Thursday, December 21, 2017

British Columbia N D P.....John Horgan, is he Dr Jeckyll or Mr Hyde(hide)

Written by grant G

A first term government, merely months old and already fatigue has set in, the dog days of December, the fatigue I refer to is mutual, John Horgan's government has already turned stale and has resorted to using public communications bureau to silence critics, grassroot members speaking up on Site C are now ridiculed by the party insiders, dismissed as unreasonable activists....John Horgan has also engaged in the "re-announcement" of previous government announcements, even worse for John Horgan, he's re-announcing BC Liberal sad, so early into a 4 year mandate and John Horgan already sounds like what he and the NDP party said they hated..that being a disrespectful, dismissive thorny government....a government that feeds intelligent voters, feeds progressive voters tepid gibberish, ...John Horgan now treats issue savvy supporters as mere turnips bound for road rash...

(This is what the Peace River valley looked like before Site C dam)

There's been a recent string of elected politicians who came to office and sorely disappointed...I won't go into the Stephen Harper era, I will venture towards Justin Trudeau...remember Trudeau's election promise on electoral reform..that promise vanished first...a new era with First Nation, an era built on respect....a new environmental review process, and a promise of protecting our environment, as well as a vow to honour Canada's commitment to the Paris Accord...well..?

Site C..approved...Kinder Morgan...approved..Petronas..approved..NEB, still not reformed, still industry driven..

Justin Trudeau gave British Columbia voters and progressive voters the middle finger..

Thy Justin Trudeau speaketh in forked gibberish tongue...He fool nobody, even his own supporters know that Trudeau speaketh crappolla...

This next part is fact...Justin Trudeau made the statements on Canada's national stages that...because he was bringing in a carbon tax(eventually) and an emission's cap on Alberta's tar sands(which won't take affect for about 15 years, or until that cap is met..and again, like BC's 2020 GHG reduction targets, when it was apparent no reduction target would be met, ..BC Government ripped up our 2020..33% reduction target and set new reduction target date of...2050)

Promised action by government, err, let's make that...down the road promised government action ain't worth a hill of beans..!

Justin Trudeau made verbal claim to Canadians, and to the world that because of the eventual carbon tax and eventual emissions cap coming to Canada, that is what gave him "social License" to export more diluted bitumen and gas overseas???....and Trudeau said..."Canada exporting more fossil fuels is our commitment to the Paris Accord"...i'm not making that up..Trudeau actually said that, 

Yes, that's what Justin Trudeau said, and tried to sell Canadians..once again we progressive voters were treated like soon to be roadrashed turnips....

Justin Trudeau lies, he's a bald-faced liar....Trudeau turned out to be a fake, not even "Harper light", Trudeau is plain old fake..Trudeau ran on a progressive honesty campaign and won...NDP Thomas Mulcair moved to the mushy center in election 2015 and..

Thomas Mulcair told Canada's progressive NDP voters to fuck off..he and the party were moving to a centrist position...

Years and years of federal NDP gains were wiped out...why?, because Mulcair turned the NDP into the other parties...Liberal heavy, Conservative light equals being thrust back into distant third party status...Add in Alberta's Rachel Notley's Dr. Jeckll routine after she fluked a provincial win...

Rachel Notley after being elected now wanted Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline pushed through, she and her NDP party wanted all the pipelines, she doesn't care if she destroys BC's pristine coastline..Rachel Notley once elected became a Alberta Conservative...she buckled, caved and capitulated to big oil...even worse, Jessica Ernst...Rachel Notley after winning Alberta election 2015 met with Jessica Ernst and asked her to accept a settlement from EnCana gas(for ruining her water supply)..Rachel asked Jessica Ernst to settle, and to sign non-disclosure agreement...Jessica Ernst said no, said hell no to a non-disclosure agreement..Rachel Notley was furious... Rachel Notley tried to buy off Jessica Ernst.

(Courts are corrupt)...Rachel Notley....Her one term in power..Rachel Notley accomplished nothing substantive, no new reforms, no taking over Alberta's destiny, she capitulated to big oil and in doing so...Rachel Notley lost the Alberta progressive 2019..Jason Kenney will be Alberta's premier...His first act..he'll be suing the Federal government over the "impending carbon tax and years and years away Alberta tarsands emissions cap"....Just like Saskatchewan is doing..suing the federal government over a piddly carbon tax...

Justin Trudeau, remember him? his "social License" for Kinder Morgan..Petronas..Site C..and every other contentious project, his drive to ship dirty Alberta tar oil...Trudeau claimed his social license was the carbon tax and emissions cap...Jason Kenney..and Saskatchewan are going to sue Ottawa over it's carbon tax imposition....Is that "Social License" ?

The above story linked...Postmedia, the National Post are already cheerleading Jason kenney and pushing him to attack Trudeau's carbon tax and emissions cap...There will be no let up by Jason Kenney..he'll become premier of Alberta mere months before Trudeau is back to the polls in the Fall of 2019....

