Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dalton McGuinty and the Liberals to be Blown Out of Ontario!

Wow, what a crazy week, time to reflect on a couple of the hot issues, first off, despite the last inaccurate Evi Mustel poll the BC Liberals are 20 plus points behind the NDP......

That`s right folks, the next Angus Reid poll will prove me right, let me perfectly clear, despite the NDP infighting I can tell you that 99% of the poeople who voted for the NDP in the last election will vote for them again, yea I read opinions and comments from so-called NDPers who say if Carole James is still leader they will no longer vote for that party, HOGWASH, who are they going to vote for? The BC Liberals?...The Greens?....Independent?....

So that means the NDP have 42% of the voters already in their camp and I can assure you that 15% of Liberal voters will stay home, spoil their vote or vote Conservative, Liberal voters may never turn to the NDP but they are still smart enough to recognize that corruption has infested the Liberal party through all ranks, from Gordon Campbell using the Commons to make his friends rich to Campbell putting $millions of dollars into pockets of his  MLAs with new ministries, secretarial positions to Patrick Kinsella being paid because he`s Campbell`s friend to executives from BC Rail paid to remain silent. BC Liberal voters simply can`t endorse a party of lawbreakers,

None of the scandals are gone, serious questions on the tax indemnity to CN rail now estimated at $600 million dollars, the Basi/ Virk payoff....And there is still the matter of B.C. being the basketcase of Canada, a Province in tax limbo, there is also demands for Gordon Campbell to personally pay the $240 thousand dollars for his televised infommercial, and there are many more shoes to fall, have any of you been wondering why the second special prosecutor is taking so long with the Kash Heed election fraud case, I have, the second special prosecutor has a much easier task, the leg work has been done, the RCMP evidence is available....I can tell you that Kash Heed will be stripped of his MLAship, there is a deliberate stall going on before Heed is sent packing, the stall is waiting for good BC Liberal news to emerge, no such news is coming.

But what I really wanted to talk about is the upcoming election win of tim Hudak and the eradication of Dalton McGuinty and the Ontario Liberal party, Angus Reid has just completed a new poll and Dalton is history, McGuinty has been flipping and flopping like a circus de soleil performer and using weasel words, for example he recently announced a 10% reduction in residential hydro rates....Sounds good right? Except for one thing, hydro rates under McGuinty are forecast to rise by 46% over 5 years so this phony reduction will be used to partially offset the increase, what does that mean, it means Ontario rate payers won`t see a dime of reduction, it`s typical McGuinty/Gordon Campbell style Bullshit.....Remember what Hansen said about the HST before it came in....And I quote..."Some prices may go up after the HST is implemented but they would go up more without the HST" SNIP....I`m not sure what that means, gobbily goop from the king of weasel shit Colin Hansen.....Colin Hansen also lied about caucus firing bill Bennett when Campbell did, also Kash Heed defended Bill Bennett before the caucus meeting but Rich Coleman and Colin Hansen chewed off Heed`s balls just like they turned Jordan Bateman into a unick.....Hows that new bikini underwear working out for you Jordan?

But the elephant in the room in Ontario is the HST,McGuinty will be out of office soon, their election is around the time of our HST referendum, that is if we were having one, the BC Government will fall well before then through recall, oh indeed folks......

I hope you realize that the MSM media has been manipulating us again, one of our favorite contributers Crankypants(Cam)  got me thinking.....They are tricky bastards indeed, they flogged the heck out of phony Mustel poll, every half hour all weekend, Global news ran with it as did CTV, ....The poll is bunk, Evi Mustel knows her poll is bunk, when Cluck cluck had Evi Mustel on her program, Evi Mustel cited Campbell resigning as the reason for the surge of support, but her poll was done between November 4th and 15th...What was Campbell`s infommercial about last month, it was about a tax cut that was taken away on November 17/ a day after Bill Bennett`s confession, certainly the 15% income tax would be the only thing that would move a party`s poll numbers, money knows no allegiance, the tax cut was what the televised infommercial was all about, yet Evi Mustel never mentioned it once when she was on with Cluck cluck Clark last Friday, why didn`t Evi Mustel mention it? The tax cut question had to have been part of her poll, but with Mustel polls they give zero information, it`s easier to lie that way!....

