Monday, December 12, 2022

Elon Musk and the Making of a Conspiracy.....Dinesh D Souza Has Competition in the Field of Fiction

 Written by Grant G

To cite a recent tweet by Elon Musk

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"

Accurate quote by Sir Walter Scott in 1808 indeed, however, it has no meaning or context when it's infused with Elon's twitter file dumping.

In a nutshell, twitter employees, conduct police if you must, struggled as to how to contain a world leader who habitually lies on twitter and not just on twitter, on facebook, in the oval office, in white house press conferences, everywhere Donald trump was lying, 30,000 documented lies in 4 years in office...Yet Twitter let Trump free wheel his lies for 4 years, no warnings, no suspensions, nothing, any other twitter user would have been tossed...Trump was left alone..

Only in the run-up to 2020 election did twitter de-amp, Twitter deamped a whole one tweet that was later restored, even though it was technically in violation of terms of service....The NY Post Hunter Biden laptop story was de-amped, for one day, then restored....Meanwhile Trump and his influencers were still pushing out misinformation, lies and smears with impunity on Twitter and Facebook., for years and years Trump was pushing bullshit on Facebook and Twitter.

After the 2020 election loss by Trump, ...Election theft tweets from DJT flourished, he was throwing mud in every direction, from Dominion stealing the election, more votes than voters, Ruby Freeman, Shaye Moss as "vote hustlers" dumps at night, fake ballots, and on and on and to this day, Trump still bleating on this....Twitter moderation gate-keepers post 2020 election started slapping misinformation warnings on Trump's lying tweets...They still spread like wildfire through twitterverse, and Facebook....

Only after the January 6th/2021 failed coup attempt does twitter finally suspend Trump's twitter account, and yes, technically Trump, post 2021 Capital riot, didn't tweet anything that merited suspension, according to Twitter's rules for Heads of State....Therin lies the rub, you, me, anybody would have long been tossed from twitter, suspended and removed,, but Trump didn't violate Twitter's unique standard treatment and leeway policy given to heads of State...And technically, that was true...

Bear with me on this...Dictators, Heads of State, are allowed on Twitter, some partake, some don't, and in America, in Canada, in many parts of the world Democracy reigns supreme, for the most part, Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, Obama tweeted like leaders, tweeted sanity, policy, well wishes etc etc....And among the world's twitter users, if the head of Iran, or Russia, Syria etc etc tweeted something outrageous or kinda was expected, Kim Jong Un isn't on Twitter, however, if he was and tweeted that he bowled 5 straight 300 games...or that he got 18 holes in 1 playing golf, or that he had the biggest nukes known to man and menaced tweeted, that would be expected, and discounted and left to stand...kinda like Tokyo Rose radio broadcasts during WW11...They were aired...And people around the world recognized it as propaganda.

Post January6th/2021 Trump riot, Twitter moderation gate keepers never ever expected that they would have to find new tools, or break standing norms and special Heads of State rules to silence Trump...Who'd imagine a US sitting President would foment violence, not peacefully transfer power and ....And continue to push on Twitter election lies that his own DOJ, and  attorney general along with countless officials thoroughly debunked...

We are talking new ground sane twitter employees had to travel down....Bottom line...Trump was treated with kid gloves and Twitter employees struggled with how to deal with a head of state spewing lies, fomenting violence and threatening Democracy itself.....Twitter kid gloved Trump post 2021 Capital Riot....So what...What do I mean by Twitter "kid gloved" trump...?  Trump stayed on Twitter through his Twitter surrogate/proxy @lLizHarrington....She was a non stop spreader of Trump's lies post riot...She left when Truth Social rose....Liz Harrington's twitter posts got 1000's upon 1000,'s of flags for telling, repeating trump's messages, lies, election lies, not a few, 1000,'s of misinformation tweets by Harrington, Trump's Twitter proxy..How is allowing Harrington to stay on Twitter NOT violate Twitter's TOS..? It was sort of a soft suspension for trump, proxies allowed....Twitter even after suspending Trump allowed his voice to be heard through Harrington, RSBN, Dinesh D Souza and countless others.....Hence kid gloved..

Trump, as I write this article is rage "truthing" on Truth Social that the Twitter files proves he won the election and Twitter and big tech rigged the 2020 election against him...

Elon Musk, the Trump fluffer is presenting that same story, that Trump was robbed of the presidency, de-platformed and treated unfairly by left leaning Twitter referees....

