Monday, September 25, 2017

Laurie Throness and Daryll Plecas-The Sickness and The Sanity and "A Political Masterstroke"

Written by Grant G

What a fascinating last 6 months, a never ending election, missteps, bad political advice and toxic rot that infected the entire BC Liberal Party

Lots of nasty chatter in regards to Daryll Plecas taking the position of Speaker of the House, Liberal party huffed and puffed and now have tossed Daryll out of the party, constituents who voted for Plecas under a Liberal banner are shouting recall recall recall...words like betrayal, traitor and worse...

Fascinating, hypocrisy, revisionist history, and.....and time for a dose of The Straight Goods..

BC Liberal braintrust....seems to me, Liberal Party members believed they could trust the backroom brains of those chosen to lead and direct the party to another glorious election victory, but unfortunately a lack of brains and bad political advice led to hubris rising from the shadows to decimate the BC Liberal Party...

Who is the real traitor...Patrick Kinsella who guaranteed to deliver 6 Surrey ridings...Shane Mills who drove around in a nasty rental truck, stalking John Horgan like a deranged paparazzi...

Emile Shceffell who tweeted a raging defense of Christy Clark's fake hacking of the BC Liberal party website accusation she made against the NDP...when he knew, when Clark knew, when the entire BC Liberal Party knew no such hacking event happened..

There was also the real Christy Clark on display when she blew off  "I am Linda" and accused a regular voter of being an NDP plant...

BC Liberal braintrust, now there's an oxymoron....Sharon White....Mike MacDonald...Brad Zubyk...Shane Mills...these wizards felt no shame and didn't hesitate to bring in Laura Miller, a BC Liberal braniac who is under criminal charges for deleting government emails and documents in Ontario, criminal charges and BC Liberal braintrust welcomed Laura Miller to the team......and in thinking about it...Laura Miller epitomizes the sickness that has inflicted the Liberal party..

Before Daryll Plecas accepted the position of speaker, Laurie Throness put on a display his inner most desires for British Columbia, ideas that include selling $70 billion dollars worth of crown land to pay the provincial debt, including shipping low-income British Columbians to the boonies of our province to find cheaper housing, and a plan to build monuments, entire mountains carved into statues and the like, a claim that tourists would flock here to stare at a carved mountain, and stay in fancy new resorts directly below the carved beast....

Laurie Throness had many more ideas......Sickness was on full display in Throness's British Columbia vision..

Daryll Plecas, a smart educated man, a criminologist by trade, fascinating, a criminologist as a member of a governing party that in my opinion engaged in crimes against the public..

Rich Coleman scoffed when asked if BC's wildwest of political donations would be a factor in the election....Coleman told BCers that we don't care....Sickness had spread..

Christy Clark, the $trillion dollar LNG fable, a fable that fell, no LNG, no money, no prosperity fund, nothing but tax dollars spent on nothing...Christy Clark's appointment of "well known trougher" Gordon Wilson, a sponge now suing the province(taxpayers) $5 million dollars for...for what, no LNG company was going to hire a tired 70 year old trough-sucking retired flip-flopping politician...Sickness inflicted Gordon Wilson(long ago)...

Christy Clark also appointed boy toy Brad Bennett to the chair of BC Hydro after her fluke 2013 election victory....Brad Bennett who showed the public that he too was inflicted, taking time off from his appointed job to campaign for the woman who appointed him, turning crown corporation BC Hydro into a political football..

The public noticed, thinking people of British Columbia could see and smell the BC Liberal rot..

Daryll Plecas a "traitor"...a "backstabber"...."unethical"....hardly......Sanity drove Daryll Plecas to make the proper decision..

Christy Clark and the BC Liberal hierarchy presented a throne speech....Throne speech number 1..Then the election came, she didn't win,,

After the recounts, after Andrew Weaver chose to side with John Horgan.....

6 days before Christy Clark's throne speech number 2....Christy Clark was asked by our Mainstream media if the upcoming throne speech was going to deviate from her first 2017 throne speech...Clark answered "no".."no changes"...

A week later Christy Clark....after devising a new scheme with BC Liberal braintrust(?) presented a new throne speech, now dubbed "the clone speech"....Christy Clark and her handlers threw out everything the BC Liberals campaigned on and stole, offered, copied and plagiarized everything in the NDP and Green Party platforms...

