Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dana Larsen, Outspoken, Outrageous, Outta Sight!(updated)

Well spoken, articulate, the man is personable, friendly, level headed and no, he won`t end up as leader of the NDP but we couldn`t have picked a better candidate to start the ball rolling.......

I personally would rather have Dana as premier over any BC Liberal, he believes in retaing public assets, strengthening health and education, he would raise the minimum wage and protect the social safety ney...And if one thinks outside of the box, Dana Larsen is a representitive of BC`s largest industry, one that employs more people than mining, fishing combined, the biggest economic driver in the Province, Dana represents the pot industry, specifically the recreational marijuana user.......Heck, that`s one way to invigorate the restaurant industry, legalize pot and watch doughnut shops spring up like mushrooms!...

All kidding aside, the man is well spoken, today is the third time I have heard him speak on radio and he is an  outstanding communicator, I hope the other horses are listening and learning from Dana, learning how to speak in clear terms...

Mike De Jong talked about having kids vote, teenagers vote, ridiculous, what do kids know about policy, but, teenagers will vote for pot, between the esctasy, pot, club drugs, meth and old fashioned booze, the young people would vote for legal pot for recreational use, so would I......Pot is good for glaucoma, stress, pain, depression, and......

The vapourizer, we(as a society) now have the ability to smoke pot without the smoke, Willy Nelson earlier this year on the Larry King show swore by these vapourizers, the pot gets vapourized, it extracts more THC from the pot and is smoke free, no longer do you have to cook your lungs to get baked, Willy Nelson actually said "I wish these vapourizers were around a long time ago" .....They make  great Christmas gifts, the net benefit to reducing health costs would be enormous,  back when I went to school, everyone was a pot head, in fact it was the pot heads who were more industrious, now don`t get me wrong, I am not advocating or promoting pot use, I am advocating removing simple possession and small personal use grow ops from the criminal code, I`m convinced that everyone, almost everyone would be growing a few plants, this would lead to more gardening in general, grow some tomatoes, beans, carrots, pot and you have the ingredients for a kick-ass salad ......Mmmmmm salad......

The point being is this, the younger voter will vote for pot and the strategy of Dana Larsen and the NDP to open up our tent to all comers, including young people(younger voters) who smoke pot and or people who are not offended by those that do, in other words, for the stooges and PAB who regularily attack me, we, the NDP are the party of pot smokers, greens, enviros, working stiffs, families etc etc....There is no room for pot heads in the BC Liberal or Conservative party, .....Only drunks, one Gordon Campbell, one Jane Thornthwaite and if anyone thinks a BC Liberal candidate could endorse marijuanna use is dreaming, it would tear the party apart, and if any of the real NDP leader hopefuls want to take the race, they might think about endorsing or at least not being opposed to the decriminalization of pot.....

And friends, I wasn`t going to do this post on Dana Larsen until......Until Cool Hand claimed the NDP are a whacko party for allowing Dana Larsen and Harry Lali to run for leader....... Cool Hand, my super fan with his dedicated(To Me) site,..... I have the ability to read Cool hand Luke Skywalker`s mind and it was when this PAB hack tried to spin it as insane that the NDP would have Dana run...... A lightbulb went off in my head and it`s the same advice as when Luke said

"The ndp would be crazy to dump Carole James"

The fear is in his words, free advice from the enemy, I don`t think so.....It isn`t about Dana Larsen, it`s about the message, how you present the message, it`s about projecting honesty, the Liberals cannot compete nor project honesty.

What Dana Larsen stands for scares the BC Liberals, what Dana represents is tapping into the voters who in the past stayed home, a new tool at the NDP`s disposal, a tool that because of prehistoric ideology the BC Liberals or Conservatives could never use....Having, allowing Dana Larsen to run, having a party of the 21st century, Governments are in need of revenue and it`s only a matter of time when all Governments in all countries will be looking at the leaf for revenue, for industry, for cost-cutting measures, think of the court cost savings, the policing, prisons, medical marijuanna, taxation..

With this one move, this one candidate the NDP just gained 10% more of the vote, enough to secure a majority Government, so I embrace Dana Larsen and thank him for thinking outside the box and delivering the youth vote to the NDP....I salut thee Dana Larsen...

Updated here(1:05PM)-Michael Smyth did a 12 minute rant against Dana Larsen, he was particularly critical of the video of Larsen stoned and driving.......Let`s be perfectly clear, that was in the past and Dana Larsen has apologized for that, ......Then Smyth opened the phone lines and the callers, the first 3 callers were supportive of Dana, including his broad based policies, despite Smyth almost begging the callers to hate Dana they didn`t, the last two callers sounded like robotron haters, for the most part, BCers are willing to hear the man out..

It confirmed the point I was trying to make, the man(Dana) is a great communicator, the public hears a clear voive with sound ideas, he immediately connects, the people are starved for honesty, ...........Dana Larsen, despite what your personal biases are, you have to respect the openess, when the NDP present a good leader who can speak in clear terms and runs on a 21st century campaign, a leader who doesn`t ignore the facts, the numbers, the reality, if 30% of the public smokes pot, either past, present or future, that`s a huge voting block.....Judging from the phone calls, Dana if he was leader in 2009 would probably be premier!

"All the ndp need to win Government is present an honest leader who can communicate the truth" gg

Just because someone smoked pot doesn`t mean they can`t beat Anderson Cooper on Jeopardy!

Now where it my box of Crispy Creme doughnuts?

