Friday, March 13, 2015

Stephen Harper`s Corporate Canada

Written by Grant G

Let me first say that I am Canadian, a proud Canadian but as of late a disgruntled Canadian, I`m troubled seeing our values slowly eroded, disgusted with the corporate takeover and consolidation of Canada`s main stream media, even the CBC seems to have lost it`s wide analytical lens, cowtowing to a corporate controlled Conservative government, perhaps fearing financial retribution, perhaps waiting for a change of government, one can only pray that fear has only temporarily trumped journalistic integrity...

Chest pumping bravado circumvented facts and I don`t condone violence, wrong is wrong, murder by suicide is the coward`s way out........It takes real courage to rush in and confront gunfire and Mr. Nathan Cirillo didn`t deserve to die on home soil, no one deserves to die on Canadian land and in writing this I can`t help feeling that we the people are nothing but cannon fodder....

I left for Vancouver Island in late August having never even heard of the group? ISIS and by the time August had ended Isis was the world`s greatest threat, they had in their possession tanks, rockets, stinger missiles, assault rifles, armoured vehicles and strangely enough, white tennis shoes and more money than many countries.....Wow, how did ISIS attain all those American weapons...

Osama Bin Laden, a Saudi billionaire`s son, a one-time American ally, let me be clear, I do not know what drew Bin Laden to Afghanistan but I do know, the world knows that Bin Laden was fighting the Russians, he was hell bent on keeping Russian flags from being raised on Afghanistan soil, he hid in rugged alpine terrain where he waged a stealth war, there`s an old saying, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" a saying America knows too well, weapons, rocket propelled grenades and other military arms were gifted to Bin Laden,  the mighty USA armed Osama Bin Laden, after all, the cold war was still in play....Then...Then Russia conceded, conceded not only Afghanistan but the cold war too, Russia was terrified with the nuclear armament build up, they blinked first, they saw something in Ronald Regan, I believe they saw mutual Armageddon....

Bin Laden was now of no use to America, Bin Laden who?, perhaps that`s what spurned him to plan and execute the 911 terror attack.

Americans have such short memories, so does corporate oil media, 20 of the 21 911 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden`s birth country, those facts were well known before George Bush`s invasion of Iraq, the entire world and half of the American public knew this to be true, the other American half knew it too only they didn`t care.

20 of the 21 911 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, a plot orchestrated by America`s one time ally Osama Bin Laden, there was no 911 connection to Iraq and the Whitehouse knew it however, Dick Cheney and big oil Haliburton needed an excuse to get a foothold in Iraq`s oil fields, the intelligence was deliberately flawed, no yellowcake, no nuclear facilities, no mobile biological killing machines, no weapons of mass destruction and yes, Saddam Hussein was a nasty piece of work, a brutal dictator, he was also known to America`s CIA, the Whitehouse, and at one time known as "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".....The united States of America armed Saddam Hussein with American munitions to fight America`s other Middle East foe Iran....Oh indeed, these are no secrets, every educated journalist and news outlets knows this to be true, American intelligence was also aware that Saddam Hussein didn`t like the Kurds, and more, the USA knew about Saddam Hussein`s nasty gassing of the northern Kurds, they said nothing, didn`t interject it was business as usual because Saddam was still engaged with Iran, that little secret America put on the backburner, perhaps in anticipation of using this knowledge at a future date......Which they did along with a bunch of poorly masqueraded fairy tale intelligence...

100,000`s of Iraqis were slaughtered in that false flag war, 100,000`s of Iraqis who have brothers, mothers, daughters, sons who wept as their beloved kin died needlessly....

A multi $trillion dollar war, American conmen claimed the USA would be greeted as liberators, flowers and hugs, kisses and tears of joy would be the order of the day, it didn`t happen, insurgency and IEDs were soup de jour, for years,......One military man before the false flag war against Iraq happened warned of that exact scenario, told the Whitehouse that a 600,000 man army would be required to secure Iraq after the invasion, he was blackballed, silenced and sent on his way....

America broke the Geneva Convention, innocent Iraqis were tortured, prisoned, killed, water boarded, everything was on the table, all that torture didn`t stop the insurgency, the car bombs, suicide bombers, Iraqis wanted America gone, the futility raged for years, death tolls mounted and for at least 9 years the world was told that America was training a massive 100,000 strong Iraqi army...

