Monday, November 8, 2010

A Little Bit of Straw

Fascinating times to say the least, US mid terms, Toronto mayoral race, New Brunswick Provincial election, upcoming Ontario Provincial election and the slow burn of the now defunct B.C. Liberal party........

I remember when Ronald Reagan became president, the war on the middle class started, Reaganism, Thatcherism, wealth transfer, I hear economists everyday trying to explain the funk the world is in, currencies, deficits, mergers and aquisitions, markets up, markets down, , the Levy`s and Michael Campbell`s of the world, the Fraser institute`s all pipe the same tune, people have too many entitlements, pensions, benefits must be cut, ....Corporate taxes must be lowered and lowered, a healthy corporation makes a healty economy......

Well friends, we are at a crossroads in time, the ulimate battle of good versus evil, class war fare, corporations against democracy, ..........In the 70s there was manufacturing, lifetime jobs, buying power was never stronger, minimum wage could buy you a life, an apartment and savings, goods and services in almost perfect equilibrium to the pay scale, a man would work(wife would stay home)....One income was sufficient to buy a home, pay services and leave a little nest egg, 5 to 10 percent% interest at banks, health care,  worker to CEO wage difference was maybe a factor of 5 to 10......Reagan.... bust the unions man, the begginning of the end, bit by bit everything workers and humanity built was being clawed back......

Private pensions started to dry up at the same time corporations moved to slave labour countries, it started with a trickle, it continued with George Bush senior, the wealth transfer, the S&L scandals(savings and loans), don`t you remember folks, the biggest financial swindle and bail out at the time  was under George Bush Senior, all the banks had to be bailed out at taxpayer`s expense...The left, democracy kept fighting back, 80s....90s.......The continual push by corporations and banks, derugulation, by the 90s unions worldwide are in a collapse, wages, real wages have been flat for almost 15 years, and in many places wages have declined, manufacturing in the US is now all but dead, Corporatitions are fat with cash, they have never paid lower taxes yet every government including Canada have been racking up debt and now the final push from the world power brokers to claw back every penny from the people, from Europe to Iceland to here in Canada........

The bubbles, the burst and the river run dry, the people are angry, Tea party activists, Reagan started the spiral down hill, Bush senior continued, George Bush junior sealed everyone`s fate.......

The workers, the American mind set, for years the likes of Lou Dobbs bitched about outsourcing and the eventual collapse of the American way, George Bush and economists talked about the US being a service based economy, what does that mean?....I haven`t figured out yet...........So now the American consumer, your average Joe no longer has a job for life, he has no private pension, wages are flat, the previous Dot. com bubble wiped out trillions of invested dollars.....The US public had what left to rely on for prosperity?....Interest rates were flat, wages have declined, no return on money, no savings, the American consumer fled to the last bastion of security and wealth growth, ........

Maunfacturing was gone, private company pensions are gone, strong unions are toast, interest rates are zero, bombarded with ads, consumerism, credit, plastic, don`t pay for a year, everyone qualifies, a housing pyramid was created, from the mortgage brokersto  Wall Street, hedge funds, banks, everyone was in on it....Housing rose and rose, the Americans with no money but wallets stuffed with credit cards, house equity borrowed on, again and again and as long as houses went up forever life would be good but everyone knew what was about to happen...POOF......KABOOM...PLOP..PLOP..FIZZ\..,.FIZZ.........And it was all over......

Wall street and the money boys collapse the world economy, pure greed with trillions siphoned and placed into a few pockets, derivatives, credit default swaps, financial instrument, securities based on thin air had been flogged around the world, everyone and their dog in on it! And when the shit hit the fans the Wall Ball boyz come hat-in-hand asking for trillions of dollars or else they will destroy the world!......

And now the American dream is gone, no private pensions, no jobs, 0 interest rates, wages flat for decades, credit gone, equity gone, the ATM machine in one`s home is out-of-order  but more importantly it`s the vision and hope that is gone.....And along came Obama, the hope, the future, those wall street bastards caused the economic collapse through greed, fraud, bribes and pure piggery from the top down and Obama came to save the day and.......

The Republicans, the corporation, billions of dollars spent to obstruct democracy, stop healthcare, Obama promised a dream, or at least promised to fight for a dream and he came up against a brick wall, the beast of corporatism, the Michael Levy`s, the Campbell`s, Fraser institutes, the Republicans, Obama had the house, the senate and the Whitehouse but Corporate America, the insurance lobby, big oil, Wall Street  stopped the dream in its track.......