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. i wrote about pot in one of my first few posts Grant. We all know that the lieberals are driven by big business. If pot were legal in BC at least two industries would be in deep trouble. Pharmaceuticals and the pulp industry/forestry. Many health problems can be cured with Marijuana. And one acre of hemp will produce what 4 acres of trees will in pulp.
    There's a toungue in cheek expression when talking about pot in the Cariboo. "every second door in the Cariboo" I'm pretty sure that would fit for the whole province.
    And the only reason it is illegal is because of the yello journalism of Randolph Hearst. Kind of like what is happening in BC with the MSM twisting and covering up stories.

  2. It's an interesting political concept, Grant.

    If it's still a $6,000,000.000. a year industry, like they said at the time of the Legislature Raids -- and they have no political representation in Victoria -- that doesn't seem right, either.

    Something to think about.

  3. There is an interesting book, I think, Last Call. its the booze history, USA, some nice comparisons to mj these days.
    yes, the less criminalization of pot the better. That would just about take care of the crime rate in BC, well except for those purpatrated by the lieberal.
    Maybe we should look into charging the lieberals with child abuse and neglect, well we do have the highest child poverty rate in Canada, 7 yrs running.

  4. Hi Grant,
    I prefer beer which is just as mind altering but legal, isn't that silly?
    I don't care if the guy has sex with sheep he is probably a better alternative than anything we are looking at. I would like to follow any of them around for a day to see what mischief they get themselves into I'm sure the S.P.C.A. and many others would have to get involved.
    I'll follow your lead and listen to what he says something I won't allow myself to do for the rest.
    Take care

  5. Let me be clear, Dana won`t become leader, but we need to be a big inviting tent...

    Unfortunately Moe Sihota is so damned stupid ...Moe spoke, he was silent on Carole James but he crawls out of the woodwork to throw up false roadblocks for Dana...

    Don`t people with brains understand, today on radio was Dana and the NDP all day...Exposure, let Dana gather a little following, Horgan will prevail....

    The BC Liberals are very afraid that the NDP could tap a new source of votes.....Someone is buying pot, hundreds of thousands of BCers are smoking it...

    Hopefully the NDP blow Moe Sihota away before he does more harm.....

    5 phone calls on Dana Larsen, 3 for, 2 against....If they were calling in on Moe Sihota...It would be 5 against...

    Man O man is moe Sihota stupid....Thank goodness the members are getting advice here at the Straight Goods rather than listen to the really slow Sihota!


  6. I know Grant, Quite pathetic but the reality is if this guy remains that is what the public has to deal with and base their choices on!

  7. Grant, I agree with you 100%, Sihota has got to go! Now! When will the NDP realize this? I sure hope SOON.

  8. I hope the bcndp is reading this comment because I want them to know that if they prevent Dana from running for leader because of his attitude towards cannabis I will not I REPEAT I will not vote bcndp. I was going to send in a donation yesterday but instead I will wait and see what happens. If this is the way of the bcndp, well, they almost had my vote.

  9. When the RCMP had the drug raid on the legislature are you sure they weren't looking for "crack" supplied by Corporate "dealers"? Think about it, that is the only reasonable explanation to the way the BC Liberals have destroyed this Province in the last 10 years by giving away BC to the "dealers" for "more". Yup, they have to have "been on crack".

  10. I think pot should be legalized and Dana Larsen is a super nice guy, but he is definitely NOT premier material.

    Add my vote to dumping Moe.

  11. Well as they ridicule Dana perhaps they could also remember that Cluck Cluck, whilst acting as a modern day Tokyo Rose, advocated decriminalisation of marijuana (note no "h" in marijuana). It should still be in the audio vault, but you better hurry cause it may not last...

  12. Smoking pot is a personal choice, I don't look down on anyone who does smoke it. I know people that have Crohn's disease, that smoke pot. Cancer victims smoke pot. Alcoholism is far worse than pot, but legal. Go figure?

    Is Paul Horgan running to replace Carole James? I read somewhere, even the opposition, have a lot of respect for Horgan, he is very well liked by all. Sihota, absolutely has to be purged. He is a death knell for the NDP. Why do they not see that? This is another, NDP screw-up. I know people, who have turned away from the NDP because of Sihota, and are looking at, the BC First Party. I really wish Horgan was more visable, to the BC people. What makes me cringe is, two more years of the BC Liberals. With the Federal taxes, going up 3%, our hydro going way up, and the HST, on pretty much everything. Seniors and the low income people, are getting eviction notices and utility cut offs right now. Campbell has really destroyed BC to the point, this province is beyond repair. We already have over 121.000 children living in poverty, and those numbers have taken a sharp rise. However, Campbell's concern for our hungry BC children, is nil. His biggest concern, has always been, his own wallet and the wallets of his business friends. The BC tax payer, have been ripped off again. We got shafted, to pay for the sea to sky highway, for 25 years, so the wealthy can have their good road, with no tolls, we pay it for them. Sound all too familiar?

  13. "let Dana gather a little following, Horgan will prevail...."

    Dana represents the largest industry in British Columbia. I don't believe we should dismiss his chances of success. Between all the people disenchanted with the current NDP leadership, all those in the pot industry, all users of cannabis, all the farmers and small business people looking for new opportunities and all those currently horrified by the orgy of prison building suggested by the Conservative feds, Dana may just be the right person at the right time.

    Let's all remember that the NDP was founded by farmers - perhaps Dana is the voice of the farmer returning to make the NDP relevant once more.
