Tuesday, November 4, 2014

BC Liberal`s Site C Power and BC Hydro Power Scam Exposed(Free Electricity For LNG Companies)

 Written by Grant G

British Columbia taxpayers are about to be ripped off for $billions of dollars

Vaughn Palmer has joined the Linda Blair club of serial spinning...Vaughn Palmer adds nothing to the REAL story but hyperbole and spin, a not very well thought out column...

Vaughn Palmer in his November 4th column claims that LNG Canada will run 20% of their plant operations with BC Hydro electricity, thus LNG Canada can claim to be the world`s cleanest LNG...But what Vaughn Palmer omitted from his spinfest is....

If one reads the BC Liberal ghreenhouse gas bill, the bill rammed through last week...

If LNG Plants achieve 0.16 tonnes of GHG emissions for every tonne of gas liquefied the BC Government WILL PAY THE LNG COMPANY CASH INCENTIVES...



 Vaughn Palmer`s article linked below...


Here`show the shell game is going to work......

The BC Government in their greenhouse gas bill for the LNG industry is offering cash incentives to companies that fall into this category...

If an LNG plant has greenhouse gas emissions at the level of 0.16 tonnes or lower of emissions for every tonne liquefied they are entitled to cash payments/incentives from the BC Government, also known as the taxpayer..

This is a flimflam scam folks....Yes Shell Canada has agreed to pay money for BC Hydro electricity, however, ....Even though LNG Canada(Shell) will still pollute nearly 3 million tonnes of GHG`s per year, and that`s not counting another 6 million tonnes of GHG`s from upstream activities(per LNG Plant) these LNG companies will receive cash incentives from you, the taxpayer....This money will in turn pay the bill for the BC Hydro electricity!..An accounting scam indeed..


The new law establishes a benchmark for allowable GHG emissions from LNG facilities that is lower than any other LNG facility in the world – an “intensity level” of 0.16 carbon dioxide equivalent tonnes for each tonne of LNG produced.

To avoid scaring off potential investors, the minister said companies will have “flexible options” to meet the benchmark, including the ability to purchase offsets or contribute to a fund that is supposed to drive innovation in cleaner technology. Facilities that perform below the benchmark will be eligible for performance credits that can be sold to other facilities.

“This is the most effective way to meet the province’s climate goals,” Ms. Polak told reporters.
The government is also offering an incentive program to help potential LNG facilities achieve the benchmark, after prospective LNG companies complained the benchmark was an impediment to investment.

 Ms. Polak could not say how much the government expects to pay toward industry incentives.



This is kind of Wild West legislation,” said Green MLA Andrew Weaver. “It’s absolutely the laughingstock.”

Weaver noted that LNG companies will also be eligible to receive government “incentive payments” for keeping emissions low.

“It’s not a polluter-pay model, it’s a taxpayer-pay model,” he said.

Spencer Chandra Herbert, the NDP environment critic, said the government is letting foreign LNG corporations like Malaysia’s Petronas off easy.

“What it looks like to us is Petronas and the other proponents are writing the legislation that the government is putting forward, with huge loopholes that you can drive greenhouse gases through.”



For Christ sakes people....Vaughn Palmer and Keith Baldrey are pathetic...They should know this is a scam....Shell Canada(LNG Canada) will pay money for hydro electric power and the BC Liberal government will pay the companies back the money in the form of cash incentives, pollution will still be in the millions of tonnes per year...This is an accounting scam, a flim-flam scam...

Let me put it another way....We the people are paying run of river operators over $100 per mega watt hour for their power...BC Hydro is losing $100s of million per year on this power...Site C dam will cost $12 billion dollars to build...

This power will be given to the LNG plants for a price, this will result in these plants polluting at the 0.16 per tonne level or a smidgeon lower, the BC Government will then pay the money back to the LNG companies as cash incentives...A total accounting scam...