Have a look at this mustel poll here

If you notice from that Mustel poll in the link above(propaganda)..It was April 14/2009...It had the NDP at 34% support and the BC Liberals at 52% support, a 17 point spread, but in the election one month later the spread was a mere 4 1/2 points....Nothing bad happened to the BC Liberals in the last month before the election, what could explain a poll with numbers that badly skewed?...Nothing, it was propaganda through polls, a Mustel specialty!.....And here is Mustel`s lastest poll

You will notice that the Mustel polls have no details of what questions they asked, nothing, their polls are a blank cheque!...Everytime Campbell wants a propaganda campaign heated up he calls evi Mustel and the main-stream-media and they launch a coordinated effort to spin the public....

Think about it friends, Bill Bennett`s tirade was the story, Campbell being a frothing spitball spewing womanizer was the story....Who cares what the NDP are doing, we had no fall session, the NDP can`t stop any bills because the Liberals have the majority, BC Liberals refuse to answer any questions in QP period or estimate debates, any NDP ideas are ignored or stolen, what I am saying is under our parlimentary system there is no need for an opposition, the media report nothing except what Campbell wants, in actuality, it`s really the media that is opposition to Government and there is no media in BC but us, Palmer,Baldrey, Vancouver Sun,Province,Global....They aren`t news, they`re infommercials for the BC Liberals..

All weekend, the news was about the NDP imploding, who cares what the NDP are doing, they don`t run Government, every NDPer could smash their chairs, scream and yell, vote united against Campbell`s Bills and Acts and it means nothing, they are a minority....Where is the media reporting about no fall session, no Governing, tax cut flip flop, $240K infommercial, where are the stooges to report on Colin Hansen`s 1000th lie this year, what about Kash Heed getting his balls chewed off....

This whole week was a coordinated effort in conjunction with a worthless garbage poll from Musty Crusty Evi Mustel....Look through the media manipulation friends, it`s an attempt to get us all fighting .....

It won`t work this time friends, BC is on-line and getting the news from us, from BC Mary, Ross K, Da House, the Tyee, Terrace daily news, Island tides, their games won`t work anymore, incumbents are falling like Dominoes, Ford who won in Toronto, The tea party movement down south, Shawn Graham getting slaughtered in New Brunswick, the Liberals tossed from Nova Scotia, McGuinty Liberals in Ontario will be reduced to third party status and the BC Liberals getting wiped off the map in B.C....

Don`t believe the bullshit friends, the NDP have a solid 45% of the vote, the Greens, the Conservatives, independents and 30% hardcore Liberal votes will result in 60 seats for the NDP...A few conservatives, a couple of independents and a handful of BC Liberal seats.

The carole James thingy will work itself out, we will win, and you know what folks,  they always talk about how the NDP is always fighting and eating each other, it`s true but there is a reason, NDPers care about the environment, we love children and families, we believe in the best health care for citizens, we believe in caring for the needy, the disabled, we believe the people of BC deserve the best regardless age, colour or economic class...

That`s why we fight friends, BC Liberals don`t fight because they only have one belief, steal from the public and fill theirs and their corporate friends pockets full of money and to hell with everything else....

Have a good look BC Liberals, your going down bigtime, Stephen Mcneil and the Liberals got roasted in Nova Scotia, Shawn Graham`s Liberals got punted out of New Brunswick, Dalton McGuinty`s Liberals will be eradicated in Ontario and Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberals to be jailed when the books are opened here in B.C....

(Just off the news wire, Ian Tostenson, head of the restaurant and foodservices association(BCRFA) is considering running for the BC Liberal leadership, no bull, I heard him say it on air!...HA HA!)

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Grant, good article. McGuinty goes down but the right wing fascists are leading in Ontario. Why isn't the NDP in the lead in Ontario?

    The same thing will happen here in BC. The LIEberals go down and some right-wing fascist party will take over. It's happening all across Canada and the U.S. Mark my words.

  2. Elwood.....

    It`s change that is happening, people aren`t that smart to recognize the enenmy, the public, the voters no but one thing, boot the current assholes out!

    Have no fear Elwood, the NDP is weak in Ontario, but we live in the wild west coast, land of thinkers, land of the left, the tea party movement removed incumbents, the established members from both party`s...

    Remember this Elwood, the NDP won`t lose seats, they will gain seats everywhere!


  3. Tostenson! Now that's funny. Another well-qualified person to run the province. Thanks Grant. You made my day. Now I can go to bed.....

