Sunday, September 25, 2016

Rich Coleman`s December 22/2015 Opinion-Editorial on British Columbia`s LNG Industry Thus Far.( Deciphered)

Deciphered by Grant G

I came across a rather odd opinion/editorial .....And yes it`s true that editorials and opinion pieces can be structured grammatically a myriad of ways...however, there is something very disturbing when a man, or in this case a minister, a minister who is charged with, in control of, his domain,  a minister who allegedly has the expertise to manage his portfolio.

What I find disturbing is, when a cabinet minister has to resort to writing opinion/editorial to defend his portfolio...You see, opinions and editorials aren`t facts,

Time to decipher Rich Coleman`s very weird LNG opinion piece...First off, read it, read the below Rich Coleman LNG editorial, the editorial Rich Coleman penned December 22/2015, 


OPINION-EDITORIAL: LNG happening, poised for monumental year

By Rich Coleman

Minister of Natural Gas Development

(766 Words)

British Columbia’s liquefied natural gas industry made unprecedented progress this year.
The first final investment decision was made by Pacific NorthWest LNG, marking their commitment to move forward with construction and operation. That pledge had two conditions; with the first requiring government to finalize a project development agreement with them, which we did.

The other outstanding condition – environmental approval by the Government of Canada – is scheduled for a decision in 2016. I am confident that progress will continue and Pacific NorthWest LNG will finalize their investment in the new-year, in addition to other LNG proponents coming forward with their decisions.

That could all happen while the expansion of FortisBC’s Tilbury LNG facility continues in Delta which has already provided $50 million in contract work to over 100 companies in neighbouring communities like Vancouver, Langley, Abbotsford, Coquitlam, and more.

These are positive developments for just three of the 20 facilities now proposed in our province. Other exciting news included LNG Canada finalizing the very first substituted environmental assessment in our province, keeping their proposal on track to be one of B.C.’s most promising export operations.

The progress made in B.C. in the last year is remarkable because these are challenging times in the industry, for reasons beyond our control. Global prices have fallen since we launched our LNG Strategy and just as companies are considering making huge investments – some of the largest in Canadian history.

But here’s what’s important to remember: B.C. is in this for the long-term. That’s why we’re taking actions on our end to ensure B.C. is globally competitive and an attractive place to invest.

If you were to listen to the critics – the ‘scrooges’ of economic development -  they would tell you that progress has stalled and government should relinquish the BC Jobs Plan’s ambitious goals for growth and market diversification.

Those pessimists, to be frank, are short-sighted; reluctant to admit LNG is making progress, creating jobs and securing long-term prosperity for all of us.

In fact, if just five facilities are built, we know the benefits are significant, including over 100,000 jobs. To date, industry has invested more than 20 billion dollars to advance development.

The prospects of a stronger future are most evident in First Nations communities where access to new skills training and environmental stewardship programs are materializing. We are inking agreements with financial benefits – both immediate and long-term – that are making a difference in communities that have been on the periphery of economic development for far too long.

Many First Nations are leading the charge as well. The Haisla Nation has been active in the Kitimat area for many years. Cedar LNG is another recent proposal that could move forward by partnerships owned directly by the Haisla Nation.

In 2016, we are poised to take even greater steps forward.

The B.C. government is negotiating project development agreements with proponents, working with First Nations to further strengthen environmental stewardship, and partnering with trades associations to increase skills training. Thousands of jobs are being created and our first commitment is to have British Columbians ready for them.

We are confident Pacific NorthWest LNG will confirm its financial commitment – the largest private-sector investment in British Columbia - as a hallmark operation which will keep B.C.’s natural gas sector flourishing for decades.
Contract opportunities will increase, providing companies with long-term security and the ability to expand their businesses.

These are only a handful of developments that will be highlighted during our annual international conference in Vancouver, Oct. 12-14, 2016 – the fourth year we will host the energy industry’s most influential people and discuss B.C.’s burgeoning role in the global marketplace.

We are all in the midst of the holiday season. This time of year we need to be thankful for what we have. Our province is fortunate to have reliable access to energy and the quality of life it provides us.

Many other countries, including developing areas of Asia, are not as fortunate. Exporting our natural gas – the world’s cleanest burning fossil fuel - can, and will, help Asian countries improve their standard of living and provide others with a dependable source of clean energy for decades to come.

Our government was ambitious about LNG from the day the BC Jobs Plan was released in 2011, when only a few export proposals were considered.

In a few short years our prospects have increased exponentially.

We are building a new, long-term industry in British Columbia. The benefits are far-reaching and despite what ‘Scrooge’ claims, the opportunity has arrived, and it’s only just beginning.


Wow, absolutely bizarre....Where to even begin......I`ll start at the beginning..


