Thursday, December 30, 2010

Who are the NDP?

I need to do this follow up post on the NDP and Dana Larsen, my vision is clear, maybe too clear, I just finished listening to David Schreck on cknw and judging from his statements, he isn`t in the game anymore..

Maybe I was too subtle with my last post, in the past while working, if I told a fellow worker to do something or If I give someone the answer to a question I always made the habit of telling them how we arrived at the answer or in the case of the fellow worker I felt if he knew why we were taking care of the minor details if would stick, rather then say  DO THIS, DO THAT, LEFT RIGHT, LEFT RIGHT....If one can see the madness behind the method..

My story wasn`t about Dana Larsen, what type of candidates are run in the West End, in Richmond, from Federal to Provincial to local Governments, it`s stereotyping in a way, actually it`s much more than that, it`s winning, in politics there is only one way to win, garner more votes and elect more candidates, forget about splits on the left, on the right, what I am talking about is the formula for success.....

You see that family picture above?.....There it is, your average family, a bad dog, a perverted overweight beer drinking father, a daughter struggling with her sexuality, a not so book savvy son, isn`t that life in general, who doesn`t know a woman or man working on their third or fourth wife or husband or have friends with problems, debt, depression, addictions, life is cruel, sad and elastic and human emotions ride a roller coaster from start to finish,.........And shouldn`t the party of the people recognize that, the BC Liberal party have the super wealthy and corporate vote wrapped up, let me put it this way, the money boys and big industry have had their way in this Province for a decade, why would they jump ship and leave the Campbell gang when the Liberals gave them the keys, our assets and a money stream,,,,,,,They won`t, that was one reason Carole James looked silly begging big corporations to like her and the party, wasn`t going to happen......

And I hate to say it, at least so bluntly, Moe Sihota, you are a clueless twit, you have no media savvy, you are toxic, you have no idea how to win an election, if the NDP was smart they would give Moe Sihota a little severance pay and show him the door, maybe Sihota is a BC Liberal plant?

The public in general are not political junkies but they`re not stupid, they see that Rio Tinto and Teck Cominco are making $billions and $billions, Ecana gas is rolling in cash, and they also see their own empty wallets, they see taxes going up, user fees, month in and month out everything costs more, hydro, gasoline, food, coffee, meals out, even the boozers see prices that gouge, sin taxes hit every year, property taxes, everything is up up up and damn it....The people understand very well and they don`t need to be convinced who the bad guy is.....Record profits at banks, golden parachute pensions for politicians who lie their face off, year in and year out the BC Liberal party have shifted BC into a banana Republic, corporations pay less tax in BC than what students pay in tuition....That`s right folks, the Province takes in more money in student tuition than all corporate tax combined, and they wonder why the Government is broke! Sheesh....

Dana Larsen was never going to get much support, he should be allowed to run, the students know BC has the highest tuition in Canada, students aren`t  offended by Dana,  ever been to a good party, if a bunch of stiff shirts stroll around playing image, what a boring party, who will wear the lampshade, who`s groping a willing secretary, who`s puking on the carpet, who`s sneaking outside for a smoke or two....

Smoking pot is so 70s..80`s...90`s...Boring, no one cares, it isn`t a serious issue, but as a party, as a formula for success, we need the angry student vote, the over-taxed family, we need the people who tear their hair out looking at the hydro bill, we need carbon tax haters, union workers, minimum wage earners, overweight bad fathers, we need the people who hate road tolls, retractable roofs, we need parents who care about education, we need seniors who are being treated like garbage by the Liberals....We need the people who care about public assets, about salmon and Orca.....

As a party we need a big tent, the BC Liberals have the corporate wealth and a corrupt media and they won`t be wooed our way, but what we have is a welcome mat out for all the adversely affected, or at least we should....

Finally, as for David Schreck and Moe Sihota.....Let Dana fill out his paperwork, if all the IIII`s and TTTT`s  get crossed and dotted let him campaign, by this time next week the real leaders enter the race and the public stops talking about Dana Larsen, just like Moira Stilwell?..Who?....Exactly.......What happened today is David Shreck and Moe Sihota sounded and acted like prudes, do I have to spell it out, we want the voters Dana is drawing, we can have the best of both worlds...We get the younger voters and we have a solid clean leader.

