Wednesday, August 4, 2010

HST Disaster Exposed

Well well well, here we are 1 month into the HST and the numbers are shocking, all bad, the restaurant industry is reeling, forestry continues to bleed jobs, prices are up across the board on everything and real estate????.......Real Estate has had it`s worst July in over a decade.

Oh indeed friends, there is not one thing Gordon Campbell has ever done that benefitted the B.C. public, "The long hot Summer"......Not only has the Province already spent it`s forest fire fighting budget, $52 million was all they allotted for fires even though last year the bill was $400 million dollars, more forest has burnt this year than last, and even so, the fire season hasn`t even started yet, Pat Bell is not only incompetent but in my opinion is a bold faced liar, where are the promised jobs in forestry Pat Bell?...Where are they, since the HST 2 more mills have closed and now a finger joint plant is closing (No, not that type of joint, wood joints).....

The Eurocan mill will never re-open, Pat Bell was playing political football with that mill, Pat Bell deliberately committed fraud against the people of McKenzie, the B.C. Government lied about a viability study, all in the name of defrauding voters in the last Provincial election, the Elks mIll plant in Campbell river closed in July(forever) and now a finger joint plant, Pat Bell must resign for being a bold-faced liar and being mentally deficient, Pat Bell has no skill, no class, and no brains, Pat Bell has about enough skill to dip his cookies in milk while watching Sesame Street! You can read it here and here and here ......It has now been confirmed that not only is the HST bad for BCers it`s bad for forestry, the HST hasn`t saved 1 job, BC`s unemployment is surging while other Provinces are hiring BC is shedding jobs and going broke fast!

Gordon Campbell is such a failure, he failed with his wife with his decades long adultery with Lara Dauphinee, Gordon Campbell failed in choosing brain damaged MLAs, transit is a total failure, Translink is broke, the Golden ears bridge is on pace to lose $30 million dollars this year alone, the Vancouver trade and Convention has done nothing but bleed money, not only did it go over $400 million dollars over budget, not on time, not on budget but it has no bookings, the Vancouver trade and convention center is a total bust, our good friend Norman Farrell had the story here This building boondoggle will cost BC over $100 million per year in losses!

The restaurant industry worst fears have come true, Province wide the food/restaurant industry is down a whopping 12%......Tips are down, people are spending less money out dining , many many people have completely stopped going out, the figure of 10 thousand lost jobs in the restaurant industry will be realized, or more, leases aren`t being renewed along the Alberta border, going out of business signs are the norm,..........

Gordon Campbell is a pathetic loser, John Les is a corrupt son of a bitch, that has been proven in the court of public opinion, Kash Heed and Barinder Sall are dirty little con men, liars, Kash Heed couldn`t pass a mental competency test, he is stunned stupid and was chased from West Vancouver and shown the door for being so damn stupid, but he was a perfect fit for Gordon Campbell, because, Campbell only ever gave the nod to mentally defective individuals who couldn`t mount any threat to Campbell`s decade of financial ruin, only 1 loser can run this Province into the ground, the king of loser on all accounts, GORDON MUIR CAMPBELL.

And now real estate sales have fallen off a cliff, the worst July in over a decade, people closed their wallets, the HST has put a damper on the entire Province, read about the staggering real estate market here......BC is bleeding jobs in the food industry, forestry is on life support and mills are closing, the HST has sped up that process, the biggest winner(the only winner) with the HST is Alberta and Washington state, both of those areas are up over 20% in retail sales along the border while BC is down even more.......

Everything we discussed about the HST is coming true, the B.C. economy is stagnant, real estate sales have dried up, the consumer has pulled back, the job losses are mounting and the big media, the CKNWs of the world are bleeding too....Advertising has dried up, in fact if you take away the BC Government HST ads CKNW would almost be commercial free......

Gordon Muir Campbell is the biggest loser, the biggest thief, the biggest con man, the worst habitual liar BC has ever seen, Gordon Campbell has destroyed the Forest industry, destroyed t tourism industry, he has hurt our reputation world-wide, BC Ferries are bankrupt, our debt is skyrocketing, our expensive fuel has gutted any competitive edge BC ever had, the Carbon tax is a bust, as was the Evergreen line, Gordon Campbell`s outsourcing has been a bust, Accenture has cost BC over $1/2 billion dollars, BC Hydro is now losing money on power sales, no longer will BC Hydro contribut to schools and hospitals, everything Gordon Muir Campbell has put his blood-stained hands on has withered and died, from education to health to children to seniors, Gordon Campbell only knows poison and death, it has followed him for youth to old age, a now senior, demented, mentally deficient Gordon Campbell with but one friend left, Bill Good, a tired sick old man named Bill Good is the last hold-out propping up a broken failure named Gordon Campbell......They both will rot in hell together.