In other words you the taxpayer will have to pay the price for Site C, all to facilitate this BC Liberal scam...Free taxpayer funded power...At least $20 billion after interest charges.....

And Vaughn Palmer fell for it hook, line and sinker......or did he..?

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. Across the way in Australia:

    However the successful discoveries of new oil in the US, including onshore shale fields such as BHP's Eagle Ford projects, mean the country is producing more than it needs.

    A similar scenario is occurring in Australia, where natural gas production is soaring to its highest levels but new LNG export projects have many predicting that east coast prices will soar and damage domestic economies.

    Nov 5/14

    And Site C is only about corporate welfare for these companies. We'll be paying for ever. Site C has nothing to do with powering our computers or homes. It's all about the "Corporate Elite" stealing from the "citizens."

  2. Thanks for this revealing analysis and reporting Palmer's predictable, deceptive Liberal deflection. Facts vs gloss as always.

    Andrew Weaver for the Green and Chandra Spencer for the NDP call out the flim-fam LNG gifting by the Liberals. BC citizens pay to subsidize LNG and CO2 emissions .

    BC has too many poisonous pens leading our MSM. B. Good has finally crawled under a rock (till appointed to the Senate? UGH) and it is time that Baldrey and Palmer slither off too. The citizens of BC would be safer in their absence.

  3. Maybe Mr Leslie can provide some insight

  4. It makes good BC Liberal idiotic sense, does it not? There is a global shortage of food. The BC Liberals are going to flood, the most valuable farmland in all of Canada? The F.N. people will really be affected by the site-c-dam and they are going to fight this atrocity. There are those of us, that will support the F.N.

    Palmer and Baldrey have always been, the Campbell/Clark BC Liberals propaganda machines. We recall when Campbell thieved and sold our BCR. We remember Campbell's other election lie? The HST wasn't on his radar either. Baldrey and Palmer have always been solidly in Campbell's camp. Likewise with, Ditzy Christy.

  5. "Coleman and Bennett said the higher rate for LNG firms ensures they cover the full cost of the power they need."


    Oh, so the low rate that other industrial users pay is NOT covering the full cost of the power they use? Wonder why....

  6. Rich Coleman is a liar...

    What these LNG companies pay for BC Hydro is moot.....In legislation the Government will pay these companies monies for being at 0.16 or lower...

    So, company X uses clean electricity for say 20% of their plant operations and in doing so they pollute at 0.15% per tonne...

    Now company X qualifies for credits that they can use to offset monies owed to the province, or monies owed for hydro electric power...

    It`s a scam..because at 0.15 tonnes of pollution per tonne liquefied is still 3 million tonnes of pollution per year, not counting another 6.6 million tonnes of upstream pollution(per LNG plant)

    let me put it another way..

    Company X owes $400 million dollars for hydro electric power the province provided over a 1 year period..company X by using that hydro electric power pollutes at 0.15 tonnes per tonne liquefied...

    Company X by polluting at that chosen benchmark(0.15) now qualifies for credits, these credits will be used to pay the electricity bill..

    It`s a scam, an accounting scam..


  7. Maybe this is the template




  8. Shut down H bay .make way for LNG super ships.

  9. So if an LNG company, by using power from BC Hydro, emits below the 0.16 limit, they can earn revenue by selling carbon credits?

    Would those carbon credits then be purchased by the BC public sector as carbon offsets, (allowing the BC government to say it is "carbon-neutral"?)

  10. They can use these credits to deduct from the monies they owe government, or BC Hydro bills, they can earn offsets against everything..

    The greenhouse gas bill is an empty shell, all details, dollar figures and regulations are to be decided later by cabinet, and by the oil n gas commission..

    These companies will not pay money for electricity, any electricity they will use will be for the sole purpose of reaching said benchmark, thus qualifying these companies for credits and offsets which they will use to pay any electrical bill to BC Hydro..


  11. How much does pharma BC lobby really cost out families