To which I say....Hogwash Elon...The facts say different.

First things first...How did we get here....Trump at every 2020 campaign rally stated the only way he could lose 2020 election is if it's rigged, every rally he said it...Steve Bannon reveled before 2020 election that Trump was going to declare victory and say the election was rigged if he was losing, or looking like losing.

Trump did just that...and the days that followed even more nutter butters and propaganda spiders crept out from the woodwork and slithered onto Trump's growing web of lies..

Mike Lindell claims algorithms via Dominion machines stole the election...Sydney Powell and Lin Wood threatened to release the kraken, Jenna Ellis and Rudy hair dye Giuliani claimed Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss had flash-drives, suitcases full of Biden votes and were running Biden ballots through 5 times...Italian satellites , nursing home harvesting, more votes than voters, ballot hustlers ...Near a year later Dinesh D Souza made a fiction movie(debunked badly)claiming 2000 to 30,000 mules stole the election....Dinesh provided zero evidence..

All the many 2020 election lies Trump pushed through Twitter, through Facebook, through Fox News, OAN, Newsmax...all unfiltered..

Also Trump went 1 for 71 in election related court challenges... Rudy Giuliani and many other trump attorneys have been sanctioned and some getting their asses sued off over the false claims presented.

Trump continued to push all these debunked election lies post 2020 election despite the courts, and despite assurances from the highest ranking members in Trump's own administration telling him over and over again the the allegations have no merit...Trump didn't care, he had nobody to rein him in, Twitter/Facebook left Trump to his devices...And this is important..

Nowhere around the 2020 election, and definitely not post 2020.election or the lead up to his Capital riot did Trump blame Twitter for his election defeat.....But now Trump has done just that, ..Lovely!

I guess it wasn't Dinesh's mules that cost Trump the election, wasn't vote hustlers Ruby and Shaye, wasn't a Kraken, Italian satellites, wasn't drop boxes, fake ballots, wasn't RINOs working for the deep state, wasn't the CCP, wasn't Antifa and illegal alien voters.....According to Trump and his fluffer Elon Musk...It was suppression by Twitter that stole Trump's presidency...

Elon Musk and his fascist fantasy and personal hit job..weak, very weak..

Let's take another few minutes to see how Trump was suppressed by Twitter and big tech shall we..

Trump post 2020 election fraud claims went viral on Twitter and Facebook 


Trump says the election is not over as 'Stop the Steal' and 'voter fraud' disinformation go viral on Facebook and Twitter


Trump was getting filtered you say....?

Trump's lies were trending not only on Facebook but Twitter too.

Trump was a prolific TOS offender on Facebook and Twitter, ALWAYS...


"A CNBC analysis of Trump’s tweets during his presidency found that his most popular and frequent posts largely spread disinformation and distrust. Many of his most-liked tweets contained falsehoods, while the topic he posted about most frequently, “fake news,” was a weapon for undermining information.

“Trump’s primary use of Twitter has been to spread propaganda and manipulate public opinion,” said Sam Woolley, director for propaganda research at the University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Media Engagement. “He used Twitter to delegitimize information or to delegitimize the positions of his opponents.”

Of Trump’s 10 most-popular tweets, four contained false claims related to the 2020 election results. Of his 100 most popular posts, 36 contained election-related falsehoods."


 Elon Musk is trying to paint a conspiratorial picture of Twitter suppression costing Trump the election, its not going so well, Elon is no Rembrandt and his conspiracy laden painting is more of a Jackson Pollock than a Rembrandt.

To suggest that Trump wasn't being heard, was suppressed by Twitter and Facebook is a fool's errand..

Trump was number one draw on both platforms..

Trump was gaming everything, every rule and violating with impunity TOS at Twitter and Facebook, Trump even gamed the Federal Government, Trump was using every tool he could use, even tools he wasn't allowed to use.

Trump with his 100 million followers/tweeters....There was no way to suppress him.




"The warning labels that Facebook has been affixing to President Donald Trump’s baseless post-election claims are basically doing nothing to slow the spread of false content across the platform—a concerning, if not all that surprising, reflection of the company’s incompetence in handling misinformation that continues to account for some of its highest levels of engagement. 

Arguably more alarming is Facebook’s knowledge of the failure, according to internal data obtained by BuzzFeed News. The finding was disclosed after an employee asked on an internal company message board if the company had any insight into whether the warnings Facebook has attached to the blitz of Trump falsehoods have been effective.

