Thursday, June 3, 2010

Keith Baldrey and Canwest Global Break B.C. Election Act

Well well well, the last 12 months we here in B.C. have been lied too, deceived, ripped off, manipulated, sold out, the culprits you know, Gordon Habitual liar Campbell, Colin Ferret face Hansen, Margaret school burner McDiarmid, Kevin let senior patients die Falcon, Blair bung hole Leckstrom, John farm land developer Les, Kash illegal election Heed........

And many many more, the spineless gutless demented child mind Gordon Campbell last May lied about the deficit, Campbell claimed the deficit would be $495 million dollars maximum, Campbell also promised that there would be no HST, so within a week of the election Hansen and Campbell broke the news, our B.C. deficit is not $495 million dollars but a staggering $3.7 billion dollars, nearly 800% higher than Campbell`s election promise, then the next surprise, the HST is being rammed down our throats by a corrupt, law breaking band of thieves, liars, adulterers and morally vacant robotic MLAs who know nothing but the feel of Gordon Campbell`s palms gripping their waist!

Graphic? You bet, a corrupt John Les, Kash Heed stole an election with assistance from his campaign manager now up on election fraud charges, a gutless Kash Heed who is as stupid as a sack of Hammers, education funding slashed, Margaret McDiarmid hates children, she enjoys laughing at parents and school boards while she pushes Mary Polak`s and Christy Clark`s private education agenda!

Kevin Falcon, a coward, a weasel, one ugly politician who looks like he has been hit with the ugly stick since his birth, Falcon closing seniors beds, slashing ambulances, extorting the last few dollars our poor seniors have, a demented Falcon who has attempted to destroy our ambulance service, sell our B.C. taxpayer paid for health care to wealthy Americans, thank goodness wealthy Americans are a dying breed!

Blair Leckstrom, the man at one time had a backbone, Blair Leckstrom traded his backbone for Gordon Campbell`s back door special, bring on the lube eh Blair....Or do you like it dry Blair?

The HST bill was rammed through the legislature without debate, Gordon Campbell used closure to force the bill through, today the clean energy bill is being rammed through the legislature today via closure, the biggest power grab in BCs history, this bogus clean energy act should be called......

The closing of public`s eyes bill, a bill designed to give Gordon Campbell and Blair Leckstrom the right to approve all new power projects in complete secrecy, a bill that allows Gordon Campbell to pay his American and Alberta friends whatever rate he wants for power purchases, the clean energy act allows Government to hold secret the value of energy purchase agreements, the bill shuts out the BCUC, the bill allows Gordon Campbell and the spineless greasy rear-ended MLAs to bankrupt the Province in complete secrecy!

The only thing keeping my sane and out of jail over vengeance is the fact that......

Illegal contracts signed by a criminal B.C. Liberal Government can be torn up and or renegotiated, one way contracts that are not in the public interest, contracts that are bankrupting B.C. can be shredded without any repercussions from the courts, remember the HEU contract you tore up Campbell? Well well well, you better remember it you SOB, there will be so many shredded up, burnt, declared null and void contracts to be eliminated, your legacy Gordon Campbell will be having all your contracts you signed torn up and laid at the feet of a dead B.C. Liberal party!

You Gordon Campbell have raped the tax payer, raped ICBC, you again will be raping ICBC next year(If you haven`t been jailed yet) only this time your planning on raping the BASIC insurance side, you have raped the public with user fees, ferry fees, BC Hydro rates, you have bankrupted the Province, Gordon Campbell you have taken our BC debt from $28 billion dollars to $61 billion dollars in 9 years, you have been sued left, right and center, you have many days in court ahead of you Gordon Campbell, your Senate seat will never be realized, maybe a seat on the electric chair would be more suitable!

But what I really wanted to talk about today was how Keith Baldrey and Canwest Global broke the B.C. election law last night, it was no accident, it was a purposeful act perpetrated by the Campbell crime gang and the ever compliant Canwest Global and ankle grabber and cougher Keith Baldrey!

Let me explain, the successful HST petition with it`s 700,000 signatures is going great guns, the BC Liberal party is desperate, resignations are coming this summer, the party is ready to throw Gordon liar Campbell and Colin Hansen to the wolves, the knives are sharpened, it`s too late to turn around the fate of the BC Liberal party, Gordon Campbell destroyed the party the same way he destroyed our wild salmon, our rivers and BC`s Financial future, all of it flushed down toilet so Campbell could reward his rich friends while he exacted his social, financial and moral assault on the masses in BC......

