Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Patience Friends...What LNG Windfall?....Christy Clark is now HOPEFUL?

Been busy entertaining mom on Vancouver Island.....

I`ll be back by the weekend...(October 10)

Stay tuned....

We`ll talk LNG....And BC Ferries

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. I'm looking forward to your return. The morning read has sparkled a little less of late.

  2. So glad to hear you're back. Was starting to worry about you.
    Your Mother is more important than this blog, but I'm pleased to hear that you can fit time for both.
    Happy Thanksgiving

  3. "Like blackbirds in flight, packs of reporters darken the sky, moving in swarms at the same speed and in predictable trajectory. When one lands, they all land. When one leaves, they all leave. The programmers and channel controllers from all the stations are part of the same well-paid elite, steeped in the same values, committed to the mission of maximizing audience share and profits. They are chosen for their ability to play the game and not challenge the audience with too many controversial ideas or critical perspectives. It's no surprise that they circulate easily within the commanding heights of media power, moving from company to company and job to job. A kind of group think corporate consensus, steeped in market logic and deeply inbred by an un-brave news culture, breeds conscience-free conformity and self-censorship. This makes frightening sense in a globalized economy where consumerism is more desired than active citizenship, where power is increasingly concentrated and the public is increasingly unwelcome in a public discourse defined by the powerful. If your goal is to numb people and drive them away from active participation, then TV as "weapon of mass distraction"and wall to wall entertainment makes sense. Shut up and shop is the now the message, one that makes sense to advertiser dominated media outlets..." -- Danny Schechter, Dung on all their Houses, Toward Freedom magazine, December / January 2000

  4. Sooooo glad you'll be back soon!


  5. Looking forward to your return Grant. Hope you've had a great time and a bit of relaxation.

  6. Looking forward to your return!

  7. Looking forward to your return!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I hope everything is Okay. The 10th is but a vision clouded with turkey & cranberry sauce.
    Maybe this weekend? I can't wait to read your pithy comments on LNG.

  10. So Grant, where are you? Please don't let us down now. Nothing else out there to read.

    You have always been bang-on in your assessments!

  11. Sorry Mr Aghast, I accidentally removed your comment...