 “We have evidence that applying these informs to posts decreases their reshares by ~8%,” a Facebook data scientist said. “However given that Trump has SO many shares on any given post, the decrease is not going to change shares by orders of magnitude.” The data scientist reportedly noted that flagging false content with labels was not expected to reduce its spread, but rather “to provide factual information in context to the post.”


As one can clearly read, it was impossible to suppress Trump's lies and misinformation, warning labels didn't stop the sharing of Trump posts

 Trump used the military and staged a photo-op at Lafayette Square....Holding a bible Trump never read..not a single page of it....Government resources for what...

The next bit, Trump reigned supreme on Facebook, his team played it like a fiddle, played dirty and hard...and I guess that's fair game...Don't see any suppression.


The Man Behind Trump's Facebook Juggernaut

"Parscale’s firm was paid ninety-four million dollars, most of which went toward digital advertising. Some of the ads were standard fare about national security or the debt; others were designed to help Trump’s mendacity and nativism go viral on social media, where lies and fractious memes are disproportionately likely to be amplified. 

Facebook did not maintain an archive of its political ads until 2018, so some of the 2016 campaign’s dodgier efforts may be lost to history. But we do know that Trump tweeted an image, originally circulated on anti-Semitic message boards, of Hillary Clinton’s face, a Jewish star, and a pile of cash; that one of Parscale’s staffers made an ad featuring audio of Hillary Clinton referring to African-Americans as “superpredators” 

(the intention was to microtarget the ad to black Facebook users in swing states); and that Defeat Crooked Hillary, a Facebook page funded by a pro-Trump super pac, disseminated several conspiratorial videos, including one insinuating that Clinton was taking illicit drugs and another alleging that she had undisclosed ties to Vladimir Putin.......

The point of all this, of course, was to sway the election in Trump’s favor, and, given the election’s narrow margins, it’s highly possible that it worked. (The Internet Research Agency, a troll farm associated with Putin, purchased thirty-five hundred Facebook ads between 2015 and 2017; Parscale and his team bought millions.)
 None of this is evidence of election-related malfeasance, however. Most social platforms have rules against harassment, hate speech, and violent threats, but they have usually granted exceptions to those rules when the boundaries are tested by a Presidential campaign, or by the President


Trump was gaming the rules everywhere, using his Head of State/presidency to balk at meager rules in place at Twitter or Facebook, in other words...Trump was never suppressed, he dominated both Twitter and Facebook....And Fox News, and OAN, Newsmax....Fox News not only shamelessly promoted Trump to the nines, they suppressed all stories that shone favorable light on Biden, it's no secret..

I don't hear anything from maga's free speech purists in regard to Fox News or Newsmax suppressing stories that look good on Biden...The frothy right is deliberately blind, and their faux rage is very selective..

Trump was trailing in the 2020 polls ...He knew that....Trump then transformed the Whitehouse and the White House press briefings into his personal campaign events, once again breaking all political norms.


White House transforms from people's house to campaign venue

"Behind the scenes this past week, campaign and convention staffers began work on the White House South Lawn setting up lights, speakers and a stage that would be used for President Donald Trump to deliver his acceptance speech as the Republican Party’s presidential nominee. Trucks brought in long metal poles and beams, and construction equipment was set up adjacent to the Rose Garden.

It is unprecedented in modern politics for the White House to be used as the site of an explicitly political event, with past presidents maintaining some boundaries between the office of the presidency and their re-election bids.

Trump has been smashing those norms for months — attacking Democratic rival Joe Biden from the Rose Garden and playing campaign-style videos in the White House briefing room — but his prime-time convention address will represent the most blatant blurring of the lines yet."


Covid press briefings at the Whitehouse turn into campaign videos for Trump.


"At a White House briefing meant to provide updates on the U.S. efforts to combat the coronavirus, President Donald Trump played a campaign-style video clip portraying his initial response to the disease as a bold success – further blurring the line between the government and his presidential reelection bid.

“We have a few clips that we’re just going to put up,” Trump told reporters in the White House briefing room Monday evening before starting the reel. “I think you’ll find them interesting.”

The president said he would answer questions after the video ended. “But most importantly, we’re going to get back onto the reason we’re here, which is the success we’re having,” Trump added.

