Friday, November 14, 2014

Gregor Robertson, Derrick Corrigan and Doug McCallum

Must say, in all my years in Canada I have never seen this much dirty politicking in civic elections, children, a bunch of foul-mouthed children slinging mud balls, sliming each other, blackmail, lies, distortion and bluster...

Unfortunately one side always goes dirty first and human nature brings a response in kind...

Awards for stealth attacks goes to the Vancouver Sun....Clearly they went gang-busters against Gregor Robertson(and I`m no Gregor fan).....CKNW gets an award too...CKNW  twice daily had Bruce racist Allen screech away like a drug addicted loser screaming for more crack cocaine, Gregor Robertson was Bruce Allen and CKNW`s target....So obvious...

Michael Smyth gets an award too...Michael Smyth is the laziest, least skilled, most unintelligent journalist still collecting a paycheck..Gregor Robertson was his target too...Grovelling Gregor, yea sure Mikey...Atop everyone of your columns Michael Smyth, it should read..."A blubbering child scribbler`s thoughts"....

Big oil and corporations entered this year`s civic races, hence the nastiness, ......Corporate oil controlled media also targeted Derrick Corrigan...Only they quickly gave up trying to take out Burnaby`s mayor...

Anyway....I have some predictions, three cities/municipalities .....

In Burnaby Derrick Corrigan wins big again....Despite a feeble attempt by CKNW and Simi Sara to unseat him...I thought better of you Simi Sara....You got your marching orders and bit by bit your radio ratings tumble....(I said it a long time ago, CKNW`s ratings will never rise to past highs until they represent all the voters, that means dumping Bruce racist Allen and Michael Campbell....

In Surrey...another nasty contest....Barinder Rasode, Linda Hepner and Doug McCallum.....

Linda Hepner has a strong organized team and had the early edge, Barinder Rasode hired da big guns..Moe Sihota, Brad Zubyk......Two personal slimeball losers but good campaigners...

Believe it or not...Parliament Hill in Ottawa has decided Rasode`s fate....Linda Hepner ain`t no Dianne Watts, take that anyway you want....

My gut tells me Doug McCallum will win....And I couldn`t care less...

Tomorrow`s civic results will be telling, big oil and big corporate media bent over backwards to dump Gregor Robertson and insert their oilman Kirk Lapointe....Won`t work..The Province, Global BC...Vancouver Sun and CKNW have merely been preaching to their rightwing Harpercon choir...

Those concerned about health, environment, fairness and the truth long ago dumped those media sources....Even Vancouver`s/ The lower mainland Chinese community, these immigrants and real estate buyers didn`t choose Burnaby, Vancouver because of big oil, coal, oil laden trains...That`s why they left polluted Beijing, and other spoiled Chinese cities, they came to Beautiful British Columbia for fresh air, gorgeous scenery, vibrant bird and animal life....That`s why they came here..

Gregor Robertson wins easy, despite a concentrated effort by the media to unseat him....

Also...No one believes the NPA won`t be just as beholden to developers and big builders, in that respect they are all the same.....I`m no fan of Gregor and vision..

But at least Gregor Robertson believes in something...

P.S..... Remember, if you don`t vote you can`t bitch..

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

1 comment:

  1. With a grin on my face, I have to take exception to the notion that if you don't vote, your can't complain. My sense is that all bitching and complaining goes in the same "suggestion box". Even the most constructive criticism from the most dedicated of voters tends to garner about the same response as the whingeing of the limpest of the vote slackers and will likely continue to do so until the tines of the pitchforks become apparent. I have always voted in the perhaps vain hope that my vote might represent a drop in the tide of popular will, but mostly I just feel washed away. This won't keep me from voting and has meant that I will use every opportunity available to shed light on the rot that rules our society and the idiocy of most of our election outcomes, but the no vote, no bitch saw is too convenient and the corollary notion that a vote will change the world is too comforting. And, by the way, deepest thanks for your directness in tackling what ails us. Keep it up.
