bill Good started the segment by saying....I`m paraphrasing here.....

I`m having a focused open line segment on the improving economy, call in and tell me if the recession is over for you, I was at a high end music installation shop last week and they were busy, I was at a high end restaurant last night and it was really busy for a Monday, last week I had associates in from Toronto and we were at another high end restaurant and it was busy too..........

That was the Bill Good set up for the segment, I now was waiting patiently for the phone calls, and....And the reason I wanted to hear some REAL phone calls is because as you know....B.C. lost in the last two months...22,500 lost jobs  two months ago...9,200 jobs lost last month and a predicted 8,000 more jobs gone this month for a total of over 40,000 full time jobs lost in three months.....Anyone who could get on a B.C. radio station and declare that the recession is over when we are bleeding full time jobs is either a paid liar or idiot, maybe both!

So after Bill Good`s segment set-up the first staged call came in....This idiot said...Again I`m paraphrasing.....

Yea Bill, the recession is over, when BCers thought the NDP was going to take power the public all put their wallets away and stopped buying, and not until the NDP started fighting and Jenny Kwan attacked from within which caused the NDP to implode and the BC Liberals to rise up in the polls that the public started to spend again, the public is afraid of the NDP and it wasn`t until the Liberals surged that people spent money again and that`s why the BC Recession is over

Bill Good Responded to that first off-the-wall caller with nothing.... Then Good went to a commercial break, after the commercials the so-called focused open line segment continued with not callers but with .... Now Michael Campbell had joined Bill Good in studio where they talked up high copper prices, high gold prices, blab blab blab ...Michael Fraser Institute Campbell rambled on about the recovery, Bill Good mentioned the owner of De Dutch restaurants who said he will vote for the HST because he believes in the tax.....

Meanwhile I was waiting for the focused open line calls about the recovery......They took one more call from a man named Bruce who said that he is in the security business and they were really slow and now there is a bit of an improvement, Bruce gave no details, that was the extent of the open calls they took, an advertised segment on the recovering economy and the end of the recession and Bill Good took one staged call who attacked the NDP who haven`t been in power in 10 years and one fluff call....Yet I know for fact of two people who were left hanging on the line being ignored, both my Dad and Mom were waiting on hold, I called them and asked them to try and get on.....Since CKNW have banned me from calling over fear of the truth, I called my parents and had them call in, my mom was going to ask about the 32,000 lost jobs in the last month and the high unemployment rate, my Dad was going to ask about super-low money losing natural gas prices.....

Both were left on hold....An advertised open line segment where Bill Good talked about high-end music system installers and fancy 5***** restaurants and how busy they are...Bill Good took one staged call and one fluff call and a segment Bill Good called the "Recession is over" never once did he mention, not once did Michael Campbell mention that B.C. lost 32,000 jobs over two months with another 8000 jobs forecast to vanish next month, the only Province in Canada that is bleeding huge swaths of full time jobs....

Let me repeat that, British Columbia lost over 32,000 jobs in the last two months and Bill Good does a segment with Michael Campbell where they take one phone caller who claims the economy improved when the NDP imploded when the facts are the complete opposite, it wasn`t when the NDP were stronger in the polls when BC lost 32,000 jobs it was when the NDP were infighting that these jobs vanished, ....But don`t expect Bill Good to straighten out the caller and or even MENTION ONCE IN A HALF HOUR SHOW ON THE ECONOMY THAT BC LOST 32,000 JOBS IS EITHER PROPAGANDA OR COMPLETE STUPIDITY.

And dozens of callers hung on CKNW`s phone lines ready to snipe back at Bill good about his blatant and baseless cheerleading, once they used up the stand by PAB caller they couldn`t find any callers to agree with Oyster Bar Bill Good so rather than let the people voice their opinions  Bill Good and Michael Campbell played radio cheerleaders for the BC Liberals and created dead air.....

I listened to Michael Campbell on his Saturday show the last 2 weeks, not once has Michael Campbell mentioned these shocking BC job loss numbers, for a so-called money man to not mention record job losses when the rest of Canada is adding jobs, well....For Bill Good to do a segment today about the recession is over and wave his pom poms without mentioning the massive job losses with Michael Campbell in tow...Well, either they are both totally incompetent or they both are practicing German style Goebells mis-information.....