Gordon Muir Campbell broke every rule and has chased failure with success, he lied over and over again, he cheated on his wife, he betrayed and embarrassed his children, Gordon Campbell has shamed the Province of B.C......Campbell surrounded himself with complete mental failures with names like...Mike De ape man Jong...Rich the tic Coleman...Kevin toe jam Falcon...Kash hide the sharp knife Heed...Shirley Glug Glug Bond.....George bobble head Abbot....Ian(I still wear diapers) Black.....John Von colour blind Dongen....Pat(where are my cookies) Bell.......Ida ring the dinner bell gong Chong.....Magaret (who owns 30 of the same purple shirts) McDiarmid.....Bill (never met an Indian he didn`t hate )Bennett.....A whos who of spineless brain-dead MLAs who contributed nothing but a butt hole for Gordon Campbell to prod!

Housing is dead....Forestry is dead.....The food industry is reeling....Our money makers no longer make money....BC Hydro is bleeding cash...Energy sales for profit are gone gone forever....Tourism is hurting...You have done it Gordon Campbell....You took a vibrant Province and destroyed the very fabric of what BC is all about.......And now that you are so desperate to turn it around you are prepared to sell our water, our wildlife, our children, our soul, you Gordon Muir Campbell will be relegated to the history books of forgotten names, our homegrown shame shame, economic racists ...... Gordon Campbell, Bill Good....Hard core racists assholes who deserve a slow painful death.....

Gordon Muir Campbll....10 Steps to financial ruin!

Recall in the Fall

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Who are these people?

  2. Sad it is but Campbell has done everything he set out to do. He has transferred most of B.C.'s assets to himself, his corporate buddies and organized crime, the same way him and his partner in crime, Harper, have implemented the HST, a transfer tax from corporates to the B.C. taxpayers, 12% this year, 20% next year. Not a hard job for Campbell to do with a corrupt, absolutely corrupt, media in bed with him. He even outdid his wildest dreams and got invited by Rockafeller to the Bilderberg Group annual hideaway. Poor little slime is too stupid to see that he will end up a peon when only 2% of the population controls all the wealth. Him and his mob belong in jail.

    This province desparately needs a left-left-centre LEADER. We have to start planning now for the next election. We're off to Vancouver on Sunday. Recall in the fall.

  3. yes he sucks but the alternative to campbell is...? some far left unionist flack? that'd be worse.

  4. NOBODY would be worse that Campbell. My dog would be better.

  5. If only Campbell were Japanese he'd have to committ seppuku!

  6. Grant said, since the HST 2 more mills have closed and now a finger joint plant is closing.
    Add one more to that list Grant. A friend mentioned that a post and rail mill closed permanently at Princeton last week, putting about 8-12 people out of work.

    Henri Paul

  7. Anonymous said...
    yes he sucks but the alternative to campbell is...? some far left unionist flack? that'd be worse

    LOL the pabsmears are in fine voice. Save the drunk campbell. How can he/she say that? He is driving the province into the ground. He should be in jail, again.

    Kam Lee

  8. CTV news did a story with the same style that the Sun and the TC use. Start with negative comments on an issue, then go on to make out that it is not a problem and highly overrated as one by the public. The story was about the HST in BC and ON and the effect on the restaurant industry. How business was down a lot and less tips and shifts for workers. Layoffs coming soon. Then they go on to find some restaurants where their business is up 32% over last year!. Then they found another one. Wow, things are not as bad as everyone thinks. It is just a temporary blip, just like the government said. We will all get over it and spend just as much money as ever!

    No point in watching CTV anymore. They are clearly stooges for conservatives of any stripe.

  9. Here's a recent Sun article about BC Hydro's money losing power deals:

    The Columbia spot market is now at $37, not $60.

  10. Grant, AGT is taking more silly pot shots at you. I the hell wouldn't stand for it.

    "For the drunken revelers on the NDP side (particularly one in Garden Bay) ... But we’ll let those keeping busy Molsons’ truck drivers in Garden Bay continue the Pyrrhic victory, for now"

    Time to cut this guy down to size.

  11. Whoo hooo! Today's Sun lead story!

    Bye, bye Gordo...

  12. Check out Ron Cantelons letter to the editor in the Nanaimo News Bulletin dated Aug 5th. This guy just doesn't get it. With 11 thousands plus names on the anti HST petition in his riding he moves forward in the name of business and the economy. I can hardly wait for the recall to start. When can we sign up Cheryl?

  13. I don`t need to Cut Alex G Tsakumis down to size, he`s a fat little homophobic hating frog who has been bested by us at The Straight Goods over and over again....

