Monday, July 21, 2014

Reflections From The Echo Chamber

Written by Grant G

Motionless, not a breath of air, heat fear and anticipation of anything tangible, stoic posturing is the only order of the day...

I haven`t written much lately, for a reason, the story(s), the stories have been written, federally Stephen Harper`s gang of ugly gnome like lawn ornaments have become tiresome, nauseating in fact, a one refrain repeating automatron buoy that never stops, one message, one theme,..

Justin Trudeau bad, pot smoking unqualified trust fund baby with no depth, ........

Thomas Mulcair is an angry socialist hell-bent on spending AAAAALLLLL the people`s money...

I DON`T LIKE STEPHEN  HARPER,,,,,,,,That`s where the people are at, I talked to a myriad of people over the last month, people who one(me) would think are naturally rightwing leaning, as in conservative, folks such as suppliers, builders, shovel digging, road repairing, shingling, nailbangers and the like, the answer to the question of do you like Stephen Harper is....

I DON`T  LIKE STEPHEN HARPER, ....Harperites calling Justin Trudeau names won`t work, issues like abortion, church, toughness, smarts, experience, confidence,  you and 72% of all Canadians could care less if Justin Trudeau lacks in any of those areas and or muffs talking points, when the public has decided, with cause mind you that they don`t like Stephen Harper, it`s more than that, a visceral dislike, a deep despising of anything Harper-like....For Mr. Stephen`s over, ....Say Hello to prime minister Justin Trudeau and yes, ......Thomas Mulcair is far more ready to lead than is Trudeau the younger but being ready or qualified means less than nothing in the 21st century, and who could argue, leaders don`t fall on their swords, days of honor lost, judgement through punditry and spin taint historic records, at least for a generation, George W Bush was re-elected and his portrait hangs in the Whitehouse, Dick Cheney single handed has turned the rupturing of Iraq into a Little Red Ridinghood bedtime tale, happy ending included..

The world`s biggest banks and investment houses along with Wallstreet`s finest engaged in a galactic theft of $30 trillion dollars and in this new norm, the regimes of distortion, a media truth vacuum, we now live in a time when historic record keeping is by written invitation, entry to a club, record keeping and the truth are now in the domain of those occupying headlines, lawbreakers, foxes guarding chickens if you like, those now responsible for setting the record straight are controlled, bought and or complicit and my only hope is one day, perhaps in 40 years the archives will show, record and document the fact that George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld and many others are war criminals and Fox News and their contributors are collaborators, ah.....How long can a lie live on, Wallstreet`s theft is now regarded as....2007 economic downturn...or Economic slowdown....Recession ....

What is the truth today, corporate advertising dollars and political contributions...

I don`t like Stephen Harper and why a pissed off Canadian public have gravitated toward Justin Trudeau and not Thomas Mulcair is hard to explain but easy to understand, oil and vinegar, black or white, ranch dressing and the colour purple, or in this case the colour orange, trendy or different is tossed out in times of need, Canadians of all stripes feel the need, needs of the many mentality, Canadians at this point in time... they can`t stand to hear, see or think of Stephen Harper in any capacity, in Justin Trudeau they see only a dragon slayer, skill, ability, political savvy be damned the public have embraced Justin Trudeau for one reason, ....To beat Harper and the cons into submission, nothing else matters, sense, reason or rationale can`t explain what`s happening, the only terms I can think of to describe our federal political scene as it relates to the Canadian public is....Herd mentality, silent signals, survival of the herd above all else, Stephen Harper scared Canada, what will he take away from Canada next, who will be betrayed next, veterans weren`t even safe, hell have no fury like a herd fighting for access to grass and water, ....Justin Trudeau is the leader, leader of the herd, leader of freedom, of choice, of smoke, of majority, inept, unqualified, over his head......funny, sounds like Justin Trudeau has all the qualifications of our next prime minister........I don`t like Stephen Harper..