An American appointed Iraqi president was inserted, Shiites and Sunni`s, Saddan Hussein was a Sunni, ....The Sunni made up only 1/5th of the Iraqi population, positions of power in Iraq were filled with minority Sunni, ....Sunni hated the Shiites, these different sects have been fighting a secular war for thousands of years....Nouri al-Maliki, the American inserted president of Iraq reversed the roles, the majority Shiites now occupied positions of power, the minority Sunnis were now an endangered species in Iraq....BAM...The applecart was overturned..  

"MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"....We were told the 100,000 strong Iraqi army was now trained and ready to protect their own country so who the hell is ISIS?

Who is ISIS.......They were trained by the CIA in Jordan, in Turkey, they were armed with American weapons, funded by America`s longtime ally Saudi Arabia(a country that averages 2 beheadings per week), the same country where 20 of the 21  911 bombers originated...why, why why....Syria, America`s newest foe in the Middle East, ....Assad, ...America wanted Assad dead, wanted his oil refineries shut down, the USA wanted to bomb Assad into oblivion however there was a problem, the world wouldn`t except another American war,...Bring on ISIS, or IS, or ISIM, call them what they are, this band of black balaclava Nike tennis shoe wearing radicals who were supposed to cause havoc in Syria....Well well well, this out of the blue well funded and well armed group of bought mercenaries had ideas of their own, forget Syria, they changed the playbook, they instead of going into Syria marched into Iraq, gathered up gobs of American abandoned armaments and what the hell happened to the 100,000 strong ready to stand on their own Iraqi army...?...They laid down their guns and went home..


Defense contractors who under Barack Obama`s tutelage found their pockets to be empty of money, I`m still not sure how or who(Republicans) pilfered 400 stinger missiles that magically found their way into ISIS`s hands...

 These facts are known to be true by all the major news outlets in Canada.....

Canada`s corporate media has engaged in dumbing down journalism, no real truth telling exists, the National Post, Globe n Mail, Corus radio is wholly owned by the Harpercon corporate masters, don`t even get me started on Global, CTV...As for Sunnews, they aren`t a news station, they are Stephen Harper`s spindoctoring messengers, scantily clad girls who could almost pass for ladies of the night and or crackheads..

I mourn for all those killed needlessly, the Surrey Six slayings, Ian Bush...terrorist criminal gangs known as Angels, Scorpians, Triads, operate with impunity, these self radicalized gangs thrive in Canada year in and year out, with impunity they walk our streets, hundreds of gang killins in Canada yearly, innocent bystanders slaughtered regularly, drugs flow freely into out ports, into our jails, business as usual because politicians aren`t the target, Canadians are the targets, unelected Canadians die needlessly day after day and it`s only business as usual...

Is that not terrorism, if the law, CSIS, RCMP, border guards, prison guards can`t even stop the flow of drugs into our prisons what makes anyone think lone-wolf terrorism can be stopped, please please please somebody tell me what terrorism is, ...Is it CSIS spying on Environmental groups, is it Enbridge funding CSIS and RCMP get togethers behind closed doors, Enbridge providing food, drink and monies for Canada`s CSIS...This is wrong, it`s not an appearance of conflict it is direct conflict..

Canada`s security and intelligence agencies along with Stephen Harper`s tyranny have merged with corporate globalists, combined into an all powerful toxic sludge, corporate profits above Canadian values, oil before life, profits trump clean air, pure water, propaganda ad nauseum reverberates, beats like an drum 24/7....It never stops, lies, spin, distortion and the omission of factual data, that is the new Canada under Harper`s guidance, our Supreme Court being undermined, scientists muzzled, nary a media column on 8000 scientists around the world pleading in an open letter to Stephen Harper to stop the muzzling, the Canada I once knew would be outraged, newspapers would have headlined that story for days in the not too distant past...

Every hard fought Canadian democratic principle is under Conservative Governmental assault

I am Canadian....I deplore violence..Terrorism is wrong, even when the Federal Government engages in it....It`s still wrong and where are the ethical journalistic voices...where!

Who killed 6 RCMP in Alberta a few years back...Who killed 3 RCMP members in eastern Canada recently....Who killed a hockey mom in Newton..Who killed 50 Canadians in British Columbia last year....Who damn it! who!....Terrorists that's who...

We are cannon fodder....Lac Megantic.....A town vapourized, near 50 people turned to ashes, the cause identified early on, no, it was not as Ezra Levant and Greg Renouf claimed, it wasn`t First Nations, it wasn`t eco terrorists, it was a corporate terrorist, railway regulations gutted at the behest of lobbyists, trains loaded with dangerous cargoes reduced to a crew of one, engineers forced to work long hours, sleep deprived and infamous DOT rail cars laden with oil, bombs by any other name, DOT rail cars not designed to carry explosive liquids, puncture prone rolling sardine cans....

