Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Mystery Of Christy Clark`s Shrinking Prosperity Fund Exposed

An interesting article appeared in the Vancouver Sun today, the article describes how the BC Liberal Government has been making wee, tiny insulting cash offers to First Nation elders, what you are seeing the BC Liberals do is attempt to make end run around(s) , a sad attempt to avoid the latest Supreme Court ruling on First Nation land claims...

These bribes coming from Christy dumb as a sack of hammers Clark come with a caveat, First Nations must agree to look the other way, not go to court, be submissive, bend over and take it up their ass!...

BC`s LNG industry is not an industry at all, it`s a corporate welfare scam, British Columbia`s government made more money from wheelchair fees on seniors than they did on LNG or natural gas...

Before I get to the GOTCHA quote in the Vancouver Stun article let me remind you of what Christy Clark promised British Columbians the last 2 years and through to and during our BC election...

Quotes from  Christy Clark..

"A once in a lifetime opportunity, a chance to eliminate our BC debt, remove road and bridge tolls, pay for new schools and new hospitals, monies for northern communities impacted by this new flourishing industry, monies and ongoing revenues for First Nations, ......

provincial debt retired, elimination of our provincial sales tax just like Alberta and a $100 billion dollar prosperity fund for future generations"

Almost 2 years later, no final investment decisions from any LNG company, big energies companies have told Rich Coleman and Christy Clark that any LNG tax regime is a non-starter, told the BC Liberals to stick taxation up their fat ass!..Jack Mintx told Christy Clark the same thing...Natural gas royalties the province receives have fallen so low, they now make up a whopping ...

0.05 % of our $40 billion dollar annual budget...

Read the below paragraph from the article, remember that $100 billion dollar prosperity fund?..Before any company has made a final investment decision, before any NG pipelines are built, before British Columbia has made one demand for natural gas royalties, or water, or anything that vaunted prosperity fund has been clipped, no longer is $100 billion quoted, now the fund is advertised to bring in a mere $30 billion over 40 years.../.The fund has been slashed by over 70% before even one shovel goes in the ground..!


"A $12-million provincial offer to Gitxsan chiefs to clear the way for gas pipeline development is inadequate and ill-timed, community leaders say.
The offer is part of the B.C. government’s efforts to reach agreements with at least 30 First Nations in northern B.C. to allow billions of dollars of liquefied natural gas plants to go ahead. Premier Christy Clark has made developing LNG to export to Asia as the underpinning of her economic plan, promising five plants to create thousands of jobs and fuel a $30-billion prosperity fund."



You Christy Clark are a sick joke, an uneducated bimbo who can`t speak, talk, think, what can you do Christy Clark besides wiggle your butt, flaunt cleavage and saunter off to the nearest oyster bar..

As reported here many times, day by day our complicit media with reduce the amount of LNG jobs we can expect, will reduce the size of the prosperity fund, reduce everything to the point here dollars turn to fairy dust.....Gordon Hoehstra in his article doesn`t even bat an eye when he cites the reduction of the mythical prosperity fund by 70%...

Oh do tell Mr. Hoekstra,..oh ya, you never once hear of Christy Clark`s  $100 billion dollar prosperity fund, you only heard about Christy Clark`s....

$1 billion dollar prosperity fund....oops, sorry Mr Hoekstra I just copied your next LNG headline.....

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

1 comment:

  1. The Campbell/Clark BC Liberals lied in their faces to be elected, just as their good buddy Harper did. Christy and her whopper lies of 100,000 jobs and her trillions of dollars for BC. were laughable, right from day one. Christy and Harper even gave BC's ship building contract to Poland. More ethnic votes. So much for Christy's families first.

    Now they are logging the beautiful ancient Douglas Firs, near Port Alberni. I do remember Harper made a trip to Vancouver Island. I do recall, China was after our ancient forests as well.

    Harper, Campbell, Christy Clark, are the worst corrupt and vile politicians, in the recorded history of this Nation. Shame on the henchmen that support those scurvy monsters.