What followed was a nearly four-minute video, made up of news clips promoting or defending the president’s actions and complete with dramatic music, graphics and visual effects. It offered perhaps the clearest example yet of Trump using the daily briefings to tout what he describes as his successes, rather than merely inform the public about the deadly pandemic. He said White House staff produced the video. 

Critics have accused the president of abusing the briefings, which are carried on most major TV networks, by treating them as de facto campaign events. They say he has tried to replace the boisterous rallies he has been forced to cancel during the public health crisis."


Elon Musk tweeting out a pathetic partisan thread claiming a vast conspiracy of Twitter suppression cost Trump the presidency when the facts don't bear it out.
Trump was the biggest spreader of lies and misinformation on Facebook, and Twitter, suppression of Trump in social media was impossible as too many rightwing influencers and followers spread it far and wide.
Elon Musk hasn't proven a thing, except that Twitter gate keepers struggled with how to reign in the lying king Donald J Trump, ..if Trump wasn't a head of state they'd of suspended Trump a 100 times over...Trump abused that special privilege and Twitter employees had no solution....The meager attempts they made at deamping Trump failed, the ultimate suspension of Trump came as Twitter employees felt a patriotic duty to do something, anything to hinder Trump's assault on Democracy, even if it meant tossing out the rule book....However, it was too late, the damage was done, and to this day, Trump hasn't walked back a single election fraud claim...Ask Shaye Moss or Ruby..

Elon Musk has failed in demonstrating any plot against Trump,.....Elon Musk did demonstrate that there were employees who felt duty bound to stop a madman....And the election was over.

Too bad Elon Musk refuses to accept reality, refuses to see Trump's crimes, going back years..blinders.

Elon has his own priorities.....Civil unrest and some sort of corporate fascism, or worse..apartheid, not sure yet.

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. I called it, knew it would happen....No, i'm not a magic 8 ball reader...Commonsense....Maga gonna terrorize....Elon will soon have blood on his hands...Hope he sues Elon Musk.

  2. Obama was one of the first big name politicians to use social media

    Imagine the outrage if Obama plastered facebook or twitter with 30,000 lies, or 10 lies?

    Great read Grant

  3. STFU Grant, seems you are offended by free speech!!!!!!!

  4. @anon 9:22

    You may be right, i'm old school I guess....When I started writing/blogging I paid careful mind as to what I wrote, and whom I wrote about...worried about slander charges coming back at me....I had many cease and desist letters sent to me....Then I ponied up The Straight Goods proof and those letters were withdrawn...and on a couple occasions I rephrased my assertions..

    However, now, well, over the last 6 years it's turned into a free for all on-line, as in, "what is truth" Rudy Giuliani declared on Meet The Press....Rudy elaborated on what he meant...Rudy said.."The truth is what one believes" (Rudy was Trump's personal attorney at the time of that interview)

    How far do you take that...The president of the USA is told by top officials that his claims of election theft is false, no merit...and by Rudy's definition of what truth is.."What one believes is the truth"

    If that's free speech.....To knowingly lie, and or refusing to believe the truth so one can knowingly lie as some sort of technical out....That's a recipe for anarchy..

    And if that's free speech....We need to ban it.


  5. Good read...

  6. Said it before....Elon Musk doesn't know how to read a room.

    Trump support swirling the toilet bowl despite Elon's fluffing.


    "Republican support for Donald Trump's presidential bid in 2024 has cratered, an exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll finds, as the former president is beleaguered by midterm losses and courtroom setbacks.

    By 2-1, GOP and GOP-leaning voters now say they want Trump's policies but a different standard-bearer to carry them. While 31% want the former president to run, 61% prefer some other Republican nominee who would continue the policies Trump has pursued.

    They have a name in mind: Two-thirds of Republicans and those inclined to vote Republican want Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to run for president. By double digits, 56% to 33%, they prefer DeSantis over Trump.

    "Republicans and conservative independents increasingly want Trumpism without Trump," said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center."


    Republicans tired of losing, DJT has become ad nauseum, Desantis is their newest hope for success....Trumpism without the buffoonery

  7. Where have we seen this play before.....Elon Musk manufactures a $4.6 billion tax break.

    "Elon Musk gave $5.7 billion to charity last year. Where the money went was a mystery—until now. Tesla CEO Elon Musk. The $5.7 billion of Tesla shares that Elon Musk donated to an unnamed organization at the end of 2021 went to his own charitable arm, instantly making it one of the largest foundations in the US"

  8. Interesting....Elon blocked an account, an account he said would be permitted to tweet...Elon just hit job on Fauci..on Yoel Roth n other Twitter employees, his dump doxed many...Threats came..
    Today Elon blocked @ElonJet That account tracked Elon's private jet....There are many social media jet's public information.....Elon has tweeted a story, and that he's using lawfare against that Twitter account holder....I wonder if NO LONG WANTING FREE SPEECH ELON MUSK LEARNED A LESSON.....