A desperate attempt to cling to power....Clark dared, taunted and mused in the legislature to the Green and NDP members that if they didn't support her throne speech BC was going to be thrust into a summer election and the public will take their wrath out on Greens and went further, BC Liberal party operatives a day before Clark's second throne speech was defeated..(clone speech number 2) threatened Andrew Weaver...They told him that he and his Green party would be decimated in the soon-to-be-new election if he didn't vote in favour of Clark's flip-flop throne speech....Andrew Weaver being an educated man, free from BC Liberal sickness scoffed at their threats...

And after a week of one-sided clone speech debate....The sanity in our legislature threw Christy Clark to the curb....

And what came next is one for the comedic history books....

Christy Clark pouted to Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon, Clark begged Guichon to give her a new election, Clark blustered that the legislature was unworkable, can't was a pathetic display, the "sickness" was oozing from Clark...For Judith Guichon does not live in a cave, Guichon had to read the stolen throne speech, she witnessed Clark's political games, Guichon heard Clark's not so subtle threats to opposition members..

Guichon told Christy Clark in not so many words to..."hit the bricks"

Christy Clark also told the media, and it was mentioned multiple times in Clone speech number 2 that the people of BC want parties to cooperate and work together.....well..

Daryll Plecase did just that, he took the role of speaker, Plecas decided a functioning legislature is more important than remaining in lockstep with the afflicted, sick, lost their way BC Liberal political party....

Who was, who is the real traitor...with Christy Clark and the BC Liberals defeated second throne speech,...near everything the BC Liberals presented in throne speech 2 is now...water under the bridge, Liberals will oppose all those NDP and Green ideas...proving once again, that Christy Clark and the BC Liberal braintrust was doing nothing but lying and game-playing in a feeble attempt to cling to power...

The Sickness and the sanity....

Hubris..and that old saying....."revenge is a dish best served cold"

Andrew Weaver has been dubbed "the kingmaker" by choosing John Horgan over siding with, and keeping the corrupt BC Liberals in power....Andrew Weaver had no choice, he's educated and he recognized the sickness that had inflicted BC Liberals from top to bottom, he had no choice but to choose Horgan and the NDP....However, someone had to get Horgan in a position to be chosen...

And.....The real "kingmaker" is yours truly......Hubris is on display, visionary, and.."revenge is a dish best served cold"..

I wrote in 2009....Before John Horgan was on anyone's radar, before he was NDP leader, before the NDP even needed a new leader...I wrote this..


"Anyway, I`m not easily won over but I`ll tell you what, I was so impressed with John Horgan years ago and he has gotten stronger, better, sharper, he so impressed me I wrote this story in January 2009, a full year before the NDP cleansing, Carole was still in charge, the NDP were united, I wrote a hypothetical story about John Horgan becoming the new NDP leader and I find it a bit of a coincidence, I dated my hypothetical story (authored by Vawn Pawmer).March/15/2010...I was only out a year, I also wrote this story as well, it was called, "Born to Lead" and again that was well before any NDP infighting, that story was dated March 11/2010...A year before the squabbling.

Maybe I knew something then, like a vision, John Horgan emailed me at the time about those two stories I wrote last year, he thanked me for them, he was very gracious but he told me over and over again,"

"The job is filled and Carole James is our leader"

I respected his solid support of Carole James especially since at that time I was very critical of Carole James but I remember like it was yesterday, in our email conversation, I told the Honourable John Horgan....
You were born to lead, you have a rare quality that can`t be manufactured, it`s a gift, use it, you have a unique karma, you don`t know it yet but you will be premier of British Columbia.
And the man has answered all my questions I`ve asked of him ever since, he`s not in my riding but he still answered all my requests and promptly, not just automated responses but thorough responses with clear details, Horgan does not hide, he`s a straight shooter and I fully endorse him and I hope all you fellow NDP members will support John Too!"


So...The Straight Goods....Grant G...Brian G recognized the talent and future potential of John Horgan...

I did mention hubris

Beside me creating this site..The Straight Goods....for many years, before I had this website...I was a political hawk..a regular caller to cknw radio....Friday show Cutting Edge of the Ledge with Bill good, Keith Baldrey and Vaughn Palmer....Bitter Brian was a regular all-star caller, I challenged those three closet BC Liberals, warned of run of river, warned of the bankrupting of BC Hydro and warned of almost everything the BC Liberals were doing...I called in regularly on Sean Leslie's Sunday cknw show....indeed, BC Liberals hated me for my scathing radio rebukes, still 2005, and the run up to 2009..and the run up to 2013 election, without fail cknw barred my phone calls, ....BC Liberals ordered me radio silent, and cknw was complicit....