I`m calling you Bill Good and CKNW out, your shows are designed for propaganda, you are nothing but BC Liberal stooges, you Bill Good allow callers to lie their face off about the HST and the NDP, you allow misinformation and lies to be spread on air, you rewrite history and ignore facts, you Bill Good are a tired old man on his last legs and you are going out selling  every last scintilla of respect you ever had, you will be known as the BC Liberal mouth who worked against the public for financial reasons, that is how history will remember Bill Good(The Junior)...

For any radio voice to do a segment on the BC economy and not mention over 32,000 lost jobs at a time of the year of traditional retail hiring is a stunned you know what!...Cue up the audio vault, Tuesday/10:00 am fast forward to the 10:30..10:30AM  to 11:00am segment

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Grant, I was listening to Bruce Sprinsteen's song " My Hometown " on the radio last night and I was amazed how that song that was written so long ago rings so true today as far as the situation in Powell River ( and pretty well every other resource town in BC ) is today. One line in particular, " they're shutting down the textile (sawmill) mill across the tracks and momma says those jobs ain't commin back " pretty well sums up the fiscal policy of the BC liberals up till now. Let's pray to God their time will be at end very soon before they totally annihilate the middle class and every rural community, if it isn't too late already. By the way you were way too easy on that piece of human waste Bill Good.

  2. Grant, remember when you caught Cluck Cluck lying on the air and your complaint, which resulted in her embarrassing retraction/apology on air?

    Why don't you make the same complaints - lots of them - every time you catch Bill Bad lying?

    Can you imagine how embarrassed Bill Bad would be having to retract/apologize on the air every few days for lying???!!!

    "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

  3. Elwood...Bill Good lies through the use of surrogates..He lies by not correcting mis-information..

    Bill Good chuckles and nods his head in agreement when blatant lies are spoken by others, what Bill Good does isn`t illegal..

    It`s immoral....Could you imagine the headlines if BC lost 40,000 jobs in 2 months under the NDP..

    How can you do a segment on a recovering BC economy without mentioning the job losses...

    The segment was sad, anyone with connected brain cells could tell they were lying...

    That is why the phone lines stayed silent..The callers were telling CKNW and Bill Good the opposite...

    Rather than be truthful they created dead air....

    Scary stuff

  4. The really great thing about living in B.C....one of the features that make it truly the best place on earth...is...you never really have to leave High School.
    All the same social ladder..the same ins and outs insiders..outsiders.. winners and losers
    who knows who ...whose son or daughter is who.. who sits at head of the class..the ruling clique..have a lots ..have some.. the what have nots..the silver spooned privileged few.

    Yea! Christy for Prez! She`s sooo popular!

  5. The recession is over now? When can I quit my $14 an hour job and go back to my old $30 an hour job I had ten years ago?

    Oh, I forgot they aren't going to turn back privatization are they?

  6. At the very end of bill Good's show today, they read an email that said, "the implosion of the NDP party was positive for BC and it boost ed investment in the province!"

    My god, I almost up-chucked!

    It seems Good and 'NW only air crap and it is time to shut them down!

  7. Edward Bernays as UncleFebruary 8, 2011 at 4:34 PM

    So there it is--in plain view and spelled out for all to read. And yet none will dare call it a conspiracy.

    In terms of game theory, then, there are agents, assets, and useful idiots. billy-boy jr. has become a mealy mixture of the latter two by degrees.

    Too bad it had to go down like this, really--he could have been so much better than just a mouth-piece; and his voice has mattered over the years, just not on the side of the truth or what was right in the end.

    No, he's definitely going; going; and these darkening days are the twilight for him for sure.

  8. No worse than than the Vancouver Sun with full pages of letters to the editor for 3 weeks straight about the change in light bulbs in BC. Just filler to avoid real issues like the corruption of the BC Liberals and much more pressing issues. And the Vaughn Palmers and Tom Fletcher and Gary Mason should be put out to pasture permanently for their endless support of BC Liberal lies and crime.

  9. I'm also banned from the Bill Good Show. Everytime my number shows up they mysteriously hang-up, especially when they put me in the que. Bill can't stand it when someone calls up with the facts and is not caught off-guard like he did the other day to some guy who made a statement to Bill, Vaughn and the other dope. They challenged the guy to put up the facts of "corruption" or shut up. The guy was caught off base. I could have laid out the "Corruption". Gordon Campbell learned how to be corrupt and cover his ass back when he was Mayor of Vancouver and Chair of the GVRD. That GVRD is a breading ground for political corruption, just ask George Puil. These guys have it down to an art.Example: Doesn't Bill Good and Vaughn Palmer and Richy Rich think it is "Corrupt" to have three votes on the "Canada Line" until they get a "Yes" and then there are no more votes. How's that for blatant CORRUPTION, Bill?