Do we banish people for all time for deeds committed in their youth, what teenager hasn`t sinned......I heard Dana Larsen call for a public inquiry into BC Rail, he called for retaining crown corporations, for not selling out the public on private power, he called for better education, better health care, raising the minimum wage.....Are these not Democratic issues, every NDP leader will be doing the same, we are the party of people, all people, .........How many parents out there have kids who smoke pot, teenage kids or older, or would you rather they drink, and how many of you will be indulging in spirits of one sort or another on December 31/2010?

Health, education and people are NDP issues, the more leaders sending the message the better. 

Updated here....Moe Sihota was asked forcefully to apologize to Dana Larsen

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. I agree with you Grant in letting the guy put his name in if he chooses too. Moe and Schreck, old school, old NDP, time to move on and get with the times, or better yet, leave. We are in need of new blood in the NDP, and getting back to the basics and the needs of the working man and woman and their families. Enough of the corporate handouts. Enough of selling/giving our, the people's resources, away. It's time to look after the "people" in this province who work very hard day to day trying to raise their families.

  2. great post, I think Moe's been around too long and is just another fat cat at the trough. part of the machine now, the buraucracy so to speak...

  3. Well Grant I can tell you, I will not be imbibing on anything this new Years Eve, except for my $20 a pill (That's right - $20 a pill) antibiotic to cure me of this dreadful flu!

    I take two on the first day, then 1 a day until the prescription is done two weeks later! Do the math, there ain't no more money to party!

    That's the real f***ing story in BC that the mainstream media; the federal MP's, BC Liberals; Webster winner Bill Good; will not touch, nor the NDP for that matter. God help those without credit in this province, I guess under the Liberal doctrine, you just die!

    What we have is the 21st century version of a death camp - over priced prescriptions that for many, are unaffordable, no need to vent in the tailpipe smoke into the bus.


  4. Dr. Evil...I feel your pain, but like I said before, a minority opposition or minority independents, there is no power in any opposition and there is no such thing as an effective opposition..

    We live in a all or nothing Government, at least provincially, think Evil, even with 90% of the populous strongly opposed to the HST, the first successful petition, even with that an opposition is useless....People and honest media stop Government, we have the people but the media are store bought corrupt!

    I wish I had a more pleasent pill to offer you!


  5. Well Evil if you are really taking antibiotics for the flu you are wasting your money and should be seriously looking for a doctor not a pill pusher. I wish you luck with that as most doctors these days only know how to push drugs.

  6. Food of the gods, salmon....Full of omega 3 fatty acids...

    the point being, taxes on vitamins, health services......

    Evil is probably high risk, no comment on the pills....But I do know, people will spend their last dollar to live...

    A prayer has been sent.

  7. So, which do you prefer to trust? A reckless boozer, smoker, meat eating man - or an abstaining, non-smoking vegetarian? Which was the better leader?

    A man's enjoyments and lifestyle don't necessarily tell us what kind of a leader he'll make. After all, look at the supposedly happily married, responsible, open, honest, warm-appearing, communicative leader we had until he stepped aside in November. I'll take a raving lunatic pot-smoker over him any day of the week!

    When it comes to Dana vs. Schrek/Sihota - I'll happily take Dana, at least he's approachable and thinks with more than one brain cell at a time.

  8. Grant, I just want to take this opportunity to wish you and your followers a Happy New Year.

    2011 is shaping up to be a political junkie's dream come true.


  9. Connect the dots--Shreck, Sihota, James=No real opposition. Not since Joy cashed in a little after doing such super-human work. We still owe her a debt for nailing the criminals early on.

    But, at this point--who benefits from this cosy little arrangement going nowhere slowly in the amorphous form of the ndp--?

    Who could pull it all off so nicely--firstly, the years of silence; and now the simultaneous collapse of both political parties?

    Might i suggest that we start following the money, and that includes looking into the banks themselves--the really big ones, which are not what most people think they are. They are not there in all their towering phallic glory to act as the government in proxy or as your friend in need. No--these are the most predatory institutions known to mankind and they are not beyond discovery in these days of rampant criminality.

    I mean, for instance--who really pays for mOe--? Let's follow the money trail and find out, shall we?

    And then, let me ask--for what is Lara Dauphinee taking away the big bucks from the public purse? Is there not some sort of conflict of interest there, too--?

    And--yes, Grant may be right: The opposition may actually have become utterly irrelevant, at least without some backing from the media.

    But more than ever now, let's not get trapped in their diabolical dialectics of distraction.

