Friday, November 5, 2010

Millennium Development Nearing Default on Massive Loan

Mayor Gregor Robertson has stated.... The city is busy chasing down all of Millenium`s assets as security before they default on their massive loan, .......This is huge trouble for Vancouver, Millennium Development wants to slash the prices of the units in an attempt to raise some money, any money, but if the prices get lowered to the point where they sell Millennium will be short as well, damned if they slash damned if they don`t.....Toobad Millennium development has no assets, just ask the city of Nanaimo, or maybe their board of directors can point the city of  Vancouver to Millennium development`s assets, oh yea, they didn`t have one!....

The Ladner/Sullivan/NPA deal is about to come home to roost, good thing juice boy has a coop ready....Read the story here, make sure to read between the lines

And...The Vancouver Sun in a unauthered editorial has already laid out Millennium`s defence in its upcoming law suit against the city of Vancouver...

Congratulations Vancouver Sun.....You will be testifying on behalf of Millenium development and against the city of Vancouver and its taxpayers I presume, after all....Your editorial board just wrote Millennium`s closing argument to the crown, what was it you wrote?,.........Millennium development`s problems were all caused by the city?!

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. I was listening to Michael Campbell and Michael Levy discuss social programs and corporations on CKNW this morning. Someone has to say that these two are a couple of the biggest scumbags in Canada. They tell us we can't afford our healthcare and other programs, while praising corporations for all their volunteer work. In addition they scold us for slandering the "big bad corporations". What these mutts do not mention is that our corporate sponsored governments have reduced corporate taxes by 10's of billions, while at the same time eradicating value added jobs in Forestry and the Oil industry etc. No wonder we can not afford our social programs!
    The corporate think tanks have pushed reducing their taxes and increasing charity to help the needy.

  2. Time to remember this, too:

  3. NPA have timed it perfectly, they announce their new team at the same time millennium defaults on their loan,classic and sure robertson will use it against npa hacks.

  4. Hey, I hope you are well. Looking forward to your next post and thanks for all the hard work.

  5. Millenium was insolvent in 2006 , it should not
    have been awarded the Project , to default on a
    loan it should never had the right to be given ,
    on Vancouver taxpayers money.
