Saturday, June 16, 2018

Donald Trump, King Lizard

Originally posted on November 8th/2016(the Day after 2016 US election).....nailed it..."Donald Trump the failure"

Written by Grant G

Donald Trump didn't win the election....Hillary Clinton lost...

Almost every newspaper endorsed Clinton....most mainstream media outlets(outside of Fox News) pimped hard for Hillary Clinton...

An orange pylon could have beaten Donald Trump...A racist, bigot, a rude loud-mouthed blowhard...a man who treats females like carpets to wipe his feet on...a man who admitted to using his fame and power to physically assault woman...a man who pays no tax, a man who robbed workers, a man with an ego so bloated......a human disgrace...

And despite all of Donald Trump's flaws.....Hillary Clinton lost...

I blame the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton herself.....

I sat with my political junkie Mom watching the poll results come in,  and I told mom..."it feels like BC's 2013 election all over again"...

So much for the pollsters....Adrian Dix, according to pollsters had an insurmountable lead...We were told Hillary had it the bag....

In 2013, when the results rolled in it was apparent early on that Adrian Dix was toast...same thing last night..

I wrote an article after Adrian Dix won the BC NDP leadership(did he win legitimately?)..I wrote how the NDP were destined to lose because Adrian Dix had character flaws, his "memo-gate scandal"....It set the stage for attack ads which the BC Liberals jumped on, add in Dix not paying for skytrain and it was game over, not to mention the pathetic nicey nicey campaign he ran....Attack ads do work..

The Big Machine, the Democratic Party, The Clinton Political Machine....

I put all the blame for Donald Trump's shocking win directly on Hillary and the Democratic party...

It wasn't just the Benghazi affair, it wasn't just the email leaks, it wasn't just her physical health it was everything...and most importantly it was greed...

Bill Clinton, already with personal wealth, a lucrative pension for life, personal security for life,...Bill Clinton racked up 10's of $millions of US dollars for making speeches, Hillary Clinton did the same, lucrative speaking engagements to big banks, high priced speeches to Wallstreet...

The Clintons played loosey goosey with their foundation and in particular Hillary Clinton combined her role as Secretary of State and her role in the Clinton Foundation....The Clintons made so much money making speeches, and they made money through political influence...

Hillary Clinton, once she was appointed Secretary of State needed to abandon her money making speaking..Hillary needed to be hands off the Clinton Foundation and Chelsea Clinton needed to get money from Daddy, not the foundation....

The Clintons used poor judgement .....The Clintons used poor judgement in a big way...

What were they thinking, what was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speeches and foundation operations was mere business as usual in Washington while Hillary was Secretary of State and it will go on....

Hillary Clinton, if she was planning another Whitehouse run needed to curtail all those activities many many years ago....

The Democratic party should of recognized the problems, they were glaring...Bernie Sanders would have cleaned Trump's orange pylon would have cleaned Trump's clock...

Could not the Democratic Party find an acceptable qualified candidate without baggage to run for President..?

Therein lies the problem, once elected to office almost all politicians fall into bed with special interests and lobbyists..."The swamp"....not to say Donald Trump isn't King Lizard, the boss of the swamp, he is, Trump is as dirty if not the dirtiest of them all...

However, Donald Trump was not elected by the people(until yesterday)....Trump's lizard-like activities were in the private sector...not as an elected by the people, for the people politician..

The Clintons were a powerful political force,(were) ....

The Clinton's, ..Senators...Congressmen and Congresswomen.......These people don't know what it means to work for $5 dollars per hour, to go to food-banks, to beg, to grovel to struggle day in day out just to get by...

I like Barack Obama..."Hope n Change"....8 years in power, blocked by the Senate and Congress, for 8 straight years he accomplished almost nothing substantial and as for Obama-care..kiss it goodbye..yes, Obama tried, he spoke in grandiose hopeful terms, he opined of a bright inclusive future where the grass was greener and wages higher and after 8 years ...?

Wallstreet corruption is still rampant, the big banks are still dirty and corporate CEO pay, banker pay is obscene...nothing changed under Obama except public debt, national debt, consumer debt, the only thing that has gone up in the last 8 years is debt....

Do I think Donald Trump will change anything, fix anything, make average people's lives, not a chance...

Last night while watching CNN they talked about the Dow futures being down 600 points, then 800 points and overnight...after Wallstreet realized their idle threats of a market crash if Trump wins fell flat....Today, the day after the 2016 US presidential election the markets are fine, corrupt, rigged but fine, business as usual for Wallstreet..Donals 

Wallstreet corruption will go on unchecked and Trump won't make any changes to stop it, the system as it is works just fine for Trump...