    And, by the way, that Dana guy sounded more on the ball than anyone else infesting the bc political arena at present. You're right--they are afraid of him--on both sides. We'll have to see how he holds up, though.

    Cheers to the new year.

  10. Evil,

    Rick is right, the reason being that the flu is caused by a virus and antibiotics do not work against a virus. They only work for problems caused by a bacteria.


  11. My thoughts exactly re Moe Sihota. There is a rat in the camp and that rat is Moe Sihota.

  12. I guess Moe was told he overstepped his bounds.

  13. Well thank you Cherylb.......Somebody gave Moe Sihota his orders, he apologized to Dana Larsen and also said Larsen can run...

    Hmmm.....Someone is listening...

    Cheers Folks

  14. Now that 'somebody' who gave Moe his orders re Dana Larsen should also give him his marching orders for working against the NDP yet again by lying about Larsen not being a member when Larsen said he has been a member for 7 years. Sihota would have known this when he lied and he would have also known Larsen can join the party right up to January 17, 2011.

    There are so many people who are saying they will not vote NDP as long as Moe is there. He is a huge liability and fodder for the mainstream media and their B.C. Liberal pals. I'm sure they will talk about Moe forever so they can turn off NDP voters. He must go....

  15. Grant, Moe now denies that he gave an apology to Dana and furthermore says Dana is both inaccurate and wrong.

    On CFAX, Schreck now also says that Moe has to go as party president.

    Hey, hey, ho, ho, Moe Sihota has got to go!

    Happy New Years Grant!

  16. Perhaps Evil Eye has had other complications develop, as a result of the flu, a spin off could be such as pneumonia. However, at the price of that medication, I really hope he gets well very soon.

    On top of the grief Campbell has brought to the BC people. We now have an increase of 3% in Federal taxes. I guess the HST wasn't enough for Harper. He had better not be, creating a new fake lake. The BC citizens have had to, contend with the provincial budget tax hikes. Who knows what the new provincial budget will bring, in new taxes. The HST on pretty much everything. Campbell's theft of our rivers and selling them to friends means, our hydro will climb up 55% more. Campbell's corrupt sale of the BCR, for that rotten crime and he isn't in prison? I would like to know why? Why is not, De Jong kicked in the ass, for thieving our tax dollars, to pay all of the expenses for the two criminals, Basi and Virk? And, God almighty, Christy Clark running to replace Campbell? And, she calls the people objecting to Campbell's dirty tricks, the Taliban. Is BC, to be forever governed by people you wouldn't even invite to your house? Then Campbell's best friend Hochstein, of ICBA, said he had unlimited funds to fight to keep the HST. He didn't get the memberships names, off his web site, quick enough. Some of those members were not aware of, what Hochstein was spending their money on. Some of them, have been badly hurt by the HST. We have recall canvassers, stalked by people wearing dark clothing. Campbell got rid of two honest, decent people of Elections BC. He installed, one of his butt kissers, to do his dirty work for him. Craig James, had the RCMP, to investigate 7 people who had mistakenly signed, the HST petition twice. Usually because, they signed out of their jurisdiction. One was an elderly lady in her eighties, who was very badly frightened. Craig James also sent out letters to say, people could be fined, up to $10.000, for doing so. Why, he waited months, before he did this, is beyond anyone's guess, just another dirty tactic, the BC Liberals go for? These people, who do Campbell's dirty work, had better remember Basi and Virk. If push came to shove, Campbell would cut their throats, the same as he did to Basi and Virk, and call them criminals too. People with "observers" badges, hanging around canvassers. That canvasser, was screamed at by two people, that came out of a pub. Ida Chong was spotted across the street. A blogger was shoulder checked, not only once, but twice and nearly knocked down. She even had her children with her at that time. She had a sore shoulder and neck, because of that physical attack. What will Campbell and his henchmen do for an oncore? I am looking at the BC First Party. However, if I had to, I would vote NDP to keep the Liberals out.

  17. There is no other answer at this time. We must get 'Canada's only sitting covicted drug user / abuser" and his henchmen out. Yes, you righties, gordo the impaler is out but not down. He is still pulling the strings of power in Victoria. The rest of the lieberals stink as well as he does, and should all be in jail for been guilty of supporting the criminal. Crusty, Dejong, fire island kev, all the same. Support the HST, support the rape of our province, and are all beholding to the big guys. RECALL THEM ALL!

    Kam Lee