As you know, no one registered as an opponent of Bill Vander zalm`s HST petition with Election`s B.C.......Gordon Campbell decided at the time to ignore Bill Vander Zalm, Hansen and Campbell rolled the dice and didn`t register to fight the HST petition, Campbell was relying on his friends like Bill Good, Christy Clark, Keith Baldrey, spineless Kirk Lapointe and many many more,............

Well something happened, the people woke up, the HST tax is dead, anyone who promotes or defends the fraudulent HST will die politically, Campbell has personally killed the B.C. Liberals, I`m glad, they deserve the death, anyway, so last month when Colin Hansen started to change his soiled underwear several times per day(all caused by his political career destroyed and the HST backfiring on the whole party)......Colin Hansen was prepared to spend millions of tax payer dollars to send out a flashy, expensive advertisement to every home in B.C. defending and promoting the HST, well that didn`t work out too well did it Hansen?

Election`s BC told Gordon Campbell and Colin Hansen that they could not send out a pro-HST flyer because they didn`t register as an opponent of Bill Vander Zalm`s HST petition, Gordon Campbell freaked out, Colin Hansen changed his underwear again, the BC Liberal ship is sinking faster than the Titanic, but last night, the Gordon Campbell propaganda machine went to work, they called on their good buddy and ankle grabber Keith Baldrey and Canwest Global news and.......Drum roll please....

Last night disguised as a news story when it was actually a paid advertisement Keith Baldrey and Global news spent 5 minutes of prime-time news to promote a BC Liberal Government web site that has a dozen video`s and does nothing but promote the HST......Keith Baldrey went onto say that the Government web-site has had only 90,000 hits in 2 weeks and......Keith Baldrey went onto say that when they run stories on Global news and direct people to the Canwest/Global web site they get up to 500,000 hits in a night!

So here`s the deal, Keith Baldrey told the story, gave the web address out, advised people to have a look at the site, Keith Baldrey and Canwest Global broke the same election act that Colin Hansen attempted to break last month, this friends was a deliberate skirting of the law, Canwest Global advertised the BC Liberal propaganda site to the people of BC....A direct breach of Election`s BC petition law!

Look folks, I am not worried, the petition will be successful, the B.C. Liberals are officially dead, they are polling under 20% in the real polls, but that`s not the issue, who at Global news flaunted the law by promoting the Government pro-HST site, did they not check with their legal department, they must know it was a direct and obvious breaking of the law, Keith Baldrey knows he broke the law, Colin Hansen knows they broke the election law, that genie can`t be put back in the bottle, you can`t undo the Global news Government advertisement.

I hope Bill Vander Zalm lays charges against Keith Baldrey and Global news.

I have some advice for you Baldrey, shut your mouth, see a butt doctor, get off the lube,get off the sinking SS Campbell as soon as possible or find yourself on the bottom of the sea laying next to the Queen of the North!

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. News programmers are some of the sickest people in this corparate world. and then we put a dishonest govt in the mix and the issue becomes cancerous. I hope all the older people can see right through this latest propaganda but I'm not sure as the Global news has been gospel to some for a very long time. All we can do is pray canwest will someday be extinct but that will only lead too another liebral supported news option as we have already witnessed on Van. Isl with chek news. As form private health it has been happening for years now. A dermatologist in our area can see you within one week private pay and up to one year on the health care waiting list. It's time to send these foreign doctors packing.

  2. The merging of corporations and the state was labelled fascism by Benito M..
    Can one imagine the coverage the Birk/Vasi trial would be getting if the NDP had been in power? We are ruled by corporations for corporations, the Campbells, Baldreys and Goods of the world are nothing but meat puppets, lower than union busting scabs.

  3. Grant, try the 'NW audio vault, June 2 11:24 AM, a good friend duels with Bill Good on the issue of the Canada line.

    Bottom Line - we have a Edsel metro system, courteously of Herr Gordo and his band of bumbling eunuchs.

  4. Yea Evil ......

    I heard the segment live....Malcolm J was spot on...

    Bill Good and his guest couldn`t bring themselves to criticize the Canada line....

    Anyone with half a brain would agree with Malcolm..He`s the best on the feasability of Metro lines...Skytrain sucks the treasury dry...