So, Justin Trudeau's rational for increasing fossil fuel exports(tar)..his talking points, his "Social License" and Canada's commitment to Paris Accord was all neatly wrapped together in a carbon tax/emissions cap that Canada's oil producing provinces are suing him over..."Social License" eh Trudeau?

I did mention gibberish....we should mention hubris...the latest polls have Justin Trudeau down 17% points in support...wonderboy Trudeau now has a negative approval rating...and like Rachel Notley...Justin Trudeau accomplished nothing substantive and will accomplish nothing substantive legislation wise...nothing...even marijuana legislation...I've been informed that there won't be new marijuana laws and framework by July 1st 2018....Trudeau is pushing that marijuana legislation to late 2019..Trudeau's election winning marijuana legislation is being pushed close to the actual election date.....Trudeau's election winner....dream on Wonderboy!

Trudeau...a liar, a speaker of gibberish....Rachel Notley, "the big oil capitulator" ...Thomas Mulcair abandoned their progressive base vote, Mulcair lost bad in election 2015 because he veered to the center...Trudeau won big because he veered to the left, campaigned on the left..however, after Trudeau's 2015 election victory..Trudeau governed and continues to govern on the right, governs for the 1%, the wealth people are Trudeau's string pullers...Justin Trudeau stands for nothing real, he has shown Canadian people nothing but flowery words, gentile words, gentile gestures and as for governing...pipelines, bitumen, trample on First Nation's rights, ignore environmental concerns and sell it through word salad speeches...road-rash destined turnips, that's all we are to politicians..Trudeau, Notley...and now John Horgan...Once again, progressive voters were thrown to the curb...

Unfortunately for the Federal 2019 their electoral chances are absolute zero...The reason? Rachel Notley and John Horgan...PC's might as well have won in Alberta's 2015 election..there is no difference in parties when it comes to big oil, big polluters...Notley and Horgan have destroyed the Federal NDP's brand... Notley caved..Horgan caved...are we to trust the Federal NDP...not anymore!

Out here in B.C.....I thought one man could make a difference, I personally put John Horgan over the top...without my election strategy force fed down Horgan's throat...without Horgan going against Party Advisers and grasping, running with my toll elimination gambit...Without me John Horgan would still be in opposition...

So, it's particularly hard for me to say....John Horgan lied to us progressive voters, he never was cancelling Site fact John Horgan met with Lori Ackerman, a northern B.C. mayor in July..John Horgan(now as premier) told the mayor Site C was a go...everything that followed, the BCUC review, meeting with was all a I upset with John Horgan, do I wish he didn't gain the, i'm thrilled Horgan proved I was a winner and that one man can make, or break a premiership...John Horgan...well, if Christy Clark had won..we'd get Site C..Kinder Morgan..Petronas, you name it, any industrial project no matter how contentious would get approved under the BC Liberals....With John Horgan...were going to get Kinder Morgan...Horgan made a deal with Justin Trudeau to allow KM pipeline(for wildfire relief money)....John Horgan is also chasing LNG..even though there is no money to be made in the LNG industry(by the province).....John Horgan threw BC's progressive voters under the bus...he also committed political suicide....need more..

The NDP 2017 election platform..Horgan's promises...the only promises he kept are...removing bridge tolls and raising income support levels by $100 per month(after rates were frozen for a decade)...those were no brainers, a stroke of a pen...

As for John Horgan's "other 2017 election promises"...$400 dollar renters grant...that is OFF THE TABLE...$15 minimum wage?..that's been punted to after the 2021 election...$10 dollar daycare..there's nothing there, no money, no staff being trained..the election promise of $10 daycare is no closer today than it was on May 13/2017 election day..Daycare is not coming..and there's no for Horgan's "housing crisis" election promises.."114,000 new housing units over 10 years" that's 11,400 units per year..That's billions of dollars, per year, money that isn't there...and there's that MSP premium, that ain't going away anytime soon...completing that promise is..once again, after the next election...which Horgan will lose..

After 16 years of BC Liberal deliberate mismanagement Horgan comes to power and all of a sudden he's A BC Liberal clone premier..

In other doesn't matter who's in power...John Horgan caved to the same money players that Trudeau and Notley caved to...

It really is too bad..the fastest growing demographic of voters is.....Progressive voters, smart voters, issue savvy voters..with the internet, with almost everyone on line...facts and truth on full display.. goes to show you, you can't trust politicians...

As for my site...I can't support John Horgan...i'll be around to write on specific issues, our environment and on life itself, including death..

But as for supporting and blogging for John Horgan and the BC, those days are gone..When John Horgan, longtime energy expert stands on a podium with Carole James and David Eby...While Horgan cites the lamest bullshit for rational on Site C's greenlighting...

When John Horgan claims stopping Site C after $3 billion was spent, claims that it would hurt BC's social programs, hurt new school and new hospital procurement but somehow proceeding to spend $12 billion for unneeded Site C power will be more positive?....huh, what you say word salad man, what you say Horgan...John Horgan even mused about using Site C revenues for food security...Site C revenues, oh my gawd, not only did John Horgan learn to speak word salad fast, he does stand up comedy now too..!

