Friday, June 25, 2010

Gordon Campbell`s Liberals Defect and Flame Out!

I understand many of you are upset with B.C. Liberal`s Friday trash day, but this is a day for celebration, the big red machine is leaking oil, a burning wreck, a siezed up engine, in fact the Liberal machine is off to the scrap yard.....Let me explain.

Let`s start with Jane Thornthwaite, Gordon Campbell wanted Jane Thornthwaite to plead guilty, but.....The riding association was never going to give Jane Thornthwaite the nomination, she was polling so low, the HST, drunk driving, Jane Thornthwaite was/is going to be a 1 term MLA.
So, Jane Thornthwaite not liking Gordon Campbell anyway, she is hated in her riding, she bit the bullet with the HST, not running again, so Jane Thornthwaite told Gordon Campbell to get stuffed, she will take her chances in court, maybe she wins, maybe she loses, that doesn`t matter, Campbell has lost the steering wheel on even lowly backbenchers!

Yesterday Bill Good had Dianne Watts on as a guest, Dianne Watts was short listed as world Mayor of the year, .......Bill Good took many calls and what came out of Dianne Watt`s mouth confirmed my earlier posts.....

Dianne was asked about sending garbage to Cash Creek...Remember Campbell`s buddy Gary collins got a sweet deal for the garbage dump, Gregor Robertson is opposed....So is Dianne Watts, she doesn`t want Campbell`s buddy to make a fortune on garbage....Dianne Watts was asked about Skytrain.....Watts said....Skytrain is too darn expensive, give us light rail ......Watts has gone against Campbell`s skytrain mafia!.....And the big one, she was asked about the HST...

Watts said....We have soccer moms, hockey dads, the tax will hurt families, we need to back off and get rid of the HST or take a year and change it.....And Bill Good asked Dianne Watts about running for Provincial politics....Dianne Watts said....Not on your life, who would want to get involved with that mess.....Watts said she is very happy where she is.....

In other words friends, she has told Campbell and all the rest of the desperate Liberals to go to hell! She will not sacrifice her political future on a party that is nothing but a smoking wreck!

Now let`s get to the big one....John(I am not a crook) Les........The CBC at 6:00pm did the story...They read excerpts from the special prosecutors report, they weren`t kind, he was not exonerated, John Les looked guilty as the reporters peppered Les with questions, it was very disturbing, Les used the phrase..."There isn`t one shred of evidence that I am guilty" Oh yes there is...The reporters continued to hammer away....The CBC interviewed people in Chilliwack...

They all think the deal stinks, they think John Les is guilty, they believe John Les is lying...The CBC made it quite apparent that the special prosecutor wanted to press charges but there wasn`t the smoking gun but in all retrospect, the only one who benefitted was John Les....

And John Les gets to keep the "Proceed`s of crime".........CTV/GLOBAL....I caught all 3 reports on John Les, not one was flattering, although Keith Baldrey was trying to down play the anger, Baldrey looked very concerned!

So here`s the deal, Dianne Watts told Campbell and the B.C. Liberals to drop dead....Jane thornthwaite thumbed her nose at Gordon Campbell and said screw you loser!......And John Les...

Unreal, the PAB(Public affairs bureau) messed up, they underestimated the anger, they blew it, John Les blew it, Gordon Campbell blew it....They all missed the boat, they all called it an exoneration when that is not what the special prosecutor said....The prosecutor basically said that John Les was guilty but there was not enough evidence to get a conviction.....

It would have been better, believe it or not if Jane thornthwaite plead guilty and John Les had charges laid, now the people saw what I saw, 2 more guilty Liberals getting a walk....."Recall in the Fall"

This is a night to rejoice friends, my first smile of the week!

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Dead right Grant, Les is being sent to Coventry by the locals in Chilliwack. Campbell is getting more and more unpopular with the Liberal rank and file and all the Bill Goods, and all Kieth Baldry's can't get Gordo back on his pedestal again!

    We are living in dark days as we have an out of control Premier, supported by the most odorous people who thinks he is an anointed king.

    Hey Gordo, read up on your history, with Charles the 1st and Oliver Cromwell and guess what Charles lost his head!

  2. Grant - I heard the interview with Watts as well. Reading between the lines she seemed to hesitate, laugh it off and be coy. Obviously no one in her position would make a positive pronouncement on jumping into the provincial arena.

    Doesn't matter anyway. The LIEberals are a smoking wreck as you have stated. Done like dinner. Carole would smoke Watts under those circumstances.

    Time to forget about Watts. Who cares??? Time to get some high profile and excellent candidates to run to completely wipe-out the LIEberals in our 2013 victory.

  3. Just a note here Grant. I bought two of those albums when they first came out. I took a paper out of the first one and filled it. Did you know they take a full oz. Then I fired it up.
    Before I pass away I fully intend on cranking up the second. I still have the complete album.

  4. Gary....The movie theater in town was full of smoke too....I may have been there, crunch and munch by the case load...

    At least we held album covers that opened up, they were great for de-seeding....

    Oh my...I digress and.....Darn, I`m out of eskimo pies!


  5. Gordon Hogg, Surrey/White Rock.....# 6 as of June 20... + + +...

  6. Yup, they hold a full ounce of good old homegrown.

    What a strange world we live in when employees are held responsible for following decisions and orders made by their employers, and the employer walks away. And when people issue public statements apologizing for drinking and driving and then plead not guilty. Only in BC....