Hubris is coming fast folks...

Merv Adey, one man made a difference, my friend, my ally, my kind hearted digitial warrior near single-handed stopped the BC Liberal government's false LNG ads...Merv complained to the CBSC (Canadian Broadcast standards council)..and Merv won...Merv Adey got the ads pulled..

Bigtime Hubris..

I also made formal complaints...I complained to the conflicted conflict of interest commissioner Paul Fraser over Brad Bennett, Christy Clark's BC Hydro appointed chairman when he took time off his BC Hydro duties to join with Christy Clark(on the bus) and campaign, including campaigning for Site was inappropriate, and wrong....Paul Fraser....he's conflicted, my complaint went nowhere..

But there was another complaint made by Grant the CBSC..My complaint was against Christy Clark when she was on radio, on CKNW...

I mentioned my website....Early on, I wrote about BC Ferries, the dismal economics, the debenture, I wrote how BC Ferries, loaded with debt, debt they acquired to funnel money to the BC Budget($500 million dollars) Gordon Campbell could claim a balanced budget...Gordon Campbell shielded BC ferries from prying eyes by turning BC Ferries into a quasi private company....

Nevertheless...I scoured BC Ferries audited fiscal statements, wrote many articles about...then, along came David Hahn, Gordon Campbell's BC Ferry appointed CEO..The million dollar man...

When the public found out that Hahn was making a $million per year the public raged...

And guess who came to David Hahn's rescue(tried to come to Hahn's rescue)..Christy Clark, on cknw radio...

Christy Clark started her segment by saying...."under David Hahn BC Ferries was bringing in $500 million in profit per year.... "...Clark rambled on, propping up the notorious David Hahn...but, everything Christy Clark said on CKNW radio during that David Hahn segment was a lie...and I could prove it!..

More Hubris....

I immediately called into Christy Clark's show, I was first caller up(Bitter Brian from garden bay)..

I told Christy Clark, on air that...BC Ferries isn't making any profit, in fact BC Ferries isn't bringing in enough revenue to cover their operating costs and interest payments on their debt....

What happened next was, as it turned out to be,..PRICELESS...Christy Clark, on air scoffed at me, blew me off, called me wrong and hung up...

Well, not one to be deterred...I emailed Christy at her cknw email address..I sent link after link on BC Ferry documents proving they were broke, and that no profit was there at all, let alone $500 million per year...

I told Christy Clark in those emails that she had to retract her BC Ferry and David Hahn claims...Clark ignored me and...

and I complained to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council about what Clark said...I won my complaint, Christy Clark was forced to retract on air..

Hubris...bigtime hubris acometh...So is the Straight Goods....

So, Christy Clark had to retract, on air......the Bitter Brian/Grant G saga with Christy Clark doesn't end there...

The date of this next Hubris inciting event was...late in 2009....the lead up to our 2010 Winter Olympics, and, cknw,  like most radio stations, they give away prizes to phone callers...well, listening(from garden Bay)to cknw...The Christy Clark show...Nick, Christy Clark's cknw phone guy...he announced on air....caller number 8 wins 2 tickets for Olympic opening night at Molson Hockey House...

I counted down...5..4..3..2...1....and dialed, it rang...Nick answered and said..

"congratulations, you are caller number 8, you win, can I get your name please"..

When I said...Brian G(Grant G) from Garden Bay....Nick interrupted me and said, "you can't win, you are Brian from garden Bay... "   and I swear, Christy Clark heard what Nick said to me on the phone and she started screaming, ..."hang up on him, he gets nothing"...and Nick did just that..he hung up..

I was furious...I called cknw station manager Tom Pasteras and told him what happened...he assured me I would get my Olympic prize...

The clock was ticking, a week went by, no tickets..another week, no tickets, I phoned and asked where my prize was, I was delayed again but assured I would get my tickets...I invited a close friend to join me at this one of a kind Olympic event...The clock kept ticking...3 days before opening night I received a call from a cknw staffer...I wasn't getting Olympic tickets, I was getting a substitute prize...

2 tickets to see Don Rickles at the Riverrock casino in Richmond at a much later date and a Whitespot food coupon...I was pissed...I gave those tickets away to a family member, not a fan of Rickles and wasn't interested in going to the Riverrock casino.....I had to disappoint my friend and inform him that we weren't going to any Olympic event....Christy Clark was exacting a childish form of revenge, because I made her retract on air...(for lying)

I heard through the grapevine that Christy Clark insisted that CKNW not give me a appease Clark and not to totally fyck me over cknw offered up the substitute prize...

