Friday, May 19, 2017

Andrew Weaver and John Horgan, a Call for Reasoned Collaboration

Written by Grant G

What a politically delicious paradoxical box we find ourselves in, paralyzed waiting, wondering who will boldly lead us to the promised land...

A minority government in the waiting, that is if one can charm the illustrious Green leader Andrew Weaver, an invigorated club wielding leader, holding keys to the castle, keys that can be acquired if the price is right.

I remember the 90's, very well, a working man could afford to buy a house with a medium income, those are the facts of the 90,s economy, yes mines closed in the late 90,s but not because of BC,s government but because of the Asian flu...

that bothers me, BC Liberals spin like a wurlitzer bragging about BC's economy while making up lies about the 90,s...I had many friends who left BC to go work in the Alberta tar sands in the 90;s, not because there was no work here, because menial labour paid 100,000 plus a year in Fort in BC have never been high, even today wages in BC are low, too low too survive in a runaway real estate prices in the GVRD have exceeded worker's ability to get in...BC Liberals over the last decade used an out of control dark money, criminally laundering, investor speculating housing market to fatten Government's bottom line....along with fattening the BC Liberal Party bank account...How..or should as I say why did our current government allow this blatant activity to destroy the fabric of our populous cities...

If and when we have our next election, it would be nice if fake facts and fear mongering didn't highlight the campaigns...

In my world, bad governments need to be punished, "Today's BC Liberals" are a bad government, scandals galore, quick wins, health firings, supreme court loss, David Eby is still waiting for the BC Housing documents, the documents Rich Coleman refused to hand over until after the election....election is over Rich Coleman...

How can the BC Liberals say with a straight face that they didn't squander $millions of taxpayer dollars on partisan ads...our auditor general said just that last month...BC Liberals were presented 6 legislative Bills brought forth by John Horgan to ban corporate and union donations, 6 times these BC Liberals said no...BC Liberals have raised $7 million dollars from corporate donors in 2017..$2 million in the last week of the election, how can anyone believe anything Christy Clark and her gang say about campaign finance when the last week of election 2017 BC Liberals raked in $2 million dollars from corporations...

How on earth can we ever make the GVRD affordable for young working families, I don't think it can be done, not without crashing the market, crashing this market will leave countless underwater...BC's housing situation should be declared a provincial emergency, it's that bad..It will take a herculean effort to find a solution to BC's housing crises that doesn't hurt a lot of innocent people, only a government with ideological will can find a solution and with BC Liberals, a party that rakes in $millions monthly from major corporate developers, a party beholden to their financiers I don't hold out much hope..

Economies rise and fall, BC is no different, a vibrant movie and tourism mecca when the dollar is right, we have a record number of cruise ships plying Vancouver Harbour, tourists from around the world flocking to see British Columbia's natural splendor, millions coming to see nature, not bitumen laden tankers...British Columbia has so much going for it.

We need a government, a caretaker government to nurture what we have, not a caretaker that ventures into every corporate dark money venture...

"There is none more blind than those who refuse to see"

That is how Christy Clark governed for the last 4 years....dark money blind, deliberately blind, only when public pressure built did she respond with loophole filled sop, pillar to post, then only to make matters worse with a down-payment helper, an election gimmick that merely exasperated the problem, pushing our housing crisis further afield..

John Horgan has been railing against this corporate blind governance for near a decade, Andrew Weaver you too have railed against this no rules, anything goes, bad bills, provincial sellouts and environmental can anyone not be outraged over the recent governance of our province...and yes, BC Liberals have a core base of 35% that will blindly vote for them no matter what sins they commit...NDP has a slightly smaller 30% core base and Weaver's Greens have a 10% core...

Christy Clark governed so bad that even $12 million spent in campaigning and media blitzing couldn't lure in enough votes...

Andrew Weaver holds the keys to the kingdom, a kingdom that both he and John Horgan want to see changed for the better..Green Party philosophy is so diametrically different than BC Liberal's gaseous oily corporate ideology....BC Liberals want to embrace sunset industries, chase riches that will never accrue...

John Horgan in his election platform promised to bring forth a referendum on electoral reform, proportional Representation, an electoral change that he vowed to campaign for, and that brings us to where we are today, Andrew Weaver is demanding that John Horgan bail on his election campaign and impose proportional Representation through legislation, and yes, many if not most of BC NDPers want electoral change to PR...But how can one hold their head up, how can a potential new premier pretend to be any different from any other lying politician when a key election plank is abandoned for keys to the kingdom, for power...

If I was John Horgan....I would say to Green party leader Andrew Weaver....

Doctor Weaver, you railed against politicians who break promises, you talk of fairness, of keeping your word, of treating voters and all members of society equally and fairly, yet you are proposing imposing a my way or the highway ultimatum, and you are asking me to break an election promise and demean my word for your acceptance, almost asking me to bow before you....

Andrew Weaver... to allow Christy Clark and her BC Liberal gang to carry on assaulting Democracy and law, not to mention our splendored environment is not acceptable.

Andrew Weaver.... you are asking a man, asking John Horgan to make a decision, a decision to leave a corporate sick government in charge, to leave a BC Liberal government riddled with scandal, graft and in my opinion unfettered corruption in charge of caring for our still beautiful province or to bow down and accept your PR by legislation demand, asking John Horgan to surrender his word...

Andrew talk about working with others, collaborating to come up with solutions that work for everyone....and believe me, I understand your desire to improve government, to bring in representation for all, the goal is not only laudable but desperately needed...

I believe in collaboration too Andrew, Doctor Weaver, and compromise, I see no reason why you can't agree to a referendum on electoral reform, we can have the referendum this fall, before the next election, certainly in this wired society a 6 month campaign is plenty of time, ..a referendum campaign can start almost immediately and a scheduled referendum vote day for November 2017 is not out of the question, and if true, if NDP voters 40% and Green voters 17%  want electoral change the referendum will pass with ease, the only thing stopping this from happening is a government, a government that can last through to the referendum, for if passed, the next election will be held under a new PR electoral system....a win win, you Andrew Weaver will be on the good side of history by assisting in improving BC's governance and John Horgan could keep his word...

Pink shirts, seems they have no meaning to most...

Andrew Weaver.....I like the John, and I could forgive Mr. Horgan for caving to your pressure, he loves this province so much he may well bow down for the sake of removing a clearly corporate controlled government that's strayed too far..

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one"

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open