  10. I can't agree with you more. There has been nothing objective brought forward by Bill Good regarding the HST over the last few months. He may talk the talk, but he sure as hell doesn't walk the walk.

    As I see it, we are being exposed to what we can expect when individual entities get swallowed up by big conglomerates. Our media has been neutered by consolidation. With that comes the lack of relevance that they attempt to portray.


  11. The only question that needs to be asked is, "Are you and your family better off than you were ten years ago?" For 90% of us, the answer will be a resounding NO.

  12. In the 90's, I had money in my pockets, now under the lieberals, I have none. That sort of answers that. RECALL ALL OF THEM.

    Kam Lee

  13. It is blatantly obvious, BC has done the worst, of all the other western provinces. BC's gasoline prices are the highest. All the provinces, laden with the HST, have failed. Where are the jobs, Campbell and Hansen promised we would gain, by the HST? As Grant said, BC is losing jobs, hand over fist, because of the HST. Where is the money, Campbell and Hansen promised we would save, by the Merits of the HST? Our cost of living, has gone through the roof. The BC people, saw right from day one, the HST would kill the province, and the people in it, and it has.

  14. To those whose numbers are showing up when they're calling the no good show, per call blocking works (i.e. *67 will stop your number from showing up).

  15. We all complain about government and taxes and the lot. Do we do anything about it? The HST is hated by all working people it seems from talking at checkouts and just general make conversation occurrences. When have you refused to pay the tax, never likely.

    If we don't like the tax so much why are we paying it? And if small businesses hate having to charge it then don't?

    I know you are going to say the business has to remit it and I say do remit a Bill for the service of collecting the HST for the same amount as the HST that the government wants you to collect and remit for free. I say we are all entitled to charge a fee for service when requested to provide our time and or labour. How many people and businesses refusing to comply with the tax would it take to get action?

  16. Well, on top of the HST, a vote was passed in the House of Commons, to give big business, ANOTHER tax cut. Harper, gave this to big business, as a part of his Global governance plan for Canada. Global governance, is big business, they call the shots. This means, wage earners will have higher pay roll deductions off their pay checks, to give big business, more tax reductions. We also, will likely get higher Federal taxes on their budget, some say 3% more, I say higher. No doubt, the BC provincial budget taxes will go up again. Campbell loaded them on, every year he was in office. With the provincial budget taxes, compounded by the insane HST. There are very few goods we aren't taxed on. Campbell's theft and sale of our rivers, will put our hydro, 55% higher. How can we fight these injustices? We would have to fight, Egyptians style. Canadians are too placid, we are content, to lose our jobs, homes, vehicles, and accept, we can't feed and clothe our children.

  17. I used to be a hydro reader (retired 03) but my story is that we had a bunch of bigwigs come up to our office and talk about remote meters. Of course I put my one and only question to them: regards the number of jobs lost and how do they expect citizens to keep buying the things they want us to buy if they cannot afford? that was way back b4 I retired? Never came up again until recently. Don't want us to have jobs and don't want us to purchase anything other than real needs, like hydro!! Also at that time there were only two lines on your bill...remember?...1usage and 2cost. Now there is all this blah, blah regarding usage. How I despise new world capitalists!

  18. Transparency and accountability are for others not the msm mentioned above who it seems only expect it of the dippers Gregor and the like.

    NW has a sophisiticated software program that 'handles' the callers...plus the studio pre-screeners are in on the scam...to keep legitimate dissenters off the air.

    Folks tell them something that they think they like but be vague, then when they let you on, deliver the goods...it works once.

    It used to be a lot easier before the software screening program was brought in...

  19. The salmon farmer ads all over the tv and also the computer are making the media rich!!
    Are those farmers making that kind of profit to pay for these ads??
    OR...Is the gov't footing the bill on the QT with the expectation of the media toeing the LIbEral Party LInE of propaganda?
    Grant,How about using your resources to dig into who's paying who for what.

  20. Yeah, it is odoriferous when we are subjected to re-tuned farts from the Liberal gas bags, but what is that monkey smoking?

  21. Gotta ask: is this you, Grant?
    I typed it into my address bar and came up with one post which I was going to respond to before I realized that the 'Anonymous' option had disappeared from the comments. What is going on?

