Monday, February 7, 2011

Conform or Not to Conform, That is the Question

Perhaps we are nothing but human lab rats caught in an ongoing experiment, the teaching of man, the round rock and fire came easy, killing with blind loyalty has been around since man could carry stone and stick, maybe that is all mankind is good for, rule to the point of bloodshed and repeat.......

How far can we be pushed before we say ENOUGH ALREADY, what we have is an ongoing theft of democracy, Democracy that workers and activists gained over the last century, federally, municipal and Provincially our right of choice and freedoms are being stolen, the push to conform is coming from all directions, don`t think, don`t express, conform, conform, conform and I believe the push to conform is coming at a time where knowledge is now available to all, at our fingertips is access to the world, from shadow finance to bomb making to oyster recipes, the point being ......Anywhere in the world at any given time the people, the poor, students, workers, victims and more importantly witnesses can beam pictures, stories and data around the world in seconds, no longer can the sins of Governments, any Governments including Canadian Governments  hoodwink the public without backlash.......Look at France, Ireland, Egypt, Tunisia and the list goes on, look at the movements, the tea party down south, recall and the HST petition right here in B.C......

The Government and Government controlled media work very hard to control the people, with the internet, tweeter, Facebook, Blogs, web sites, encyclopedia`s, books and study after study all available online to everyone in the world regardless of status, the powers that be can`t merely take a train from town to town shouting the message or propaganda from a soap box, today we have instant sound bites and fact checking in a blink of an eye, to confuse the people takes far more sophisticated tactics, I believe the Canadian people under this Federal Government and this Provincial Government are in the midst of both manipulation and mental control the likes that haven`t been seen since the 40s, through media, through print and radio the public are being controlled like lab rats, the experiments are under way as we speak, how far can Governments push the people, what control can they exert, can the free Canadian mind and spirit exist anymore in a Fraser institute world.....

The Fraser Institute school ranking`s came out today....Well surprise surprise, the FSA tests that the Fraser institute and Governments ram down our throats .....The results have been released....

You see friends, the Fraser institute tests are not about testing schools, it`s about control, the right wing think tanks and this Government use the test for control, you must conform conform conform or hell will rain down on you...Gordon Campbell`s  illegal gag laws, Government bills that strip town`s rights away, when the Olympics were here the Province the courts and Governments of all levels took away our rights with the stroke of a pen, the people took it, no backlash and bit by bit the people and the masses just blindly excepted whatever they`re told....

The teachers, school boards and people like us object to the Fraser institute FSA tests at schools, we object to being a cookie cutter person who toes the line, the rankings are out and the number 1 school in the Province is the elementary school in Bountiful B.C.......

A Polygamist town, a town whose graduation rate is one of the worst in the Province, a town where girls are taught house skills and married off to older men and join multi-marriage families, .....This story isn`t about the school cheating on the tests, it`s not about Polygamy, it`s about control, it`s about playing the silly Fraser Institute school ranking game....What better place to take a child or send a child to school than Bountiful, number 1 school for fundamental skills according to the Fraser institute....

Does this test result have anything to do with the Constitutional question about Polygamy winding its way through our B.C. Supreme court, you bet it does....The Teachers union have told us for years that the FSA tests are a political tool that serves no real purpose but to incite disagreement among the sheep, it has nothing to do with teaching children....It`s about political power and controls over your every thought....

The head honchos in Bountiful know all about the power of propaganda and control, they know about manipulating the public, they know about dotting the I`s and crossing the T`s with their paperwork either for tax returns or welfare payments, they know how to brainwash and distort, the Fraser Institute and the Polygamists are a match made in Heaven!...Con Versus Con

The Polygamists at Bountiful played the Fraser Institute for all they`re worth and beat them at their own game, this ranking will further the Polygamist`s legal fight, let me explain, the BC Liberals and the Federal Conservatives say there is no better way of ranking an Education System than the Fraser Institute FSA test...And Bountiful won...They can now be left alone with their highly educated children to do with as they please....The Fraser Institute just(Page 79 of the PDF) gave a pathetic no- life choice town and child trap community the number 1 ranking for education in Canada...B.C...The Best place on Earth for educating and preparing child brides for a life of serving older man.

Republicans in the USA, the European union, Africa, around the world the drum is being beat, lower corporate tax rates, take away entitlements from the people, indoctrinate the people into believing the lies and propaganda, the people have power in their electronic devices, they see what we see, money being concentrated in fewer and fewer pockets while their own Governments sell them out for nickles and dimes, Exxon Mobile made $8 billion dollars in the last quarter, all the oil companies rolled in dough, the miners are rolling in cash while people can`t afford food, people`s land is spoiled with poison, the promise`s of gold and jobs and unlimited prosperity never come true, time and time again the victims are left with scars and empty pockets, these crimes and lies can`t be hidden anymore with the advent of social media and communication, maybe the people can be held down by the gun but I don`t think so, we are so close to a world civil war, politicians look us in the face and lie to us, they tell us it`s for our own good and there is no better example of this then the CFL lightbulb debate here in B.C......(There was no debate, they rammed them down your throat)

The importing of incandescent light bulbs have been banned and now the Provincial Government are forcing us to buy dangerous light bulbs that emit sour light all in the name of what?....In name of the environment or energy efficiency, the same thing with the proposed Green Smart Meters, $2 billion dollars to put a device in your house that tells you your using electricity, big brother is coming to your home soon, it`s all about the power, it has nothing to do with with anything but controlling you...