I mentioned Hubris and "revenge is a dish best served cold"

Vaughn Palmer called Jogn Horgan's toll elimination promise during the election a "A Political Masterstroke"

"They cancelled tolls on the Port Mann and Golden Ears bridges, thereby keeping the promise that upstaged the Liberals at the outset of the campaign and helped switch several seats in Metro Vancouver.
A political masterstroke"  Vaughn Palmer...September 7th/2017
Mike Smyth in print said Horgan won power by promising to dump the tolls..
Keith Baldrey said the same thing....Toll elimination won Horgan power...Here is part of what Baldrey said..
"First came the official confirmation by the auditor-general that the last fiscal year ran up a huge $2.7 billion surplus. That’s right: “billion.”
Then came the NDP government making good on a key – perhaps “the” key – election promise by scrapping the tolls on two Metro Vancouver bridges by the end of this month.".....Keith Baldrey August 28th/2017
A political masterstroke and hubris on full display...
Who is the architect of that political masterstroke.....Grant G and The Straight Goods..
I've had many a conversation with John Horgan, I've given Horgan a ton of election advice and on March 6th'2017 I wrote this to John Horgan...the first letter in a series of letters as to how to win the election...Toll elimination, the initial letter was followed up by many more, ..letters were followed up with phone calls to Horgan and his constituency assistant...
Here is that first letter on toll elimination, dated March 6th/2017....and ...I NAILED IT PEOPLE!
To: john.horgan.mla <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 6, 2017 8:38 am
Subject: winning the election

To:john.horgan.mla Details 
Hello John...Brian G here...The Straight Goods...Do you want to win the election? Need a game changer? 

"Daily traffic on the Port Mann varied in 2016, from a low of an average of 103,000 drivers last January to a high of 140,400 in August. The old Port Mann Bridge averaged 127,000 drivers daily. At three per cent annual growth, the amount of vehicle traffic would more than double by 2050.

The B.C. government’s optimism for the future stands in stark contrast to the Port Mann’s current, sobering, financial statements. The bridge earned $145 million in toll revenue last year, which was quickly eaten up by $142 million in interest costs on the debt, $38 million in operating expenses and $53 million in depreciation, leaving an $88 million net loss"

Do you see that......Port Mann brought in 145 million in toll revenue...Golden Ears bridge brought in a fraction of that...all totaled, tolls brought in roughly $200 million dollars(Port Mann and Golden Ears bridges)

That is a drop in the bucket.....just imagine if the tolls were eliminated?...BC Guv would have to pony up the $200 million, maybe $300 million and actually start paying down debt...But think what would happen if the tolls were eliminated....First off, traffic flows would revert to back, toll jumpers/toll evaders would take the more efficient traffic route...traffic on Pattulo bridge would fall, likewise on the Alex Fraser..congestion in the tunnel would be ease too..

But more importantly, traffic would flow better.....even better, those paying thousands of $dollars each year would spend that money on food, restaurants, new TVs, etc etc etc....All that toll money would flow into the economy, that would create jobs, it would also create fairness, those who are tolled against those who aren't..(no toll on Sea to Sky highway)....

It would also drive more potential homebuyers to the valley, Surrey, Langley, Cloverdale, Chilliwack.....

The BC Government can afford to eat the loss of toll money...

Also, a small fortune would be saved by eliminating the Port Mann corporation, the collecting toll infrastructure, cameras and counters..

Times 2...another set of toll collecting infrastructure for Golden Ears bridge....Translink pays the Golden Ears bridge tolls...Translink would realize savings too...

Removing the tolls would reduce red tape(port mann corporation and golden ears bridge..Treo).....Removing tolls would ease traffic everywhere....removing tolls would help the overall economy, that money spent on tolls will flow into the economy...removing tolls will bring a sense of fairness back to road driving, and fairness as to where one lives....

Lastly....Removing the tolls will win you Maple Ridge riding.....Mission riding...and a few more Surrey will garner votes in Burnaby, New Westminster, Vancouver....a win win win.....Making John Horgan Premier of B.C....

Yes, the BC Liberals will squeak and scream about the cost to what, the tolling experiment has been a failure..

Counter the argument with..growing the economy, restoring traffic flows to historic norms, reducing traffic on the free crossing, ..creating jobs, creating fairness...

$300 million is nothing John Horgan..if you want to find a way to pay for this election promise(I don't recommend paying for it with new fee) about a 1 cent per litre tax on on fuel, a dedicated fund for bridges and bridge replacement?...