George Bush Junior open the flood gates and swamped Obama land before he landed, the Tea Party is confused, the electorate is confused, the Limbaugh`s, the Beck`s, the democrats are mad because Obama didn`t deliver, he couldn`t deliver, $10 billion corporate dollars spent on mid-terms, the tea party secretly funded by the same corporations and Wall Street firms that sold out the American people....

New Brunsick premier Shawn Graham betrayed the people during this firestorm in time and even when he was forced to back off on selling NB Power couldn`t revive the Liberals, he was crushed in their Provincial election....Mr. Ford in Toronto, an anti-establisment guy who rode a sea of dissent to power, Dalton McGuinty in Ontario will be flushed from power in less than a year, the tea party movement removed democrats and establishment Republicans, granted the movement is confused, the bottom line is the tide of dissent  was driven by anger....Anger towards appeasement to the corporation, here in Canada, in the US....The internet has changed everything, the public see what has happened, CD Howe institute, big banks, Fraser institute have had their way for decades and it`s been downhill for the middle class ever since....Wages flat, pensions gone and or not guaranteed, the beating of the drum on Canada pension and health care meanwhile corporate coffers are stuffed with cash, record bank profits, 5 $trillion dollars held by the S&P companies.....

Nourial Roubini and a few others can see the future, most can`t, there will be no US recovery, the jobs of scale aren`t coming back, the American consumer, the average Joes need a new dream, the market is gone, saving`s in a little bank account are gone, meaningful jobs are history, pension both government and private are slim to none, health care is being threatened and the dream of the home providing both a warm bed and financial lollypop are gone, the USA can`t recover without the people finding new wealth, it`s not going to happen......

We have reached a crossroads in modern society, we fight for tommorow and win or give up your children`s future....

B.C. will not buck the trend, the establisment party(BC Liberals) will be thrown out, Dianne Watts, John Furlong, whoever will not change a thing, the road to victory today goes through "the people come first" platform........Well  NDP....Have you found the cheese yet?

Corporation Bush left Obama  armegeddon and a no win situation, Gordon Campbell is leaving B.C. in financial tatters....The Straw that broke the people`s back........

hst, lies and theft of our civilized society.....

"Recall in the Fall"

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. The truth is in your post,the next government whoever it might be

    will have an almost an impossible task to govern , its time for the

    people of BC and Canada to wake up.


  2. But the problem is that only right-wing, fascist, neo-cons are benefiting at the polls. Fascist slob Rob Ford in Toronto, right-wing freak Tea Party people in the States, right-wing neo-cons in New Brunswick and right-wing neo-cons in Ontario. How will that trend help us/the NDP here in BC?

  3. Elwood...The people are angry, the right is at the end of their rope, .....
    I agree it appears that the right is winning, but the right has no answers but more of the same, there is only one direction left to go...
    That is hard left....We go left or go under.

    The time has come, we will lead the way in Canada, ...

    Go B.C. Go...

  4. And Will has a good article over at the tyee.

  5. another good write up: by
    Jon Kesselman, Economist.see[steward[html

    Where does one start to tell friends and family
    how bad Campbell was without them thinking you
    (meaning me)are going loopy!

  6. pls correct my last post

    pls correct my last post
    another good write up was written by
    Erik Anderson, Economist, Gabriola Island, B.C.
    in reply to a Jon Kessellman's article.

    Sorry about that.Getting tired.

  7. Campbell will eventually leave the way, all good dictators have to leave. Hitler shot himself, Mussolini was strung up by his heels. No-one lifted to help Stalin, as he lay dying from a heart attack. Those were drastic measures for drastic times. However, our young Canadian service men, were blown to hell, so we wouldn't have, Fascism or Communism, in our good country. They died for nothing, to save Canada. Our boy's are much more appreciated in Holland, I am very fond of the Dutch, for their love of our boys. The people of Italy, loved the Canadian soldiers. Every country still appreciates our soldiers, but our own country. Our governing officials, have s... on our boys, and have brought dictatorship, corruption, greed, insolence, arrogance, and piss on the people attitudes. Well, we despise, all of the corrupt, governing Bas..... right back. They are not worth appreciating. But that's fine, I too believe, what goes around comes around, and all the evil politicians, will get theirs.