The CFL toxic mercury-filled light bulbs, ......I was a kid once, how many light bulbs did you break, how many children will break these bulbs only to end up ingesting mercury, how many bulbs will end up in the landfill leaching mercury, I see my nephews fight when visiting family, young brothers and friends engaged in basement/rumpus room wars, lightbulbs break but the most insideous thing about these CFL lightbulbs is the light itself, the light is known to make people sick, it`s yellow light, it`s considered to be a poor quality light....Yes the lightbulbs are more energy efficient than the old incandescent lightbulbs that we used for a hundred years but.......

But to switch from a reliable safe light to be mandated to use toxic lightbulbs is nothing more than more political control being placed on your freedoms, do I have an answer...Yes I do, ....Well at least for the great lightbulb debate...It`s called LED lights.

LED lights are readily available throughout Canada and the USA...The light is bright, it`s considered white outdoor light, some call it natural light, they are more energy efficient than CFL bulbs, they produce brighter and cleaner white outdoor light, no one gets sick from LED light and there is no mercury in them, that means your children will be safer and no CFL mercury bulbs will end up leaching their poison in landfill sites.

There is one small drawback to LED lightbulbs, the price, an average LED lightbulb would cost $10 dollars, but those CFL mercury bulbs aren`t exactly cheap either...

If not for public control in this ongoing hampster wheel experiment I can`t think for the life off me why we are going to ban regular lightbulbs and force people to buy toxic lightbulbs that emit inferior light when if you were going to force a consumer shift....Why wouldn`t you ban CFLs and force the public to buy a superior white light energy efficient environmentally friendly LEDs rather than toxic poison....The answer is control......And when the landfills start leaching and kids start turning up with mercury poisoning these lights too will be banned and the game will go on.....

This Persuader isn`t playing the game.....Not only have I thrown out all my CFL bulbs and stocked up on incandescent bulbs, when those run out I will be buying and enjoying clean white toxin free LED lights...

With no EMF, no mercury, recyclable, long lasting with healthy white light!

Don`t be controlled, mercury, smart meters, bad toxic light .... To Conform is to Die!

The Straight goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Where to begin. Let's start with the FSA tests. The way the results are looked upon by the government, the media and the Fraser Institute become nothing more than a witch hunt. As I see it, the official government line is that the FSA tests are used to determine whether the curriculum the education system is delivering that which it is intended to do. If so, then why do they insist in advertising the results, school by school, rather than an overall aggregate result. There is no logical reason for the results to be broken down as they are unless the motives for the test are other than what they state.

    I wouldn't use CFL bulbs if they were free. The claims that they give the equivalent amount of light as incandescent bulbs is a pile of crap. LED lighting is much better, but at present is just too expensive. I bought three LED bulbs that work well in the pot lights in our rec room, but the cost of just under $100 for the three of them made my decision to stock up on incandescent bulbs for the rest of the house very easy.

    Finally the smart meters that are soon to foisted upon us by BC Hydro, courtesy of our provincial government. There has been a big debate raging about the effects of WiFi on many people. WiFi operates on microwave signals, as do smart meters. I'm not a scientist, but I believe that our micrewave oven uses the same technology to cook food. It may be a more intense amount of microwave activity, but the same technology. When a neighbourhood has every house in it emitting the signals from their smart meters, how strong will the cumulative strength of the waves be? Better yet, there has been a big push to densify cities. How many smart meters will be emitting their signals in the downtown core of Vancouver and other major centres where condos have become the norm rather than the exception. The other argument brought forth by the government is that people will be able to use the information given by their smart meter to save hydro consumption, and therefore, money. I don't live in a condo, and hopefully never will, but does each condo have their electrical meter within the confines of their suite, or are the meters for each suite housed in a room in the basement or elsewhere in the building? If it is the latter, then how is a resident supposed to monitor his rates of consumption if he or she resides on the twentieth floor while his/her meter is 20 floors below? Are we entering the asbestos debacle of the 21st century?


  2. This 'smart meter' presentation has ominous under currents of money grubbing and corporate deceit.(as does the light bulb bs)
    The infamous Macquarie companies of Australia are the suppliers of these home based one eyed bandits, and they will eventually morph into trackers of natural gas and water use as well as electricity. All potential future controlled resources by various morphs of Macquarie.
    We know Campbell has sold his soul to this company with his various P3 arrangements and the recent proliferation of cash cow 'red light' cameras, proposed photo radar, parking lot control, shadow tolls and only God, Macquarie and Gordo know what else.
    Why are we sending so much 'ill gotten' gains to Australia? Don't we have enough Canadian criminal suppliers of these despicable devices? Or is there a law preventing Canadians(besides politicians) from screwing other Canadians?