    Lightrail rules.....Toobad they didn`t allow Malcolm J more air time.....

    But that would go against the latest BC Liberal tactic being plastered through the bought media....


    These bozos are so desperate...And where is the BC Rail trial? Now that the BC Legislature is closed will we get a trial...

    My gut tells me no.....A deal by next week.


  5. Seeing as you mentioned Kash Heed, I find it curious that his situation seems to have fallen off a cliff. The new special prosecutor has said nothing since his appointment.

    You can bet that once the petitioning period expires on the NOHST campaign, Campbell, Hansen and the rest of his sycophants will be putting on a full court press, aided and abetted by the MSM. I heard Hansen say that he will send out his misinformation flyer as soon as he is able. I still think it is a good idea to just mark them "return to sender" and throw them back in the mail box. Maybe Campbell and Hansen can bust a few more blood vessels dealing with the rejection.


  6. Thanks Grant, great stuff, most of us were over-due for a wake-up call.
    I have believed for many years that organized crime rules. They are at the top of their game now, here in Canada, and in particular, B.C. and most countries around the world. They rule the corporate world, they rule, AND ARE, the governments, the banks, the lawyers, judges, the courts, the cops, the MEDIA WHO ARE RICHLY REWARDED TO SEND THE MOBS MESSAGE TO THE MASSES, THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA does not report anything Campbell and lie about the few things they do mention, or hide it in the sports section, best example right now being the B.C. Liberal lies about their HST...everything....organized crime is now so deeply imbedded in B.C. in the last 10 years I have a hard time seeing a way out.
    A couple of years ago Dianne (accident-prone as you called her!! HaHa!) Watts invited Rudy Guiliano to Surrey to talk about how he cleaned up New York's organized crime and it remains one of the safest cities in the United States. I still would like to know what he cost us to come here but I'm sure whatever it was he was worth it. She also invited her extreme right wing-nut Campbell who didn't appear to be at all pleased to be there, fancy that, I would think not. B.C. and Canada are lawless and ruthless. Organized crime has forced up the real estate market, car dealers selling 35 high-end cars in a day to organized crime, and all the money that flows when every lawyer in the world worth top bucks then follow the crime here and they also buy up the high-end homes, cars.... So my question is to Dianne Watts, probably stand a slightly better chance of getting an answer than asking the mob leader my question is, IN DETAIL, we would like to know exactly what Guiliano had to say and exactly how he did a huge clean-up of organized crime in the Big Apple and how much did it cost us for him to come here?? I ask, due to the fact I don't recall ever hearing anything about the meeting other than a few photo ops for all involved. WHY HAVE YOU AND CAMPBELL NOT FOLLOWED THROUGH WITH ANY OF HIS ADVICE?? The murders and crime are raging and the laws are useless, the crime continues to spiral out of control.
    To borrow one of my favourite sayings of yours Grant, if I may, it's time "THE RUBBER HITS THE ROAD".

  7. It's time to call it like it is, every politician and supreme court judge not standing against these crimes, and doing what they know to be right is one of "Satan's minions." We're living the days of wrong being right, good being evil, lies being truth. Believer or not, this truth was spoken over 2,000 years ago - and like it or not - it's all coming true.

    There's a reason He said, "Woe unto the Lawyers, Woe unto the Doctor's"...

  8. On today's edition of Cutting Edge of the Ledge Keith Baldry stated "The certainty of the trial going ahead is uncertain", referring to the Basi-Virk-Basi trial. You can hear it on CKNW's Audio Vault at 9:23am. Looks like the fix is in.


  9. Marc Jaccard on the Clean Energy Act:

    He says the BCUC is needed as a watchdog over BC Hydro, but it should "not thwart legitimate government policy objectives."

    I agree. If, at some point in the future, the Govt comes up with a legitimate policy objective having to do with BC Hydro, the BCUC should not thwart it.

  10. Hugh, that is a very astute observation. It's doubtful we'll see any such thing emanate from the current crop nimrods running BC's Legislature.


  11. Oops. My keyboarding leaves a lot to be desired. The word "of" should be inserted between crop and nimrod in my last comment.


  12. "He says the BCUC is needed as a watchdog over BC Hydro, but it should "not thwart legitimate government policy objectives."