    Elon Musk @elonmusk
    Any account doxxing real-time location info of anyone will be suspended, as it is a physical safety violation. This includes posting links to sites with real-time location info.

    Posting locations someone traveled to on a slightly delayed basis isn’t a safety problem, so is ok.

    Elon Musk @elonmusk
    Last night, car carrying lil X in LA was followed by crazy stalker (thinking it was me), who later blocked car from moving & climbed onto hood.

    Legal action is being taken against Sweeney & organizations who supported harm to my family.


    Trump doxed and people got terrorized...many times, he's still doxing people...Elon has been doxing...people getting terrorized...plane trackers..jet trackers...public info..same as where guv leaders are, it's public info...Not condoning any threat on Elon or his family...Who decides suspensions for location reveals...?? What if celeb enters nightclub...stays in there four can't tweet celeb entered??? ..Looks like free speech gonna take a hit on twitter...well, he spread Pelosi garbage, pumped for trump, ..selective leaks on twitter, while hides other twitter comms that swing at the left...So Elon is butthurt...Free speech is what Elon approves of, if it offends him, you get suspended...sheesh..Trends now on Twitt..all right wingers on the top..Always

  9. Elon Musk has now officially taken the crown of The World's Greatest Troll.


  11. Elon breaks his new rule ..

    What Elon just tweeted is wrong, it's a police matter....Nobody was hurt, that according to Elon's own words....The video Elon posted, does not show a crime.....Elon claimed said person jumped on car hood....That's a crime, but no video showing that..Was there no car camera looking forward? Was this a case of Road rage..a stalker..insane...Did it really happen, were expletives going each way, ....

    There was no person on person assault....Elon posting that vid is wrong....The reason I say that...What will prevent any twitter account from posting a video with face, plate number ...and a allegation to go with it...

    Do you get it...most disputes, there are two sides to every story, actually, I say three sides....Yours, mine and a mix of both for truth.

    For Elon to post a vid..of some dude...a police a incident where nobody was hurt, is wrong....anybody can tweet a similar story, then post a do you know who this is vid, vigilante justice? wrong....Especially when nobody was hurt.....Elon losing it.

  12. Trump's announcement tomorrow? I think Elon is gonna acquire Truth Social and Trump jumps back on Twitter...Trump's superhero remark may be a clue...Elon Musk wearing iron man garb on twitter posts...Just a hunch, too early to announce running mate, and he's not nominee yet...Don't think Trump has votes to become speaker of the house...Twitter takeover of Truth...That's my guess.

    Both Elon n Trump at present are butthurt.

  13. This is how Elon gonna get someone killed....What a shitshow..

  14. Well, Trump's big announcement....I was so wrong....Should have been obvious in thinking about it.

    Trump's "major Announcement" is.......Drum roll please...

    Trump announces another grift...Buy Trump superhero cards while supplies last...only.


    He's so over.....Trump soon, Mar A Lago time share salesman Donald Trump



  16. I can't stop laughing..This video is not a parody.

    Trump is the new Sham-Wow guy...look out Mike Lindell, trump gonna be selling pillows and coffee soon.

    It's over....Ye and Trump....You can't write this stuff.

  17. Hilarious...Trump cobbles together a quick vid claiming he's bringing back free speech within hours of his inauguration as president...

    So transparent he is....After social media laughed his over price trading card scheme big announcement....This second video by Trump was a break glass in case of emergency video...

    over 2 years until next inauguration...GOP controls house...Trump basically saying...Congress won't do anything on free speech, so wait until hours of my inauguration and i'll fix it all up..

    Trump trying to deflect from brutal "Big Announcement" about digital playing cards grift laughfest....Trump demands fake news and misinformation flows freely on private platforms..


  19. Adios Twitter.....



  21. Here it comes....Elon is almost there....Twitter is now parler, well on the way to being 4-chan 2.0


  23. $44 billion.....have at it Elon....You fuck around, you'll find out how $44 billion turns to dust

  24. Elon lies.

  25. Elon Musk hasn't a clue.