  22. Since my last two comments didn't show up, but I give you the credit of the doubt, Grant, because I have enjoyed so many of your articles, is it possible you are also the new 'thepowellriverpersuader' (note the 'the' in front), but I kinda doubt it - so what is going on? Perhaps a few opportunists capitalizing on your popularity?

    That said, what is troubling me at the moment is that commondreams.org has had their comment property on their site down for the last few days at least. Just in time to miss the comments on the revolution in Egypt. Funny that; a progressive site which doesn't allow comments at exactly the time when such comments could have started huge demonstrations against bank and corporate plundering in the US and probably around the world (and please Jesus, let it be here. where we have just one chance at continuing prosperity thanks to our resources which are being mercilessly plundered.) I guess if they vote Democrat things will be peachy. Wait a minute! They did vote Democrat and it was 'same shit different pile!' (We all sat here in wonder as Obama screwed up the response to the BP spill beyond imagination. [And if you look for it your will find sick and disillusioned people all over the Southern US] Wonder what's up with that and how many other corporate sponsored sites came out and showed their real colors. Sorry - off topic, I know.
    PS I post here anonymously, so please don't ever refer to me as 'Burrowing (Google)' like the other site does. It is insulting.

  23. And Pinocchio Campbell's brother Michael Campbell is taking over the Bill Good show all of next week.

  24. I'm sure there are others here who remember a broadcaster by the name of Jack Webster. Oh, if only he were back to take Bill Good's place!

  25. I'll tell you what I believe, the only way things are going to improve for the average person is through demonstration and I don't mean a handful of people standing in front of parliament. Am I wrong?

    Let me ask you, "have you ever wallowed in the mud"?

  26. Yet another criminal act by the Campbell B.C. Liberals and more blood on their hands...Unqualified radiologists reading CT scans - some concerning potentially life-threatening diseases - in POWELL RIVER and Abbotsford. Kept secret since last Oct./10.

    Hansen says 'I have been assured?? that the vast majority?? of cases of patient care?? has not been?? compromised. My concern?? is with the families and the (3400) patients who have been impacted. I want to apologize?? for the stress and anxiety that this MAY?? have caused them'. Neither Hansen or health authorities would provide a conclusive number on how many people had been 'misdiagonised'. And died too he forgot to mention. These people concerned all need to be in jail cells for the rest of their life.

  27. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/07/tax-city-heist-of-century

    Thanks to Mary for this site.

    Harvey has a great article today on the media.

  28. Hi, I am a regular reader of your blog and I have also noted your comments on several other websites and blogs. I must say always informative and spirited at the least.

    We here in Maple Ridge are starting our recall of Marc Dalton and we would like to link our website www.downwithdalton.com with yours and others as well. If you would be so kind enough you can send your link to our site and we of course will appreciate it if you would include our link to your site.

  29. http://www.news1130.com/news/local/article/183836--eight-per-cent-rise-in-bankruptcies-in-bc

    Thanks to the lieberal policies.

  30. it is the first time on this site. i have enjoyed it very much. i thought i was the only person in bc who was thinking about things that you have touched on in this web site. i wish that you could put your information out in the form of a pamphlet or something tangable. there are a lot of people like myself that do not know anything about your site. the people in government hate the information out on the street. they can't take anything staring them in the face. your site is wonderful but hit them with thousands of fliers and they will shit their pants. maybe print up cards like the busseness people do and hand them out all over bc and tell the people to pull up the site. anyway you are great to do this.

  31. hello

    I know this not the best way to contact you but it is the only way i have devised. I have only one question : do you take on other issues that also need more light shone on them and if so i have an issue that i am hoping you could look at (if i am out of line i apologize) However this issue does fall in line with your disgust for spin and outright lies by those in power and having those who want to bring some truth to the issues (such as your self) shut out from any public avenues of debate (ie being banned from radio call in shows etc)

    The author of the article that you will find at this website was forced to leave a public space while she was handing out 100% certifiable, meticulously footnoted researched info to people heading to see a public presentation

    A legal reponse is being considered.

    the website is www.kidsfirstcanada.org

    thank you

    sorry i do not know how to include my preferred user name (global neighbour)

  32. The preceding post refers to this:

    Police called to prevent distribution of leaflet at public forum held on public property

    see media release at


  33. I called in today and explained that un agenda 21 is responsible for the rapid taking of our property and personal rights. He called me and agenda 21 a conspiracy theory. And the third hour is missing. Thats where I commented on the poor people losing their right to have a street market. 2014-04-15 Tuesday. Check it out for yourself.