Personally I would not add a on fairness, on reducing traffic on free crossings...on putting more money into the on people buying homes south of the Fraser who work in Vancouver....., John, you will be puting over $2000.00 back in the pockets of those ply those toll bridges, or more....

Call me......cell phone...

This is a winner idea John Horgan....And the present tolling structure is an unfair loser...


(The above letter, for the sake of privacy I removed my email address and my telephone numbers, and put the lettering in italics). also in that above letter, I linked, and cut and pasted a snippet from a Province Newspaper article on tolls..

There it is folks....Everything I promised would happen with toll elimination did happen...That letter was followed up with other letters, as in how to sell it, how to counter the arguments BC Liberals will actually scares me on just how accurate it was....

I couldn't post anything on toll elimination until John Horgan pulled the trigger and announced it..Horgan kept toll elimination promise out of the NDP election platform...We were both worried BC Liberals would poach our toll strategy ..although, I knew BC Liberals couldn't match toll elimination without admitting their tolling policy was unfair....think of the anger drivers would feel, the ones that have been paying $thousands per year if all of a sudden, to hold power Clark and her Liberal team eliminated tolls....Liberals were boxed in....

I mentioned Hubris....

Grant G..Brian G...literally the first to recognize Horgan's talent, first to call John Horgan premier to be, before he was even leader of the party, before the party even had a leadership race to replace Carole James..

And the part that is absolutely delicious....

Being the one who first called Horgan ..Premier to 2009.... the one who made Christy Clark retract on air for lying, and the one who's rightfully won Olympic prize was taken away by Christy Clark, her petty vindictiveness of full display.......

and being the architect of the toll elimination writ period election winner that brought down Christy Clark and ended the 16 year BC Liberal dynasty...


"Revenge is a dish best served cold"

Christy Clark....BC Liberals

You've been......Thunderstruck!

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. It's gotta be pretty gratifying to see how it all shook out over the last few months. British Columbians owe you and your fellow bloggers a huge debt of gratitude for stepping up when the mainstream media failed us.

    To be honest, I expected Mr. Plecas and Ms Guichon to fail us also - but they did not. That was a pleasant surprise. Bravo!

    Things are finally looking up in this province. I reckon you have certainly earned the right to indulge in a little hubris, sir. Take a well-deserved bow.

    May we look forward to more Blog Talk Radio? I'd very much enjoy a post-election post-mortem.

  2. Thanks for that 7:08...

    Canadian Glen .....We are probably doing another LNG episode, perhaps a split show, 1 hour on LNG and 1 hour on BC's latest political machinations...

    The above post, it shocks even me...

    Right now, BC Liberals are in big trouble, they're going to wear ICBC and BC Hydro...they ran both entities into the ground, while taking money from both...

    Liberals are done, Coleman is toxic, ....Coleman, yes he won big in his electoral ridings, however, BC Liberals could run an orange pylon in Coleman's riding and win..

    Libs need a big purge..Coleman..Bond...Dejong...Sultan..Yap...and many more, they all gotta go....and even with that, the next reincarnation of the free enterprise party will still be in a tough spot...

    Fast ferries cost tax payers $300/$400 million...

    BC Liberals boondoggles and crown mismanagement(theft) will cost BCers 10's of $billions...

    public looks at their hydro bill every 2 months, ICBC each year....the liberals relics are done, for at least 2 terms...maybe forever


  3. Awesome! I believe every word because I know you don't and won't lie. It's a fabulous story. Thanks so much for sharing.
    I too feel that BCLIberals are done for a good while. They won't survive in this new political landscape. People want the Jeremy Corbyns, the Bernie Sanders's (*sob*) the John Horgans who speak to the people, but listen more. Curtain has been drawn back on BCLibs. Cracks are widening. Thank you for the role you played.
    I wrote to Adrian Dix and gave him some tips for winning in 2013 but he never wrote me back.
    Thanks for all you do. Don't think for one second we could be where we are now were it not for you and the rest of the volunteer blog army. So grateful.


  4. Awesome Grant.

    If you have Horgan's ear can you ask him to make a promise to build and maintain all BC Ferry vessels in BC. Just like they do in Washington State. Keep all those jobs in BC instead of Germany and Poland.


  5. Sure thing...problem is, BC Ferries has just replaced several ships, and I believe there is one or two under construction already...overseas, Poland...not sure how many more ships BC Ferries needs in the short to midterm....But I agree...BCers built the best ferries around..we can do it again..