Hot Summer and she is going to burn, August, September n October, forest floor is dry with ammo, searing heat, sweltering pressure on a now defunct/extinct LNG industry, dead, caput, a 2 year long golden ring election gambit, the gold ring no one ever reaches, Japan has okayed the restart of 2 nuclear power plants, with 2 restarts can 10 more be very far behind....China/Russia gas deal...Australia, now carbon tax(less)...Australia with the ability, and within 3 years the capacity to flood the Pacific basin with LNG.....A report from of all places, The University of Calgary recently released a thorough report that stated, suggested that British Columbia missed the opportunity to be an LNG exporter...oh, they, UoA  also reported that " the industry", that being the LNG industry will not accept any form of taxation outside of low-priced royalties at the wellhead...

The report by the U o A is/was actually, now don`t take this the wrong way, it appears that UoA spent a week reading The Straight Good`s archives on LNG...nothing new for our readers...a report, another report was finally released, Kitimat`s airshed (according to a BC Liberal government commissioned study)can handle 4 LNG plants, a smelter and a heavy oil refinery, the only drawback is a severe survival risk for local human habitants, I wonder if temporary workers fall into that category, ah, but I digress..

Nothing has changed, legal aid for the poor has no money, hospitals are underfunded, overcrowding, BC Liberals are still fighting with teachers, cost of living in British Columbia has become a resident killer, only those with vast wealth need come here, our province is sick, out of whack, stuck, mired in the same corporate media driven historic record keeping conundrum, the place where truth is bent, omitted, deleted, contorted, stretched to lengths that would make professor Reed blush(Fantastic 4)..

Our BC budget hasn`t been balanced in years, selling near $1 billion in assets isn`t speculation or a one-off, it`s a deficit, with BC Ferry debt rising faster than ever, BC Hydro adding another $6 billion to their deferred debt, not counting the Site C proposal.. British Columbia`s own special tax the MSP up, electrical rates up, user fees up, British Columbia is locked in, frozen in perpetual debt with corporate vultures like PETRONAS, EnCana, BG, Shell and Chevron all telling us, telling Christy Clark and the BC Liberals that any taxation equals building nothing, either accept nothing, make nothing and provide incentives or nothing will be built..That is the extent of Christy Clark`s and Rich Coleman`s LNG plan....

Kitimat and Andrew Weaver can relax too, that airshed is safe, there won`t be 4 LNG plants exhaling pollution 24/7, no refinery, no Enbridge either...There might be 1 LNG plant....That is if Christy cluck cluck Clark and Rich hot-gas Coleman give away the farm, the water and capital build write offs, ...

$67 billion dollars, that`s our BC debt, not counting the Port Mann bridge debt, not counting the Massey bridge debt, BC Ferry debt, BC Hydro debt, IPP contractual debt, P3 debt, not counting anything..Yet I hear on CKNW...on Global that Christy Clark and the BC Liberals were elected with a mandate to balance the budget, ???....Great money managers?...Selling assets, deferring debt, hiding debt, avoiding recording contractual debt, every fee, electric bills, gas bills, ferry fares, carbon tax(corporate tax relief borne off Joe Average`s back)...

A mandate to balance the budge, mission accomplished according to the keepers of the media truth, recorded by corporate media pundits on Global BC, Keith Baldrey, recorded by corporate Vaughn Palmer, recorded by Bill Good and Sean Leslie....Recorded in the hallowed halls of today`s truth library, the BC Liberals balanced the budget they were mandated to do...All while adding $20 billion dollars over the last 3 years to out provincial debt...

That`s why I haven`t had much to say lately, it`s already been said..

Or as Gordon Campbell, Wally Oppal, Christy Clark would say, or not say..

"No Comment, it`s before the court"

As for the truth regarding recorded history.....

Those inputs are pending...



The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open



  1. I know its but a blip in the budget, but the Forest Fires Fighting budget has been exhausted and fire season isn't even here yet!
    Its easy to balance the budget if you don't allow costs for schools, health, transportation, fire fighting etc.
    But at the end of the season you've experienced costs, and then what becomes of the "Budget"?

  2. Always appreciate you telling it like it is.

    Know it can get depressing fighting the good fight.

    Truth will prevail.

    Stay strong.

    Never give up.

    Trudeau isn't my choice either; but we must stop little stevie at any cost.

    Commercial media is a dangerous farce, aiding and abetting the bc libs, as they all drag the province into hell for short term profits.

    Mom's place looks great. You've done well, son.

