Monday, November 7, 2022

Republicans Voters Appear to Crave a Socialistic Fascist hybrid Government....are they confused? Uneducated? or,,,,Is it who they really are


Written by Grant G

Joe Biden and his government over the last 2 tears passed gobs of good, popular and needed bills, from a massive infrastructure bill, student debt, drug price  reductions, a mild new gun law legislation, CHIPs act,.....Republican opposition have nearly on masse voted against all these bills/legislation..

In fact, Republicans have contributed nothing over the last 2 years outside of voting no for the sake of voting no..

However, this article isn't a debate about Biden's successes and failures....

Can anyone explain to me what Biden did to cause energy prices to spike around the world...

He did nothing, there are more available drilling permits to be had than ever before...Refineries weren't shut down...pipelines didn't fail...

Uneducated people?, or are they educated but still stupid..which is it?

Oil companies were begging for help during worldwide covid lockdowns and shutdowns in 2020...oil storage facilities were full, people weren't travelling and oil prices collapsed, ..$50..dollars...$30...$20....and, for a very short time the price of oil fell to  MINUS -$35 dollars....That's right, they'd pay you $35 dollars to take a barrel of oil...

What happened next? what always happens, the oil companies begged Government for help, and government did help....

Trump and his energy department led negotiations with OPEC and other oil producers to cut production around the world to drive the price up.....

Oil prices rose......

For a short time in 2020 gasoline in the USA averaged $1,47 per gallon....(here in BC we were still paying near $6 dollars per gallon)...

All the GOP candidates running for the Senate, Congress, Governors, all of them are saying the same thing on the issue of energy prices....

Trump at his rallies, at all his rallies..what does he say about gasoline and oil prices in 2022, the same thing every GOP candidate is saying....

Trump "When I was president I got gas prices down to $1,47 per gallon"

Really, the so-called free market(even though in 2020 oil companies were thrown a socialistic bailout led by government by manipulating the oil market upward)

People, investors, oil companies, drillers, producers, not one of those that fall into that category are in the oil or investment industry/business are there to stand pat, no, they are there to make profit...They all want the price of oil to rise and rise....You have all seen the record profits big oil is reaping...

That's the free market, even if they are gouging, which they are....Do Republicans want a National government owned oil market where prices are kept at acceptable levels for consumers...It appears they are voting for that...yet there are no plans by any party to regulate gasoline and or oil prices...

And, for as long as i've been alive and paying attention, anytime Democratic parties have suggested and even promoted a national government oil industry(which they have done many times over the last few decades...Republican political leaders and rightwing pundits have howled..."Socialism Socialism Socialism , Democrats want Socialism"....

But now, in 2022, one the eve of midterm elections...Republicans seem to be clamoring for Socialism..

Trump at his rallies on energy...He also said this, many times, another statement on energy, a statement he's repeated many times in recent weeks, a statement that undercuts his claim about getting gasoline prices down(to $1,47 per gallon)....That statement is this..he says it during the Q-music segment

"Oil reached an all-time high in price, what country would stop drilling oil with record prices, we could make a fortune

So, Trump has been making 2 separate statements on energy at all his recent rallies..  obviously the stark contradiction is way over the heads of MAGA cultists in attendance, is it also way over the heads of average GOP voters?...

How on one hand Trump brags about bringing the price of gasoline down to $1,47 per gallon(during lockdowns/shutdowns and a oil glut) and then talks about how much money the USA could have made by producing and selling oil when the price was record high?......

You can't do both.......Uneducated Republicans, cultists....close-minded haters....What do GOPers want...US making big oil money when prices are at record high or ...Socialism with domestic prices controlled by government...

Look....Record energy prices are a world problem, inflation is a world problem....and yes, Big Oil is gouging, the corporate world ais price gouging....Why are the doing it...2 reasons...Number 1...Governments around the world splashed $trillions into the economy....What happens when governments get too spendy with the people and splash money?

Along comes the industrial vacuums to suck it all up...Big oil, banks, corporations....

If anybody thinks Trump would have prevented Big Oil from gouging is delusional....There were no energy shortages in USA or Canada....Big Oil went wild because that's what they do..

What else are the Trump Republicans clamoring for?

Patriotic education....? What is that? Hitler did that....I'm a huge sports fan, from soccer, darts, Mosconi cup, pool, olympics, football, hockey, baseball....all sports....I haven't seen in my lifetime any decline in American fans yelling/chanting "USA USA USA USA" at sporting events involving other countries..

Inflation...Nobody likes inflation.....My take...When prices are high, too high, I stop buying the product, wait for it to go on sale...yes, I know, some items you have no choice...especially with energy for driving.....However, once again, it's the free market......prices are what the consumer will bear...If millions cancelled vacations, if the world pulled back prices would drop, but after the Covid Cyclone everyone has endured....Like a cat in a cage....people are doing stuff, regardless of cost, like the cat, people are leaving the cage and travelling ...

So, outside of the Christo-Fascist wing of the GOP, who's number 1 political goal is to have government force ChristoFascism religion upon all and wall off America from the not so-white world.

It's too bad that in the year 2022 any conversation or debate on real policy issues isn't possible, you can't debate policy when GOP influencers spout conspiracy theories and bemoan imaginary cultural demons..

Critical race theory isn't being taught to grade students, kids are not believing they're cats and using little boxes in school, or anywhere else for that matter..

So, what what America has is 2 political parties, one party that is far from perfect(Democrats) but at least campaign in reality and has policies on medicare, social security, infrastructure, climate...

And....The social issues, warring, Christfascist, confused between wanting patriotic Nazism indoctrination and Socialism where oil and gas prices and all other commodities are controlled by Government.....


Methinks, as off 2022...the internet collectively is causing more harm than good...

Almost impossible to have intelligent debate online....Too many uneducated, too many haters, too many close minded people, too many religious deceivers....

Democracy is at risk.....Never thought i'd see America slide off into the abyss...

But here we are.....

Update, November 10/2022.....

Here’s how Donald Trump sabotaged the Republican midterms

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open





  1. Most pleased to see new posts hereabouts, and the usual complement of sass and wisdom. The more I read, the more perplexed I become over the transgressions that get ignored and the slow pace of redress for monumental overreach and outright fraud. It's not a comforting emotional space in which to spend one's declining years.

  2. Danneau....Thank you.

    As for declining years....Some people, like you are more intune, intouch and aware than most, including those in their prime.

    Hopefully we both decline with a firm grip on reality with a rainbow filled vision of a glorious progressive new world..

    Dare to dream Danneau....Dare to dream.