Canada`s media over the last week using phrases like this to describe a couple of lost suicidal killers...."The day that changed Canada forever...A day that will be remembered for decades...The day Canada lost its innocence"

The Lac Megantic  preventable rail disaster is the day that Canadians will remember forever

Canada lost its innocence when Stephen Harper got his corporate majority..

DOT cars are banned in many places, Cherry Point refinery in Washington state will no longer allow DOT rail cars..

The railway company that was responsible for the worst terrorism in Canada, the vapourization of Lac Megantic, the railway company that claimed bankruptcy protection to avoid lawsuits has re-emerged and wants to again run oil laden DOT cars through Lac Megantic Quebec, now that`s terrorism!

Business as usual, with a stroke of a pen Stephen Harper could have all the rolling DOT bombs removed from our rails, railway companies could have industry work 24/7 7 days a week building new safer rail cars, Harper won`t because all Stephen Harper cares about is oil...

Corporate media and the Conservative Government have only two things to offer Canadians...Propaganda and...

A cold blank stare.....

P.S.....All Terrorism is wrong, religious terrorism is wrong,  the voting booth, that is where and how Canadians are going to change the direction our country is heading, the internet is the last bastion of true journalism, it must not be curtailed, freedom of speech must be protected, hate speech is already illegal in Canada,.....Propaganda disguised as news must be outlawed, Hate speakers like Ezra Levant too must be removed from fake news outlets(Sunnews)....Lastly, my condolences to all the mourning families who lost loved ones through terrorism, murder and violence, and a heartfelt thank you to all the brave gladiators who protect us...Military, RCMP, Security Guards....

Grant G

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. "It`s still wrong and where are the ethical journalistic voices...where!"

    Like blackbirds in flight, packs of reporters darken the sky, moving in swarms at the same speed and in predictable trajectory. When one lands, they all land. When one leaves, they all leave. The programmers and channel controllers from all the stations are part of the same well-paid elite, steeped in the same values, committed to the mission of maximizing audience share and profits. They are chosen for their ability to play the game and not challenge the audience with too many controversial ideas or critical perspectives. It's no surprise that they circulate easily within the commanding heights of media power, moving from company to company and job to job. A kind of group think corporate consensus, steeped in market logic and deeply inbred by an un-brave news culture, breeds conscience-free conformity and self-censorship. This makes frightening sense in a globalized economy where consumerism is more desired than active citizenship, where power is increasingly concentrated and the public is increasingly unwelcome in a public discourse defined by the powerful. If your goal is to numb people and drive them away from active participation, then TV as "weapon of mass distraction"and wall to wall entertainment makes sense. Shut up and shop is the now the message, one that makes sense to advertiser dominated media outlets..." -- Danny Schechter, Dung on all their Houses, Toward Freedom magazine, December / January 2000

  2. Harper is absolutely rabid for, his power, glory and being a big shot on the International scene. If you read of Harper's speech on, global governance for Canada? That is Harper's mission.

    Harper and Jason Kenny are bringing thousands of foreigners, to drive Canadian wages way down for the mine, oil, gas and wealthy barons to exploit.

    I think Communist China owns most of BC. Harper's FIPPA deal with China means, China will take Canada over, for a minimum of 31 years.

    That CBC is now Harper's propaganda machine too? No surprise here.

  3. The Ottawa events have exposed the bloggers that are willing to jump on the nationalist propaganda bandwagon .

    I'm glad to see you haven't .

  4. Thanks...

    And sorry about the late editing..

    I`ve tidied it up..


  5. A journalist worth being on your regular reading list is Karl Nerenberg over on Rabble.

    A link to his most recent;

  6. Grant,

    A huge thank you for all you do...

    and welcome back to my favorite


    Public enemy #1 the MSM.


  7. Hear, hear.

    They used to call it despotism, and for a while it passed itself as fascism. It really boils down to the rich and powerful running rough shod over everyone and everything.

    They are not going to stop or ease off. Their extremists by their very nature. They are not going to let voting get in their way. So, we can either go toe-to-toe with them, or we can wait and hope that they destroy themselves.

    Appreciate your being here and calling it like it is.

  8. Thanks Mr. Ghun...

    Jean...That was oh so nice a comment..

    That puts this blogger in some rare air...I`m humbled.

    Good Day


    A sad day for Canada. Harper and Co., disgusting. When he said we wouldn't recognize Canada, this is what we get? Maybe it's time we put him and his colleagues out there in uniforms. Maybe it's time the politicians making decisions, all of them, put on the uniforms and man the front lines.
    A sad, sad day for Canada.