  4. Yea, Tostenson was on Global news 2 days ago and he said and I quote.."It`s ok to have a few drinks and still drive" snip

    Poor old booze joints are hoo hoo

    I imagine his platform would be to lower the minimum wage and raise the alcohol level to 1.4

    What a Smuck!

  5. It seems that there is much discontent being shown by the electorate in not only Canada, but worldwide as well. I suspect that a lot of it could be attributed to the worldwide recession that is anything but over. The codswollop peddled by the economists and other spindoctors about a jobless recovery never made any sense to me and I'm sure most others that use their brain for more than keeping their ears apart. No jobs means no money which means no economic activity.

    The fortunes that various governments threw at the problem did nothing but make the rich richer and the rest sucking sewer water. People can deal with adversity if given the chance, but I think that a lot have been stripped of their pride. They can no longer provide for their families, and that makes for a lot of disgruntled voters.

    This may be a lesson to all politicians, both veterans and neophytes alike. Embellishing your party's track record when the economy is going reasonably well, whether your policies have anything to do with it or not, can come back to bite you in the ass when the economy goes south.

    Slowly but surely people are becoming upset with being treated like pond scum. There is a lot more information available to people from sources other than the mainstream media, and this has opened their eyes to the fact that they have been spoonfed a lot of fiction and very little fact.


  6. So Herr Diktator is eating his own now.....the restaurant industry is finding out just who their enemy is! Anyone that still supports the Libs may as well just give everything they own to them, as that is what happens under their leadership. Steal from everyone and give to a few.

  7. So-called NDP'ers? Grant, if you're 41 or less, I was voting NDP before you were born...and I've voted NDP in every election since! I've not only voted for them, I've scrutineered for them, driven the elderly to the polls, canvassed, manned the phones, and anything else that needed being done.

    Your comment regarding those of us who won't vote NDP this time if Carole is still leader, is at the very least insulting. There are many of us out here who are capable of doing our own thinking, and have come to the conclusion the NDP are no longer thought or action. BC has never had a more inept opposition, especially with all the mismanagement and outright scandals they've had to choose from.

    How I'll vote in the next election is my business - but I can assure you it will not be liberal, it will not be NDP.

  8. Leah...No one insulted you..You are insulting yourself by not thinking, it`s the media!!!!

    I don1t care who the opposition is, if the media fights tooth and nail to elect BC Liberals the BC Liberals will be elected with media`s help..

    Fortunately there is now an internet and real media...

    And Leah..You may be old, I could give a rats ass, there is no one in the Province who has watched more of our BC Legislature at work than me...

    And believe it or not, the NDP have raised every issue in estimate debates...It`s the media that decides what to run with..

    Do something constructive rather than whine the world is over, it doesn`t help one bit writing all over the internet that you will no longer vote forvthe NDP...Fine, we heard more than once...

    Good Day!

  9. And Leah...We have had no media in this Province for a decade..How many people know Baldrey/Palmer/Leyne/the Province/The Vancouver Sun..BC Local news/Global/CTV..are in the pocket of the scorched earth corporations!

    The mid terms down south..$8 billion dollars spent by lobby groups(read corporations)...

    BC is like Germany circa 1943...If the allied forces didn`t defeat Hitler Goebells and Hitler`s propaganda machine was unstopable, there was no internet then.....

    Blame the media, recognize the manipulation, tell everyone you know what is going on,....

    But just like I said in this post, the media are tricky bastards and have orchestrated our in fighting...

    Maybe you don`t remember the leaked documents Sean Holman had..."It`s not answer period, it`s question period", the BC Liberals got away without answering any questions for a decade...

    The HST...Wag the dog while BC Rail chug chug chugs into the sunset, run of river runs dry, P3s eat up your future and public education become a thing of the past....

    Like I said, the NDP have a 20 point lead over the Liberals, don`t let the media fool you!

  10. Harper, the Right Wing Leader of Canada must be laughing his head off. He used federal deficit money to bribe the Ontario and BC Liberals into their HST Doom. He has set the stage for Conservative Parties to take control and he did it with our own money...or better put, our debt.
    And Harper walks away squeeky clean denying any responsibility. Remember this, Jim Flaherty has been running around for 2 years saying Ontario was the worse place to invest and they should harmonize...then came the $4.7 Billion bribe that Dalton could not refuse...then not to be left out of the cookie jar, BC on board for our $1.6 Billion bribe.
    This is all one Right Wing Plot by our Federal Conservatives and they not only got the Tax Harmonization they wanted, they got to take out 2 Liberal governments as booty...and they used our future debt to do it.