    He`s mad that Dianne Watts and Carloe Taylor are out for leadership of the BC Liberals....

    I called AGT out on that one months ago...I also bested AGT on John Les..Kash Heed..Bill Bennett and every other story....

    AGT (The Fart Catcher).......A day late and a dollar short....

    When the guilty or a the story makers cut a fart...

    They have left the room and are long gone leaving AGT to the smell....

    AGT should stick to gay bashing and looking for leads in garbage cans!


  14. Sorry people, this is off topic.

    It is said, there is a business coalition, going to court, to squash, the anti-HST group, of the Zalm's.

    It seems, the less fortunate, have to fight to be allowed to keep enough money to live on. Now, big business, is actually taking the little guy to court.

    I saw, on TV, the Federal House passed a motion to give, banks, large corporations, gas and oil companies, billions of dollars, of the tax payers money. They also get, huge tax reductions, and now they are squealing for the HST as well.

    Has anyone heard about this? What can big business, actually do, are we really under threat, of this happening? Big business, is a bottomless pit of greed. BC has the highest number of children living in poverty. Big business, should be ashamed of themselves, for making that problem worse. Where the provincial budget taxes don't get you, the HST does.

    Rather than lowering prices, big chains prices, went sky high, just before the HST was due. I am having to buy, through the underground. One chicken at,Save on Foods was $15.10. I bought a huge chicken, for $6,50, through the underground. As a senior, on a fixed income, I just can't afford, big chain prices.

    I don't know much about, businesses going to court, to force tax payers, to support them.

  15. Mr. Winters of the chamber of commerce...Hocstein and others are suing the Zalm petition....

    Meet Joe Avery....The best constitutional lawyer in Canada....Big business will lose the challenge....

    The HST is illegal....It was brought in through a fiat, it hasn`t been voted on...

    As it stands the HST is an illegal tax....All monies collected will have to be returned until .........

    Until the HST is ratified by a vote in the Provincial legislature......

    Without a ratification vote the tax is null and void......

    Can you imagine....Gordon Campbell could enact any law/tax/rule through office fiat, there would be no need for a vote or Government.....

    That is why Gordon Campbell will lose the constitutional battle......Gordon Campbell knows this....

    But to have a vote he will have to call the house back this fall.......

    And with Campbell already on suicide watch.....

    The BC Liberals are dead already, like the NPA....They are dead, dead, dead.....

    No Dianne Watts, Carole Taylor...The HST has killed our economy.....

    Lastly, keep buying for cash....Go to small retailors...Ask for no bill...No cash....

    If they refuse walk out...Meanwhile "Recall in the Fall" coming fast.

  16. I posted this message on a G&M article and thought that it may be of value here as well. The article was about the cost of the "FightHST Initiative" and basically stated that the funding is drying up.

    For those that haven't done so yet, you can donate to the cause by going to "" and click on the donate banner. Democracy can be costly, and this fight is the closest thing to democracy we've encountered in many years.

    The pro-HST crowd have very deep pockets and can easily fund their side of the equation. I also suspect that businesses that help fund them get to deduct their contributions from their profits and therefore lowering the amount of income tax they pay even more, or increase the cost of their goods or services to cover their expenditure. The pro-HST government is even better funded because they have access to our tax dollars.

    FightHST is really just a grassroots initiative that has expenses and can only continue with financial support from any of us that can give. I am not formally a part of the anti-HST group nor one of the many valiant group of people that gave up their precious time collecting signatures, just a concerned citizen. As such I have donated what I can and urge those that mirror me do the same. We are playing against a stacked deck and must do whatever is in our power to succeed.


  17. Soon, Anonymous, soon. Recall in the Fall is a reality, although we probably won't be able to actually start until the New Year, we can do all the prep work and be ready to go.

    Besides Fight HST, keep your eyes on, as he is tracking all the recall campaigns being planned.

    Strengthened by the latest Angus Reid poll I think even the Lieberals can see that they are doomed and they can do nothing now to save themselves! Couldn't happen to a nicer group of people.

  18. Thanks for that info Cheryl. We are very exited to start the re-call drive to oust our own Ron Cantelon in Parksville/Kwalikum. Too bad it won't be until January as he and his furor will be giving away a lot of the taxpayers money in suttle little ways. Keep an eye on the letters to the editor in the Nanaimo Bulletin.

  19. I have donated, I hope others can as well, any little bit of money people are able to give, adds up, and will be appreciated. Campbell has stolen from this province, everything he lays his hands on, is sold for his personal benefit and his business buddies. His 53% wage hike, and, his $2 million per year pension, says it all. I am very serious, when I say, Campbell needs a mental evaluation. Normal, decent people don't behave the way Campbell does.