    Horgan has many problems to fix.....Agreed, build new ferries here, we have the technology.

  6. "Christy Clark also appointed boy toy Brad Bennett..."

    Her predecessor was rumoured to have done something similar.

    Perhaps it was was a carryover from the strategy of appointing family members of influencers into sinecures.

  7. Great work, G. We owe you much.

    And even though we've got a long way to go to get back to sanity in this province, the Plecas move will give us some space to breathe again.

    Now we just need to break up the media corp$(e).


  8. Thanks Mr. man, Merv Adey stopped government fake LNG ads....

    This election, NDP taking power...

    87 ridings....but only about 10 ridings were in play, the other 87 ridings were going big BC Liberal or big NDP...a couple going Green...

    I knew what ridings were up for to win those ridings?..I knew it wasn't $10 dollar a day daycare, or minimum wage going was tolls

    and I was right...Horgan called me after the final Comox/Courtenay judicial recount to thank me...

    It's quite the person, outside the party, outside the echo person brought down the BC Liberal gang..

    I'm a marked man now....there are corporate forces who wish I was dead...including Postmedia..

    Bragging blows my mine just how accurate my persistent election advice was..

    I had to really work Horgan over to get him to trust me and run with toll elimination....he wasn't sure...I was sure.

    BC Liberal Party...Rich Coleman(who said he would eat my lunch when LNG cones through) knows..Christy Clark knows exactly who brought them down..

    Thanks Mr. Ghun, appreciate your kind words....the elites, the political chattering classes, the media, "paid" political advisers....all of them..

    None of them will admit that Grant G trumped the entire lot...

    The Straight Goods

  9. All that is needed for evil to flourish is that good men do nothing. I hope that the anger created by camp bell, clark and Co.will cause good people to do something. Let in the light,publish facts &figures,and encourage involvement. Government is us,and we get what we vote for.

  10. Four things I am certain of:
    1. We will see a few/many Lib’s step down in the near future. If Clark had of hung around, keeping the numbers close, things would have been different. She made the thin thread that the NDP was hanging on into a string, Plecas turned it into a cord and when another Liberal or three leaves it will be a rope. Breathing room for a time but the possibility of complacency is real.
    2. The Liberals will clean house, pick a "so called new, fresh, compassionate, well known” new leader, round up celebrity candidates like Jas and Sam. They will change their platform to make us believe that they have seen the light. With the backing of the Media, Corporations and all money masters they will be contenders again!
    3. We have no idea how the BC/Canada/World economies will function over the next few years so any and all problems will be blamed on the NDP because??? The NDP has to govern for the people and I believe they will do that. MSM will say wrong numbers, not fast enough, flip flop, they knew that, Fraser Institute reports show that, and FAST FERRIES??. They will talk about jobs. “There were jobs and more jobs and many more jobs, like so many f'ing jobs that BC would have to bring in half of Alberta if only the Liberals were in power”.
    4. The only way the NDP can survive this onslaught is to take "MORE" than one of the Liberal crimes and set up investigations that have all and every power to investigate and charge. BC Rail and BC Hydro would make my day!! What the Liberals have done is criminal and that makes them criminal. Spend millions to show how a political party with backing from the MSM can cost you billions and maybe make these people pay the price. The political world we live in today is so different from years gone by. It is time that the NDP realized that this is a dog eat dog world and if you remain a rabbit you will be eaten!!

  11. Awesome work Grant.

    Fascinating to read the whole back story on your behind the scene council to John Horgan on lifting the bridge tolls. Full credit to you for your strategy, stealth and persistance. You clearly read John Horgan's abilities and character and I am so pleased that he carefully listened to you and followed your advise... and since the win has graciously thanked you all for your long term support and winning strategy. We now have a new, caring government with ability and a conscience.

    Thank you so much for your many years of The Straight Goods. You have been such a sharp thorn in attacking all the Liberal corruption, incompetence and self serving evil. Despite the stacked deck of the 'pay for play Pirates' and their captured media club you and fellow citizen bloggers... Ross K, Norm Farrel, Laila Yuile and the late Merv Adey (kudos also to pro investigative journalist (Mr FOI) Bob Mackin) have been the vanguard in leading the resistance and championing change for a more inclusive and caring government. We have won much brighter future.

    Also just out another 'delayed till after the campaign and election' cancellation of the Nexen/Aurora LNG development. No surprise how this went down.

    All the best Grant, hope you get some fishing time!