  11. You can can lead a politician and business to the water and instead of drinking they will likely sell it.

  12. By the way Leah...Here`s a little HISTORY lesson for you...Executives councils of the NDP have NEVER VOTED AGAINST THE LEADER...

    Glen Clarke got the nod from the executive council when he was in hot water, Mike Harcourt same thing...The executive council is useless and their vote was no surprise to anyone(except you), the same with the BC Liberals...Gordon Campbell received 86% support on their recent vote..

    No your history

  13. I don't particularly give a rat's ass about history Grant, because clearly, we've learned nothing from it.

    What I do care about is having a political party who is astute enough to realize it's NOT about them, - it's about "Voters." That what matters isn't who kisses ass better than whom, but how many voters see a credible, knowledgeable, and effective government in waiting. Thus far, those I've spoken with aren't seeing one with the NDP.

    Do the voters count? Yes. For one day, after that, we're back to being invisible - but for our wallets.

    As for being surprised, no, I wasn't surprised at all. I absolutely expected Carole to remain in power...and fully expect that will continue into the next election cycle.

    Good Luck to you, and to your party. Good Bye.

  14. Well Leah...I know your angry, who isn`t, we see our province being destroyed and we feel helpless...
    Talk to serious injured workers who had to deal with WCB...A lifelong, life changing injuries and get a few hundred dollars a month, that is a helpless feeling, fighting a corrupt corporate giant.

    Running around like chickens with our heads cut off won`t help....It`s much easier being a commenting contributor than a blog writer, editor, researcher while getting paid a stipend of ZERO...

    No one, well almost no one has been more critical of Carole James than me...

    But I have to keep my head on my shoulders, I can`t fall into feeling destitute, I must make sure the flames of hope remains lit...

    Many a day, many mornings, I ponder and muse over coffee, warfarin and other life sustaining remedies...

    What shall I write, what message, what truism, what flickering candle should I offer up to my faithful readers....

    I never know, but what I do know, I`m not prepared to offer up a suicide note or unconditional surrender.

    Perhaps Jim Jones and Guyanna will ring true for you Leah.....

    I`m not prepared to drink the Kool-Aid

  15. A beautiful apology, completely accepted, and returned Grant. I have to apologize too, it's been the week from hell personally. As you know, I've been looking after Mom for 7 years...and she passed away last week, which is a blessing I know. I'm still trying to figure out if the cavern where my heart used to be, will ever return to a normal state. After a 12 year battle with cancer, she deserves her rest - and I'm off to see if mine is still at bay next week. A worrisome, stress-full week to say the least.

    Let's bury this one and start over, even if we have to disagree for now. Who knows what the future holds? :)

  16. Mostly it seems that Canadians are now apathetic when it comes to politics. Like Leah, they are sick n' tired of the SOB's that we get to represent us. Promises made and instantly broken. It is noteworthy to point out that Carole seems to be a mirror image of us apathetic Canadians. Strange.
    Where is our fire? Where is our vigilanteism? Why are we not storming the Leg? The media outlets? The offices of MLA bloodsuckers?

    Maybe when we show some fire, we will get someone who represents us to know what we want!

  17. Thank you (Lea)h

    Now you got me dripping tears all over the keyboard.

    My sincerest condolonces to you and you family.

    I knew there was turmoil with you, I`m proud of you, we will soldier on.

    I send my prayers from my heart to yours.

    "All earth bound angels make the return trip to heaven"

    May your mother have a safe trip.

  18. This meltdown by the NDP this past week could well be the death knell for any successful recalls. While the NDP MLAs and Carole James play out their soap opera, the HST is still attacking our wallets.

    Think about it. What incentive is there for the voters in Ida Chong's riding to get rid of her if they will likely have to choose between a different BC Liberal candidate or an NDP candidate that belongs to a party in turmoil? None that I can see.

    Bill VanderZalm, Chris Delaney, Bill Tieleman and the army of canvassers did a yeoman's job of conducting a successful campaign against the HST, and it looks as if the petty squabble over nothing but egos has done nothing but jettison the entire effort.


  19. Regionally, the two HST provinces continued to have among the highest inflation rates in the country, with Ontario leading the way at 3.4 per cent, half-a-point higher than in September, and British Columbia at 2.4 per cent.

  20. Condolences Leah on your tragic loss. There are no words that can help right now...<3