Lastly...John Horgan could still cancel Site C...Horgan can reduce the sunk cost price tag by $1.5 billion, easy peasy, send out tenders for fast/simple/adequate site remediation, something Horgan should have done immediately after being sworn in...bringing total sunk cost total to $2.5 billion..

Funny too..two days after Site C approval, Alberta bought near as much electrical supply(through tenders) as the power Site C would produce..the price for that power Alberta just bought..1/3rd the price of Site C power..maybe even 1/4 the price...hubris, combined with ironic karma..

Anyway...John Horgan isn't backing down on Site C..Kinder Morgan is going through too...Horgan has hatched two secret deals with Justin Trudeau....Justin Trudeau...Dr Jeckll and John Horgan..Mr. Hide(Hyde)

Well Mr. Horgan...Premier Horgan..

Justin Trudeau can't save you...Trudeau can't even save himself..

As as for progressive bloggers blowing your trumpet Horgan?....

December 2017 in British Columbia....The Day The Band Stopped Playing Music...The Day John Horgan's trumpet went silent..

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. What is so depressing in your year end review analysis is that it is all so true.

    The promise of progressive change was ushered in... and then proceeded to rapidly capitulate, to fail epically. The hope we voted for is smothered. The old reality has crept back and we fall back to a ‘Grave New World’.

    Our new leaders for change have not changed for the better. For the short term we seem chained by self interest and greed, for the longer term we face increased jeopardy. A precarious future.

    Thanks Grant for all your ‘Straight Goods’. Despite the political gloom... All the best for the New Year!

  2. I must say, I am very disappointed in the NDP's decision to allow Site C to go ahead. Many of us hoped that better days were ahead for British Columbians when the NDP formed government. I think most of us understood that they had been left with a really big mess to deal with and that they could not clean it up overnight, so we were prepared to be patient on many election promises. But to my mind, the Site C decision indicates which way the wind is blowing - and it appears to be in the direction of "more of the same old crap". All aided and abetted by a compliant corporate media and the Public Relations Corps (surely the most disgusting and parasitic profession on earth). Their mission: Continue to feed the citizens who pay for this garbage more bullshit and keep them in the dark until they shut up and go away.

    I'd really, REALLY like to believe better of Mr. Horgan and his government. I haven't completely abandoned hope, but I'm beginning to have a sinking feeling....


  3. Gibberish from Premier Horgan:

    "So, I think there’s a bright future for natural gas in the Peace and in British Columbia, but we want to make sure we’re meeting our climate objectives. We’re serious about reducing our emissions, I know the industry is as well. That electrification is part of that,"

    Supposedly addressing climate change and GHG emissions by electrifying natural gas projects with hydro power from BC Hydro. I didn't vote for this nonsense to continue.


  4. Bitcoin power demand:

    I thought BC had the cheapest power. I guess not anymore.

  5. Thanks Hugh....nobody voted for Horgan to do what he's doing....John Horgan and his team don't have a single original thought or idea...Horgan is running on BC Liberal fumes..BC Liberal budget..proceeding with BC Liberal projects and Horgan is getting marching orders from the same BC Liberal string pullers...

    I was wrong, Horgan isn't smart....he's a good talker, eer, I mean he was a good talker..seems he learned to speak "word salad" real fast...

    Horgan's 2017 election platform will go almost completely unfulfilled .....Seems Horgan only knew how to be's apparent now he never had any governing skills..

    BC Liberals played politics....Horgan only knows how to play at politics...Horgan doesn't have leadership skills..and the funny part is...

    John Horgan doesn't even realize he's being led around by the nose by Postmedia and industry spindoctors...if any of you are interested..send John Horgan a Christmas present...a big wind-up the ones used in movable dolls and toys...Horgan has a slot on his back where Postmedia/industry wind up key fits...

    NDP premier Rachel Notley will be gone first(2019)....shortly thereafter John Horgan will follow suit...

    Those two lacklustre premiers....will be the last NDP premiers on Canada's westside...

    NDP brand is ruined....Horgan is lost in 70,s mindset.....lost in a time when only hardcore activists protested, an era of little news, no internet...Horgan is too stupid to realize Social Media and online is where one needs to win....Horgan told all progressive voters to fuck off..he'll never win back the progressive voter...

    You can thank Bill Tieleman for leading Horgan astray...and Bill T will fight tooth and nail with misinformation to stop PR...PR...Horgan is bailing on that too...Horgan will not campaign for, or against PR.....Horgan believes by staying neutral on PR he will get a pass when it fails...

    Horgan's instincts are off...too much time in the echo chamber..

    Merry Christmas Hugh...Merry Christmas to all

  6. Thank you for posting these truthful comments!

  7. As a long time, years and years of supporting the NDP, the decision on Site C ended that support. My whole family voted NDP for years. That won't be happening again. It'll be independents or abstention. Premier Horgan, you and your fellow NDPers have failed a lot of people who believed in you. Appears it the same old same old, just a different person running the "show".

  8. Carpool karaoke with Tom and Andrew. Note at 5:00 minutes Andrew refers to Gordon Campbell’s good policy. WTF?

  9. About Site C and China-FIPA:

  10. site C unicorn dam,