  3. Bilderberg group? Global governance anyone? Have a look at Harper, he's stacking the deck. Our Constitution, is totally ignored. Our Civil Rights and Liberties, have been taken way from us. Democracy and Freedom, what in the hell is that? I have forgotten. Campbell, Hansen and Harper forced the HST onto the BC people. BC is a province of natural resources. The HST does squat for the BC people. Besides, Campbell thieved the HST from the people, and gave it to his best buddy, Harper. Now idiot Hansen, had set up a panel, to tell us how good the HST is. The Alberta member, approves of the HST because, BC people spend millions shopping in Alberta. The U.S.A. also loves BC's HST, people spend billions of dollars, shopping in the U.S.A. This province, has been killed by the HST and Campbell's Liberals. Read Laila Yuiles blog on Falcon's follies. Another Liberal involved in, Campbell's corrupt sale of the BCR. It seems, it is BC's fate, to forever be governed by criminals? Did you hear, Campbell calling Basi and Virk the two criminals? We all know, Campbell is the criminal, and so are most of his henchmen. There are more files coming out, regarding Campbell's corrupt sale of the BCR. Campbell is a criminal.

  4. Our rights weren't "taken from us"...we gave them up willingly in order to make ours a safer, more "inclusive" society. Every time a new law is passed that affects our freedoms negatively and we don't take a stand against it - letting our politicians know when they've gone too far - the line is moved toward us.

    Now, we are against the wall.

    Who was it who said correct governance is not when the people fear the's when the government fears the people? Obviously, our government not only does not fear us - it doesn't respect us either. It doesn't have to, we've never stood against them collectively.

    If Canada were to pull an Egypt to get its point across - how long do you think it would take the USA to pour across the border to protect their human interests: Campbell, Harper and their ilk. I'd give it about 15 minutes.

  5. An accurate description of what will continue to happen as long a man refuses to bow his knee to GOD and invite Him to share His creation as He had first intended.
    Unfortunately all religions seem to miss that point, or perhaps men, as a rule just like it the way it is.
    The first murder was Cain and Able, brothers, and sons of Adam, so our choice of murder has indeed been around a good long time. Cain did not want to bow his knee either.

  6. "why do we let it happen"?

  7. Which "god" do you have in mind, Jim Taylor? The christian one (if so, which version from among its many and often hostile, violent, contradictory sects), the muslim one, the sikh one, or the buddist non-god?

    The last thing in the world the christian churches have ever been is peaceful and loving. Why do you think the Dark Ages are called “dark”?

    The western world today is an absolute paradise (an veritable "eden") compared to the 2,000 year vile history of christianity.

    The history of the christain churches is the most obscenely violent, hate-filled abomination ever to have happen on earth. And each one of the brutally murderous sects was viler than the one it defeated - which only meant it was more violent and murderous than the others.

    Getting back on topic - CFL's would be funny if they were not so dangerous. I saw a large survey that showed that most Canadians put their broken, burned out CFL's in the regular garbage. So that means a LOT of mercury is going into landfills all across Canada – all in the name of environmentalism! .

  8. Grant

    With David Hahn threatening to double ferry fares, the usual right-wing blow-hards surface to call for complete privatization of the system and let the market decide. I do recall the ferry commission putting a call out there for private operators to have a go at the smaller routes. This was open for several years and then last year they closed this file up and decided to stop looking as there were no takers.
    Do you recall anything else on this? I can't seem to find a link to the news story on the closing of this private call scheme.

  9. Religion, more people have died in the name of religion, or should I say differences in religion.

    Religion is now used by Governments to create wedge issues to keep the people distracted, abortion, homosexuality, public versus private, abortionist and Gay people didn`t steal all the money, deregulate and look the other way while corporate greed stole $trillions from the people...

    The corporation is the enemy, ..Corporations control Governments...

    Mubarek in Egypt, Gordon Campbell in BC..You can`t just change the face of Government because the power lies in the shadows, the entire Mubarek regime must be removed, as does the BC Liberals...

    A multi-headed snake, all heads must be severed or they will grow back.

    Mr. Taylor...Take your CFL bulbs to Victoria Legislature building and dispose of them there,...

    The CFL bulb mandate is a test...How far can they push, what can Government get away with..The carbon tax fraud..The HST fraud, gag laws, gerry-mandering, choice in lightbulbs...

    We have a Government that is mandating that you Jim Taylor use mercury filled environmentally dangerous toxic lightbulbs that emit unhealthy light...

    That is not progress but control...Who gave them the power, I don`t recall any legislation, what right does the Government have to poison your children....

    Religion is "wag the dog"

    This is about testing population control and propaganda.

  10. All of this "Global Climate Change Bullshit" came about, in BC, after Gordon Campbell, while flying home on a jet plane, read the book by Al Gore, "An Inconvienient Truth". He landed at Vancouver and was so frightened by it he immediately conveened the Cabinet who then came up with this proposal for CFL's a Carbon Tax, Smart Meters and all the rest of his useless bullshit thinking. Nothing we do in BC will ever change the Global Climate back to where it was in 1990, if there ever was any Global Warming caused by Man