OPINION-EDITORIAL: LNG happening, poised for monumental year

By Rich Coleman


Even though Coleman`s words above were posted on an official British Columbia Government news feed, the words of Rich Coleman are his, not government, ...Because, the Rich Coleman utterance is titled "opinion-editorial".....In other words, the spewing is one man`s opinion, Government is not saying anything concrete in this editorial....When is real Government progress described as opinion?

Let`s move on to this section...


 British Columbia’s liquefied natural gas industry made unprecedented progress this year.
The first final investment decision was made by Pacific NorthWest LNG, marking their commitment to move forward with construction and operation. That pledge had two conditions; with the first requiring government to finalize a project development agreement with them, which we did.

The other outstanding condition – environmental approval by the Government of Canada – is scheduled for a decision in 2016. I am confident that progress will continue and Pacific NorthWest LNG will finalize their investment in the new-year, in addition to other LNG proponents coming forward with their decisions.


Funny couple of paragraphs.....Rich Coleman states that B.C.  received it`s first FID...And then in the following paragraph Rich Coleman states that he is confident progress will continue and that Petronas will finalize their investment in the new year(2016)....

Now I`m confused...Because, Keith Baldrey had a year-end interview with Christy Clark on Global News on December 24th/2015...two days after Rich Coleman penned his opinion-editorial..And here is the relevant part...

From the December 24th/2015 Keith Baldrey interview with Christy Clark on Global TV..and I quote..


Baldrey: "You talked a lot about LNG in the last election campaign, but still, here we are today, no sign that any company is going to make that final investment decision and go ahead with one. Are you accepting the possibility you’re going into the next election campaign with no LNG facilities in place?"

Clark: "Well, $20 billion has been spent, that’s no small change. That’s a lot of jobs for a lot of people, and that’s a pretty big commitment from a lot of companies, but we can’t control the world’s conditions. All we can do is everything possible in B.C.’s end. Work with First Nations: we’ve done it. Build a competitive tax framework: we’ve done it. Build the right environmental framework: we’ve done it. Go out and attract the investment, sell B.C. overseas: we’ve done it. All of the plans are in place, all of the things we need to do, and, you know, I can’t, as much as I’d like to control the rest. "


There seems to be a direct contradiction compared to what Rich Coleman said and what Christy Clark, Keith Baldrey muttered about...Let`s have another look at that section of Rich Coleman`s opinion piece..


British Columbia’s liquefied natural gas industry made unprecedented progress this year.
The first final investment decision was made by Pacific NorthWest LNG, marking their commitment to move forward with construction and operation. That pledge had two conditions; with the first requiring government to finalize a project development agreement with them, which we did.

The other outstanding condition – environmental approval by the Government of Canada – is scheduled for a decision in 2016. I am confident that progress will continue and Pacific NorthWest LNG will finalize their investment in the new-year, in addition to other LNG proponents coming forward with their decisions.


The above word "pledge", a pledge legal, binding, is a pledge more legally binding than a New Year`s resolution?......

That pledge had two conditions; with the first requiring government to finalize a project development agreement with them, which we did.


Strange sentence above indeed.....Sometimes people accidently reveal more than they intend to by just speaking, or in this case writing...If I was a Minister...I would have said...Petronas and the BC Government negotiated a competitive project development agreement(PDA)...Rich Coleman, in my opinion states in his opinion piece exactly what happened with his and Government`s dealing with Petronas...

Petronas told the BC Liberal Government what to do, and the Government obeyed Petronas....

Let`s have another look..


The other outstanding condition – environmental approval by the Government of Canada – is scheduled for a decision in 2016. I am confident that progress will continue and Pacific NorthWest LNG will finalize their investment in the new-year, in addition to other LNG proponents coming forward with their decisions.

That could all happen while the expansion of FortisBC’s Tilbury LNG facility continues in Delta which has already provided $50 million in contract work to over 100 companies in neighbouring communities like Vancouver, Langley, Abbotsford, Coquitlam, and more.

These are positive developments for just three of the 20 facilities now proposed in our province. Other exciting news included LNG Canada finalizing the very first substituted environmental assessment in our province, keeping their proposal on track to be one of B.C.’s most promising export operations.


"That could all happen".....Another weasel word(could) like could, should, hope, pray...

Then Coleman states in his opinion piece  These are positive developments for just three of the 20 facilities.....

However, at this point in his op-ed Coleman mentioned only two proposals..Petronas and Fortis BC`s Tilbury LNG facilty(a BC Government operation)...

Only then does Coleman mention Shell Canada`s LNG proposal, Coleman mentions the "substituted environmental assessment ...He cites that in a odd way, he claims a substituted environmental assessment is "progress"....British Columbia relinquishing our own environmental assessments for the Stephen Harper all oil, all pipelines, all projects are good environmental assessment...

That federal environmental assessment process is being renewed by the new Justin Trudeau administration..

Then Rich Coleman states this little nugget...


