Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Two Hours of Blog Talk Radio, Everything LNG, Including All the Lies and Distortions

My first podcast....there was a few technical issues, lack of bandwidth...

However, we covered the LNG topic in great detail...

I would like to thank

Thank Canadian Glen for hosting me...You can find him on Twitter here..

Below is a link to tonight's episode(September 28th/2016)..

Hey...I kinda enjoyed that..

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. Enjoyed the broadcast. It was a good meaty discussion, of the kind sadly lacking in the MSM for years.

    More, please!

  2. Kudos to you Grant (and Glen) for your broadcast. The technical glitches can be worked out for future podcasts I am sure. It was a great hearing you stitch together all the components: history, economics, politics, players... the whole gamut. Your insights and analysis are the real deal!

  3. Thanks Bill...I know the material inside and out..

    Stay tuned

  4. What does it mean for LNG in BC when the industry is - once again - privatizing the profits and socializing their losses? I guess this means there's no money for remediation of dead wells too.

    Overdue tax notices on bankrupt oil wells confuse landowners
    Ministry says it won't begin collection action against landowners hosting oil companies that have fallen behind on taxes
    - by Jonny Wakefield, Dawson Creek Mirror/Alaska Highway News

    "Anne Clayton of Aspen Grove Property Services, which specializes in rural property, said the demand letters raise questions about who ties up loose ends when oil and gas companies go bankrupt.

    She said she’s heard of residents applying for loans, only to find liens on their property from oilfield service firms that have not been paid by the oil company."