I feel very sad for the 50% of Americans who voted for Hillary, I feel just as bad for the 50% that voted for Trump because they believed he was their savior, the swamp drainer, wall builder and immigrant deporter...

Mark my wall will be built, the swamp won't be drained and the immigrants won't be deported, they'll be jailed..

The financial elites of Wallstreet will continue to run the world and run Washington...

I blame you Hillary Clinton, I blame you Democratic party, I blame the Wallstreet juggernaut and I don't listen to self-absorbed consolation speeches...

Enjoy the next 4 years listening to and watching Donald King of the Lizarda Trump build the biggest swamp America has ever seen...

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. I wish I could be optimistic today Grant,but I can't. My family watched in horror last night and tears have been shed. I'm still numb and can't feel the rage I should.I worry for my friends and family living in the U.S. and for we in Canada.Yes I feel like it's 2013 all over again. One can only hope and work to bring our own crime family down in 2017.

  2. Optimism, it's overrated....SD...Rachel Notley won the Alberta election, she abandoned her election promises and is now cowtowing to big oil, pushing pipelines including Enbridge northern gateway, a pipeline project she came out against during the Alberta election...Once in power..Notley wants Enbridge and every other pipeline..

    Justin Trudeau...He has abandoned his election platform, he isn't engaging First Nations..he hasn't reformed the NEB..He is still echoing flawed science on Petronas and PNW LNG..he's about to approve Kinder Morgan energy east and Keystone..

    Nothing has changed under Justin Trudeau ..merely a different face lying to us..

    Fuck the politicians...

    Need change? we need large brand new pitchfork and torch factories..

    Optimism you say...

    it's overrated..


  3. did you see this - it was posted last night amidst the US election frenzy.

    Minister agrees B.C. LNG industry not where it should be

  4. think I posted, but Grant must be moderating posts. I was wrong about my blogspot name.... it's is taken by someone who I couldn't get in touch with to see if I could get it off them, since they don't do anything with it. Gotta learn how to customize how blogspot looks, and don't have the patience to set up a wordpress site, more thinkin' of youtube....

    Now about Mr Trump.... it's quite amazing to read a two year old article and see no mention at all of the Russians even though myself I remember there being hints of it in the news already.....

    But Putin has just stoked what he knew existed in the US, its rather vile, ugly violent underbelly with its shadows of genocide and slavery within US society as far as native peoples, blacks, and Hispanices are concerned.... now turned against Muslims and other non-white/non-Christian people in the most Un-Christan of ways.. all set in a context of religious zealotry and anti-scientific craziness ... as far as Putin's concerned, US science can go backwards all it wants....Russian science is so far it's full steam ahead in th research and technology department...and in Arctic science, the politics of which I won't get into, nor the risk of a Russian-American closure of polar airspace were the Trump-Putin axis harden against Europe and Japan. Too much could be said about all that, but while Trump is sacking American science and appointing boobs to run it, there are no ideological or religious restrictions or biases on research and new technological developments in Russia.

    If only it were benefitting the Russian people, all that spend,... though the scientists live well relative to ordinary Russians... what's up with Arctic science some of you no doubt know, the methane clathrate crisis and the East Siberian continental shelf (avg depth 50m - 30 fathoms, and many times the size of the Med). Scary as hell.... but at least they pour intensive study and attention to it, and publicize it... I saw a W5 piece on Tuktoyaktuk last night, losing its shoreline.... but they didn't really touch on what the methane-releasing means... and what it's going to mean.... soon. Not much we can do, unless they find a way to tap it and use it all for fuel or cap it all somehow.... if we could find a way how.....

    Putin must be informed about all this, you'd think, he's not a dunce like Trump.

    By now we know loads about what got pulled and it's not just the Russians, it's the evil side of US society he stoked up and encouraged and enabled and sent in oligarchs and spies to massage and fund.....

    we're stuck watching the paroxysms of US society and political punditry continue to say that him not doing anything about and denying ongoing meddling even though we know it's happening needs fixing. They're only just starting to talk seriously about the scope of the possible charges against him, and realizing that the 18th Century-slow impeachment process is too slow to deal with a president gone rogue and clearly under control and apparent blackmail from a foreign power.

    George Washington warned exactly about this, I don't know the quote.

    The Mueller investigation's no longer the centre of the drama where the screw will finally turn... there's a range of legal attacks coming on Trumpworld right now...the one that has the most potency to remove him from power is the emoluments clause. The 25th Amendment is useless as its chain of succession is all White House posts. But with the emoluments case there's no need for witnesses or depositions, it's all on the hotel and golf club books and who bought which real estate for how much.....

    Makes for good watching but I have to pull myself away from it to get those history projects I'm talking about done....

    His treason is obvious but for some reason they're having a hard time bringing that to court.