 "The progress made in B.C. in the last year is remarkable because these are challenging times in the industry, for reasons beyond our control. Global prices have fallen since we launched our LNG Strategy and just as companies are considering making huge investments"

So, in one breath Rich Coleman talks about remarkable progress in 2015 on the LNG file and in the next breath Rich Coleman utters ...."for reasons beyond our control. Global prices have fallen since we launched our LNG Strategy and just as companies are considering making huge investments"

Rich Coleman is now blaming low prices for no progress on LNG in British Columbia...

That`s kinda funny in a way, Coleman comes across like he is in shock, like there`s a rule or law that energy and commodity prices are not supposed to decline...and as a political observer in British Columbia for many years, these quasi Conservative BC Liberals blamed the NDP of the 90`s for the temporary downturn of the B.C. mining industry...Those terrible industry hating British Columbia NDPers were single-handedly responsible for the "Asian Flu"...Responsible for the WORLD collapse of commodity prices in the 90`s...

But, when it comes to depressed commodity prices when the BC Liberals are in power, ..Rich Coleman utters this..


 "for reasons beyond our control. Global prices have fallen since we launched our LNG Strategy and just as companies are considering making huge investments"

Then Rich Coleman starts calling people like me, Rafe, Damien Gillis, Norm Farrell and others names...Bizarre..

But here’s what’s important to remember: B.C. is in this for the long-term. That’s why we’re taking actions on our end to ensure B.C. is globally competitive and an attractive place to invest.

If you were to listen to the critics – the ‘scrooges’ of economic development -  they would tell you that progress has stalled and government should relinquish the BC Jobs Plan’s ambitious goals for growth and market diversification.

Those pessimists, to be frank, are short-sighted; reluctant to admit LNG is making progress, creating jobs and securing long-term prosperity for all of us.

In fact, if just five facilities are built, we know the benefits are significant, including over 100,000 jobs. To date, industry has invested more than 20 billion dollars to advance development.


Hello, pessimist scrooge here again, where were we?...Oh yea..

"In fact, if just five facilities are built, we know the benefits are significant, including over 100,000 jobs. To date, industry has invested more than 20 billion dollars to advance development."

More moving numbers, more moving goal posts ....What am I referring too...Let`s address those job numbers...

Rich Coleman in his December 22/2015 opinion piece stated if just five facilities are built it will create over 100,000 jobs, yet Rich Coleman said to the Victoria Times Colonist on February 22/2014.....And I quote..


Rich Coleman on February 22/2014 made this outrageous statement while giving a 30 minute speech on LNG..

Read it carefully..


"I get a kick out of some of the other folks out there saying: 'You're behind schedule.' "No we're not. We're actually right on the time frame that I established."

One thing that works in the government's favour is the scale of the enterprise. The values are so vast that even delivering a fraction of the potential could count as a win.

Coleman said: "They say: 'They can't all go ahead.' "I say: 'OK. Let's have three.' That's $100 billion. That's 100,000 jobs."

It's that comfort level that's giving him the kicks, and the amusement. snip..


That information is contained in this Straight Goods posting..

So, Rich Coleman stated, on February 22/2014 that three LNG plants would create over 100,000 jobs, now, on December 22/2015 ...according to Rich Coleman, five LNG projects will create over 100, 000 jobs...Moving numbers, disappearing goal posts indeed!

And what about the BC Liberal claim of $20 billion dollars already invested in BC`s LNG industry...

That my friends and readers is pure bafflegab..Of that $20 billion ...Petronas bought Progress Energy for $6 billion dollars.

 Progress Energy of Alberta owned upstream facilities and infrastructure in British Columbia and in the USA...that $6 billion dollar acquisition cost is part of that $20 billion dollar number being bandied about.......Petronas merely bought Progress Energy...Changed the ownership papers, and, of that $6 billion dollar purchase price of Progress Energy, half of Progress Energy`s assets are actually located in USA shale gas plays......Damien Gillis has a little to say on that $20 billion dollar figure being bandied about too..


"Energy and Mines Minister Rich Coleman has spoken often of B.C. needing to "win the LNG race." Well, it's over and we lost.
Premier Clark can crow all she wants about $20 billion of foreign investment thus far -- that's almost all upstream, in the acquisition and development of fracking plays. Not one of the 21 companies or conglomerates proposing an LNG terminal downstream has reached a final investment decision to spend the more than $10 billion required for plant construction. Nor are they likely to at this point."


Then Rich Coleman blathers this...


"We are all in the midst of the holiday season. This time of year we need to be thankful for what we have. Our province is fortunate to have reliable access to energy and the quality of life it provides us.

Many other countries, including developing areas of Asia, are not as fortunate. Exporting our natural gas – the world’s cleanest burning fossil fuel - can, and will, help Asian countries improve their standard of living and provide others with a dependable source of clean energy for decades to come.