    I agree. If, at some point in the future, the Govt comes up with a legitimate policy objective having to do with BC Hydro, the BCUC should not thwart it. "

    I heard a rumour today they're gutting the BCUC.

  13. The Railgate fiasco trial is over. A wimp, helpless, hopeless prosecutor for the people up against an ace defence lawyer for the accused wouldn't work even if the whole set-up weren't already corrupt and planned, imo of course. Anne, the B.C. Lib mob and organized crime would never allow McCullough to ask one more question that would clearly eventually show who ALL the criminals really are who used the peoples' money to pay CN to take away the peoples' railway, and waiting for this trial to be shut down so the mob can give away the peoples' beautiful B.C. land surrounding our B.C. Rail tracks, not unlike the give-away ($20 mill is a steal, Campbell was offered $80 mill but held out for 20) of our beautiful Clark fast ferries, complete with the thickest and best aluminum money could buy, to Washington Group, along with the acres of waterfront property thrown in as a bonus all to look bad for the Clark NDP government. The same NDP government who passed down to the Campbell Libs' the biggest surplus in B.C.'s history that Campbell couldn't get rid of fast enourh. The deal was also imo to make sure all could see them rusting away for five years on the north shore before WG could take possession of them. WG sold them for $300 million to Abu Dhabi or whoever, experts in tweaking and building ships. There is still a 3 year waiting list last I read, to buy these same Clark/NDP ships. Campbell then quickly makes a deal with a German, non-union (slave labour) builder to build Campbell and the mob's c-class super fiasco ferries, and did not allow our own unionized fair wage B.C. Shipyards or anyone else to bid on them. Of course they came in at a $$$$ONE MILLION at least, so-called cost over-run (gift to cronies). Campbell's c-class ferries spend 4 out of 7 days in drydock because they are gas guzzlers and to appear consumption is much less than it really would be, their huge propellers sit far too high on the water and destroy the coastline and also the docks we paid I believe $$$ 11 million to prepare for them, probably millions more by now for more repairs. Campbell decided to put a top deck on them and at the same time decided to downgrade the aluminum used, to cut down on his millions in 'over-runs' at the same time making the top decks unusable because the disasters would tip over, being too light on the bottom. They have needed countless replacement parts, need to redesign the boat to lower or replace the huge destructive propellors. All parts needed for his non-union made in Germany boats are over the top expensive, made in Russia, and take two years to make and deliver. The good old wooden ferries, made in B.C. shipyards still do most of the work. And then there's Haan at one mill a year and 5? other cons, paid 1/2 mill, mismanaging the system.....and on and on it goes into year number 11. If we don't get rid of these criminals by Recall in the Fall then I can see nothing short of a civil war to get our province back. The stealing of the peoples' money is imo probably in the trillions and a century at least of debt. When we can't stop this sleaze peacefully in a fair and honest court system then perhaps someone else has a better idea than civil war. Labour sure isn't stepping in with a general strike, like we did in the early 80's. Nadia in Iran and the people in Thailand had/have more guts and balls than all the people in B.C. Shame on us. We even sit back and let the Harper mobsters take back Fonyo's well deserved Order of Canada. Just the tip of the iceberg. Living in a dictatorship I must emphasize this is all IMO.

  14. "I heard a rumour today they're gutting the BCUC."

    It's not a rumour, it's reality. The new Clean Energy Act removes BCUC's veto power over many of BC Hydro's projects and expenditures.

  15. Conflict of Interest Commissioner Paul Fraser asked me for credible evidence that Gordon Campbell was in an adulterous relationship with Lara Dauphinee before he would continue with his investigation of my complaint that Gordon Campbell appearing to be using taxpayers money to pay for sex.

    Anyone with credible information that Gordon and Lara are lovers should contact us at

    or by e-mail at

    We will send that information to Paul Fraser and ask him to re-open his inquiry.

  16. "Anyone with credible information that Gordon and Lara are lovers should contact us"

    A DNA sample from the alleged "love child" should be pretty credible, but of course like everything in BC that would be protected by privilege.

  17. Hi What do you expect. Is it not that Keith Baldrey's wife and Gordon Campbell's wifes sister? Give me a break!!!!!

  18. Well, well Pamela Martin,in
    the CTV news will be appointed
    as a Ministry of Outreach
    by.. by.. Christy Clark.
    Were wasting our tax money to
    pay all these crooks