 Well, perhaps the BC Liberals and the LNG industry as a whole need to get their heads out of sand..because, the true story of LNG and how clean it really isn`t is here...The truth about LNG`s dirty secret really isn`t that secret, merely ignored by corporate media, and ignored by BC`s pathetic legislative reporting hounds..From The New York Times


One reason natural gas is called “clean” is because it emits 50 percent less carbon dioxide than coal when you burn it. Thus it’s seen by some as a “bridge” fuel until zero-carbon-producing renewables can take over. But natural gas isn’t clean in the way that solar is clean. It’s clean-er than coal. It’s better than the worst; that’s all.

And the situation is actually too dire for a bridge fuel: experts say we must stop adding carbon into the air within the next 30 years [1] or face a climate “feedback loop” in which global warming continues regardless of subsequent activities, a point at which we would be able to make things worse but not better. If switching to natural gas long delays the dominance of renewables, it’s not doing us much good. That’s why action now is important.

Alternatively we could all buy land in the Arctic.

Then there’s this: Natural gas is made up mostly of methane
[2], and methane, unburned, is around 70 times as potent a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide. There isn’t nearly as much of it, and it’s shorter lived, but it’s not so short-lived that we can allow a great deal to escape into the atmosphere, which it does when anything in the production, transmission or distribution processes leaks [3]. It’s a scarily powerful greenhouse gas for over 20 years, and merely powerful (25 times stronger than carbon dioxide) over a span of 100 years. By which time much of the world’s coastline will be what we now call “inland.”

To see natural gas as even semi-clean, then, you have to burn all you take out of the ground [4]. Because at least one study found that if as little as 3 percent of the methane produced escapes, you might as well be burning coal, from a climate perspective [5]. All that talk of a bridge to a renewable future … forget it. That’s why Anthony R. Ingraffea, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Cornell University, refers to natural gas as a “gangplank.”


Rich Coleman ends his opinion/editorial piece with this..


"Our government was ambitious about LNG from the day the BC Jobs Plan was released in 2011, when only a few export proposals were considered.

In a few short years our prospects have increased exponentially.

We are building a new, long-term industry in British Columbia. The benefits are far-reaching and despite what ‘Scrooge’ claims, the opportunity has arrived, and it’s only just beginning."


Breaking story, the oil companies knew in 1980 how harmful their tarry oily goop was, ...This is a shocking story, why aren`t any oil executives in jail?

I have nothing more to say for now....

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the "pessimistic scrooge"....Also known as..

The Straight Goods

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. Now BM is saying 20 dollar oil possible?

  2. Coleman is a pledged asset of the oligarchy, and he's found a job that way by being a gassy bag of wind that acts like an over-sized barricade that keeps the truth from getting out--for now.

    He dissembles shamelessly and carries water like a yoked oxe.

    If we had even one mainstream journalist in this province, neither he or Crispy would be anywhere near the legislature, let alone leading the province.

    Keep hitting this file hard and may the truth will out.

    Anyway, thanks for doing what you do, for keeping it real; and, all the best for the new year.

  3. Fantastic tear-down of Coleman, internet journalism is alive and well, thriving in fact.

    Great post


  4. “Events of this size are rare, but major leakage across the oil and gas supply change (chain) is not,” said Tim O’Connor, director of the EDF’s California oil and gas program, in a statement. “There are plenty of mini-Aliso Canyons that add up to a big climate problem — not just in California, but across the country.”

    "Methane, the main ingredient of natural gas, packs more than 80 times the global warming power of carbon dioxide over a 20-year span."


  5. Even the claims of LNG replacing dirty coal in China are a lie because we are shipping more coal to China and we get to pay 3 billion for a bridge where the Massey tunnel is so they can export up to 8 million tons of the dirtier thermal coal from the US. And the best part about this we are selling out our futures and not even getting paid for the effort. Thanks to the Neo-Liberal party of BC we get the poopy end of the stick , you know the polluted moonscape and the crushing debt. Too bad Glen Clark had that modicum of integrity and resigned when all he had to do was get on a plane and do a trade mission. Now he heads a billionaires business and we are left with the teflon dame . Man it would have been so much cheaper to just buy the deck for Glen.

  6. Actually JasonS, Glen Clark paid for the deck. The whole raid was a set-up to destroy him and to some extent, it worked. Why were the press invited to the raid on his house, where we all could watch it on TV? It looks as though the MSM works for the BC Liberals.

  7. If only you had a crystal ball, Rich Coleman. You "allegedly have the expertise to manage your portfolio", yet you case has changed so drastically in only 9 months! I wonder if that is not the case also with Site C. Its time to give your head a shake and admit you were/are somewhat 'out to lunch'.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Nice try Brad can listen in like all the rest...The only thing going viral is me ripping to shreds Christy Clark's LNG delusions..
